World of Wizard - Part 2

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Following the events from the last episode, the story begins in the area where the young woman was. Only this time, it's daytime.

The scene views closer of a red magic circle laying on the ground, which reveals to be Haruto who transported Tsukasa and his group by using his Teleport ring.

Where they transported to however, was actually the building the young woman saw from earlier.

Natsumi: Wh-Where are we?

Haruto: Welcome to Magic Academy.

Tsukasa: Magic... Academy?

Young Man: There will be some explanations soon. But for now, you three come inside.

Without further ado, Haruto and the young man guided Tsukasa's group in the academy.

After they're inside, Tsukasa, Natsumi, and Yusuke saw an unbelievable sight within the school.

There are students walking and having conversations, wearing the same robes Tsukasa's wearing right now.

As the group continue to walk down the hallway, they see different rooms of students practicing magic, training with weapons, and crafting colorful Magic Stones into rings.

Yusuke: This place is amazing...!

Haruto: *chuckles*I'm glad you're liking this place so far.

Natsumi: *whispers*Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: Hm? What's wrong, Natsumi?

Natsumi: This person, Haruto. Is he the same one you met as you mentioned earlier?

Tsukasa: No, his looks and personality are different. Which means this one whose known as Wizard is an alternate reality version that resides in this world.

After little time has passed of more walking, the group finally reached to what appears to an office.

Haruto then sits down on a couch with the young man by his side while facing the three people in front of him.

Haruto: Alright, let me re-introduce myself. My name is Haruto, and I am one of the residents who live here in this academy. And this one by my side is my close and loyal friend, Masanaga.

Masanaga: It's a pleasure to meet you once again.

Tsukasa: Likewise. Again, I am Tsukasa Kadoya. These two beside me are Yusuke and Natsumi.

Natsumi: *bows*Nice to meet you.

Yusuke: Anyway, Haruto was it? We saw your battle against that monster earlier. I got to say, you were amazing.

Masanaga: But of course he is. Master Haruto's magic is unrivaled against any other.

Haruto: Hey, Masa! Please forgive his attitude, Masa always speaks formal about me. And I thought I told you that it's unnecessary to call me by "Master", we're friends after all.

Masanaga: No, you'll always be "Master" to me, Master Haruto.

Tsukasa: Why are you being called master?

Haruto: Well it's-

Masanaga: No need Master Haruto, allow me to explain. My dearest friend whom you speak before you is a descendant of the very first wizard in history.

Tsukasa: The first?

The scene changes to a flashback of seeing a wizard with a long-pointy hat, a large robe, and a long white beard standing on top of a mountain with a stormy weather.

Masanaga: Long ago, back in the times of old, the world was almost destroyed. Until one man stood up and used unimaginable power to save the world from utter destruction. That person is the founder of magic and the very first wizard, Merlin. Haruto's ancestor.

Natsumi: Merlin?

Yusuke: Hang on, I heard of him before. In a foreign country, which I think it's called the medieval times, there was a man who also had the same name who helped King Arthur on his journey.

Haruto: You're correct. Because of his actions, society began to change due to his influence. Based on what you witnessed from earlier, we live in a world where magic is used in our daily lives. It's my ancestor's hope that everyone can live happily in this modern era he created, and it's my hope as well.

Tsukasa: Hope, you say? *thoughts*He really is like the other Wizard I met...

Haruto: Now then Tsukasa, it's time we talk about-

Yusuke: Ghak!

Suddenly, the conversation was cut short when Yusuke was hit on the back of his head from someone. Which is revealed to be a small red magical flying creature.

Haruto: Eh, Garuda?

Natsumi: What is that?

Masanaga: That's Garuda, one of Master Haruto's familiars.

Haruto: Is there something wrong?

While Haruto is speaking to his familiar, Garuda is talking a bird-chirping way.

Haruto: What!? Very well, I understand.

Masanaga: Master Haruto, what is it?!

Haruto: Garuda said someone nearby is being attacked by Ghouls!

Masanaga: What!?

Haruto: We need to save them. Let's go, Masa!

Masanaga: Right!

Tsukasa: Wait, we're coming with you.

Haruto: No, it's too dangerous.

Tsukasa: Don't judge us by our looks, besides we're not just your typical rookie wizards.

Haruto: Very well, then come!

With that Tsukasa, Haruto, and the others ran towards the scene.

After a little time of running, the group finally appears to the scene. Where they see Ghouls threatening the young woman from earlier.

Masanaga: Over there!

Tsukasa: It looks like a woman.

Haruto: Hang on, we'll save you!

As Haruto stepped up, Tsukasa also stepped up beside him.

Haruto: Tsukasa...!

Tsukasa: Don't try to do this alone. I'm going to help you.

Haruto: But how? You don't even know how to transform yet.

Tsukasa: Then, how about this?

Tsukasa then puts on his belt and grabbed his card...

Tsukasa: Henshin!

Kamen Ride: Decade!

Haruto and Masanaga are then surprised after seeing Tsukasa transformed and began to attack.

However, Masanaga seems more surprised.

Masanaga: That form... Could it be?

Haruto: Well, I don't know what's happening, but that's not important now.

Haruto and Masanaga then summon their drivers, turn on their switches, and grabbed their rings.

Shabadoobi Touch Henshin!~Shabadoobi Touch Henshin!...

Haruto & Masanaga: Henshin!

Wizard - Flame, Please! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi!

Mage - Change, Now!

Haruto and Masanaga then drew their weapons and began to assist Tsukasa in battle.

For a little bit of time, Tsukasa, Haruto, and Masanaga are fighting the Ghouls on each of their sides.

Tsukasa is handling his opponents with his Ride Booker, blocking and slashing them, and even shooting a couple of shots from afar with his sword's gun mode.

At Haruto's side, he's fighting the Ghouls with his WizarSwordGun in gun mode. While doing some spinning and flipping, he always fires he shots in midair.

Surprisingly, Haruto didn't miss a shot because the shots he fired are silver bullets, traveling in an unpredictable pattern before hitting the targets.

However, as they continue to fight, a ghoul was about to attack the young woman.

But suddenly, she was fortunately saved by Masanaga.

Mage: Are you alright?!

???: Y-Yes.

Masanaga then continued to fight the Ghouls while protecting the young woman.

After a little bit of fighting with his Ridescraper, he flipped his belt's switch and puts his ring on it.

Belt: Arrow, Now!

Masanaga shoots out a glowing orb up into the sky that summons a huge magic circle. Then, a rain of arrows comes through it, showering down and destroying a bunch of Ghouls.

Masanaga then goes and helps the woman up.

Mage: Master Haruto! I will take the woman to safety!

Wizard: Very well, Masa. We will finish things here.

Haruto then stands ready at another group of Ghouls.

Wizard: Alright, it's time I perform another trick. Garuda!

All of a sudden, Garuda appeared out of nowhere and handed over its ring that was attached to it.

Haruto then caught it flips his belt's switch two times before putting on the new ring and on the belt's hand.

Wizardriver: Garuda, Please!

Suddenly, a huge, flaming, energy projection of Garuda came flying around, and for a brief moment, attacked the Ghouls nearby.

The Garuda projection broke into several pieces, and some of its parts got equipped to Haruto.

And now, Haruto grew red diamond wings on his back, claw-like feet, and his visor changed into the shape of Garuda's head.

After the change, Haruto immediately went back to attack.

He begins his assault by flying up in the air with his wings, and charges towards the Ghouls while appearing as a flaming comet, while leaving behind a flaming trail.

Haruto rams into every single Ghoul on his side, resulting in burning them to ashes.

Then, as Haruto spots another group of Ghouls, he again flies up in the air, grabs a magic ring, and flips his belt's switch.

Wizardriver: Bind, Please!

As Haruto points his hand at the Ghouls, he summoned a few red magic circles on the ground. Suddenly, a bunch of chains appeared and binded the Ghouls in place.

Haruto: Time for the finale...

He then switches his ring on the left hand and flips his belt's switch...

Very Nice, Kick Strike! The Best!

Haruto begins his attack by diving in towards the group of Ghouls. Which he then circled around them really fast while coated in fire, causing him to make a large flaming tornado.

The large tornado then carried the group of Ghouls, while still chained together, up flying towards the sky. They were also damaged by the flames.

As the Ghouls are still in midair, Haruto flies up high and makes his way to deliver his rider kick.

As he travels down, Haruto travels through his red magic circle, causing his feet-like claws to enlarge and crush the Ghouls with it.

For Tsukasa's side, he saw Haruto had ended his fight just now.

Decade: Hmph, seems Wizard is done at his side. Then I better wrap this up as well.

After Tsukasa blocked one of the Ghouls' attacks, he stepped back and drew one of his new cards. It was Drive's.

Kamen Ride: Drive! (Upbeat jazz music)

After inserting the card, Tsukasa takes the same similar appearance as Kamen Rider Drive.

Tsukasa then presses on and continues to attack the Ghouls while looking like Drive.

For a little bit, Tsukasa fights the same way as Decade. Handling the Ghouls with his Ride Booker.

But then, Tsukasa flips the Shift Car on his brace three times. And suddenly, he begins moving at incredible speed, performing high velocity slash attacks on the last of the Ghouls.

As the battle was over after the Ghouls have been annihilated, Tsukasa and Haruto stand side-by-side.

Wizard: You did a great job.

Decade(Drive): Hmph, your praise is unnecessary.

But suddenly, Tsukasa and Haruto were attacked by a bunch of dark energy blasts. But they managed to avoid them just in time.

Decade(Drive): Who did that?!

Before they realized it, the two heard footsteps coming out of the smoke created from the blasts.

What laid in front of them is the appearance of a white-hooded wizard.

White Wizard: *evil chuckle*

Wizard: ...! You!?

White Wizard: It has been a long time... Wizard.

Wizard: Wiseman...

Decade(Drive): You know him?

Wizard: No time for explanations right now. What are you doing here in the academy?!

White Wizard: Oh there's no need to be alarmed, I have no intentions of destroying that petty school. I only came here for the girl.

Deacde(Drive): I see, that's why those Ghouls were threatening her earlier.

White Wizard: Enough wasting my time, I know you currently have her. Now bring her to me.

Wizard: No, I will not let you bring harm to her!

Without any restraint, Tsukasa and Haruto charged toward the White Wizard and began attacking.

The two pressed on their attacks in their own way. But even though it's a 2-on-1 battle, the White Wizard is revealed to be very skilled in handling Tsukasa and Haruto on his own.

Tsukasa and Haruto even tried some teamwork attacks with their weapons, but the White Wizard deflected them with his staff.

The White Wizard then started to fire purple energy blasts at the two, but they each to the opposite side.

Wizard: Seems I need to step it up.

Haruto then stood up, switched his left hand's ring with a blue one with his face, flipped his belt's switch two times, and puts the ring on.

Wizardriver: Water, Please!

Water, Please! Sui-Sui, Sui-Sui!

A blue magic circle appeared and went through Haruto, turning him back to his base form. But the difference is he's blue.

Not only that, but his WizarSwordGun's blade started to surge with blue water-like energy. Extending his blade, and taking on a more deadly shape.

But immediately after Haruto's transformation, another magical creature came by that looks like a yellow octopus.

Decade(Drive): Another one?

The yellow magical creature then gave Haruto its ring the same way Garuda did.

Wizard: Thank you, Kraken!

Haruto then repeated to same process.

Wizardriver: Kraken, Please!

Decade(Drive): Impressive.

Wizard: Coming from you, I will accept it as a compliment.

The battle continues as the White Wizard attacks the two. However, little did he know that the tide has turned to equal footing.

As White Wizard attacks Tsukasa, he blocked his staff with his sword. But while blocking, Tsukasa quickly flipped the Shift Car on his brace three times once more.

Tsukasa then executed a bunch of high-velocity, consecutive slashes at the White Wizard, sending him back-stepping, but still standing.

As for Haruto, he used this chance to attack by using his water-surging sword. With every single strike improved and increase of damage.

White Wizard tried to attack him with his staff, but one of the yellow tentacles from Haruto's back caught it, and he counterattacked with his sword.

Apparently Haruto's other familiar, Kraken gave him new armor, which are a pair of yellow tentacles.

Only for a bit, after Haruto displayed a little sword combo, his yellow tentacles kept whiplashing at the White Wizard repeatedly.

Decade(Drive): I believe this ride's over.

The White Wizard was then weakened, and Tsukasa took the chance to put one of his new cards.

Decadriver: Attack Ride: All Tire Attack!

All of a sudden, the Flare, Spike, and Shadow tires appeared out of nowhere, and each performed their special attack on White Wizard altogether.

Wizard: It's time to end this show.

Haruto starts to unleash his attack by lifting the "thumb" on his sword.

WizarSwordGun: Come on a Slash, Shake Hands!

Then, he "shakes" his sword's hand with his left that contains the blue magic ring.

Water Slash Strike!... Sui, Sui, Sui! Sui, Sui, Sui!

As his sword chants, Haruto prepares his attack where his sword is coated with a water current. But at the same time, water-based doppelgangers of the sword appeared, and six of his tentacles are each holding a copy of it.

But before Haruto attacked, the White Wizard used a magic ring.

Belt: Barrier, Now!

Finally, Haruto runs up and strikes the White Wizard with his six water swords per tentacle, causing the White Wizard's barrier to be penetrated.

Haruto ends it by unleashing one last supercharged slash attack with his real weapon in hand.

The White Wizard got on his knee as a result, but then got up like he didn't feel a thing.

White Wizard: *grunts*To think I would be humiliated by you Wizard, even considering you've received help no less.

Wizard: Enough, Wiseman. You've already caused enough harm, you lose.

White Wizard: *lightly chuckles*Lose? Me? You're mistaken. The real battle has yet to begun.

Decade(Drive): What?

White Wizard: Enjoy this victory while you can, you two. But you will never stop on what happens next.

The White Wizard then grabs a ring and puts it on his belt.

Belt: Teleport, Now!

Then, the White Wizard finally disappears after going through his magic circle.

Wizard: Wait-!

And now, Tsukasa and Haruto are the only ones left in the scene...


Everyone is back at the academy in Haruto's room, and are discussing about the events that happened.

Masanaga: Wiseman!?

Haruto: Yes. Tsukasa and I fought against him, but then he teleported away.

Masanaga: Dammit... Wiseman has always been good in making an escape at the right moment...

Tsukasa: Who's this Wiseman?

Haruto: Oh, that's right. You never heard of him. You see, while we live in a world where magic is used to help us, there are a few who attempt to use their magic to commit evil deeds. Wiseman happens to be one of them.

Masanaga: Right. Me and the other mages from the Magical Patrol Force attempted to find and apprehend this wizard for a while.

Haruto: Ironically enough, he's the one responsible for the creation of the Ghouls and the Phantoms.

Tsukasa: What!? Well, what are his intentions?

Masanaga: Hard to tell. We've been tracking his movements, but they were unpredictable. We don't even know of his identity.

Haruto: Although, I am disturbed by Wiseman's words before he left... About how the real battle will begin and there's nothing we can do to stop from what happens next...

Masanaga: That's just him playing with words, Master Haruto. Pay it no mind.

The conversation was then interrupted when they hear Natsumi and Yusuke opening the door.

Natsumi: Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: Natsumi. Yusuke. What's wrong?

Yusuke: It's the girl you saved, she says she wants to meet with Haruto.

Natsumi and Yusuke then accompany the young woman inside.

???: Do... any of you go by the name of Haruto?

Haruto: Yes, he's me. What's your name?

The young woman then approached Haruto and unraveled her hood. And out of everyone in the group, Haruto is the one who's surprised.

Haruto" ...! Kanae...?

Kanae: Yes. It has been a long time, Haruto.

Everyone else then got a little confused on what their situation is.


The scene focuses on the White Wizard, also known as Wiseman, who teleported into a dark place.

But as he walks down the dark hallway, he enters into the same laboratory from earlier. This time, the scene is much clearer.

As Wiseman walks inside the lab, there are sightings of books and magic stones lying on a desk, diagrams of magic circles, and essences of magic energy within different tubes.

All of a sudden, Wiseman punches one of the tubes in anger.

White Wizard: Dammit! ...This is even more troublesome that she's with Wizard of all people...! Why...? Why can't she see that I'm doing this for her sake?

It stayed silent for a while, until Wiseman raised his head and spoke up.

White Wizard: Show yourself. It's futile to hide your presence.

After Wiseman said that, someone came out behind one of the experimentation tubes. It just happens to be Daiki.

Daiki: My, my, you caught me. Here I thought I was good in being stealth.

White Wizard: Who are you? How did you find this place.

Daiki: Whoa, easy there. But, if you really want to know who I am. In Tsukasa's words, I'm... just a passing through treasure hunter.

To be continued...

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