Chapter 10: The Decisive Battle Against Gray Mann (Part 2)

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(As the battle finally starts, Kamen Rider Drake prepares to change forms again.)



(Then Drake changes to his hyperform as he starts slaughtering Robo-Mercenaries, Stormtroopers and Dark Troopers. He then punches one of them.)

Drake: You... die!

(Drake then rips off a Robo-Mercenary's head, and shoots a generator Gray Man was using.)

Gray Mann: (angry) NOOOOOO!

(Cut to space, the generator was giving energy to a Death Star, but since it got interrupted. Death Star is no more.)

(Back to Earth.)

Drake: Get down here, Gray Mann!

Gray Mann: Mulkiewicz... (gets in his mech suit) you forget your place. (Slides down the building with his mech suit) I intend to finish what Union Academy has started... and destroying you is only the first step.

Drake: I was taught taught that freedom is everyone's right.

(Drake attacks, holding Gray Mann's mech suit against the building)

Gray Mann: (gets punched) I will retrigger that pillar--!

Drake: (holds Gray Mann) Then you'll have to go through me!

(Then Gray Mann shoves Drake aside and kicks him down. Meanwhile Cuddles and Giggles are seen hiding in the wreckage.)

Cuddles: Okay, I've got to try and help. I have to. You stay here.

Giggles: Don't you go. Don't go. Giggles! Giggles-

Cuddles: You'll be fine, okay? I promise. I got to get to that pillar.

(Cut to the Main RED Team, they are seen charging as Rusher and Han Solo help them.)

RED Scout: We got the rebel alliance!

RED Medic: Raus, RAUS!

(Cut to Task Force 99)

SPi: Move, move!

(They charge further as they fight more Robo-Mercenaries, Stormtroopers and Dark Troopers. Then we see Cuddles running into the battle field as the heroes resume their crossfire. Kamen Rider Drake and Gray Mann are seen still fighting.)

Drake: Hah! Rrah!

Gray Mann: Reinforcements! Dark Troopers, fire at Mulkiewicz!

(Then the Dark Troopers start firing.)

Rusher: We're taking fire! I need those Tomahawks in now!

(Some missiles are seen being fired.)

Rimbaud: First wave inbound.

(Back to the fight.)

Saigon: We've got to cover for Mulkiewicz!

(Drake is seen overwhelming Kamen Rider Drake as the Wizard and Dillon try to help him.)

Gray Mann: Robots, trigger the pillar! (slams Sniffles) Restart that pillar!

(One of the Stormtroopers is seen hiding.)

Stormtrooper: Trigger the pillars.

(Back to Kamen Rider Drake.)

Optimus Prime: I can't hold them! (shoots some Robo-Mercenaries) The ships have us pinned! (gets blown) No!

(The Stormtrooper is seen 

Hurska: Inbound, ten seconds! Danger close!

(The strormtrooper is seen going underground.)

Boss: Mark-Lima-Echo-Echo, one four two five zero!

(Inside the Tomahawk, Leia is seen with her group.)

Leia: Positive surface contact.

Barbie: Target I.D.

Bicarb: Target acquired.

(The missiles are shot as they destroy the Robo-Mercenaries. Giggles is seen all of it as Commander Striker tries to get up. Cuddles is seen still running as he sees the stormtrooper.)

Cuddles: Wait! Wait..

Stormtrooper: NOOOOOO!

(He kicks the pillar as he tries to run away, but Cuddles doesn't give up.)

Cuddles: Shit- (The Stormtrooper aims at him) Stop! Stop! No! You can't do this, okay?

Stormtrooper: There's only one future for me. (some papers get on his face, and Cuddles takes the opportunity to punch one of his kneecaps) Ah!

(Cuddles tries to stop the Stormtrooper from retriggering the pillar, but he is unable to do so, and the pillar resumes generating the Death Star.)

(Back to Earth, Giggles sees Commander Striker, who looks up to see the Death Star being powered up.)

Striker: The Galactic Empire is restored at last.

(Luke approaches the revenant Commander Striker.)

Striker: Oh... Have you come to surrender?

Luke: (approaches Striker) Was it all worth it?

Striker: Obviously.

Luke: All your work to bring Gray Mann back and now clearly he has all the power. It's actually almost tragic.

Striker: (angry) You dare lecture me, jedi?

Luke: (flinches) Your Troopers finally conquering this planet, and yet, their leader won't be you!

Striker: (angrier) It will be me! It will always be me.

Luke: In any minute now, you'll be nothing but Gray Mann's bitch.

(Striker tries to strike Luke, but somehow hesitates.)

(Back to Gray Mann, RED Pyro is seen fighting Gray Mann.)

RED Soldier: ROCKET! (shoots Gray Mann) Die, maggot!

(Gray Mann is brought down as he tries to run away, but Kamen Rider Drake chases after him.)

(Back to Cuddles, he is seen still fighting the Stormtrooper.)

Stormtrooper: You choose sides? (kicks Cuddles) You chose wrong!

(The stormtrooper kicks Cuddles down.)

(Back to Gray Mann, Kamen Rider Drake attacks him again.)

Gray Mann: Always the bravest. (gets attacked, but counters.) But you could never make the hard decisions!

(They fight again, but Gray Mann gains the upper hand.)

Gray Mann: The Empire will survive.

Drake: (brought down) N-no!

(Gray Mann slices off his left arm and hits him hard before grinding him in the gound.)

Gray Mann: There were gods once! And now...

Drake: (weakly) Please...

Gray Mann: (kicks him down) I'll be one!

(Gray Mann prepares to kill Drake, but his mech's sword is sliced by Commander Striker.)

Striker: (growls) This is my empire!

(Striker then starts assaulting Gray Mann.)

(Back to Cuddles, he is seen still determined to fight the Stormtrooper.)

Stormtrooper: I just saved a whole empire. You think you're a hero, huh? You think you're a hero?

Cuddles: No. I'm just a messenger. Aaah!

(Cuddles whacks the Stormtrooper into the pillar, killing him. Then the heroes)

Ackbar: The pillar's still connected!

RED Scout: Let's go! Bring it up!

Cuddles: Guys! Let's do this!

RED Spy: Let's go, let's go! Move, move! Pillar's still connected!

SPi: Rip that pillar down!

(Wizard summons his Ax Calibur and prepares to destroy the pillar.)


(Wizard charges a crazy amount of mana into the Axcalibur in Ax Mode as he spins it to enlarge it. Once at full size, Wizard then jumps into the air and winds back a chop. Wizardragon appears to infuse the blade with even more magic as Wizard comes down towards the pillar, and cleaves it in two with great force.)

(Cut to Space, the Death Star is destroyed.)

(Back to Drake, he is seen getting up as Commander Striker holds Gray Mann.)

Striker: Now. We need a truce... (throws Gray Mann down) All I want is to be back in charge. Besides... who would you be without me, Mulkiewicz?

Drake: Time to find out.

(Drake charges at Commander Striker and lands some hits on him.)

Drake: Rider Punch!


(Drake punches Striker in the head as he screams in pain before exploding. Then he turns to Gray Mann, who gets up.)

Gray Mann: Mulkiewicz, all I ever wanted was to build my own empire. You must see why... I had to betray them.

Drake: You didn't betray me. You betrayed yourself. RIDER KICK!


Gray Mann: NOOOOOO!

(Drake kicks through Gray Mann, killing him. Then the heroes approach him and he nods. Suddenly Drake has a bad feeling.)

Drake:  (in mind) Something much stronger and dangerous is coming.

(The battle against Gray Mann is over, but Mulkiewicz feels like this isn't the end. What could await Kamen Rider Drake and his Mega Force?)

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