Round 2

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The two of them then rushed at each other, meeting in a furious clash of fists and kicks. Whilst the other Riders faces their opponents.

After nearly a full minute of grappling, the two of them back away from each other, neither having achieved and advantage.

Shade: You really should've destroyed me back when you had the chance, Decade. Now I've put your dear friends in danger.

Shade and Decade circled each other.

Shade: You could have, and yet you didn't. Do you know why? Because your weak, that's why!

Decade: Funny, I was about to say the same thing to you.

They then ran at each other as the camera then switch to the fight between Baron and Chaser faced Kaiser and Kaiser Reversed.

Baron attacks Kaiser with his Banaspear while Chaser attacks Kaiser Reversed with the Shingou Axe.

Baron blocked a slash from Kaiser with a TranSteam Blade in his hand.

Baron: ... Pathetic! Let me show you the true meaning of strength!

Just then he heard.

Decade (background): Hey! Don't destroy them! I got something planned for them!

He heard Decade say as he fought Shade.

Baron: Tsk!

Baron then kicked away Kaiser.

Kaiser: Destroy Baron.

It said in a monotone voice, Kaiser then got back up to his feet and started to run a Baron.

Baron: Let me show you the true meaning of strength.

Baron said as he grabbed Kaiser and threw him away like he was nothing. Then he started to run towards him.

Meanwhile Chases swung down his Shingou Axe at Kaiser Reversed, he dodged it by rolling to the side.

Kaiser Reversed: Preparing calculations to Chaser's defeat.

Kaiser Reversed then summoned a TranSteam Gun in his hand and  started shooting Chaser. Smoke covered Chaser entire body.

Kaiser Reversed: Chaser defeated, acquiring next targ-

Kaiser Reversed got interrupted by the Shingou Axe flying past his head and getting stuck in ground behind him. then from the smoke, Chaser comes out and walking towards Kaiser Reversed, Terminator style.

Chaser: Looks like your calculations were incorrect, now my "calculations" tell me that your screwed.

Chaser then ran towards Kaiser Reversed and punched him in the face, the camera then showed the fight between Mach and Ryugen vs Remocon Bro and Engine Bro.

The fight between them was a full on gun fight, Ryugen was fighting Engine Bro while Mach was fighting Remocon Bro, while doing his signature phrase.

Mach: Tracking!

Mach said while hitting Remocon Bro in the gut.

Mach: Terminating!

He said while ducking under a punch.

Mach: Both done at mach speed!

Mach: Kamen Rider... Mach!

Ryugen: .... Was that really necessary?

Mach: Yes! Now, let's do this!

Mach said as he started to fire his Zenrin Shooter at Remocon Bro.

Remocon Bro: Data collected, transferring to battle data.

Remocon Bro said as he started to fire back at Mach, blocking all his shots.

Mach: Not bad, but can you do this?

Mach said as he spins the Zenrin Striker and slams it against Remocon Bros body, causing sparks to fly. Remocon Bro then tried to leg sweep Mach, only for Mach to front flip behind Remocon Bro and started shooting again.

The fight with Ryugen and Engine Bro was dangerous, Ryugen had to push Engine Bros out of the warehouse.

Engine Bros got thrown into a wall by Ryugen.

Engine Bro: How is a human so strong.

Ryugen: I had more fighting experience then you. Plus, this is were I can fix what I messed up. By helping those in need!

Ryugen then pointed his Budou Ryuhou at Engine bros, he then pulls the hammer at the back once.

{{Dragon Shot Squash!}}

Violet-Hued energy shape of grapes expel from the side of the Ryuhou, with golden Asian lung energy coils circling the barrel. The energy balls then move to the muzzle of the gun, pooling into one big sphere. Once the charge is complete, seconds before the trigger is pulled, the ball takes the form of an Asian lung's head, and shots are fired at high speeds, with each shot taking the form of a flying Asian lung.

Ryugen: I did it.

The smoke then cleared to show a partially destroyed Engine Bros.

Ryugen: ... I over did it.

Then it switched to the main fight. Decade vs Shade.

Decade blocked a slash from Shade's Dark Drill Crusher.

Shade: The only reason that your alive is because of your god dam sheer dumb luck.

Decade mind: Looks like what Dark Decade said true.

Decade said to himself before having a flashback of what happened few days ago.


It was two days after Y/N got out of the hospital, it was raining heavily and Y/N was carrying some groceries back to his house while holding a magenta umbrella above his head.


Y/N heard a crash from the alleyway to his left, He went to check it. When he checked, he saw two blue eyes look at him from within the darkness, Y/N froze, as he looked at the injured person, he only saw himself, but wearing all black.

Dark Y/N: Well *coughs out a bit of blood* I never thought we'll meet again like this.

Y/N instantly knew this was Dark Decade civilian form, he look at his dark self to see that he was losing a lot of blood. Y/N then ran up to him and held him.

Y/N: Hey! What happened!?

Dark Y/N: Kage betrayed me, got some other Dark Riders to help him, I couldn't beat them all at once. Now I'm going to die in the hands of someone I wanted to help.

Y/N looked confused at this.

Y/n: Help?

Dark Y/N started to smile.

Dark Y/N: You see, there are 2 others of you in this world, and I am one of them.

Y/N: There's another me?

Dark Y/N: Yes, that other you is your mirrored self, the one of all the negative emotions of your heart, while me. I guess you can say I'm your bugster self.

Y/N: So, your a mixture of the positive and negative emotions, and your a bugster?

Dark Y/N: basically yeah, but I have a human life, so I only have one and I got to use it wisely.

Dark Y/N coughs out more blood, Y/N then thought of  an idea.

Y/N: Then lets become one until your healed.

Dark Y/N looked at his good self with confusion.

Dark Y/N: Nani?

Y/N: You said you're like a bugster right? Then it should be possible for you to become one with me.

Dark Y/N stayed quiet for a bit.

Dark Y/N: Why?

Y/N: Hmm?

Dark Y/N: Why do you want to help me, after what I've done, what I am? Why do you go so far to help me?

Y/N: Because like Hojo Emu and Pallado "I am you, And you are me" so... I'll bear your sins with you.

Y/N: That and plus I know your my cool side, and I'll want that side back. I've missed it.

Dark Y/N laughs a bit.

Dark Y/N: Alright, let's do this, and I hope you don't mind that from time to time I take control.

Y/N: Not at all.

Dark Y/N then started to turn into particle and went inside Y/N body.

Y/N then stood up.

Y/N: It's good to have you back...

Y/N then looked at window that didn't show his reflection. But it showed Dark Y/N instead.

Y/N: Me.

Y/N then began to walk back to his apartment.

(Flashback end)

Decade then came back into reality.

Decade: I won't deny that I've been lucky, lucky to have found incredible friends.

Shade: Well I don't need friends, I never needed friends, they only held me back!

He and Decade then rushed at each other again,exchanging more blows.

Decade: You know what else is holding you back!?

He blocked a punch from Shade, grabbing onto his fist and preventing him from move away.

Decade: You know why you are haven't been able to kill me yet? It's because you simply can't!

Shade: Bullcrap!

Shade finally pulled away from Decades grip, Shade try to go into the shadows only for time to stop, ineffective to Decade.

Decade: Nani?

Decade looked around only to see everyone was frozen solid, Decade then heard footsteps behind him. Decade then turned around to see a hooded figure.

?????: The author wishes to apologise, but he must skip this fight also as he really just wants to finish this chapter.

The figure then snap his fingers as he disappeared and time resumed, but they were outside and Decade was caught in a electromagnetic trap.

Decade mind: What the hell just happened!?

{{Ready? Go! Shadow Stream}}

Shade right hand was covered with shadows and darkness, he then ran towards the restrained Decade.

Decade: Shit!

Shades was almost a few feet inches away from Decade with his shadowed covered arm aimed at his head.

Shade: DIE DECADE!!!

Genjuro: AS IF!!!

Out of nowhere Genjuro throws a
Piece of broken cement from the ground straight at Shade, knocking Shade aside.

Genjuro: Decade! Are you alright!

Once out of the electromagnetic trap, Decade turned to see Genjuro run up to him.

Decade: Not a moment to soon Genjuro, are Kanade and Tsubasa safe?

Genjuro: See for yourself.

Genjuro points behind him, Decade looks behind Genjuro to see Kanade and Tsubasa with a few agents shooting at the Hard and Non-hard Guardians, free from their ropes.

Kanade: We're alright Y/N!

Genjuro: Fighting those Guardians were easy. They weren't given any commands to attack people who are not involved, but they're not down yet.

Decade: I'll deal with later, see if you can try switching them off for now. Also Shade had Ame no Habakiri.

Genjuro: What!?

Decade: And I'm going to take it back.

Shade gets up from the ground and looks at Genjuro.

Shade: You bastard! How did you find us!?!?

Genjuro: Numbers.

Shade: Numbers?.... Masaka!

Decade: That's right, Shade. During our call, I said something in the numbers, it was a message. Normally, people would use the numbers 1-26 to make things easier. But I used a phone system. With every 3-4 letters in a number, it was harder for you to understand. The message was. "Save Kanade and Tsubasa Genjuro, Gungnir, oil factory".

Genjuro: *sweatdrops* That message was a little TOO hard to understand, almost all the computers at the base were fried.

Shade: DECADE!!!

Decade then sighs, then pulls out two cards from his RideBooker.

Decade: Genjuro, step back, because this is going to get a little... harsh.

When Genjuro heard Decade say that last word, he felt like Y/N had just changed.

        {{Kamen Ride! Zi-O!}}
{{ (Electronic Beat) Kamen Rider~ Zi-O!}}

Decade then inserts the other card.

   {{Form Ride! Zi-O! Decade Armour !}}

{{Armor Time! (Techno Rock music) Kamen Ride! Wow! Decade! Decade! De~cade! (Decade's transformation sounds)}}

Decade: Now... time for you to face the power of a king.

Decade gets into a perfect Kung fu fighting stance with the Ride HeiSaber in hand.

Genjuro: When did he...?

Shade: Don't underestimate me!

Shade runs at Decade and throws a punch with his arm covered in shadows only to have Decade dodge the punch, grab the same arm and slash Shade on the chest in a fluid motion.

Seeing this, Genjuro was shocked, it was like Y/N was a completely different person.

Decade: Its time to turn up the heat!

{{ Hey! Ryuki!}}

Decade then got into a stance and was ready and waiting to slash Shade, said Rider was getting back up and was running at Decade.

Decade: Heh.

{{Ryuki! Duel Time Break!}}

The Ride HeiSaber was then engulfed in flames, Decade then slashed at Shade, causing him to fall back.

Decade then threw away the Ride HeiSaber.

Decade: For kidnapping Tsubasa and Kanade, ill make sure you'll never forget this feeling,

      {{Final Attack Ride! Zi-Zi-Zi-Zi-O!}}

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(1:00 to the end)

After Decade landed on the ground, he turned and walked over to pick Ame no Habakiri.

Decade: I'll be taking this back.

With a serious tone, Decade walks away from Shade.

Decade then reverts back to his original form and snaps his fingers, when he did. All the Guardians shut downed.

Once the Guardians shut down, Shade looks at all the destruction Decade has done.

Shade: Damn it!

Shade runs off and rides away on his Machine Builder.

(Time Skip)

Decade: I believe this belongs to you, Tsubasa.

Decade grabs Tsubasa hand and gives her Ame no Habakiri.

Tsubasa: Thank you... Y/N.

Kanade: That was awesome Y/N! You were almost beaten when out of nowhere you turned into a badass and kick Shades awesome kick and shut down those robots with the snap of your fingers, it was so cool!

Taking out the Decade card and de-henshining, Y/N eyes were blue for a split second then turned back. While having a serious look in his face.

Kanade: Whoa, I knew you were serious when you fought that guy, but you don't have to be serious around us.

Y/N: ... Sorry, I'll fix that up right now.

Y/N covers his face and looks at Kanade and Tsubasa with his normal face.

Y/N: Sorry about that, my life is a little... complicated.

Tsubasa: Complicated...?

Y/N: I'll tell you when I'm ready, and...

Immediately, Y/N hugs Tsubasa and Kanade.

Y/N: I'm glad you two are safe.

Tsubasa blushes as Kanade also blushes, but looks at Tsubasa with smirk.

Genjuro: Y/N.

Y/N turns around to sees Genjuro.

Genjuro: Can you explain to us, wh-

Chase: Y/N-kun

Genjuro then got cutted off by Chase walking to Y/N.

Y/N: Yo Chase, what do you need?

Chase: The Kaisers dropped something.

Chase then holds out two Nebula Steam Guns and two Gear FullBottles, one looks like a mixture of the two BiKaiser bottles while the other Gear FullBottle is a mixture of Hell Bros.

Chase: These might be useful to you, use them well.

Y/N nods.

Y/N: I will.

Chase: Good, now this is goodbye, until next time.

Chase then started to walk to the other as a Dimensional Wall appears behind them and all of them walk through it. The Dimensional Wall then disappeared.

Genjuro then coughs getting Y/N attention.

Genjuro: A-Anyway, what are these?

Genjuro then pointed at the powered down Guardians and Hard Guardians.

Y/N: Those Genjuro, is what's going to help us against the Noise.

Genjuro: Help us?

(Time Skip)
(2nd Division Base)

Y/N was reprogramming all of the Guardians and Hard-Guardians to help the 2nd Division and follow any orders Y/N or 2nd Division give them.

Y/N: That's the last of it, now these should help against the Noise, I tell you  more about these guys Another time.

Genjuro: So, these guys will be able to help us against the Noise?

Y/N: Yep, though, this begs the question...

Y/N: Why did he betray Dark Decade?

Genjuro: Dark Decade?

Y/N: It's a thing I'll tell you when I'm ready, buts he wouldn't betray him without reason.

Genjuro: You're saying...

Y/N: *looks at Genjuro* This dude is working with someone else.

Genjuro: We'll look into it. You had a rough, considering what you went through.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm pretty exhausted.

Genjuro: But before you leave, I need to ask you something?

Y/N slumps down in a chair and puts. his arm over his eyes.

Y/N: Only if you let me ask a question as well.

Genjuro: That's fine by me... What were you back when you fought Shade?

Y/N: Meaning?

Genjuro: That stance is not something you can just do out of the blue, you had training and tons of it too, yet your entire personality just turned a full 180, what happened?

Y/N: ... Genjuro, my life isn't what you'll call normal, but I will tell you... I've lived 2 lives my entire life and in second one... I don't remember it at all.

Genjuro: Are you saying... You have a split personality and have amnesia?

Y/N: That's all I'm telling you, the rest is classified.

Genjuro: I understand, now for your question.

Y/N: That silver armour that girl had...
What's it's name and how did she get it?

Genjuro: Oh, that armour, that armour that girl had is called the Nehushtan.

Y/N: Nehushtan... you mean the brass snake from the Hebrew Bible?

Genjuro: Yes. During the Zwei Wing concert, we were doing research on the armour before the Noise attacked, and it disappeared without a trace, until a few days ago that is.

Y/N: Man, we're talking God here...

Getting up, Y/N opens a Dimensional Wall.

Y/N: Hope you put those Guardians and Hard-Guardians to good use, we might of found a way to fight against the Noise.

Genjuro: Will do, rest easy Y/N.

Y/N: Don't need to tell me twice.

And with that, Y/N walks through the Dimensional Wall and into his apartment. But one question remains in his mind.

Inner Y/N:'Nehushtan... The bronze snake of healing... Why though?'

(Time Skip)

Inside a mansion, somewhere in the forest, was Finé, she was just done torturing Chris who was strapped into a electric torture device. Then Kage marched in and kicked a box in anger.

Kage: DAMN IT!!!


Finé: Now what gotten you angry, Kage?

Kage looks at Finé and immediately regains composure.

Kage: Lady Finé! Sorry you had to see that.

Finé: it is of no worries my dear Kage, after all, you are a valuable piece to my plans.

Kage: And after all you done for me, I will humbly follow you to the end of the world, my lady, only of that Decade would just die already...

Finé: How dangerous is... Decade?

Kage: Extremely my lady, he was able to come up with a plan on the spot and save his allies ahead of time.

Finé: I see... Decade will be a nuisance to us, he just out wit me if he puts his mind to it.

Kage: Lady Finé! Let me deal with Decade, he will die to my shadows.

Finé: ... I trust you to do so.

Kage: If course, my lady...

(Time Skip)

Y/N was just sitting on his couch looking at a Blanc Kamen Rider card, the name written on it was Shinobi.

Y/N: Maybe I should try and obtain the future Riders powers...

Then a Dimensional Wall appeared and took Y/N, Y/N then appeared outside.

Y/N: Nani? Where am I?

Y/N then looked up and saw a billboard that said '2022'.


Finally done, sorry about this Chapter fight scenes.

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