Light Shade

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All right, before anything else, last chapter I said I will have more of my friends drawings of the other Symphogear characters, well here they are.

I hope you like them, now on to the story.


It was the middle of the night, as Y/N "was" sleeping, keyword: WAS, sleeping, apparently, Neo woke him up.

Neo: Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!!!

Y/N: UGHH, Fine! I'm up! I'm up!

Neo: Somethings wrong with Chris!!!

Immediately, Y/N gets up and hears Chris from his room.

Chris: NO!

Y/N: Chris!

Y/N got up and went the bedroom to see her shaking violently in the bed.

Chris: I can't...!

Y/N: She must be having a nightmare.

Y/N grabbed her by the shoulders.

Y/N: Chris, it's going to be alright! Just calm down!

Suddenly Chris's eyes have opened and saw Y/N in front of her.

Chris: Y/N... What?

Y/N: You must have had a bad dream...

Chris recollected herself as she remembered the dream.

Y/N: You're sweating. Here.

Y/N gave her a rag and Chris grabbed it before wiping her forehead. She was taking deep breaths before she was completely calmed.

Chris: I'm fine now.

Y/N: Are you sure? What was the dream about?

Chris: I...I-It something happen when I was captured by those adults.

Y/N: Do you want to talk about it?

Chris looked down.

Y/N: If you don't want to talk about-

Chris: I was a little girl again. My wrists and legs were bound in chains. They kept dragging me and the other kids to keep moving. I shouted, told them it hurt. One of them dragged my chains so hard that I fell on the ground. They told me to keep moving but I couldn't.

Y/N: I see...

Y/N clenched his fist and dug his nails through his skin. He can't forgive people like them.

Chris turns away from Y/N.

Chris: I'm sorry that you have to hear it.

Y/N: It's nothing to be ashamed of...

Y/N looked away and began thinking of a way for Chris to feel better.

Neo (telepathic): I know what you're thinking Y/N, you want to find a way for Chris to feel safe, right?

Y/N: Got me there.

Neo (telepathic): Here's a suggestion... a lullaby.


Neo (telepathic): ...

Y/N: Fuck you Neo.

Neo (telepathic): Love you too.

Y/N turns to Chris.

Y/N: If you'd like... Maybe I could sing a lullaby for you.

Chris: A lullaby...?

Chris then starts laughing.

Chris: Hahahaha... Oh my god...

Y/N: 😑.

Chris: Hahaha! But the thought of you...Hahaha!... So how does it go?

Y/N cleared his throat before singing it.

(Put whatever lullaby you want.)

The song is unlike anything Chris would hear. Suddenly Chris feels warm for the first time as her trouble memories of her dreams vanished from her mind and she felt calm for the first time.

Inner Chris: 'He is good...'

Chris thought as she can't help but listen to Y/N's song.

It wasn't long until he stops his song and saw Chris asleep.

Y/N: Goodnight, Chris.

Y/N tried to leave but felt something grabbing his hand. He looked and saw Chris's hand holding his tightly.

He tried pulling away but she had a good grip. Y/N was in a bit of a bind, he can't wake Chris up or she'll be mad, being the Tsundere she is.

Y/N: This is just shit...

So he did the one thing, which he's done many times before because of his roommate.

He got into bed with her.

(Time Skip)

Chris began to wake up. This is the first time she has a peaceful sleep without any nightmares because of Y/N's song. It wasn't until she saw the figure next to her bed.

Inner Chris: *blushes* 'H-how did he get here? '

Y/N is sleeping right next to her with his arm around her waist. His face is so close to her.

Inner Chris: *blushes even redder* 'What happened last night?! '

Chris: AAAHHH!!!

Chris screamed, waking Y/N up. He yawned and sat up before looking at the blushed and nervous Chris.

Chris: W-What are you doing here!? This close to me!? D-Did we-!?

Chris began to check herself.

Y/N: We didn't do "it".

Chris: But why are you here!!!?

Y/N: Well... after I sang you the lullaby, you fell asleep. But you gripped me tightly that I can't leave you alone and I had no choice but to sleep in the same bed as you.

This causes Chris to blush even harder after hearing Y/N's explanation and fiddling with her fingers.

Chris: *still blushing* I...made you sleep here with me?

Y/N: Yeah. If you're uncomfortable I can-

Chris: GET OUT!!!

Y/N: Gah!!! Okay! Okay! Sheesh!

Y/N got out of his bedroom and closed the door. Chris covered herself up with the blanket.

Chris: ... Baka... I wouldn't mind if it was you though...

(Time Skip)

Y/N was preparing to go out as he turned bathroom, which Chris was taking a shower in.

Y/N: Chris, I'm heading out. Help yourself to the fridge if you want.

Chris: Okay!

Y/N: Now, time to head to base to see if I can find any more info on Chris.

(Time Skip)
(2nd Division Base)

Y/N and Kage walked through the halls, of the 2nd Division with a map in his hands.

Kage: Dude, why can't Kamen Riders have bases like this?

Y/N: Don't know... budget cut maybe?

Miku: Whoa~

Turning around, Y/N and Kage saw both Miku and Hibiki walking through the halls as Miku looked left and right at everything. Since Miku had already seen so much, Genjuro decided that Miku could help out.

Miku: Who would have thought that there be a secret base right under our school?

Hibiki: I know, right? Me and Y/N were pretty surprised when we found out.

Miku: I'm still finding it hard to believe that Y/N actually came from another world.

Hibiki: I know what you mean. A part of me still can't believe him.

Hibiki then saw Y/N and Kage.

Hibiki: Ah! Y/N! Kage!

Y/N: Hey. *walks up to the two* Showing Miku around 2nd Division?

Hibiki: *nods* Yep. Your also showing Kage?

Y/N: Yep

Kage: Hibiki, I like to deeply apologise for what I did in the past. *Bows* I hope you can forgive me.

Hibiki: It's no problem, let's continue.

Y/N and Kage walked with Hibiki and Miku.

Hibiki: There's a lot Miku needs to know, so I'm showing her around to avoid her getting lost in the future.

Y/N: Just like how you got the both of us lost when you thought to sight see the place. And that time when we walked in on-

Hibiki: That was an accident! *looks behind Y/N* Tsubasa! Kanade!

Kanade: *looks at Hibiki* Hm? Oh, yo.

Tsubasa: *looks at Miku* We meet again. I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves. I'm Tsubasa Kazanari, but I bet you already knew that.

Kanade: Kanade Amou, former member of Zwei Wing, but considering you go to the same school as Tsubasa, you must know that already too.

Miku: *bows* It's nice to meet you two. I'm Miku Kohinata.

Hibiki: She's my best friend.

Hibiki said with pride.

Y/N: We already know that, Hibiki.

Kanade: It's nice to have more hands around here.

Tsubasa: I know Tachibana can be a handful, but it's nice to have some extra hands to help out.

Miku: Oh, don't worry. I already know how much of a handful she is, so I've grown used to it.

Hibiki: Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?

Y/N: *smirks a little* Looks like we three already have something we can agree on.

Hibiki: Grrrrr... Jerks. *crosses her arms, pouting*

Miku and Kanade laughed.

Hibiki: Still, it's kind of weird to be down here with Miku.

Tsubasa: The Commander pulled some strings to get Kohinata here registered as an external collaborator with the second division. However, you still might run into some inconvenience. Be careful.

Miku: Don't worry. It's all been explained to me so I should be okay. I understand the full implications of my work here so there's no need to worry.

Kanade: Well, that's good to hear.

Tsubasa: Now... onto you.

Tsubasa said while glaring at Kage.

Y/N: Tsubasa, he-

Kage: Y/N, it's alright.

Kage walked up to Tsubasa and stood in front of her.

Kage: Tsubasa, I know when we first met, it was as enemies. But, back then I didn't have a choice of doing what I want. I apologise for trying to kill you, if you dont accept my apology, I understand, just know that I'm on your side now.

Tsubasa just looked at him, after a while she just sighs.

Tsubasa: I was informed of your situation by Genjuro, I hope you never go through that again. I'm also glad to have you on our side.

Tsubasa said, making Kage smile.

Kage: Same here. Also Y/N, I made these for you.

Kage said handing Y/N two items. A watch and a pair of goggles.

Y/N: What are these?

Kage: Well, the watch is a communicator and a transporter, it let you communicate with any of us, no matter where you are. Plus it can transport any of the weapons I've made to you.

Y/N: Wait, wait, wait... you've made weapons?

Everyone looked at Kage.

Kage: Yes, but thats not important now. Now onto the goggles, by putting on these goggles, you'll be able to hack into anything, locate anyone and look up anything you want.

Y/N: Sweet, I'll make sure to put these into good use.

Ryoko: Well, isn't this lovely.

They all turned to see Ryoko standing there.

Ryoko: I couldn't help but notice you six gathered around. I love me a bit of girl talk.

Y/N: Girl talk? You do know that Kage and I are right here, right?

Hibiki: So you're into that kind of thing as well, Ms. Ryoko?

Hibiki and Miku looked interested.

Ryoko: Why of course. Why, just listen to my epic tale of love and you won't get a wink of sleep once I'm done.

Y/N: You can't be serious.

Kage: *whispers to Y/N* I've never been in love.

Y/N: *whispers back* that's depressing.

Miku: Sounds more like a horror story.

Hibiki: Whoa! Ms. Ryoko's epic tale of love!? I bet she met a rich gentleman at a fancy bar and-

Y/N: You can't be serious.

Miku: Sounds more like a horror story.

Hibiki: Whoa! Ms. Ryoko's epic tale of love!? I bet she met a rich gentleman at a fancy bar and-

Y/N: Hibiki, you're exaggerating things. But I didn't think you were still into those.

Ryoko's eyes seemed to sparkle as she got lost in memories.

Ryoko: All right. It's a story from long ago. If you knew the depths of my passion back then, it would shock you.

Y/N / Kanade / Kage: Wait, you were serious!?

Hibiki and Miku had looks of curiosity.

Tsubasa: Count me surprised. I always thought that you'd be too busy with your research to look for love.

Ryoko: You know what they say. 'Life is short so you gotta make the most out of it!' And the power of s girl's romance is truly amazing! Back in the day, the reason why I started researching the Relics was...

Hibiki / Miku: Was what?

Ryoko seemed stunned before she returned to normal.

Ryoko: Oh but, you know, there's just too much going on to stop and chat here.

Y/N: But you were the one who came here.

Kage: Yeah.

Ryoko kicks Y/N and Kage in the gut.

Y/N: OOF! Damn it... Ryoko's Rider Kick.

Kage: So... Strong.

Ryoko: In the end, it just comes down to the purity of your heart! *turned to leave* You girls need to go out there and begin an epic tale of your own.

Hibiki: A tale of our own...

Hibiki said as she, Tsubasa and Miku glanced at Y/N.

Y/N: What?

Y/N said, having recovered from Ryoko's Rider Kick.

Hibiki / Miku / Tsubasa: N-Nothing!

The three of them said before looking away from Y/N

Ryoko: Well then, bye-bye!

Ryoko leaves.

Y/N: I can never get a clear on that woman.

Kage: I rather not understand her, something about make me hate her.

Y/N: Can't argue with that.

Miku: We didn't even get to hear her story.

Kanade: I won't lie, I was pretty curious too.

Hibiki: It's tough dragging secrets out of that woman. But just you wait! I will get it out of her one day!

Y/N: *faces Kanade* So, what were you two talking about?

Kanade: We were just talking about Tsubasa getting back to her career.

Hibiki: Are you back on assignment already?

Tsubasa: I've been holding back for long enough. As of right now, I'm just trying to get back into it.

Hibiki: I see...

Hibiki began to think to herself.

Hibiki: Then, I guess that means your schedule won't be too busy yet, right?

Tsubasa: Huh? Uh, yes.

Hibiki: In that case, let's all of us go on a date!

Tsubasa: A date?

Y/N: A D-D-Date!? Oi! Word that differently. *karate chops Hibiki's head* She might get the wrong idea.

Hibiki: Ow! I'm sorry!

Kanade: I think I know what she's trying to say. She's saying let's all hang out, together.

Tsubasa: Hang out?

Kanade: *nods* Yeah. You still have some time until you're back on stage, so why don't we all hang out? It'll be fun.

Tsubasa: I don't know...

Kanade: Come on. Who knows when we'll get another chance like this?

Tsubasa: Well, okay, I guess.

Kanade: Then its' settled. How about we all meet up at the park tomorrow morning?

Y/N: I'm down... Well, I gotta go. There's something I need to check out.

Kage: I can't, I've got an important project to finish. That reminds me, I gotta go, see ya.

Hibiki: Okay. See you later.

{{Break Room}}

Y/N was laying down on a couch in the break room, wearing the goggles Kage gave him.

Y/N: Alright, let's see here... Chris Yukine... Chris Yukine... Aha! Daughter of Masanori Yukine, who was a famous violinist, and his wife, Sonette M. Yukine, a singer. Both Masanori and Sonette were members of an NGO and helped refugees from all over... I wonder if the dude can beat Wataru...?

Chris: My parents loved to explore so they would usually travel the world any chance they get.

Inner Y/N: 'I guess that's what she meant.'

Y/N: Both were killed during a civil war eight years ago. I guess this was when Chris went missing. Let's see... Around the time when the UN Army's Val Verde intervention changed, Chris was saved from a local gang and was thus transported to Japan... Hm?

Y/N stopped reading when his eyes stopped on a familiar name.

Genjuro: Y/N?


Y/N turned around and saw none other than Genjuro entering the room.

Genjuro: What are you doing here?

Y/N: Don't scare the shit out of me man... I'm doing research.

Y/N focused back on the goggles.

Y/N: It says here that you were supposed to be Chris' new guardian when she was transported to Japan, but suddenly went missing the moment she arrived.

Genjuro: I see. So that's what why you're here. At the time, we panicked and the second branch tried to assist with the investigation, but most of the people who were involved ended up dead or went missing and the case was closed.

Y/N: It must have been that Finé bitch.

Genjuro: Y/N, you know where Chris is currently at, don't you?

Y/N took a moment, since Y/N gained Chris' trust, he doesn't want anything bad happening to her.

Y/N: Why do you ask...?

Genjuro: If possible, I would like to speak with her. It's an adult's duty to finish what he started. I want to help her.

Y/N: ... I'm sorry, I can't tell you.

Genjuro: What?

Y/N: *stands up* I'm sorry, but I'm slowly gaining Chris' trust. And she's not fond of adults, she despises them. *takes off the glasses* I don't want to judge your good nature Genjuro, but I need to see how much you care for Chris, and you can show me, by finding her yourself... I won't stop you.

Genjuro: ... She's at your apartment, isn't she?

Y/N: FUCK!!!

Genjuro: I get where you're coming from Y/N, but I need to take responsibility as an adult.

Y/N: You can try, but Chris is a feisty girl, but knowing you, you're going to do it anyway... But I will tell you this.

Y/N glared at Genjuro making him flinch.

Y/N: Hurt her in anyway... And I'll make you regret it.

Genjuro: Y/N, trust me, ill will never hurt her. Now I'll be off to see her.

Y/N: Good, now I'm going to see what else this baby can do.

Y/N said while putting the goggles back on.

(Time Skip)
(Y/N's Apartment)

In the rain, holding an umbrella in one hand and a bag in the other, Genjuro arrived at Y/N's apartment. Walking up the stairs, he closed his umbrella and placed it right next to the door before he knocked.

Inside, Chris was watching whatever was on TV, mostly the news. Hoping to find some clue with some news on the Noise about Finé, but she got nothing.


Chris: Hm?

Chris' instincts kicked in and she turned off the TV before running up against the wall. She knew that whoever was knocking wasn't Y/N because he wouldn't need to knock on the door. She slowly got to the door before grabbing the door and swung it open, throwing a fist at whoever the intruder was only to have her fist blocked.

Genjuro: Feisty, aren't you?

Genjuro said as he pushed back Chris and let himself in.

Chris: Who are you?

Chris jumped back and raising her fists.

Genjuro: My name is Genjuro Kazanari. I don't know if you know this, but I was the man who was supposed to look after you.

Chris: Huh?

Chris then remembered something. It was back when she was still young. She had been told that before she had landed to Japan that someone had volunteered to be her new guardian.

Chris: How do I know that you're not lying?

Genjuro: Chris Yukine, daughter of Masanori Chris and his wife, Sonette M. Yukine. They both died in a civil war eight years ago and then their daughter went missing until sometime later, she was found and was brought to Japan, but went missing when she arrived in Japan. Did I get all that right, or do I need to say more?

Chris: Well, looks like someone's been doing their homework.

Chris said, but didn't drop her guard.

Chris: How did you find me?

Genjuro: Y/N works with us, I asked him if he knew where you were, refused and I guessed you were here. I came here to talk to you. *raised up the bag in his hand* It's food. Want some?

Chris: No thanks. What do you want from me if you came all this way to come and see me?

Genjuro: I want to help you.

Chris: Excuse me?

Genjuro: As it stands, there isn't anyone left who can take care of you. And as an adult, it's my duty to finish what I started. I volunteered to become your guardian and still plan on doing that.

Chris: Your duty as an adult? Don't make me laugh! I never asked for that. And none of you adults ever helped me before! The only person who cared for me is Y/N!!!

Chris' only thought was to get out of here so she ran towards the nearest exit which was the window.

Genjuro: Wait!

Chris ignored him as she crashed through the window and sang.

Chris: "Killiter Ichaival Tron..."

Genjuro ran up to the broken window and looked down as a Chris appeared out of burst of light, jumping up high into the air before she started to jump away. Genjuro could do nothing as she got farther and farther away.

Chris had ran for a long time, but she stopped at a pole, landing at the top, perfectly, after she felt satisfied that she was now far enough.

Chris: What am I doing?

Chris said to herself as she gritted her teeth, feeling the urge to punch something.

Chris: Y/N is gonna kill me for that window...

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