Episode 12 - Encounter with Durian and Cherry! Unleash Watermelon Arms!

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It's the start of the morning, and Yuuta is opening his doors to see outside. Starting the day with a nice stretch.

Yuuta: Mmm~ Ah... Nice to feel the nice morning air. Am I right, Kuroh?

Kuroh: *bark*~

Yuuta: Heh. Gotta say, things have been pretty peaceful these last few days ever since our battle with the Uesugi. No signs of any movement coming from other armies and now... Well, it's like peace is already here.

Kuroh: *bark* *bark*

Kuroh is then seen walking up to Yuuta with the strange lockseed with his mouth that he got from the Mother Tree.

Yuuta: *picks and holds it*Oh this? Yeah, ever since I got this lock I've been wondering what this is. It's kind of like my lockseed, but it really doesn't. Hmm... You know what, I think Lord Shingen might know what this is.


Yuuta walks through the halls, where he's about to enter Shingen's room, where the others are present.

Sakura: -Yes, he already replied saying he will arrive that day.

Shingen: Excellent, Sakura. Notify the elders to prepare the contract immediately. I would hate us to be unprepared for this day.

Sakura: It shall be done, my lord.

Sakura then disappears again.

Yuuta then walks in, where Shingen and Yukimura notices him.

Yuuta: Did I came here at a bad time?

Shingen: Ah Yuuta, glad that you are here. We have wonderful news.

Yuuta: What is it?

Yukimura: My lord has agreed with the alliance with Lord Kenshin and the rest of his army. He will arrive a day from now to sign the treaty.

Yuuta: Really?! Is that true?!

Shingen: Mm, Indeed. Speaking of which, what brings you presently? Do you have some business with me?

Yuuta: Oh, uh I guess you could say that. But it's nothing major I promise. I just thought you should look at this.

Yuuta then gave Shingen the strange lockseed from earlier.

When he took a look at it, Shingen and Yukimura are completely surprised.

Yukimura: Yuuta... that lockseed-.

Yuuta: I know, kind of weird, right?

Shingen: Do you have any idea what this is?

Yuuta: No... why?

Yukimura: That's an energy lockseed.

Yuuta: An energy lockseed? What's that?

Shingen: Allow me to explain. These lockseeds themselves, happen to be the evolved form of normal ones.

Yuuta: Evolve... Wait, you mean they have more power?

Shingen: Correct. We do not know if the information is correct, but it said that normal lockseeds can evolve if the users keep battling and get stronger. As a result, they receive twice the power back when their lockseeds were normal.

Yuuta: Whoa. That's awesome.

Shingen: Tell me, Yuuta. Did your lockseed evolved?

Yuuta: No, actually I got mine's right here.

Yuuta then showed his original orange lockseed, which surprised the two.

Yukimura: What!? Two of the same kind?

Shingen: Where did you find this?

Yuuta: I found it at the Mother Tree, that was holding only one Lock Fruit.

Shingen: Interesting... It seems great fortune has favored you. Unfortunately, this lockseed will not work with your belt.

Shingen then gives back the energy lockseed to Yuuta.

Yuuta: What, why?

Shingen: These evolved lockseeds... they have a different function. Listen Yuuta, in order to face upcoming forces in the future, you need to get stronger. Luckily, we'll receive some assistance from someone who might help give you the edge.

Yukimura: My lord! Surely you don't mean-!

Shingen: This is for his own sake, young cub. Besides, our battles with Kenshin may only be the beginning.

Yukimura: True. But still, to actually receive help from... them.

Yuuta: Them? Who's them?

Shingen: You will find out once you arrive there.


Per Shingen's instructions, Yuuta arrived to the place he's suppose to be to gain this "something" for his new lockseed.

But he couldn't believe his eyes in the place he arrived.

Yuuta: The "Saika-shu"? This place... this might be where Saika Magoichi lives.

note: Saika Magoichi - a moniker for the leader of the Saika Renegades, rebels who opposed Nobunaga's rise to power with Kennyo Honganji.

Yuuta: I also heard the group he runs is a band of mercenaries. I thought the place they would be running was a little... messy. *exhales*Alright, here goes nothing.

But as Yuuta tried to take another step towards the gate, be heard something.

???: Freeze!

As Yuuta looks up, he saw a bunch of Saika guards on top of the gate pointing their firearms at him. Yuuta then brought his arms up immediately.

Yuuta: Whoa whoa, don't shoot! I'm unarmed!

Guard1: Who are you? State your business!

Yuuta: My name is Yuuta! I'm here to visit the guy who runs the place, Saika Magoichi!

Guard1: Yeah right, you think we're going to let you into our home to get close to the boss?!

???: Enough.

All of a sudden, a guy who appears to be a foreign soldier steps up.

Foreigner: Stand down, boys.

Guard1: But, sir-!

Foreigner: That's an order.

The guards were still hasty, but managed to keep their cool and pulled back their guns.

The foreign soldier then went down passed the gate and confronted Yuuta.

Foreigner: So, you're called Yuuta?

Yuuta: Yeah. And who are you? A foreigner?

Adrian: You can call me Adrian. Guess you can call me an outsider from America.

Yuuta: America!? Wow, who would've thought you'd be good in our tongue.

Adrian: Enough talk. I don't care who you are or where you're from. Now, what do you want?

Yuuta: It's like I said, I'm here to visit your leader.

Adrian: Is that so? Well in that case...

Adrian then took out a lockseed in the shape of a spiky fruit.

Yuuta: A lockseed!? But when did you-?

Adrian then unzipped his vest to reveal his belt underneath it.

Adrian: If you want to meet with our leader, you're going to have to deal with me first.

Lockseed: Durian! ...Lock On!

He then puts it on his belt and pressed the blade-handle.

Adrian: Henshin.

(Guitar riff) Durian Arms! Mr. Dangerous! (Five count bell ring with a cheering crowd)

As a huge Durian fruit appears above Adrian, he transformed to an armored rider, Bravo.

Yuuta: I knew it was going to be like this. *puts on belt*But never with a foreigner.

Yuuta then grabs his lockseed. and puts it on his belt.

Lockseed: Orange! ...Lock On!

Yuuta: Henshin!

Soiya! Orange Arms: Path of Blossoms, on Stage!

Yuuta then readies both his swords, as Adrian readies his swords as well.

Gaim: Alright... Here I come!

Yuuta begins to charge at Adrian. As both started to clash swords, they both got locked and ran somewhere.

Eventually, Yuuta and Adrian ran to the middle of a forest.

Adrian made his move by throwing Yuuta, making him roll to the ground.

Adrian was about to slice him down with one of his two broadswords, the Duri Saws. But Yuuta rolled out and shooted him with his saber.

Now, both armored riders went into combat with the two clashing swords with one another.

Although they haven't hit each other with their swords, they landed hits with their kicks.

As they both pushed each other back, Kurokage Troopers appeared at Adrian's side.

Bravo: Get him.

However, while they're charging at Yuuta, he pulled off his lockseed and puts it on his saber.

Lockseed: Lock Off! ...Lock On!

1, 10, 100: Orange Charge!

Yuuta readies his sword, with it charged with orange-shaped energy, and performs a large slash at the Kurokages. Defeating them all with just one hit.

Bravo: Interesting. Looks like you're no ordinary armored rider after all. However, your luck ends today.

But as Adrian walks over to engage with Yuuta, they both heard a noise.

???: Stop.

Both riders see a woman with long red hair walking towards them, and then besides Adrian, facing Yuuta.

???: Stand aside, Adrian.

Bravo: Leader.

Gaim: Hey, who are you?

Magoichi: Saika... Magoichi.

Gaim: What? You're Saika Magoichi!?

Magoichi: That's right, and I take it you are the one who came to see me?

Gaim: Y-Yeah, that's right.

Magoichi: Really? Well then, how about you show me what you got first, kid.

After saying her sentence, Magoichi grabbed a strange belt shaped like a soda cup.

Gaim: What is that thing?

Magoichi then puts her belt on, which immediately strapped on.

Belt: Genesis Driver!

She then grabs her lockseed, puts it on her belt, and pressed its lever.

Lockseed: Cherry Energy! ...Lock On!

Magoichi: Henshin.

Soda! Cherry Energy Arms! (Techno beat music)

After Magoichi pressed the handle on her belt, juice started to pour down from the lockseed down the belt.

Then, a cherry appeared above her and turns into armor after being put onto the head. Now she's Kamen Rider Sigurd.

Sigurd: Now, come at me!

Yuuta stands prepared and charges at Magoichi.

While Yuuta was slashing swords, Magoichi made no sudden movements of retreating. Easily blocking the swords and striking back with her weapon, the Sonic Arrow.

Yuuta continues his attempted strikes, but Magoichi strips him of his swords and pulled a combo, pushing him back.

Then, Magoichi aims her bow and arrow at Yuuta and fires at him three times, rolling towards the ground.

Gaim: *grunt*...A double-edged sword that's also a bow and arrow? That's quite a weapon she's got there.

Sigurd: How pitiful. Even though my strength comes from my lockseed, I thought you may pose as a real challenge. There's no point in continuing this further. I'll let you guys take care of this little piece of garbage!

As Magoichi snaps her fingers, three mysterious spheres appeared from the sky and crashed right in front of Yuuta.

Gaim: Whoa! ...W-Watermelons?

As soon as Yuuta realizes it, the three "watermelons" transformed into gigantic mecha-like robot samurais, with Kurokages piloting inside.

Watermelons: Armored Mode!

Sigurd: This shouldn't take long. The two of you standby, and you, take out this piece of garbage.

As the two mechs watermelons are on standby, one moved in towards Yuuta.

Gaim: Eh!? N-No wait, come on you got to be kidding me!

The Kurokage in the mech tried to strike and impale Yuuta with his mech's spear.

But Yuuta dodged and rolled out of the way.

Gaim: Gah! No way I'm a match like this. Guess it's time to switch my style.

Yuuta is seen grabbing his pineapple lockseed and puts it on his belt.

Lockseed: Pineapple! ...Lock On!

Soiya! Pine Arms: Pulverize and Destroy!

Gaim: Here I come!

As Yuuta faces the mech, it again started to attempt to strike him.

However, Yuuta dodges and uses his Pine Iron to strike at the mech's face multiple times.

Suddenly, the mech started to fire at Yuuta using its shoulder cannons.

Even though they didn't hit Yuuta, the impact from the blasts sent him flying and crashing to a tree.

Gaim: *pant**grunts*This is tougher than I thought, I have to finish this quick. But I got one shot at this!

After Yuuta got up, he pressed down the blade-handle.

Sengoku Driver: Pine Squash!

All of a sudden, Yuuta jumped high in the air, pulled in his ball in chain, and kicked it towards the mech.

Instead of hitting it, the ball expanded to a large projection of a pineapple, trapping the mech inside.

After that, Yuuta performs his rider kick while passing through a line of pineapple slices. Successfully kicking at the mech, causing an explosion.

Soon after, the Kurokage piloting the mech was seen crashing to the ground and de-henshined.

Gaim: Alright, I did it!

But after a small celebration, Yuuta saw something falling from the sky and he catched it.

It was the lockseed the Kurokage was using.

Gaim: This is...!

Sigurd: Tch. Get him.

Magoichi ordered the other two mechs to engage with Yuuta.

Gaim: Oh ho, so it's going to be like that huh? Alright... let's rock!

Lockseed: Watermelon! ...Lock On!

But after Yuuta pressed the balde-handle nothing happened.

Gaim: Eh? Hey where is it?

It wasn't long after Yuuta notices the big watermelon armor up in the sky.

Gaim: Eeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!?

Then, Yuuta was seemingly crushed by it.

But then, the watermelon armor started to move and roll around, bashing into trees and to the Kurokage mechs like a pinball.

Soiya! Suika Arms: Wrecking Ball, Big Bang! (Bowling pins falling)

After the Kurokage mechs have been knocked down, Yuuta's head appeared on top of the watermelon mech.

Gaim: Alright, that's better. Now it's my turn!

Watermelon: Armored Mode!

Suddenly, Yuuta's watermelon armor transformed into his version of the mech.

Gaim: From here on, this is my show!

Both sides began to battle it out.

Even though he was outnumbered to 2 to 1, Yuuta has been dominating front and back by twirling and striking with his weapon, the Suika Sojinto (Watermelon Double-Blade Sword).

He's been landing large strikes at the Kurokage mechs due to his skills.

The two Kurokage mechs tried to fire at Yuuta with their shoulder cannons, but Yuuta spins his double-bladed sword right in front and blocking their fire.

Yuuta eventually finished the mechs off by landing two powerful slashes on one Kurokage mech.

As for the other, Yuuta performed a downward strike, which got through after the Kurokage mech attempted to block with its spear but broke through it. Then, Yuuta spins around, back-handed, and pulled a powerful horizontal slash, causing the last Kurokage mech to explode.

After the match, Magoichi along with Adrian walked towards Yuuta.

Yuuta pointed his sword towards them out of caution.

Gaim: You still want some more?

Sigurd: At ease, kid.

Magoichi and Adrian then de-henshined.

Magoichi: Sorry about this little show, just wanted to see if you're the right guy.

Gaim: What do you mean?

Magoichi: Old man Shingen, that ring a bell? He already informed that you would be coming.

Yuuta then lowered his sword with sighing in relief.

Magoichi: Follow me, we can speak more inside.


Yuuta and Magoichi (with Adrian sitting to the side) are inside the castle of the Saika-shu.

Magoichi: Bring it here.

Adrian: Of course.

Adrian passed over Magoichi a wooden box.

As Magoichi faced the box towards Yuuta, she opens to present him the weird belt she used it earlier.

Yuuta: This belt... It's just like yours.

Magoichi: This right here, is called the Genesis Driver.

Yuuta: Wait, another belt? How come I never heard of this?

Magoichi: Let me ask you, kid. Have you heard about the golden fruit before?

Yuuta: Yes, Lord Shingen told me about the story.

Magoichi: Well around that same time where it sprinkled that light or whatnot. It not only sold out Sengoku Drivers, but it also gave out these belts as well.

Yuuta: Another... belt.

Magoichi: This is what you came for, right? Now just take it get the hell out of here.

Magoichi and Adrian stood up and were about to leave.

Yuuta: W-Wait! How much is-.

Magoichi: Don't bother with the price. Old man Shingen already paid for it.

Then, the two of them left.

Eventually Yuuta left the Saika-shu home base and started heading back.

While walking, Yuuta stared at his Genesis Driver and recollect of his battle with the Saika earlier.

Yuuta: Maybe you're right, Lord Shingen. This battle is just the beginning.

Yuuta sighed and pulled up his Sakura Blossom.

Yuuta: But it doesn't matter. I will continue to fight for the cause, and I will help bring this country to peace once again. At least... that's the purpose I was given for coming here.

Yuuta then got on his motorcycle and rode back home.

To be continued...

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