Second Evolution

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After Jun's death I was in the lab sitting at the corner. Kazumi was watching me at the corner. Sento was working on something. I didn't look at Sento or Kazumi. Kazumi sighed softly. Sento is really busy with the project that he has been working on for a while. I looked down.

Kazumi said, "Sento, you had been working on that thing for a while. Take a break."

Sento said, "No, I will not take a break until I finish this project."

Kazumi sighed. I got up and left the lab. Kazumi sees me leaving. I walked somewhere no one could find me. Sento kept working as he was hoping to find the answer to help me and stop my Blood Tribe genes. I hid. Sento works. I looked at the sky.

I said,"Sorry Jun."

Sento works. I started crying. Sento is almost done with his project. I cried.

Sento murmured, "Almost there."

I cried. Sento is finally finished but not sure how well it would work. I yawned. Sento looked up to see me but didn't see me in the corner.

Sento asked, "Where did Jessica go?"

Kazumi replied, "She left."

I fell asleep. Sento sighed. I sleep. Ryuga entered the lab. Sento looked up to see Ryuga.

Ryuga asked,"Where's Jessica?"

Sento said, "She left. I asked the same question to Kazumi."

Ryuga asked,"Want me to find her?"

Sento nodded. Ryuga leaves to find me. I sleep. Sento looked at the project. Ryuga walks. I sleep. Kazumi looked at Sento.

Kazumi asked, "Do you think it would work?"

Sento said, "I don't know."

Ryuga walks. I sleep.

Kazumi said, "Let's hope that works or we could lose Jessica forever."

Sento nodded. Ryuga walks around. I sleep. Sento grabs his project and puts it in his pocket. Ryuga walks. I sleep.

Kazumi asked, "You going to find Jessica?"

Sento sai, "Hai."

Ryuga walks. I woke up. Kazumi sighed. Sento walked out. Ryuga walks. I looked around. Sento walks. Ryuga walks. I went for a walk around. Sento walks. Ryuga walked and saw me. I looked at Ryuga. Sento walks. Ryuga looks at me.

I said,"Ryuga."

Ryuga asked,"Where did you go?"

Sento walks.

I said,"You will never find out, Cross-Z."

Ryuga was shocked. I took out my Armored Evol Driver and put it on. I took out two Evol Bottles and put it on the driver.

"Dragon! Rider System! Evolution! Are you ready?"

I said,"Henshin."

"Dragon! Dragon! Evol Dragon! Fuhahahahahahahaha!"

Ryuga was shocked. Sento walks. Ryuga was ready to henshin. Sento walks. I grabbed Ryuga before he could even henshin. Ryuga tried to punch me. Sento walks. I threw Ryuga. Ryuga was badly hurt. Sento walks.Kiyoshi had a bad feeling and went to stop me. I laughed. Ryuga looked at me. Sento stops when he sees the attack.

Sento said, "Jessica..."

I looked at Sento. Kiyoshi turned into Armored Owl Hazard Smash and kicked me. Ryuga tried to get up. I blocked the kick. Sento glared at me.

Sento said, "What have you done?!"

I threw Kiyoshi up in the air and jumped to kick him down. Kiyoshi hit the ground hard.

I said,"I'm just doing my job."

Ryuga got up. Sento shakes his head at me.

Sento said, "This is not you."

Kiyoshi coughs. I was going to finish Kiyoshi off but I didn't. Ryuga looked at me.

Ryuga said," You need to stop."

Sento walked toward Ryuga. Ryuga looked at Sento. I finished off Kiyoshi.

Kyoshi coughed,"Boss... I'm glad that I met you... But this... time... you are not... yourself..."

Kiyoshi died. I looked at Sento and Ryuga. Ryuga looked at me then back at Sento. Kiyoshi disappeared.

I said," Don't get in my way."

Sento didn't look at me. Sento looked at Ryuga before looking at where Kiyoshi used to be.

Sento said, "I hate you for what you had done, Jessica."

I said," Blah, Blah, Blah. Whatever."

Ryuga said," You think that you are doing it right, Jessica? Well you are wrong."

I said," You, humans are foolish."

Sento said, "No, you are a fool."

Ryuga nods. I growled.

I asked," You want to fight me Katsuragi?"

Sento said, "To stop you then yes."

I said," Come and try."

Ryuga said," Sento, it might be a trap."

Sento said, "We don't have any other choice. She already killed two people so far."

I smirked. Ryuga sighs. Sento glared at me as right now he can't fight me until he finds out what is going on with me. I dehenshined and turned back to normal. Ryuga looked at me. I looked at Sento and Ryuga. Sento looked away as he turned around. I looked down. Ryuga walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged back.

Ryuga said," We are going to help you. I promise to you."

I didn't say anything but just nodded. Sento reached into the pocket of his jacket to get his little project out of his pocket. Ryuga looked at Sento then let me go. I looked at Sento then stepped back. Sento turned to look at me. Sento is holding the little project in his hand. Ryuga looks at me. I ran off after tears started falling from my eyes. Sento sighed softly and put the little project back into his pocket.

Ryuga said," Let's go find her."

I ran. Sento nodded not speaking. Ryuga walks. I stopped near a lake. I sat down. Sento walks. Ryuga walks. I cried.

Ryuga asked," Will we be able to stop her?"

Sento replied, "I really hope we can..."

Ryuga said,"Ok."

I cried," What can I do... Should I leave and let Sento kill me or Should I disappear..."

Sento walked.

Sento thought, "Jessica, why did you hurt me?"

Ryuga walks. I cried more. Ryuga hears me crying.

Ryuga said," I hear her."

Sento nodded and followed the sounds. Ryuga walked and then saw me. I cried.

Ryuga said," Go talk to her."

Sento walked to me.

Sento said, "Jessica..."

I cried as I looked at Sento then I looked away. Ryuga watches. Sento looked down. I cried as I looked at my hands.

Ryuga said," Sit next to her, Sento and give her a hug."

Sento sat down next to me and gave me a gentle hug. I cried and hugged Sento back.

I cried," I'm sorry Sento-kun..."

Ryuga smiles as he watches.

Sento said, "I know..."

I covered my face in his chest while crying. Ryuga watches. Sento rubs my back. I cried. Ryuga sat down and watched.

I cried," I just want this all to end..."

Sento said, "Same..."

I cried," Just kill me Sento."

Ryuga was shocked by what he just heard. Sento shakes his head.

Sento said, "You asked me that same sentence before and you know my answer is still no, Jessica."

I looked at Sento. Ryuga was still shocked. Sento hugs me tightly.

Sento said, "I still love you even if you still want to be dead. I still can't do that."

I wiped my tears and said," Sento..."

Ryuga was out of shock and watched. Sento holds my hands. I kissed his lips.

Ryuga said," Get a room!"

Sento said, "Shut up!"

Ryuga gulps. I smiled. Sento smirked at Ryuga. Ryuga gets up and leaves. I kissed Sento's cheek. Sento looked at me. I looked at Sento.

Sento asked, "You ok now?"

I said," Kinda... I have a question..."

Sento said, "What is it?"

I asked," Did I just kill someone?"

Sento nodded. I gasped.

Sento said, "You killed Kiyoshi."

I didn't say anything. Sento looked down.

Sento said, "I'm sorry."

I said," I'm so sorry Kiyoshi..."

Sento listen to me. I got up and left. Sento watch me. I walked. Sento sighed softly. I walked. Sento gets up. I walked. Sento really wishes there was a way to help me without hurting me. I stopped and punched a wall. Sento sighed and walked. I closed my eyes. Sento walks. Koji walks up to me. Sento walks.

Koji said,"Jess?"

I said,"Leave me alone."

Sento walks.

Koji said,"No."

I said,"But..."

Sento walks.

Koji said,"Please."

I said,"Fine."

Sento stops as he looks up to the sky. Koji smiles and pats my head. I smiled. Sento is thinking about me. Koji leaves. I went back to the lab. Sento sighed softly as he was standing next to the cafe shop and went in. I saw Shigeru then I looked away. Shigeru sighed. Sento went down to the lab and sat on the chair. I walked into the lab. Shigeru follows me. Sento sitting on the chair, staring at the computer. I entered the lab and looked at Sento. Sento didn't see me as he was still looking at the computer thinking. I sighed. Sento heard a sigh and looked up to see me.

Sento said softly, "Jessica..."

I looked at Sento. Sento gets up and walks toward me. I looked away from Sento. Sento gave me a hug. I didn't react. Sento looked at me. I pushed Sento away from me.

Sento asked, "Jessica?"

I said,"Sorry Sento... I shouldn't be near you anymore..."

Sento then looked away from me.

Sento asked, "Is this what you really want?"

I said,"Yes..."

Sento said, "You know this will hurt both of us."

I said,"I know..."

Sento looked away in tears, not wanting me to see him like that.

Sento said, "You will make a big mistake Jessica."

I hugged Sento and kissed his cheek before leaving. Sento cries softly. I walked. Shigeru saw me leaving and stopped me. Sento cries.

I said,"Let me leave, Shigeru."

Shigeru said,"You really want Sento to cry."

I sighed. Sento cried as he went to bed. I looked down.

Shigeru said,"We are going to save you but please stay with Sento."

Sento cried. I looked at Sento. Sento cries as his head is buried by the pillow. I walked up to Sento and patted his head. Sento cried softly.

Sento cried, "Leave me alone."

I said,"Sento-kun..."

Sento heard me as he looked up while crying. I wiped his tears.

I said,"I love you..."

Sento sniffed and said softly, "I love you too..."

I kissed his lips. Sento kiss back. I smiled as I pulled back. Sento looked at me. I kissed his forehead.

I said,"I won't leave you..."

Sento closes his eyes and hugs me. I hugged back.

Sento said, "No more hurting please."

I said,"You know that I can't stop unless you stop me."

Sento said, "I know..."

I laid down next to Sento.

Sento said, "Please stay with me."

I said,"I will."

Sento smiled softly. I smiled back. Sento yawned.

I asked,"Sleepy my Rabbit Tank boy?"

Sento said, "Hai."

I said,"Then sleep."

Sento nods and falls asleep. I get off the bed and exit the lab. Sento sleeps. I went to talk to my brother, Evolto. Sento sleep.

I said,"Evolto-niisan where are you?"

Evolto appears behind me. I turned around and looked at him. My left eye turned red.

I said,"I need you to possess Sento since I'm going to end Shigeru's life tomorrow."

Evolto smirked, "For how long?"

"Until I kill Shigeru but you have to possess him tomorrow," I said.

Evolto nodded. I smiled.

Evolto asked, "When do you want me to possess him? In the morning or evening?"

I said,"Morning."

Evolto said, "Very well."

I said,"Thank you, my dear brother."

Evolto said, "Your welcome."

"See you." I said while leaving.

Evolto nodded as he smirked.

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