Episode 3:enter school!the meet between rhino and holy maiden

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On the the top of buliding dragon knights and axe are walking circle untill they charges each other,dragon knight try to round house kick but axe duck it he punch dragon knights gut and kick him make him stumbles,axe use his weapon visor charges dragon kinght roll aways he stand up punching axe face two time and round house kick make axe on the ground,but axe have something for dragon knight(attack vent) destwilder attack dragon kinght make him on the ground axe stand up

Dragon knight:look at axe "hey no fair hunt"he point axe and he is anger

Axe: "what did i do?"

Dragon knight:stand up "you just use advent beast to attack me that is no fair"

Axe: "well yours enemy will do that if you don't carefull"he turn back "ok chance and quinn you guys on"he look at torque and sting

Torques: "you got it hunt!lets go quinn"he look at sting and walking

Sting: "yeah lets go!bet 50 bucks!i will takes you down"he follow torques and they facing each other they training

Torques: "you on!"he prepare to figthing and so does sting,they charges fighting

Dragon knight:seem to be tired "uh!hey ian did hunt all ways like training?"he asked incisor

Incisor: "yeah!he like training,becaues he see that is good thing"

Dragon knight: "haven't he relax before?"

Incisor: "nope he never relax"he back watching the fight of torques and sting

Dragon knight:look at axe as his are watching his homeworld "seem like that guys like fighting more than rest"he watching the the fight

Thrust are thinking something is about asia he fell something about her outside of her is a navie girls,kind woman he never meet but inside he fell a that she have a bad memory

Spear:look at thrust "hey you okay!"

Thrust:back to reality "yeah i okay bros!is just...?"

Spear: "is just what?"

Thrust: "nothing!never mind about that"

Spears: "uh okay!"he back watching the fight

Thrust is keep thinking about asia

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The rider back to they own base it somewhere in japan,they cancel the transformations back to they human forms,they sit down on the chair and resting

Kit: "man this training it really early don't you guys think?"he grabs his water bottles drinking it

Chance: "yeah i think it really early but it good too"

Ian: "yep i argee that training like a hard work to us after all"

Kit:smile a little "guest you guy said rights"he drank the water

Chase:look at his brother "so brother what is our mission is?"

Hunt:look at his fellow rider and thinking that he and his fellow rider going to the devil all ways come that is  school "we going to the school as they use it as the cover"

Chance: "wait they school?"he look at chase "i thought that devil don't go to school what should i call them devil student"he laughed and fist bump with chase

Hunt look them with his serious look

Chance:back to his serious "bad time to said a joke"

Kit:wondering how he and his fellow rider going in there "wait how did we enter there?"

Hunt: "easy the no-men helping us entering that school!"

Kit: "oh!so no-men helping us now!"

Hunt: "yeah!"

Kit: "oh okay!so what is yours plan when we enter there"he wondering what is hunt plan

Hunt: "well we go there watching the devil move,if they try something bad we will get them a ticket to the advent void"he going get a uniforms for his fellow rider "this is yours guys uniforms,try it"he give it to them

Chance:look at uniforms "uh i not going wear this uniforms"

Hunt: "why?"he wondering why chance don't like it

Chance: "well frist of all it not kinda my type uniforms!my type uniforms is this"he point his jackets "not like this!"he point the uniforms of the school

Cam:look at chance: "come one chance wear it,what if it might suit bros!"

Chance:look at cam "are you sure!"

Cam: "yeah i sure!try it bros"he hit chance

Chance: "okay lets do it!"he stand up
All the rider had done changing they clothes,they all look at the uniforms

Chase:smile becaues he see cool when he wearing a school uniforms "wow this uniforms is cool and not bad too,what about you brother"he asked hunt

Hunt: "i fell like i'm a serious man!"

Ian: "man this uniforms it make me like a gentlement"

Chance: "yeah this uniforms combine with our jackets it will be more badass"he look at ian

Ian: "nah i like been a gentlement!"

Quinn: "yep i fell good and been a gentlement!"

Chance: "oh now we had two gentlement"

Hunt:look at his fellow rider "okay lets'ride guys"

All rider going to they own motorbike,they hop in,wearing helment,star engine and ride to the school they going in
They had come the school they packing they car open the helment see the school

Kit:wide eyes becaues he know this school "wait this is kuoh accdemy!"he look at hunt "where did you find this?"

Hunt: "internet!I read it,i see this school had a lot of girls,about boy most of them are perverted!"that part make him anger

Kit: "yeah! Well then then lets go guys"he walking and so does his fellow rider as they walking they see a lot of student are whispering something about the rider
The rider had enter the school as they are walking,they hear something a fan cry about someone,that is rias and akeno

Student girls 1: "oh oh that is rias and akeno,they are here,man i wish i want become like her"

Student boys glassed: "check out the two body of them so awsome oh"

The rider hear the boys,make them sick about those male student here,that the male student here is a perverted care the body of woman what a creep people

Chase: "what are perverted!no men watching the girls by the body,they should watching how the girls are"he know that becaues he had meet those perverted people in this town when he come

Chance: "yeah me too!"he argee to chase

Hunt:other hand both hate perverted and rias he wondering why everyone like her,the student in here didn't know about devil "lets go guys!we have a job to do!"he turns aways so does his fellow rider with the face of serious

Kit:shake his head becaues everyone here fan rias and not just that had a perverted too "unbelieved!"he turns aways and walking
(Timeskip:becaued the rider meet sona and they fell that she is a devil that's all)
Each rider had come to they owns class,kit,chance and cam had come to the class they just standing near the door they see a lot of student are talking something,the a teacher come to the class she greet them and said today they class had a transfer student,kit,chance and cam enter the class

Kit:smile and greet "hi my name is kit taylor!i hope that we can help each other in study"

Chance: "and i'm chance!Don't ask my full name becaues i haven't it yet,but that doesn't matter,the matter is i hope we can help each other especially woman,don't think that i'm creep okay i'm not creep"he introduce himself to everyone,as the girls are talking something about him

Student girls 3: "he is kinda funny!"

Student girls 4: "don't forgive handsome too"

Cam: "my name is cam!"he only said one word nothing eles he could said

The teacher point they sit for three of them,kit,chance and cam come to they sit,kit sit next to chance,as cam sit in the left,then the class begin the lesson,issei were shocked that kit have enter the school,with his two friend
(Break times)
Kit and chance are talking,cam just look the windows,to see a sky,suddenly issei come to him

Cam:look at him: "what do you want?"

Issei: "well i just want make friend with you man!come on i see that yours friend with that jerks"he point kit

Cam:didn't care "so what ah!"

Issei: "hey man!be my friend don't be with that guy,beside if you join me i will lets you join my team!"he smile like the creep

Cam: "no!thank i don't want be with kind like you so beat it"he seem like serious and still don't care

Issei: "come on just join us!i promise you that we will share our porn stuff to you!"

Cam:began anger when he hear a porn stuff that mean one thing he and his team are a perverted,he don't like those perverted,those perverted are nothing than just a creep people not a man but a animal,he grab issei collar "you think i'm one of the creep in this school ah!you wrong,you and yours friend are nothing than a creep,animal,whose just love porn stuff,well new flash,if you and yours friend do a dirty thing i will make sure that you and yours friend will never alive got it"he shout at him and release him,cam punching issei face as that is his warning,issei hold his face becaues it really hurts him

All the girls in the school are happy to see a one student male that just beat a leader of the perverted trio

Kit and chance just witnessing the threat of cam to issei

Kit:look at chance "remind me!don't pissed cam up!"

Chance: "i won't pissed him up!"

Then two of them hear a mirco from the principal offices,kit,chance and cam hear they name to the principal offices,they stand up walking to principal offices,wondering why they had to go principal offices
Kit,chance and hunt enter the principal offices they see not just them,there had hunt,chase,quinn and ian is here too

Hunt:look at kit team "what did you do?"

Kit: "nothing!"

Hunt: "are you sure!"

Kit: "well..."he didn't finished his word becaues cam

Cam: "i punched a perverted that's all!"

Hunt:surprise and shocked "what you punch a perverted?"

Chase:other hand is happy "good brah becaues those perverted need a lesson!"

Cam: "thank bros!"

Quinn: "desipted that but we had a mission,and now looks like our mission it blow up now thank to you!"he anger

Cam: "hey i try not to punch that perverted,but that asshole just request to join his group or team something"

Ian:agrees to cam "i argee you too cam!"

Quinn:shock "what?"

Ian: "one of the creep group want me to join them,i answer no to them,and kick them as a warning"

Quinn: "you too ian!oh you got to kidding me now"

Kit: "well looks like our firts school it also our finall too!"

???: "what if it don't"a mysterious voice make the rider see who is that is a one of agents of no-men,that is anget michelle

Kit:wondering,what michelle doing here "michelle what and why you doing here?"

Hunt: "master eubulon get her here she is the one help us into this school,as well as she and her origanizations know about suprenatual now"

Kit:look at michelle "so it was you help us to enter this school?"

Michelle: "yep that is me genltement,and i see that thing is get better and better!"she sit down on the chair

Chase: "why you calling us here?"wondering

Michelle: "well to tell you guy that,our no-men are doing a operation cleaning up the stranger thing in this town and other too"

Kit:confusing "what is that supposed to mean?"

Michelle: "it mean that we will clean up the mess of supernatual,like the contract,and the stray devil and death body!"

Kit: "oh!wait did you said a contract how did the devil do that!"

Hunt: "i think by this!"he bought a papper it a sumnoms papper he give it to kit

Kit:readed it "so the contracter,if they want summons a devil they will take a blood rights?"

Michelle: "yep they will take a blood to summons a devil,so that is our missions cleaning up make everything seem to be normal"

Kit: "oh! That is all"

Michelle: "yep that is all and here is a news i will be a principal supporting you guys in fighting mirror monster and the stray devil!"

Kit: "oh!okay"

Michelle: "now you guys can go now i got work to do!"

Chase: "sure thing!come on guys"he turn aways walking and so does his fellow rider get out the principal offices

Chance: "man i thought we going be kick out of this school!"he glads that he and his team won't be kick out

Kit: "yeah me too!by the way"

Hunt: "come one guys lets get back to work"he walk to his class

Chase:turn back look at his team "you hear my brother lets go to work"he walking and so does the rider,quinn hear something a girls cry he look he see a woman been broke a legs he come to her


Quinn: "hey are you okay?"he asked her

Ruruko :look at him wondering who is he then she began think dirty "no i'm not i just strip on the stair and now my leges are broken!"

Quinn:look at her see her are trouble so he help her "you know you should carefull when you walking,and here lets me help you go to the nures room"he carry her in bride style

Ruruko: began to think that he is not like other male student "uh what is yours name?"

Quinn:look at her "my name is quinn! What about you"

Ruruko:smile "my name is ruruko!"

Quinn: "nice to meet you ruruko!"two of them look each other that they fell something a connections between two of them

All the student of the school are going to they home,the rider tean are walking to they bike untill kit notice don't have quinn

Kit:look at his fellow rider "hey guys!have you guys see quinn?"he asked

Ian: "i don't know maybe he still inside do something,helping or something"

Hunt:look at kit "don't worried he will fine kit he is a good soldier!"

Kit: "yeah!"he walking to his bike then he hear a voice is rias

Kit:look at her "greats not her!"he come to her and so does his fellow rider "what do you want now rias?"

Rias:surprising that he know her name "how did you know my name!"

Hunt: "you are propular everyone fan in you including those creep people too"he crossing his armr

Rias: "oh!i want to help you guy fighting a monster that behind a mirrors,if you all join me i will help you guys strongers and propular like me"she are requesting

Kit: "not going chance rias and i tell you we won't join you,we never remove who we are,and about monster we will handel by ourself"he anger and annoying rias,she thought that he and his team accepeted to become a her servant like a dog

Cam:come to kit "beside who you think you are ah!try to mainpulated us by a that cheap trick,not going changes becaues unlike you stupid boyfriend(issei),we don't do it by our selfish,we do this to protecting humanity"all rider agree that if they join her they nothing that a mindless,and a scum to everyone

Rias:still want get them to join her "don't you guys understand i get you all a opportunity to become my servant,you will live a as a immortal person"

Chance: "hey bitch don't you hear kit,hunt and cam answer we said no,and i know something that living immortal that is unnatural to human,human will have had a day they will gone,that is the circel of life"

Ian: "to become a dog for you i don't think so,becaues i see you not a hard working person,you are nothing then a sopiled rich girls and i hated"

Chase: "and you think you can get our freedom think again,we like to be a human,some of human are stupid and some of human are smart bitch!"

Cam: "good bros!"

Chase: "thank!"two of them fist bump

Rias speechless to a rider she try to
Convince them but it didn't work well she thought that everyone like been her servant but to a rider,they see become a her servant it nothing than become a robot

Kit: "if you done talking to us!then we are going now and leave us alone"he turn aways and so does his team go to they own bike wearing helment star the engine and ride leaving rias

Rias:(thought) "if you guy don't join me then yours sarced gears(advent deck) will be mine and my faction"
(Nures room)
The nures are fixing the broken part of ruruko leges,as quinn are siting waiting to see is she okay or not

Ruruko: "ouch!"she hurt and pain

Nures:had done bandage the broken part of ruruko leges "and it done now!"

Ruruko:try to stand up but she can't quinn come to help her "thank you quinn!"she thank him

Quinn: "you welcome ruruko!"

Nures:looking two of them "you were lucky have a boyfriends like him!"

Ruruko:blushed "uh we not couple i just woman in trouble"

Quinn: "and i just a man helping a person!"

Nures:smile "well you two should get out now becaues all the student get back they home now!"

Ruruko:remember "oh right i remember that i have to meet my boss!"she about going but quinn help her go there by carry her in bride style as she was blushed "what are you doing quinn?"

Quinn: "i helping you duh!beside you leges it still be injuged i going carry you to the president room"he know where is a president room he walking ass he are carried ruruko
Quinn had carry ruruko to the president room he get her down infornt of the door slowly like a gentlement

Ruruko:look at quinn: "thank you for everything!"

Quinn:smile "you welcome ruruko after all you're my friends"

Ruruko:just shocked the word friend "now we are a friend?"

Quinn:smile "yeah we are friend!well i got to go see you later ruruko"he walk aways

Ruruko: "yeah see you later quinn!"she was happy to see a man like quinn

Quinn are going to his bike he hop in wearing a helment star the engine before he could go he see ruruko in the windows he fell that he and her will meet again he ride to do his work
Cam are riding on his bike he sightseeing the town becaues he is the ventara he going sigthseeing and learn too,he are riding he see a asia and she are upside down he see issei with a pervert look he stop the bike takes off helment he come to him

Cam: "hey!"he said that to issei turn back and punch him it call hi to my fist "i told you that i don't want see yours creppy face here"issei holding his face,cam come to help asia he hand forward to her

Asia:look up see cam she were happy to see him she accepted the help of him she stand up "thank you cam!"she thank him

Cam:smile "you welcome!"

Asia see that they holding hand she blushed

Issei:were shocked we he find out asia know cam "wait two of you know each other?"

Cam:back his serious face he look at issei "yeah we know each other!"then he look at asia "what are you doing here i thought you going somewhere!"

Asia: "oh i'm finding the chruch,but i just lost!"

Cam:see that asia couldn't find the chruch so he going help her "hey!asia i going help you to go there"

Asia:look at him "really!"

Cam:nodded his head "yeah i will help you!beside i like helping people when they are trouble"

Asia:smile happy to see a man like him "okay!"

Cam:smile too he pick up asia stuff onto his bike somehow he hop in his bike "okay hop in i will take you to the chruch"he wearing his helment and give another helment for asia,she accepted she hop in hug his waist make her blushed it also make him blushed too becaues he never invited a girls to go with him on the ride they about began to to but issei stop it

Issei: "wait are you sure about this!what if he is a creep want to rape you"he get the dirty mind of him to asia mind as she are shocked

Cam:anger hate issei give a dirty mind to a navie girls he grabs issei collar "listen up!if you ever get a dirty mind of yours i will rip you to apart got it"he pushed issei aways and ride to the chruch
As cam and asia are going,he fell something warm about asia that she is kind,naive but he wondering why a nun like her doing here in this town,he forcus riding then asia see something a boy been hurts on the kneed

Asia: "cam!stop"

Cam stop his bike,as asia get down go to the boys,he just looking

Asia:see a child are crying "now now a man like you cannot cried"she use her both hand it glowing a green and it healing a kid kneed,cam was shocked that she can do that he remember the convertations about his team that in this world have a sarced gears so that mean asia had a sarced gears too "there you go!"she had done healing child knees as the child stand up and thank you her,asia smile,cam look at her smile it make him clams,she come to him

Cam: "wow i didn't know that you can do that asia!that must be a gift"he compeliment

Asia:sad smile "yeah a gift!"

Cam:look at her sad smile he fell something that make her pain "well then lets go!"

Asia: "yeah lets go!"she get in his bike cam ride to the chruch
Cam have get asia to the chruch,asia get of the bike of cam she look at him

Asia:smile "thank you cam!"she thanks him

Cam:fell akward becaues this is the firts time a girls thank him "you...welcome!"

Asia: "oh!will you go to the chruch with me?she invited her so that she can know him more

Cam: "well i don't sure!i got a lot of job to do,let me see if i had a free time i will go to the chruch with you"

Asia:happy that he accepted her invited "then i will see you agian cam!"she smile,go to the chruch

Cam:touch his chest he fell that his hearts are beating so fast "i began to like her now"he hear someone he look back he see chance "did you follow me bros"

Chance:smile "yeah i follow you!and i just see all of it,man i were wondering that you and that nun siting on the tree and..."he going finish it

Cam:sometimes annyoing his jokes "don't finish that word"

Chance: "kissing!"he just finish it "i must admit you used to be a unlucky guy and now you are lucky guy"

Cam ingrone that he wearing helment and ride,and so does chance
It night now cam and chance have ride around the town to check,cam suddenly stop riding he fell something he turn his bike follow the felling of him,chance look at cam wondering where he are going he also turn the bike follow him
Cam have come the location he fell is the house,he stop the engine get of the bike take of the helment,he going there,chance watching him,he get of the bike take the helment off wondering why cam come here he follow him

Cam:are slowling walking,he turn back about the punch but chance stop it he were realize that is chance follow him "chance!"

Chance: "you almost punch me man!"

Cam: "what the heck you doing here bros?"

Chance: "i were the one going ask you same too!why are you going here"

Cam: "i fell something not good from this place it have something"he look the door fell something really wrong

Chance: "oh!okay then we just go there and find out what is it,if that is a stray devil we will kick they ass"he walk pass,cam try to stop him but he can't becaues chance just go to room "yo!everyone here ah,if you guys are stray devil,we have a special devlivery for you guys now"he shouted

Cam:come to chance "the heck you're doing chance..."he see something that make him shocked a dead body

Chance:also see this too "oh!definitely is the stray devil do it!"

Cam:wondering "why!"

Cam and chance turn they see issei is here,issei were shock to see cam and chance

Issei: "you again jerk ass!"he angry when he see cam

Cam: "what did you call me ah"he going teach issei a lesson again but chance stop it

Chance: "what are you doing here!"

Issei: "here to do a contract with the man summond me"he look and he were scared to see a death body "what the fuck!who did it"

Then three of them hear a voice it from the man are siting on the couch

???: "that is the price of summonding three devill like you guys"he showing them his creepy face and this crazy mon bo jumbo is freed steelzer

Issei are confusing but cam and chance are anger becaues they know something

Freed:stand up "so you guy must be a devil that are been summond.I'm freed steelzer here for severing"he walk slowly to them

Issei: "are you the one kill those people ah!"

Cam: "of coures he is idiost who eles come here to kill them ah!"

Chance: "yep that is the crazy mun bo jumpbo"he point freed

Freed:laugh like madman "so you two figures out that i'm the one kill those had the sin eh!"

Cam: "sin?what the fuck you talk about ah,they just a inneconted people and you just kill them"he anger

Freed: "inneconted!my ass those fucker have a sin when they contract a devil,and it is my duty to clean that sin up in the danm name of god"he laughing like a crazy

Cam: "you are a sick! I don't know why this god creating you,but i will make sure that you going true hell"he bought his deck and so does chance they point the deck

The lighting came out from the deck one is white one is green come to cam and chance waist making a belts they put they hand downs

Cam: "kamen rider!"he put in it

Chance: "kamen rider!"he put in it

Became kamen rider thrust and kamen rider torque

Issei shock and surprise that have other rider he wondering why those jack ass all ways have a good armor

Freed: "nice suit you two got there!you looks like a bullseye so that i can kill you"he bought the sword and gun charges to them,thrust,torque and issei dodges but freed shoot issei leges make him on the ground,thrust punch freed make him stumble,torque get his gun shoot at him but freed duck it he use his gun shooting all the place thrust and torque cover so does issei

Thrust: "i going vent that guy!"he are anger

Torque: "hey clam down cam!we need a plan!"

Issei: "what for!we just go there and attacking him and we done!"he said like he can handel him

Torque:look at issei and doing a soldier talk "hey you want to die ah!if don't then we must have a plan to attack him not like randomly attack that son of bitch"he point freed as he are keep shooting "we must have a plan so that we can defeat,did you leader teach you that ah?of coures not you perverted"

Issei:anger when he see a torques treat him like a soldier and insulting rias "hey i not a soldier!and don't insulting rias she is a good leader"

Torque:give up on him "you know what...stay here lets us do it,right cam"he look aways he don't see thrust "what the? where did he go"

Thrust:throw freed on the wall "have enough ah!"freed stand up he try to slash but thrust block it,he punch freed chest really hard and pain make him on the ground he about take his final vent card "i going make sure kind like you never come back!!never"but he hear a srceam voice is from asia,he look at asia "asia!"he mutted her name,freed stand up using his dirty skill he slashing thrust back make him stumbles look at him with his fuirios "you just slash my back!you corward!"he charges to him but use his gun shooting him many time make him stumbles and cancel his transfromation came back as cam

Asia:were shock and surprise to see cam"cam!"she mutted his name too

Freed: "asia!what are you doing here?have you done the barrier?"he come to her as asia are confusing what just going on

Asia:look at freed with her scared faces "pleased done do it!"

Freed:look what she just saw a bloody dead body "oh that is the price when they summond a devil like him"he point the sword to cam

Asia: "cam you are a devil?"she were shock

Cam silent and he look angry when he see a kind like freed doing a killing for the god what a sick

Freed: "well then i going finish you firts since you throw me like a ball and i won't fogive that you shitty devil"he about shooting cam but he be shoot on the shoulder by torque

Torque: "hey joker!i got a joke for you,who is the person one going be beat up really pain and bad ah.That is me going beat you up"he jump side kick freed make him stumble,he ready to fight and so does freed he both of them charges each other and fight

Asia:come to cam as she want an answers "cam!are you a devil?"

Cam:look at her "no asia!i'm not like devil i just a man have a power to help people everyone"

Asia know that he is just a man want to help people

Freed:has done fight torque he kick him make him on the ground "stay there bull man!i going finish you later"he look at cam "now where were we oh yes time to die you shitty devil"he about slash but asia block it "asia!what the heck you doing?"

Asia: "pleased father have mercy to him,he is just a man helping people when they are trouble he is good person,whether he is devil or not"she look at him

Freed:anger and annyoing when he see a nun in his way "don't fuck with me"he slash her clothes now he she are half nake,asia cover herself as well as freed come to her "what wrong with you head ah"he grabs her chin "devil and human cannot live peacfully each other beside i don't care what our friend fallen angel said that don't touching you and now fuck them"he get her onto the wall and doing dirty to her,asia are blushing and crying,cam stand up he not going lets this asshole to a dirty thing to her,he punch freed face make him aways from asia

Cam: "listen up you danm fucker!i won't lets you and yours friend hurt her,becaues if you and yours friend do i will get you a ticket to a true hell"he raise his deck as the lighting from the deck to his waist making a belts he down his hand "kamen rider!"he put in it and become thrust,he charges to him punching him in face and his gut make freed stumbles he take his card put in the visor (strike vent!) Thrust jump stab freed,he raise metal horns come to freed he slashed him and upcut slash him,make him on the ground,freed stand up charges to thrust but be block it by kiba as he appeared throught the portal

Thrust: "you devil stay out of this now!"

Kiba: "sorry this is our duty!"he push the sword of him and freed as akeno,koneko and rias come from the portal

Torque: "how did you guys come here?"

Rias explaintion something about the barier are not completed,freed kick asia,thrust see this he more furious he use his metal horn stab freed make him roll on the ground,koneko smell something is fallen angel coming

Freed:stand up and laughed "hope you guy hungry becaues the light spear is one the menu now"

Torque: "yeah hope you friend like missile launcher becaues it is on yours friend menu"he take his card put in the gun visor close it up (shoot vent!) a bazooka come to him he aiming freed "i allways want to said this,said hello to my little friend"he blasting freed out of the house hoping that blast finish him

Thrust and torques look who are leaving is the rias "family"leaving with issei on koneko shoulder

Thrust: "what a buncher corward!"

Torque: "yeah i know,oh by the way..."he aiming the protal of fallen angel "yippe kai yai motherfucker!"he blasting the protal now it gone and expolsions "okay our job is done!thank you guys call the extermination"he and thrust cancel the transform came back as chance and cam

Chance:look at cam "okay i got to go now,i will leave you two alone"he get out of the house

Cam:look at asia he take off his jacket cover her "look get out of her!"

Asia nodded her head,cam help her stand up and two of them out of the house
Cam on his bike and so does asia as she are wondering,confusing what just happend

Cam:look at her "you know you shouldn't live with those guys!you cam live with me in the appartment"

Asia: "really?"

Cam: "yeah since i help you and now i going help you again asia and i will protecting you"he keep focus

Asia:glads to see cam,she remenber the story of the chruch about the princess are indangerous then a kinght come to help her,that she is a princess and cam are a kinght to her,she hug him make him fell warms "thank you cam!"

Cam: "you welcome asia!"he riding to the appartment

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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