Unknown memories

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Y/N was in his bedroom just laying around with Kanade at his side, both with a bored expression.

Kanade: I'm so Bored~ let's do something~.

Y/N look at her with with a smirk.

Kanade: What's with that smirk?

Y/N: Wanna kiss~?

Kanade turn Red that it matched her hair.

Kanade: W-What?!

Y/N: Don't deny it, I know you want to kiss me, I've seen the way you look at me.

Y/N then started to move towards her

???????: Kanade.

Ignoring the voice, Kanade closed her eyes waiting for Y/N to kiss her.

???????: Kanade.

Kanade (thoughts): I-Is this really happening?! I know that I owe him from saving me at the concert and giving me a new way to fight, so I fell in love with him but haven't had a chance to confess.

Y/N lips were centimetres from hers.

Kanade (thoughts): I guess this really happening.

They were about kiss until.

Tsubasa: KANADE!!!


Kanade shot out bed with a huge blush on her face.

Tsubasa: Kanade are you alright? You were moving around a lot.

Kanade: Y-Yeah, I just had a weird dream.

Kanade look at Tsubasa properly and saw what she is wearing.

Kanade: A-Are your wearing the coat/hoodie that Y/N made for you?

Tsubasa blushed as Kanade was right, she was wearing a coat/hoodie that Y/N made for her, it was a little to big for her. It had the team gaim symbol on it.

Tsubasa: (blush) W-Well, it was the thing I saw last night, you already were asleep.

Kanade: Ok, ok, anyway, I'm going to take a shower and go for a jog.

Tsubasa: Kanade, what was your dream about?

Kanade: Where did that come from?

Tsubasa: Because the only time you jog is to train or when your thinking really hard about something.

Kanade just got up and patted her shoulder.

Kanade: Maybe another day.

Kanade said to Tsubasa as she went to take a shower, Tsubasa looked at her.

Tsubasa: Kanade...


Kanade finished her shower and was jogging around the city in her usual training outfit.

Kanade was jogging to a mountain point where she can see the entire city, when she got there, she saw someone she thought was Y/N looking down at the city.

Kanade: Hey, Y/N!

Y/N? looks at her and she saw that he had purple and blue highlights in his hair and blue eyes.

Kanade: What's with purple highlights and blue eye contacts?

Y/N?: I was wondering when I was going to meet you... Baron.

Kanade back up as she heard him say that.

Kanade (thought): Baron? Y/N never calls me that, now that I think about it, he kinda reminds me of  that dark version of Y/N.

Y/N?: Lets see if your strength is the same of the last one.

Y/N? snapped his fingers as a Dimensional Wall appeared and a Shika Inves came out.

Y/N?: *looks at Inves* Fight.

The Shika Inves ran towards Kanade and tried to punch her, only to be kicked away.

Kanade: Hey! Why do you look like my friend!

Y/N?: That's for me to know and for you to find out.


Shade: AHHH!

Shade came rolling to Kanade side from the forest.

After Shade, a Strong Hazard Smash came out of the forest.

Kanade: Kage! Are you alright?!

Shade: Yeah, I'm fine... *sees Y/N?*
Hey! It's you again!

Kanade: You met him?

Shade: Kinda, he showed up at my house in the woods and summoned this thing on me.

Kanade: Same thing happened to me, doesn't he remind you of that dark version of Y/N?

Shade: Yeah.

Shade then gets up.

Shade: That pisses me off.

The Shika Inves and Strong Hazard Smash stared to get closer.

Shade: *brings out Dark Drill Crusher* Did you bring your Driver?

Kanade: I didn't know this was going to happen, I thought it was a safe day.

Shade: Damn, where's Y/N when you need him?

As if on que, a Dimensional Wall appeared beside them and Y/N came out of it.

(Clothes and sunglasses)

Y/N: So, this is where the disturbance was.

Shade: Glad you could make it.

Kanade: Yeah... do you have my Driver and Lockseed by any chance?

Y/N throws Kanade her Sengoku Driver and Banana Lockseed.

Kanade: Thanks.

Y/N sees Y/N?.

Y/N: Hey! Why do you look like my dark self?!

Y/N?: Oh, you mean that clone?

Y/N: Clone? What do mean by that, he was the Dark Decade version of me.

Y/N?: He wasn't, he was just a clone that I gave a little of my power to.

Kanade: Your power?

Shade: That means!

Y/N?: That's right.

Y/N? Pulls out the Neo Dark DecaDriver.

(It has the Dark Rider Symbols.

Y/N?: I'm the real Dark Decade.

Y/N was silent, he then attached Neo in her Driver form to his waist.

Y/N: Lets see who's stronger.

Y/N?: Yes, lets.

Y/N? Said as he attached his driver to his waist.

Kanade: Don't forget about me.

                {{Sengoku Driver!}}

Kanade attached the Sengoku driver to her waist.

K / Y / Y?: Henshin!

{{Banana! Lock on! Come on! Banana Arms! Knight of Spear!}}

         {{Kamen Ride! Decade}}

    {{Kamen Ride! Dark Decade!}}

Baron and Shade push the Shika Inves and Strong Hazard Smash back into the forest, leaving Decade and Dark Decade where they were.

Decade: I want answers.

Dark Decade: You want them, you gotta beat them out of me.

Decade and Dark Decade stated menacingly at each other.

They both their RideBookers in sword form and block each other's attack.

Dark Decade: Looks like you still got it.

Decade: What do you mean?

Decade kicked Dark Decade back and tried to slash him, only for Dark Decade to switch forms.

      {{Kamen Ride! Bujin Gaim!}}

{{(Guitar riff) Blood Orange Arms! Ja no michi on stage!}}

(With Dark DecaDriver)

Dark Decade: *holds Musou Saber and DaiDaimaru* Lets fight.

Dark Decade runs toward Decade to slash him with the Musou Saber, only to be block by Decade RideBooker, he the slashed him with the DaiDaiMaru.

Decade: Gah!

Decade couldn't block all the attacks Dark Decade was giving him.

Dark Decade: Take this!

Dark Decade slashed him with both swords, causing him to be knocked back.

Decade: Damn it!

Decade quickly brought out his Gaim card and changed forms.

          {{Kamen Ride! Gaim!}}

{{Orange Arms! Hanamichi on stages!}}

Using the gun on the DaiDaimaru, Decade shot at Dark Decade, causing to go back on the railing that was there.

Dark Decade: Not bad, you haven't changed a bit.

Decade: H-How do you know me?

Dark Decade: Answers for another day, now lets finish this.

{{Final Attack Ride! Bu-Bu-Bu-Bujin Gaim!}}

Decade: Fine!

{{Final Attack Ride! G-G-G-Gaim!}}

Decade right leg got covered in Orange energy and Dark Decade right leg was covered in blood red energy.

They both jumped into the air and went towards each other, their kicks were connected and a explosion happened.

D / D D: Gah!

They both fell to the ground and were forced out of their armor. They both got back up.

Y/N?: Well, you haven't lost your touch, that's for sure.

Y/N: How do you know me!

Y/N?: Wow, you really don't remember huh, you really lost your memories.

Y/N: My memories?

Y/N?: It might take a while for them to come back, so I might give you a reward for entertaining me today.

Y/N? Snapped his fingers, Y/N felt aching pain in his head.


Y/N fell back to the ground while Y/N? Smirked.

Y/N?: Well, time for me to go, see ya next time.

Y/N? Disappeared through a Dimensional Wall as Y/N was holding his head in pain.

Y/N: W-What did he do?!

Y/N eyes widen as a memory came to his mind.


Y/N was in a room with 7 small children, one look like a young version of him, another look like a young version of Y/N?.

Y/N (thoughts): What is this place?

?????: Come on Y/N-Chan, let's play!

Said a young girl with pink hair, next to her was a young girl with brown hair, a girl with white hair, a girl with blond hair, and a girl with Black hair.

Young Y/N: Coming ?????!

Y/N (thoughts): why can't I hear her name?

Then everything turned black and Y/N passed out.


In reality, Y/N was unconscious on the ground. Kanade and Kage were getting out of the forest and saw Y/N on the ground.

Kage / Kanade: Y/N!

They both ran towards him and checking if was okay.

Kage: Buddy, Wake up!

Kanade: Come on! Wake up!

{{Close by}}

Y/N? Was watching Kage and Kanade's futile attempt to wake Y/N up.

Y/N?: They are going to have to wait awhile.

??????: Lord Tobias, it's time for us to go.

The now named Tobias look at where the voice came from and saw a man in a suit.

Tobias: Ah Hiroki, it's time to leave huh?

Hiroki: Yes.

Tobias looked at Y/N one last time.

Tobias: Until next time...

Tobias and Hiroki walked towards a Dimensional Wall.

Tobias: ... Little brother.

They then disappeared.

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