Darkness Returns

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Finé wasn't just angry... She was furious! Everything was going so well, when Decade suddenly showed up and took Chris, the only girl who knew her plans, away. Not only that, but he had completely wrecked her mansion! Now Finé knew why Kage "hates" Decade, he is someone who she will not stand in her life.

The fact remains, that Noise aren't going to be enough to finish him off and she can't reveal herself, not yet. So, there was only one thing left to do.

Finé: Kage!

Kage shows up out of nowhere.

Kage: My lady!

Finé: *turns to Kage* I want you to kill Kage! Today! I cannot stand his existence! Today a Rider will fall, and if you succeed...

Kage: Yes... My lady?

Finé: *walks over to Pierce* I will give you a prize... In private.

Kage then nodded and started to walk away, when he knew Finé couldn't hear nor see him.

Kage: Your day of Reckoning shall come.


It was a new day at Lydian Academy. Unfortunately, the weather matched the mood of two certain students. Those being Hibiki and Miku as the rain matched the current mood in the room.

Not liking the mood in the room, Miku gets out of bed and starts changing before grabbing an umbrella to go take a walk before class. Opening her umbrella, she stepped outside.

Miku headed off towards Lydian Academy. She felt so terrible saying horrible things to her best friend, yet instead of apologizing, she just ran. She was worried for Hibiki.

She can't take back what she said which is the real reason why she was outside by herself. She wanted to go talk to Y/N, but she remembered that he too knew Hibiki's secret and felt that she couldn't. More than anything right, she needed help. She needed advice.

Cheers mate, the calvary's here!

Neo: Well, hello there.

Miku looked up to see Neo in her belt state flying in front of her.

Miku: You're...!

Neo: Excuse me, but you don't mind if you can share some of that Umbrella, right?

Neo motions to Miku's Umbrella which has just enough space for him.

Miku: G-Go right ahead.

Neo: Thanks.

Neo flies under Miku's Umbrella and shakes off the rain.

Neo: Man, the rain sucks, you cant take a walk outside.

Miku: ... You're Y/N's Belt, right?

Neo: Yup, Y/N Neo DecaDriver, call me Neo.

Miku: Right...

Neo: hold on, let me change into something more comfortable.

Neo then gets covered in a bright light making Miku cover her eyes, once the light fades. She sees a magenta ball of light.

Neo: Ahh~ that's more comfortable.

Miku: Should I ask?

Neo: Best not.

Miku continues to walk towards Lydian Academy when Neo lands on her shoulder.

Neo: You're troubled, aren't you?

Miku: What? *looks at Neo*

Neo: I can see it in your eyes, you got in an argument, right?

Miku: ... You saw right through me. The truth is that I got into a big argument with my best friend and now I'm afraid that our friendship is on the line.

Neo: Well... What was the argument about?

Miku: ... I found out that Hibiki's been keeping a secret from me and I reacted badly. I even said horrible things to her.

Neo: That bad huh... But aren't you keeping a secret?

Miku: What secret am I keeping?

Neo: Don't lie to me, I've seen you for 2 years now, you dream about Y/N a lot and you know it!

Miku: *face blushes red* H-How'd you k-know!?!?

Neo: Duh! I can fly and I'm mentally linked to everyone who's friends with Y/N. Especially since the fact that you two have known each other for 2 years, it's only natural until you two get it on-

Miku: SHUT UP!!!

Miku smacks Neo and sends her flying.

Neo: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!... Just kidding!

Neo flies back under Miku's Umbrella.

Neo: But seriously, if Hibiki kept a secret like this, a secret. Then don't you think she had a reason for it? It's only natural.

Miku: How can you say that!?

Neo: Okay, let me put it this way, Hibiki is out there, fighting the Noise, don't you think the reason why she kept quiet about it was to protect you?

Miku thought about it... And he was right, it stands to reason that being able to fight against a great threat to Humanity, anyone would keep a secret, even she would.

Miku: Then... What should I do?

Neo: Be honest with yourself, tell Hibiki how you feel. Friends fight, and then they make up, it's only natural. If you just do that, then you'll be fine with Hibiki.

Miku: ... *smiles* Thanks, Neo. I'll try.

Neo: No problem, I'm happy to help... Ah! This reminds me of that one time, you were mumbling happily in your dreams, a scenario just like this, where you and Y/N were in the rain, and he kiss-

Miku: *blushes in embarrassment and try's to kick kicks Neo* SHUT UPPPPP!!!

Neo: Okay okay, Adieu~.

After Neo was gone, Miku decided to do the one thing she never thought she'd do...

Ditch school.

Back with Neo, she watch as Miku continued walking.

Neo: My my, looks like Y/N has another girl on his plate, *sigh* I wonder if he's ever going to notice.

(Datguyjax: Probably not.)

Neo: Shut it, no one ask you.

Neo said as she continued flying.

(Y/N's Apartment)

Y/N took the towel off of Chris and rinsed it in the bucket of water next to him. Just when he was about to put it back on, Chris began to move and he set the towel down, waiting for her to wake up.

Tossing and turning, Chris woke in a start, sweat dripping down her head.

Y/N: Morning Chris.

Chris turns to Y/N.

Chris: Y/N... I... I had this crazy dream.

Y/N: About?

Chris: That you... You were Decade.

Y/N: ... That wasn't a dream, Chris.

From under Y/N's table, he pulls out the RideBooker in case form and showed it to Chris.

Immediately, Chris jumped out of bed and got in a fighting stance.

Y/N: *sigh* I would appreciate it, if you calmed your ass down Chris.

Chris: You're... You're Decade?

Y/N: The one and only... You hungry Chris?

Y/N walks over to his kitchen.

Chris: Don't screw with me!!! Why did you help me!? We're enemies!!!

Y/N: "Were", enemies, the fact stands that the woman who controlled the Noise, tried to kill you. I have to admit, I was surprised when I found out who you were.

Chris: The feelings mutual.

Chris heads for the door.

Y/N: And where are you going?

Chris: Anywhere but here.

Y/N: In case you haven't noticed Chris, that bitch tried to kill you, and the last time I checked, you have nowhere to go.

Chris: *looks at Y/N* And why the hell do you care!?

Y/N: *looks at Chris* I care because I care! I care for you Chris! I'm worried about you! That "Finé" bitch tried to murder you in cold blood! She wouldn't hesitate to kill you! I saw how much you trusted her, only for her to stab you in the back! She used you!... Can't you see! I'm worried! Worried about you Chris!

Chris glares at Y/N until he finishes what he said, her glare softens, and then she moves away from the door.

Chris: ... You're right. I thought I could trust her, I thought she understood me, but she was just using me all along.

She slammed a fist down on a table.

Chris: No one ever treated me as an equal. Adult are all trash. They didn't listen when I said it hurt. They didn't listen when I told them to stop. They didn't listen to anything I said! They just continued to use me and abuse me!

Y/N: Then... Let me help you.

Chris: Huh?

Chris looks up to see Y/N in front of her.

Y/N: Remember what that other Decade said before he blew up Finé's mansion, he said "take care of her". Chris... I have no idea what you went through in life, but I know for sure... That I want to help you. I want you... To trust me.

Y/N holds out his hand towards Chris. She looks at it and hesitates to grab it, but after a small while, Chris grabs Y/N's hand and he pulls her towards him, hugging her.

Y/N: Chris... I will never abandon you, betray you, abuse you, or hurt you... I can promise you that.

Chris begins to cry in Y/N's chest, after so long... She finally found someone who she could trust.

(Time Skip)

After Chris' crying, both her and Y/N enjoyed a small lunch before she looked at Y/N once again.

Chris: You mean it, right? You're not going to use me?

Y/N: Chris, please, why would I do that? I'd rather kill myself than betray you.

Chris looks away, but for a good reason, she doesn't want to let Y/N see her blush.

Y/N: *gets up* I'll be right back Chris.

Chris: Where are you going?

Y/N: I'm going to go find Neo.

Chris: Neo?

Y/N: Neo short for Neo DecaDriver, my belt, she should be home around this time.

Chris blushes more.

Chris: B-Belt, as in she's around your waist!?

Y/N: ... It's nothing perverted, she really doesn't care to be honest.

Chris: Whatever.

Y/N heads for the door.

Y/N: You can do whatever you want, just remember where I live if you're gonna go out.

And with that, Y/N walks out of his apartment.


Neo was flying around, there was no more rain, so now she felt free, she was one with the wind.

Neo: Awww yeah~! This is the life! It's nice to get away from boys and do your own thing.

Neo sighs in relief.

Neo: I wonder what places I haven't seen-Is that Hibiki?

Neo looked further ahead and saw Hibiki... Alone.

Neo: This must be from...

Neo flies towards Hibiki.


Hibiki: Miku... You've never skipped a day of school in your life...

Hibiki looked out into the vast horizon. Hibiki was surprised to see that Miku was not in class. She had been awake when Miku woke up and got change before leaving so she thought she went ahead of her to class.

The sound the door opening made Hibiki turn to see Tsubasa.

Hibiki: Tsubasa?

Tsubasa: I saw you heading towards the roof. You look like you have something on your mind.

Hibiki: Uh, yeah. Something like that.

Tsubasa: Do you want to talk about it?

Tsubasa sat down at one of the nearby benches. After a few minutes of silence, Hibiki sat down next to her.

Hibiki: I thought I was determined enough. I wanted to use the power of Symphogear to protect what mattered to me. But it didn't work.

Tsubasa: What happened?

Hibiki: Me and Miku got into a fight. She was angry at me for keeping my secret of being a Symphogear user and now she won't talk to me. I have no idea on what to do anymore... Hey, Tsubasa. Have you and Kanade ever gotten into fights?

Tsubasa: A couple of times, but we always made up. I think it helps that we didn't have to keep many secrets from each other.

Hibiki looked up towards the sky.

Hibiki: I'm really hopeless, aren't I? I always need help when I can't figure out something on my own.

Neo: You got that right.

Hibiki / Tsubasa: WAH!

Both girls jumped out of the bench they were sitting on and looked behind them to see Neo right in front of them in human form.

Hibiki: N-Neo!?

Neo: Yo.

Neo stretches.

Tsubasa: How did you-

Neo: In my belt form I can fly buts I turned into a ball of light, duh. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation.

Tsubasa: You really know how to unexpectedly appear.

Neo: It's part of my charm and it's basic Kamen Rider logic. *looks at Hibiki* So, you and Miku got into a fight?

Hibiki: Yeah, and I don't know how to make it up to her.

Neo: Just tell her how you really feel.

Hibiki: How I really feel?

Neo: *nods* Just tell her how you feel. I'm sure if you tell her that, then you'll two will make up with one another.

Hibiki: Really? Will that really work?

Neo: It all depends on you.

Hibiki thought to herself before looking at Neo again.

Hibiki: I'll give it a try the next time I see her!

Neo: Atta girl!

Tsubasa: *turns to Neo* By the way, why are you here, Neo?

Neo: Just flying around, I gotta live too you know, plus hanging around a boy can get boring.

Tsubasa and Hibiki mind: Lucky!!


The sirens of the city rang out, signally a Noise attacking.


Chris: I just don't get that guy...

Chris was walking around, thinking about Y/N, at first, she thought he was a nice guy, but then when she found out he was Decade, he thought he was only getting close to her just to betray her, only to find out that she could trust him. She felt warm inside, finally finding someone like him and had a small blush on her face.

She was so lost in thought, Chris failed to notice that she had bumped into someone who was carrying a grocery bag, the contents spilling out as they fell.

Miku: Kya!

Chris: Ah, sorry.

Chris quickly apologized. The Girl Chris bumped into was none other than Miku.

Miku: It's okay.

Miku began to pick up thr items that fell it if her bag.

Chris: Let me help.

Chris wanted something to distract her from her thoughts right now.

Miku: Thank you. You're a good person.

Chris: N-No I'm not. *blushes a little and put the last item back in the bag* Anyway, look where you're going next time, alright?

Miku: I will.


The sirens rang out, telling everyone except Chris one thing. A Noise attack. Everyone began panicking as they took off running, going off to look for the nearest shelter.

Chris: What's going on?

Miku: What do you mean? *abandons her bag* It's the Noise. Don't you recognize the sirens?

Chris didn't recognize them. She had always been the one controlling them from the start. But she wasn't right now. There was only one person she knew who could be doing this.

Inner Chris: 'That bitch!'

She ran off in the opposite direction everyone was running from.

Miku: Wait! Where are you going!?

Miku ran after Chris.


Y/N: What do we got Genjuro!?

Y/N was on the Machine Decader, riding down the street.

Genjuro (phone): It's not good, I've never seen this many Noise before. What is going on? It's as if they're looking for something...

Y/N: It's not a "something"! It's a "someone"! Chris!

Immediately ending the call, Y/N heads towards the Noise in search of Chris.

Unknown to Y/N, he was watch by two people on top of a building.

????: So boss, am I going again.

????: No, I believe it's time for myself to be known by him, return to the base, I'll meet you there.

The other person summoned a Dimensional Wall and the 1st person walked through and disappeared, the other one pulled out a Barcode Gun and a card.

{{Kamen Ride!}}

????: ...Henshin!



Chris ran. She knew that the Noise were after her, so she ran in hopes of drawing them away from the people. Still, that doesn't change one fact...

Inner Chris: 'Damn! What am I even doing!?'

Chris comes to a stop in an open area, out of breath.

Chris: It's my fault that so many people... that so many people...

She couldn't bring herself to finish as she screamed and cried in frustration, falling to her knees.

Chris: I didn't want it to end like this! But every time I try... Every single god damn time!

Suddenly, from the corners of buildings came the Noise and quiet a large amount of them too. Hearing them, Chris wiped away her tears and turned towards them.

Chris: I'm right here you fucking bastards! So just leave others the hell out of this!

Shade: Oh don't worry, I will.

The Noise moved out of the way to reveal none other than Kage, already in his Shade form, with someone else.

Chris: You!

Shade: It's good to see you again, Chris this is a friend of mine called Phantom EX. Tell me, where's Decade?

Chris: Why the hell should I tell you!

Shade: Because...


Shade shot a shadow at Chris, cutting her cheek.

Shade: You know... I always wanted to kill you by sticking shadows in you, so... Die.

Chris backed away slightly from the shot. Chris opened her mouth to sing, but was forced to dodge in order to dodge Shade shadow.

Shade: You must be a real idiot if you think I'm just going to let you transform.

Shade snapped his fingers, signaling the Noise behind him to attack.

Chris: Shit!

Chris started running to avoid the Noise turned bullets.

Shade: And where do you think you're going?

Chris gasped as Shade suddenly appeared right in front of her and grabbed her neck before slamming her down to the ground. He then raised his hand and placed sharp shadows on her head, ready to shoot her at point blank range.

Shade: Prepare to die, Chris Yukine.

Inner Chris: 'Fuck!'

Chris cursed in her mind as everything seemed to go in slow motion.

Inner Chris: 'I don't want to die! I don't want it to end like this!'

Chris always considered herself a strong willed girl. She had been through shit for most of her life, but even in the face of death, even she will start to do the one thing she hasn't done in a real long time. Call for help.

Inner Chris: 'Someone, anyone, help me!'

She hated this. She really hated this. She felt so weak, but what else could she do? And for some reason, her thoughts went back to the one person who... Saved her.

Chris: Y/N!!!!!!


Shade: Nani!?

Shade was too late to dodge as he got suddenly rammed by a bike and magenta energy. Landing with a skid, Chris recognised the Machine Decader and knew only one person who rode it.

Y/N: Sorry I'm late, Chris.

Y/N gets off the Machine Decader and picks up Chris from the ground.

Y/N: You alright?

Chris: Y-Yeah...

Shade: You... Destroyed all the Noise, it's doesn't matter, we'll just kill you by ourselves.

Y/N: *looks at Chris* Chris, you can still fight, right?

Chris: *walks up to Y/N* Who the hell do you think you're talking to?

Y/N: Good, now transform and take care of the Noise in the city.

Chris looked at Y/N like he was crazy.

Chris: A-Are you dumb or something, there's no way in hell I'm letting fight these guys alone!

Dark Y/N: Now, whoever said he was alone?

Everyone looked behind Shade and Phantom EX, to see Dark Y/N sitting on his Dark Machine Decader.

Dark Y/N: Hello again... Kage.

Shade: T-That's not possible, you should be dead!

Dark Y/N: You're forgetting, my power is my existence.

Y/N: Chris, I'll explain everything later, just please go and destroy the other Noise.

Chris looked at Y/N before nodding.

Chris: "Killiter Ichaival Tron..."

Chris now donned on her armor, begins to run away, she looks at Y/N one last time.

Chris: ... Thanks you.

Y/N: ... You're welcome.

Chris smiles before jumping away.

Y/N now turns to Shade and Phantom EX.

Y/N: Now, let's kick some ass.

Y/N said as he equiped Neo in her belt form around his waist as Dark Y/N did the same with his Dark Neo DecaDriver.

Y/N/Dark Y/N: Henshin!

{{Kamen Ride! Decade!/Dark Decade!}}

Decade and Dark Decade run towards Shade and Phantom EX, Decade vs Shade and Dark Decade vs Phantom EX.

Shade strikes Decade with his Dark Drill Crusher, only to be blocked by Decade RideBooker.

Shade: Why don't you just die!

Decade: Because, I can't be kill that easily.

Decade pushes Shade away slashes his chest, making him fall back.

Shade: Just stop getting in my way!

Shade the ran at Decade, while Dark Decade and Phantom EX were having a shoot off.


Dark Decade: So, do you talk or what?

Phantom EX: Why should I talk to someone who's going to die?


Dark Decade: Wow, rude much!

Phantom EX: Shut up and die.

Dark Decade said as they continued their shoot off while Decade and Shade are at each others necks... Literally.

Decade and Shade are choking each other, they both then nod. Decade pushes Shade away prepares to slash him.

        {{Attack Ride! Slash!}}

The RideBooker now covered in Magenta Energy, Decade now goes to attack Shade at his neck. Shade doesn't move an inch.

Shade: ... Do it.

Decade the slashes Shade on the neck, bringing it down his body causing sparks to fly.

Phantom EX saw this and then shot Shade.

Shade then fell to ground... Dead.

Phantom EX: Finally, he's dead.

Phantom EX then kicked Dark Decade back to Decade.

Phantom EX: He was so weak, pathetic, I don't know why Finé kept him around.

Dark Decade: Are you serious! He was your friend! And you betrayed him like he was nothing!

Phantom EX: That's what he is, nothing, nothing but a pawn in a huge chess match.

Shade: Really? Chess is the best you can come up with?

Shade then got back up and looked at Phantom EX.

Phantom EX: Nani?

Shade: Finally, I'm out of that bitches control.

Decade then walked and put his hand on Shades shoulder.

Decade: Its good to have you on our side, now let's kick this guys ass.

Shade and Dark Decade bring out the their swords and ran towards Phantom EX who was shooting at them with his Steam Shooter.

Shade blocks the shots with his Dark Drill Crusher, when he gets close enough he slashes Phantom EX and runs past him letting Dark Decade doing the same.

Decade punches Phantom EX in the chest 5 times before kicking him away.

Phantom EX: H-How is this possible!?

He asked as sparks began to come of him.

?????: Because, you got cocky.

Everyone looked around to try and find the source of the voice, next they only hear.

{{Kamen Ride! Kuuga! Agito! Ryuki! Faiz! Blade! Hibiki! Kabuto! Den-O! Kiva!}}

They saw multiple red, green and blue images, when they came together, they became the Heisei Riders before Decade.

?????: Here's a little present, I hope you enjoy it.

Then from the shadows, a card was thrown towards Decade, he caught the card and looked at it.

Shade: ... What is it?

Decade: A... new card?

Dark Decade: Well, there's only one way to find out what it does.

Decade nodded and inserted the card.

     {{Battlizer Ride! Decade!}}

The Heisei Riders all turned into the Final Form Ride's and fused with Decade, creating Decade's Battlizer form.

Phantom EX: Holy Shit!!! What the fuck is that!!!

Decade: Your death...

{{Final Attack Ride! D-D-Decade!}}

Decade bended over (not in a perverted way) and aimed the Kiva Arrow on his back at Phantom EX.

Phantom EX: Shit!!!

Phantom EX tried to get away but was held by Shadows, he looked and saw Shade pointing his palm at him.

Shade: I promise... I'll make you better in the next life.

Phantom EX: DAMN YOU!!!

Phantom EX struggles to get out, all to no avail, the Kiva arrow gets shot and goes towards Phantom EX.

Phantom EX: BURN IN HE-

He got cut off when the Kiva Arrow went through him and caused a giant explosion, it returned to Decades back as he reverted to him primary form.

Decade: Mission... complete.

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