shade in the shadow!?

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Y/n was sleeping peacefully until...


Y/n woke up hearing a loud crash coming from his living room, then he started to hear voices

?????: nice one, Baka



??????: be quiet, we don't want him to hear us

Y/n then heard the unzipping of a jacket, he then went out side of his bedroom and in the lounge room to see

Y/n: Sento! Banjou! Kazumin! Gentoku! What are you guys doing here?

Sento: well, we'll be your legends for the day

Banjou: yeah, after killbus got destroyed, some guy named Kamen Rider Ichigo told us to come here and help you out

Kazumin: also...........

Kazumin then went to put his foot on the coffee table


Gentoku: Potato farmer! That's the least of our problems

Everyone then looked at Gentoku as he walked to the fridge

Gentoku: what the biggest problem is..........

Gentoku then open the fridge and nothing was inside

Gentoku: we need to stock up on the fridge!


Sento:............ Actually, our biggest problem here is the dark riders, the noise and whoever controls the noise

Sento corrected Gentoku

Gentoku: I knew that

Y/n: there's also another problem

Y/n began

Y/n: Recently, I made a theory about someone who has connections to the rider world and the person who controls the noise are working together, but

Banjou: I hate but's


Sento: shut it and let him speak

Banjou: fine

Y/n: anyway, but I've come up with a new theory

Kazumin: and what's that?

Y/n: the new theory that I came up with is what if the the person who has connections with the Rider world either   Steal the noise and inject them with something

Sento: or they have their own noise or they somehow transform the noise from a distance using a device

Y/n: yep, anyway I'm going to the grocery store, want anything?

Sento: a small whiteboard and a marker

Banjou: some instant ramen!

Kazumin: potatoes!

Gentoku: a crocodile plushie!

Y/n: ok, see you when I get back!

Y/n then left his apartment and went to the grocery store

{{grocery store}}

Y/n was walking around the grocery store, he got everything he needed but one, Coca-Cola(no joke I actually love coca-cola and Pepsi)

Y/n: dammit! How is it this hard to find coca-cola in a grocery store?!

Y/n was about to turn the corner until....


Y/n collided into a girl with long white hair tied into twin tails that further split into three curly strands each, wearing a skin-tight, maroon dress.

??????: watch were your going next time, buster!

She snapped before getting back up

Y/n: Oh I'm sorry about that.

Y/n gets back up and holds out his hand to the girl, only for the girl to knock it away and gets back up

??????: you should be.

The girl walks away

Y/n: Hmm, what a strange girl.

Little they know, there paths will cross again, not by accident but by fate


Currently, Y/n was having breakfast with Hibiki at a cafe in between Lydian and Y/n apartment. Right now, Hibiki is taking a bite out of her pancake.

Hibiki: *eats pancake* Soooo, good~.

Y/n: Glad you liked it Hibiki.

Hibiki: Thanks for inviting me here,

Y/n: No problem Hibiki, after all, you're working so hard to reach your dream, so what's been happening at school since there is no point for me even being there except seeing my friends?

Hibiki: *eats another piece of pancake* It's good, besides trying to finish late assignment... *looks down* but because of my duty as a Symphogear user, I've been distancing myself from Miku, she's even started to notice how I came home late.

Y/n: That must be rough... But even though it's tough with your responsibility as a Symphogear user, you have to remember, your fighting the noise to protect the people close to you, like Miku. As long as you remember that, you and Miku will always be friends.

Hibiki: Y/n...

Y/n: Tendou Souji once said this ☝️☀️, " A bond is a deep connection that can never be broken. Even if apart, heart and heart are still connected.

Hibiki: *blushes a little* Thanks Y/n.

Y/n: No problem Hibiki, what are friends for.

Hibiki: ... About that... Now that we have the chance...

Y/n: You want to talk about our relationship... Right?

Hibiki: Y-Yeah... So what do you think?

Y/n: *sighs* Hibiki, I know it took a lot of courage to kiss me back then but I'm going to tell you, I don't know if I can make you happy.

Hibiki: Why...?

Y/n: Because.... I feel unworthy of you.

Hibiki: Huh?

Y/n: You.... You're amazing Hibiki, you are what every person in the world should be. Kind, caring and willing to help others, compared to that, I want to become strong, remember and walk

Hibiki: Remember and walk....?

Y/n: Remember who I am and walk the path of the riders. Once I remember who I am and walk the path, I promise I will make you happy.

Hibiki: .... *smiles* Okay, I know you won't lie to me Y/n, so I'll wait for you.

Y/n: Thank you, Hibiki

(Time Skip)

The girl who bumped into Y/n at the grocery store is known as Chris Yukine,
She was walking down the streets when someone called out to her.

??????: Chris.

Chris stops and looks at the person who called out to her, looking through an alley, she saw the guy, and she wasn't happy in the least to see him.

Chris: what do you want, Kage?

Kage: what? No "hello" I'm hurt.

Chris: What do you want...!

Chris said in a demanding tone.

Kage: I am aware that you were tasked in capturing the girl known as Hibiki Tachibana, correct?

Chris: Yeah, what's it to you?

Kage: Now. I'm sure you have heard on the news about the mysterious armoured man, right?

Chris: Of course, its all the news talk about these days.

Kage: *nods* Good, I just want to make sure. Now, to get to the reason why I called out to you. The mysterious armoured man is known as Decade and he is currently working with the Symphogear users.

Chris: So what? Should I really be worried? I'll just kicked his ass if gets in  my way.

Kage: I wouldn't underestimate him if I were you, after all, he uses a some what similar power "I" used to kick your ass

Chris: *shocked* What!?

Kage: But don't worry, Dark Decade was informed about your mission from Finé. So I was told to help you, anyway even if I wasn't told to do this, I would've come while disobeying my masters orders cause Decade...... Has taken my interest

Chris then began to notice....

That darkness and shadows was surrounding Kage

(Lydian Academy)

Hibiki was in her teachers office, she had come in to turn in her late assignment and she was anxious to get out cause tonight, she had promised Miku that they would go watch the shooting stars show tonight and she was excited. It's been a while since she and Miku have done anything together and she wanted to make it up to her best friend after distancing herself from her so many times.

But first...

Teacher: Young lady, where are you looking at!?

She had to make that her assignments check out. Meanwhile, outside the classroom, Miku was currently waiting for her best friend. She didn't want to be late for the show and this would be the chance to hang out after so long. She soon saw Hibiki exit the classroom

Miku: So, what did she say?

Hibiki: What is this chicken scratch? They look like hiero-somethings.

Miku: That wasn't my question. You were late, so did she accept your report?

Hibiki then turned to Miku with a bright and wise smile.

Hibiki: She says she's making a special exception!

She then held out her hand for a high-five.

Hibiki: Hooray! I'm so tired!

Miku went to give her a high-five, but the voice of the teacher stopped them.

Teacher: Tachibana! Quiet down!

Hibiki waited before speaking again.

Hibiki: Were going to see the shooting stars together after all!

Miku: Wait here, Hibiki. I'll go get our bags from the classroom.

Hibiki: You really don't have to do that.

Miku: You really earn yourself a break.

Miku then ran off. Hibiki just smiles as her friend turned the corner

Hibiki: Miku's so fast! She was on the track team after all.

Suddenly, Hibiki phone began to ring, causing her to have a terrified face.
She hoped it wasn't Genjuro calling in for another noise attack or else, her one moment to reconnect with her best friend would be taken away from her. She hesitantly took out her phone... and answered it

Hibiki: Hello.

(Time Skip)
(Subway Station Entrance)

Miku (phone): Hibiki! What do you thi-

Hibiki: Sorry, something came up.

Hibiki apologized the bangs of her hair shadowing her eyes.

Hibiki: I might not be able to see the shooting stars tonight.

There was silence on the other end until Miku spoke up.

Miku (phone):... Is it something important again?

Hibiki: Yeah.

Miku (phone): Okay. I get it. These things happen. I'll leave the door unlocked, so don't be too late.

Hibiki: Thank you... and I'm sorry

Hibiki then ended the call before turning to glare at the Noise behind her.

Hibiki: "Balwisyall nescell Gungnir torn... "

(Play Gekisou Gungnir)

In a flash of blinding light, Hibiki was donned on her Symphogear, ready to take on and destroy the Noise. Raising her fist, she charged, punching one Noise before kicking another. One tried attacking her back, but she elbowed it and the punched another that tried to attack her, the Noise disintegrated after getting punched.

Over the intercom, Genjuro spoke.

Genjuro: -We've detected something big inside there. Tsubasa will get there soon and Kanade is contacting Y/n right now, just hold on until then. Don't be reckless.-

Hibiki: Got it!

Hibiki kicked another noise, now down in the subways. She then saw what Genjuro was talking about. It was a Noise that looked like it had tons of balls all over its head.

Hibiki: I'll do what I can.

She then jumped and punched a Noise so hard that it flew and crashed into one of the support pillars. One pounced at her, but she killed it with a simple kick. Suddenly, the noise unleashed a couple of balls and it did, they exploded, much to Hibiki surprise. The Noise made its escape as the whole place was coming down. The rest of the Noise hat looked down at the rubble, thinking that they had killed Hibiki, but they could be more wrong

Hibiki: I wanted to... I wanted to see the shooting stars!

Hibiki then busted out of the rubble and charged towards the Noise. Taken by surprise, the Noise could not defend.

Hibiki: I wanted to watch the shooting stars with Miku!

Hibiki then proceed to destroy any Noise that she got close to as she chased after the bombing Noise.

Hibiki: How dare you... How dare you make me break my promise!

More Noise appeared as Hibiki continued to speak.

Hibiki: My heartful words, my world full of peace, and my dreamy everyday life... How dare you to take all that away from me!?

Hibiki then proceeded to violently destroy every Noise, completely unlike the nice and caring Hibiki we all know.

The scariest part is that she seemed to be enjoying destroying all the Noise, but she was brought out of her sadistic streak by more explosives. Once back to her old self, she remembered that she needed to chase after the bombing Noise.

Hibiki: Hold it right there!

(End Gekisou Gungnir)

Not wanting to get caught, the bombing Noise sent up more explosives, making a hole in the ceiling and proceeded to climb out.

Hibiki was about to go after if when she saw something in the night sky.

Hibiki: A shooting... Star

But it wasn't a shooting star, it was actually Tsubasa. Just before she landed, she sent an Azure Slash, perfectly getting the escape Noise.

Hibiki, climbed out the hole, ran towards Tsubasa

Hibiki: Tsubasa!

Tsubasa: Tachibana, you need to be more careful.

Hibiki: I'm sorry.

Tsubasa was about to say something when she felt a presence.

Tsubasa: Someone's here! *turns to bushes and raises her sword* Come on out

????: My, my, your sharper the you look.

A voice noted before someone, a female, stepped out of the bushes wearing a sliver suit with dark green gems and purple like chains

Tsubasa was shocked, not by the appearance of the girl, but by the armour the girl was wearing. Hibiki, on the other hand, was confused on the situation.

Tsubasa: The... The Nehushtan armour... But how!?

The mysterious girl smirked.

(2nd Division Base)


Genjuro: The Nehushtan armour! But how!?

During the Noise attack at the concert two years ago, the Nehushtan relic went missing without a trace. Now, a girl wearing the armour appears out of nowhere, no one can blame anyone for being shocked

Genjuro: *turns to Kanade* Kanade, were you able to get in touch with Y/n?

Kanade: He should be on his way right now!

Genjuro nodded and turned back to the screen, as much as he wanted to be on the battlefield himself, he will leave the girls in Y/n hands for now. Kanade too wanted to go to the battlefield, but with no longer being able to use a Symphogear, what good would she do? At times like these, she wished she the the power to fight again. She hated sitting on the sideline, especially now.


Y/n knocked on a door and waited for a few seconds, the door opens to reveal Miku.

Miku: Y/n? What are you doing here?

Y/n lifted a bag with two wrapped up okonomiyaki.

Y/n: I came here to give you and Hibiki these

Miku: Okonomiyaki?

Miku was confused at first, but she took the treats anyway.

Miku: Why are you giving me and Hibiki these.

Y/n: The boss said we had extra ingredients, so I made some extra for the two of you, seeing as the shooting stars appear tonight.

Miku: *smile* I see, thank you.

Y/n looked inside the room and saw that all the lights were turned off, in preparations for the shooting stars, but there was someone missing.

Y/n: Hey. Where's Hibiki? I thought you two were going to watch the shooting stars together tonight.

Miku then developed a sad expression.

Miku: Something came up and Hibiki had to go somewhere. She said she might be late for the show.

Y/n: I see.

Inner Y/n: 'Genjuro must have called in about a Noise attack. Ill probably be contacted soon too.'

And true to Y/n thoughts, he got a call.

Y/n: Hello?

Kanade (phone): Y/n, it's Kanade. Hibiki is currently engaging the Noise. We just detected something big down there and we would like it if you could help. Tsubasa already on her way.

Y/n: Got it.

Y/n hangs up and turned to Miku.

Y/n: Hey Miku.

Miku: Hm?

Y/n: Hibiki... Is having a rough time right now, and she's trying her hardest, so please don't be so hard on her, okay?

Miku: *looks at Y/n for awhile before smiling* Okay. Thanks for telling me.

Y/n: No problem, and here's a Tendou Souji quote, ☝️🌕 " A bond is a deep connection that can never be broken. Even if apart, heart and heart are still connected."

Miku smiles once again.

Miku: Thanks Y/n, for everything.

Before Y/n could leave her room, Miku grabs Y/n by the arm and kissed him o the cheek.

Y/n:... Huh?

Miku: Now get going.

Miku begin pushing Y/n out the door, not letting him see her blush.

Y/n: Okay okay, I'm going I'm going.

Y/n goes out the door and heads out.

Y/n: Seriously, I feel like Wataru Kurenai...

Y/n then left the building and was about to hop on the Machine Decader until he got jumped by both side by gear looking enemy's

Y/n: Hell bros! Bikaiser!

Hell bros: Destroy.

Bikaiser: Decade.

Then a dark figure appeared

?????: Well hello, "Friend"

Y/n: A dark Decade?

Dark Decade: Hm... You're telling me you didn't know about me? I'm "hurt."

Y/n: Looks like there's more surprises in this world then I thought. So, what are you? My mirrored self

Dark Decade: Oh no, I'm not, I'm only going to tell you this. I will sent dark riders to destroy you and if you survive. You and I are destined to fight together.

Y/n: Well, I will be waiting for that day. Dark Decade.

Dark Decade: Well good, now don't want to keep your friend waiting.

Y/n: what?

Dark Decade then opened a Dimensional Wall to show then fight between Tsubasa, Hibiki and the girl in the Nehushtan armour.

Y/n: crap!

Y/n then tried to run towards the Dimensional Wall only to get blocked by Hell Bros and Bikaiser.

Y/n: Let! Me! Through!

Y/n tried to get pass the two robots only to fail and see Dark Decade slowly fade.

Dark Decade: Lets see you save your friends this time.

Dark Decade faded and Y/n got thrown back.

Y/n: *driver appears on waist* Move you dan rust buckets! Henshin!

{{Kamen! Ride! Decade!}}

Decade: Now get out of my way!

Decade then ran towards the two kaisers with full force, he then punched Bikaiser in face and then kicked Hell Bros in the chest.

Bikaiser: Commencing operation.

Bikaiser then brought out the nebula steam gun and started shooting Decade while Hell Bros slashed Decade with the trans steam blade. Decade then got knocked back by Bikaiser and Hell Bros
Kicking him in the chest.

Decade: Dammit!

Decade then looked at the Dimensional Wall and saw Tsubasa was about to sing her Swan Song.

Decade: No! I-I failed, I couldn't protect them and now it's my fault!

????: Oi! Baka!

Decade then turned around to see the build team

Kazumin: Leave these guys to us!

Sento: You got good friends, so you better not lose them.

Banjo: Be sure to make us proud, we'll be sure to see each other again!

Gentoku then pulled down his zipper of his jacket

Gentoku jacket: Go!

Decade looked at them with disbelief

Decade: *whispers* at least use your words baka.

Decade then stood up

Decade: Ok and thanks, I hope we cross pass again.

Build team: Same here!

Decade then ran past the two kaisers and went through the Dimensional Wall.


Sento: Looks like the kid is gone, now lets start the experiment.

Sento said as everyone attach their drivers to their waist.

{{Rabbit! Tank! Best Match!}}

{{Wake Up! Cross Dragon!}}

{{Robot Jelly!}}

{{Danger! Crocodile!}}

Sento and Banjo started to crank their levers.

{{Are! You! Ready!?}}

All 4: Henshin!

{{Hagane no Moonsault! RabbitTank! Yeahhh!}}

{{Wake Up Burning! Get Cross Dragon! Yeah!}}

{{Tsubureru! Nagareru! Afurederu! (Epic orchestral music) Robot in Grease! Buraa!}}

{{Wareru! Kuwareru! Kudakechiru! (Heavy metal music with horror violins) Crocodile in Rogue! Oraa! (Scream)}}

Build: Thjs is the winning formula!

Cross-Z: Now I get the feeling we can't lose!

Grease: Let me show you my everlasting soul fire!

Rogue: You shall be the sacrifice for love and peace!


Decade went through the Dimensional Wall and saw Tsubasa singing her Swan Song.

Decade: She deserves this.

Decade then ran as fast as he could towards Tsubasa and once he got behind her.

Decade: Laughter pressure point!

Decade then jab the side of her neck with his thumb and she stopped singing and started laughing.

Decade: Jeez, no wonder why you and Kanade are partners. Your both suicidal!

Decade then took a deep breath

Decade: Tsubasa, don't think you're in this alone. No one can do something alone. Don't try to shoulder everything. You're not alone, that's why I'm here.

Decade then turned away from Tsubasa and face the one she was facing. For some reason, he had a wave of dèjá vu.

Decade: I'm sorry... but have we met before?

The mysterious girl looked like she was caught off guard from his question.

???: Wha-What the hell are you talking about!? There's no way we met before, or I would know. But back to the main topic, I heard about you Decade and I knew you'd be here to help these girls.

She then turned towards the bushes.

???: Hey! Get out here!

Kage: Sheesh, you don't have to yell...

Out of the bushes, Kage came walking out and heads towards Decade, Tsubasa and Hibiki.

Tsubasa: Who are you!

Kage: Who I am, matters not to you *points at Tsubasa* or you *points at Hibiki*, I only matter... To you.

Kage point at Decade.

Decade: Me?

Kage: yes, you see I've seen you fight, and I wanted to see who's stronger

Kage then brought out something familiar to a build driver and attached it to his right arm.

Decade: A driver?

Kage then took out a full bottle and twist its cap and place it in the brace.


Darkness started to surround Kage as he pushed the lever so it was facing him.

{{Are! You! Ready!?}}

Kage: Henshin!

Kage the pushed the lever downwards as darkness covered Kage.

{{look for the shade in the shadows! Shade! Yeah!}}

Shade: Kamen Rider Shade... Has joined the battle

Next chapter will feature the battle with team build and the kaisers

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