New Journey in a new Decade

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In an abandoned building, lies a boy, on top of the debris of the crumbling building. His name is Y/N L/N, and you could say... He doesn't belong there.

Waking up, Y/N looked around to see he's inside an abandoned building, he knew...

Y/N: Damn... I'm a long way from home. Wherever home is...? Where am I...? What is this place...? One night I was sleeping in my room and now I'm sleeping on rocks...

Getting up, Y/N felt something touch his foot next to him, it was his Blackbird, Fly 35mm TLR camera and his case that held his entire Kamen Rider Decade with the entire Neo Decade gear, minus the K-Touch, so basically the standard stuff.

Y/N: Well, at least I won't get bored with it.

Carrying the case, it felt heavier then before when everything inside was plastic.

Y/N: Damn, this is heavier then last time, I think I'm losing muscle.

He began his search for an exit out the abandoned building, but also trying to remember how he got in there in the first place.

Y/N: How did I get here...?

Until he got an answer.

Y/N: There's only 1 answer to call to this... ONORE DIKEIDOOOO!!!!... Or could this be Truck-Kun.

As soon as Y/N got down to the last floor of the building, he finally found the exit.

Stepping outside, it was like he was  sent into the future. Oddly shaped buildings, upside down trains, hologram build boards, and other   high tech stuff.

Y/N: Where is the Tardis or DeLorean Time Machine, because I think I'm in the future... Or better yet... This may not even be the Earth I know...

Seeing as he had nothing to do and    not to die of boredom, Y/N left to find information about the new environment he was in... Not before doing a quick picture.


Y/N took a picture of the city, once the photo came out, it showed it partially destroyed. Leaving Y/N shocked and confused.

Y/N: W-What!?

Y/N rubbed his eyes and looked at the picture again, only to see a normal picture.

Y/N: I must be hallucinating.

(Time Skip)

Thank God they still accept Yen. At a nearby restaurant, Y/N was having a soda as he stared at the TV, watching the stupid boring news that everyone watches, the only good thing about it was the news lady.

TV: And the weather looks like it's going to be nothing but sun for a    week. Now on to the other topic for today...

Y/N: Boring... *sips*

TV: Noise, the alien creatures that have been a threat to humanity for 13 years now.

They then showed footage of weird, glowing, alien creatures killing    people. When they touched someone, that person turns into carbon before dissolving.

Y/N: Huh, that's new, it's like the Worms coming from outer space and Orphnoch turning people into ash, mix them into a blender and your about half way there...

But what Y/N didn't expect, was the next words of the news lady on the TV.

TV: Currently as we speak, the Government is now scavenging the remains of Dai Shocker, Dai Shocker were supposed "protectors of our world" until they betrayed us and started attacking. They were later defeated by heros known as Kamen Riders, who have now disappeared, Dai Shocker might have the technology to give us a fighting chance against the Noise, we haven't lost hope everyone.

Y/N eyes widened at the sound of "Dai Shocker". If Dai Shocker existed, Then.

Y/N: Tsukasa Kadoya...! *looks at his suitcase* It can't be... Can it?

Right when Y/N was going to open     his case...


Y/N: What the!?

Immediately getting up from his seat, Y/N looked outside to see what was going on. Chaos and Carbon were left on the streets, further down were what caused it.

The Noise.

Y/N: Hmmm... Add a few Grongi and Smash in the blender and your about 1/4th left... Naw, we need a better blend.

Y/N saw that a girl's mother as both of them were about to be killed by a Noise, so Y/N quickly acted and pushed both the women and the little girl out of the way.

Y/N: Hold on!

Y/N began running away with the Mother and Little Girl from the Noise, but as soon as he took a few steps, the Noise surrounded him in every direction.

Y/N: Dammit!

The girl was shaking in terror.

Y/N: ... No way I'm letting you die.

The Woman and Little Girl looked at    Y/N as the Noise began to circle around Y/N.

Y/N: *points at the sky* A great man once said this, "Children are treasures. The greatest sin in this world is to damage those treasures." If these Noise want to destroy that treasure, then just come and try, I'll destroy all of you!

The Noise rushed at Y/N, the Woman and the Little girl but as soon as they got close, Y/N Suitcase emitted a bright light and bursted open. A Small, Magenta blur shot past all the Noise and killed all the ones that were surrounding Y/N, the Woman and the Little Girl, that the rest of the Noise looked at them.

Flying around Y/N was the Magenta blur, Y/N immediately grabbed it to reveal a Magenta object with 18 symbols and the words "DECADE" on the top and a insert slot on the right side.

Y/N: Kamen Riders... Lend me your strength!

Putting the Neo DecaDriver at his waist, a belt materialised around his waist and materialising the RideBooker on the left side of the belt.

Y/N the opened the RideBooker and took out the Decade card, closing the RideBooker. He put his right arm up facing the Noise with the Decade card in hand.

Next he says the 1 word, that will forever change his life.

Y/N: Henshin!

{{Kamen Ride! Decade!}}

Out of nowhere, the Machine Decader showed up driving its way to Decade.

Decade: Even the Machine Decader showed up... *looks at the little girl* Ma'am, little miss, stay behind the Motorcycle, this is about to get loud.

The Woman and the Little Girl did as Decade told her to and Decade looked over at the Noise while getting his RideBooker of his side and turning it into gun mode.

Y/N: Tsukasa Kadoya wanted to destroy all the worlds, but me? I want to destroy all Noise. Say hello to Satan for me.

                 {{Attack Ride! Blast!}}


(Secret underground base)

Alarms were going off in some sort of base as people were running about while others were typing on high-tech computers, trying to get any information regarding the Noise attack.

Standing firmly, watching everything going on was a man named Genjuro Kazanari.

Genjuro is a tall, muscular man with gold eyes, spiky red hair and a goatee. He is mostly seen wearing a red dress shirt with sleeves rolled up, a pink tie with its end tucked into the left     breast pocket of his shirt, light beige slacks and black and blue athletic shoes.

Genjuro grimaced, knowing that they couldn't do anything to stop the Noises except watching the Noise destroying anything in its way and get people to a safe place. Hoping that the military can hold them off until they can evacuate people.

Staff member: Sir! We have the footage and uploading it right now!

Genjuro nods as a woman walked up next to him.

This woman was none other than Ryoko Sakurai. Ryoko is a tall woman with long hime-cut brown hair done up into a beehive shaped dome with a purple butterfly clip on the left side. She has purple eyes and wears glasses with red frames with yellow tinted lens. Her main outfit is a long white lab coat worn over a short, loose pink dress with coral trim, purple frills in the neck, and a purple cloth belt. She wears open-top pink shoes with slight heels and X-shaped straps.

Ryoko: What are we supposed to do Genjuro?

Genjuro: There's nothing we "can" do. Tsubasa and Kanade are still on a world tour. Until then we're practically sitting ducks here, letting the Noise do what they want.

Staff Member: Uploading done! Sending in the live feed now!

Genjuro and Ryoko looked up at the screen to see something they or anyone else was expecting. It was a man in armour fighting the Noises.

Genjuro: What in the!? Who is that!?

Ryoko: Well whoever he is, he's actually winning against the Noise, and he's looking quite dashing in it to.

Everyone else in the base could not say anything as they were too focused on the fight at hand.


As the Noise surrounded Decade once again, Decade spun 360° and shot each Noise with Decade RideBooker gun mode. Decade ran at a Noise and switched the RideBooker into sword mode.

Swinging the sword upwards and downwards on a Noise, Decade easily killed it.

Decade: Wow, for an alien race that threatens humanity, these things     sure are weak.

Decade spins and swings his Sword down on another Noise, sticking it. right in the head.

Then Decade got attack by something he thought he'd never saw....

An Orphnoch.

Decade: Time to change things up then.

Decade killed the Noise he stuck his RideBooker in and changed it back to case mode and put it at his side and proceeded with taking out 2 Faiz cards.

Decade: Henshin!

        {{Kamen Ride! Faiz!}}

Decade looks at his new form.

Decade: Can't look the part without the weapon.

      {{Attack Ride! Auto Vajin!}}

The Faiz symbol went through his Machine Decader and change it into the SB-555V Auto Vajin.

Decade then went toward the SB-555V Auto Vajin side and pulled out the SB-555H Faiz Edge out of its shoulder.

The Orphnoch snapped his fingers as all the Noise ran straight towards Decade as he went to insert another card.

Decade: ...

The Noise jumped straight at Decade.

       {{Form Ride! Faiz Axel!}}

Decade: ... Start Up!

                      {{Start Up!}}

Everything around Decade slows down to a cloud, where Decade walks past each Noise and slashes them with his sword.

Reaching the Orphnoch, Decade looks at it face to face.

Decade: I will be your judge...

Decade brings out a Final Attack Ride card.

Decade: Jury...

               {{Final Attack Ride!}}

Decade: ... And Executioner.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(0:49 to 0:50)


Once time had flowed back to normal again, the Orphnoch and every single Noise were killed and what was left in their place was the Faiz symbol, while turning back into his Decade form.

(Secret Underground Base)

Back at the base, Genjuro, and everyone gasped at what they all just witnessed. In the blink of an eye, Decade destroyed all the Noise in the area.

Genjuro: J-Just who in the world is this guy!?

No one can blame him for asking as he just saw some guy in armour destroy the Noises when the military can't even scratch the Noise.

Ryoko: Interesting! He was able to destroy the Noise without the use of a Relic. I would like to meet this man.

Genjuro continued to observe Decade, waiting for him to undo transformation. There's a funny feeling that the man must have use some sort of device to get his armour.

Ryoko: Should we tell Tsubasa and Kanade about this?

Genjuro: *shakes his head* No, not until we know for sure if he's an ally or not. Until then, we need to try and keep an eye on this guy. When the time comes, we'll make contact with him.

Ryoko: Got it.

Genjuro looks back at Decade as he couldn't help but wonder...

Where has he seen that armor before...?

(Time Skip)

After taking the Woman and the Little Girl to a shelter, Y/N left as he looked for a roof to sleep under, so he headed back to the abandoned building he was at.

Y/N: The Neo DecaDriver.

Y/N thinks of the Neo DecaDriver as it appeared in the palm of his hand.

Y/N: If what was on the TV is true, then the Government is trying to dig up anything from Dai Shocker and use it against the new threat, the Noise. But if they find remains of any Riders.

Beginning to imagine what would happen if the Government got greedy and used the Rider Systems for their own gain, War would break out and Kamen Riders would be the cause of it.

Y/N: I have to find any remains of the Riders... and make sure their not in the wrong hands. I cannot allow someone to tarnish the name of Kamen Rider and bring another Rider War.

Next, Y/N remembered the piles of Ashes that used to be people, left behind by the Noise. Y/N felt guilty for not being able to save them. But one thing that experiences teaches someone is you can't do anything about the past. Once done is done, not retry.

Y/N: This world needs... A Kamen Rider.

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