Episode 14 - The Orange's Fear and The Lemon's Determination

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It begins after the events of facing Mitsunari.

Yuuta is seen lying down in a futami mat in a room, with bandages to cover his injuries from his previous battle.

He's still unconscious, but Yuuta began to slowly open his eyes.

His vision was blurry at first, but it later became clearer, seeing Yukimura and the others beside him at his bed.

Sakura: Hey, he's waking up!

Yukimura: Ah, Yuuta.

Yuuta: *grunts*Ow... Guys...?

Yuuta attempts to get up, but is still hurting.

Yukimura: Take it easy, you are still recovering.

All of sudden, Sakura leaped onto Yuuta and hugged him tightly while shedding tears.

Sakura: Yuuta! Thank goodness you're alive!

Yuuta: Ow ow ow! Sakura, too tight!

Yukimura: Sakura, calm down! You're hurting him even more.

Sakura: I-I'm sorry, my lord. *sniffs*But, you were unconscious for so long Yuuta. I was really really worried about you.

Yuuta put his hand on Sakura's head and patted her while showing a smile.

Yuuta: I'm sorry I had you worried there, Sakura.

Sakura: *sniff*No, it's fine. I'm just glad you're okay.

Yuuta: Heh. But, what happened to me? And where am I?

Michiko: You are in Lord Shingen's quarters, where you have been treated. Naomi carried you back, and already reported about the situation.

Yuuta: Naomi? That's right, I was protecting her from Mitsunari! Where is she? Is she okay!?

Naomi: Calm down, Shirayanagi.

Yuuta and the others saw Naomi showing herself behind the slided door.

Yuuta: Naomi! You're okay, thank goodness...

Naomi: Y-Yeah... thanks to you.

As Naomi stepped in, she bowed down towards Yuuta.

Naomi: I apologize! I'm responsible for your injuries. My rash decisions almost costed your life. So-

Yuuta: Naomi.

Naomi: Eh?

Yuuta: You don't have to say sorry. I'm just glad you're okay.

Naomi: Shirayanagi...

Then, Shingen and Kenshin made their appearances as they made their way inside the room.

Shingen: It seems you are awake, Yuuta.

Yukimura: Lord Shingen.

Michiko: Father.

Kenshin: I believe it's time we have a discussion with all of you about our current situation.

Sakura: About what?

Shingen: About our involvement with the Toytotomi... as well as the Oda.

Yuuta: What do you mean!?

Yukimura: You may not know of this, Yuuta. But Takeda has been encountering with forces from both of those factions recently.

Shingen: These events occurred a long while before you arrived, I'm afraid. Our army encountered and fought against Oda and Toyotomi, along with their own armored riders.

Yukimura: But lately their tactics and movements have been strange. Even though they inevitably won many battles against us, they never bothered to conquer or destroy Takeda.

Michiko: Interesting. It's as though they are trying to achieve something. But what is it?

Naomi: Actually, Ishida Mitsunari said about something Takeda has, and will soon reclaim it.

Shingen: Something we have, you say? Hmm, but what could it be?

???: M-My lords...

As the group tends to think further, it was disrupted when two injured Kurokages came by.

Where one Kurokage was carrying the other's arm wrapped around his shoulders.

Kenshin: My goodness... What happened!?

Kurokage1: Forgive us, we are ashamed of ourselves.

Kurokage2: We've attempted to calm her, but she just went through us.

Kenshin: "She"?

???: Yuuta!

Yuuta: That voice...!

As Yuuta expected, it was Kanami who appeared right at the doors.

Yuuta: Kana!?

Kanami: Yuuta!

Kanami was seen relived in seeing Yuuta alright. But as she's about to walk in the room, Shingen blocked her path.

Shingen: Who are you!? How did you-?

Sakura: M-My lord, please calm down! Big sister Kanami isn't an enemy!

Shingen: Kanami? ...Ah, I see. You are the lass who is running that mochi stand in the village. What are you here for?

Kanami: I recently saw one of your armored riders carrying Yuuta to the gate. He seemed severely injured and I cannot help but worry.

Shingen: And so you bust in here while defeating some of my men along the way. All so you can see his condition.

Kanami: Please, I want to see how Yuuta is doing. Let me see him, at least if it's only for a few minutes.

Shingen: Why should I-?

Yuuta: Lord Shingen.

Everyone then focused on Yuuta as he began to speak.

Yuuta: Please let Kana in. She won't be at ease if you tell her to leave.

Shingen: But Yuuta-.

Yuuta: My lord! ...Please.

Shingen: ...*sigh* ...Very well. Just this once, you may visit him. But you have little time, then you have to leave.

Kanami: Understood. I thank you my lord.*bows*

As Shingen lets Kanami in, she sits by Yuuta's side and both of them are smiling at each other.

Shingen: We should take our leave, give them some space.

Everyone in the room then left.

Shingen: Yuuta. We will explain things to you once you've fully recovered.

Now, Yuuta and Kanami are the ones left in the room.

Kanami: How are you feeling?

Yuuta: It may look bad, but honestly I'm good. They patched me up, but I'm a little sore.

Kanami: I see. Thank goodness, I'm so glad you're safe and sound.

Yuuta: But, you didn't have to barge through the front gate just to see me.

Kanami: I had to!

Yuuta: K-Kana?

Kanami: I was... so worried about you. You got yourself involve in a battle that could have costed your life.

Yuuta: That's...

Yuuta remind himself of the flashbacks of his fight from the last episode.

Kanami: Yuuta?

As Kanami notices, Yuuta's arms began trembling.

Yuuta: *thoughts*What is this? This feeling?

Yuuta tries to stop, but his arms kept shaking.

But it stopped when Kanami gently put her hands on Yuuta's.

Yuuta: Kana.

Kanami: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those words. You were scared, weren't you?

Yuuta: Scared... Yeah. But not on dying or anything. I was scared that... that if I wasn't able to protect someone.

Kanami: What do you mean?

Yuuta: Back when Naomi was about to take the hit, and I protected her. It reminded me of a soldier that died right in front of me. I watched his fight while hiding, and I... I could've saved his life. Before I realized it, I was too late. I ...I just don't anyone else to die again.

Kanami's eyes widen a little upon hearing his words. She then put her hand on Yuuta's cheek and looked at him closer, showing a gentle smile.

Kanami: You don't have to be ashamed. It's okay to feel these feelings, they are what made you who you are.

Yuuta: Heh, yeah... yeah you're right.

Kanami: Yuuta, if you ever get scared or feel any of these feelings you have again, then I will be there by your side to comfort and bear them with you. After all you... you are an important person to me.

Yuuta slowly put his hand onto Kanami's hand that's on his cheek and cheerfully smiled.

Yuuta: Alright. Thanks, Kana.


The location is set in Azuchi Castle, the home base of the Oda Army.

Inside the walls of the castle, there are Toyotomi and Oda Kurokages walking around, guarding areas, and talking with each other.

Then, it focuses on the training area, where the first thing is seen is a bunch of Kurokages being sent flying back and on the ground.

Kurokages: *grunting in pain*

The one responsible for their injuries happens to none other than Mitsunari, who's already transformed.

Duke: Fools, all of you! Don't tell me this is all the strength you posses!

Some of the Kurokages got back up and began to charge at Mitsunari. Some of them attacked with their spears, but others went to hand-to-hand combat because their spears were broken.

Unfortunately, Mitsunari defeated them all with a single strike from his Sonic Arrow.

All that's left are defeated Kurokages, with some who de-henshined, exhausted and in pain.

Duke: *pant**pant*

???: Enough, Mitsunari!

Suddenly, the tension came to a stop when a young man in clothing appeared.

Young Man: Training is done for today. All of you are dismissed, if some are injured report for medication.

Kurokage: Of course, my lord! Thank you!

The Kurokages then left, with some carrying them away. Now the young man and Mitsunari are left.

Young Man: Mitsunari, what were you thinking? There was no need to act so hostile against our own.

Duke: Hmph, and are you spouting you can do better, "Lord" Oda Nobuyuki?

Nobuyuki: Need I remind you this is only training for our soldiers? Are you trying to use excuses to throw yourself in a fit of rage?

Duke: If they do not face any greater challenges, they won't be strong themselves. You of all people should know that.

Nobuyuki: I heard the reports of Takeda and Uesugi's alliance, including where you encountered and faced their armored riders. Would any of those be the reason for your rage?

Duke: It's none of your concern.

Nobuyuki: I see... Well then.

As Mitsunari realizes, Nobuyuki puts on a Sengoku Driver. Then, he brought out his lockseed.

Nobuyuki: Then allow me to be the one to quell your rage.

Lockseed: Walnut! ...Lock On!

Nobuyuki: Henshin!

(Guitar riff) Kurumi Arms! Mr. Knuckle Man! (Three count bell ring with a cheering crowd)

Nobuyuki transformed when a walnut-themed armor was put onto him, becoming armored rider Knuckle.

Duke: Interesting. But do not be so confident afterwards.

Knuckle: I would expect nothing less. Come, Mitsunari!

Then, both armored riders began to clash.

While Mitsunari is attacking and striking with his Sonic Arrow, Nobuyuki is blocking and counterattacking with his huge gauntlets, the Walnut Bombers.

Surprisingly, both riders are toe-to-toe, despite Nobuyuki having a normal lockseed.

As they are being pushed back, Mitsunari fires his Sonic Arrow. But Nobuyuki blocks and punches the blasts out of the way while charging.

Eventually, Nobuyuki reached Mitsunari and delivers and heavy punch right to the face that sended him flying to a wall.

Duke: *grunts*I never imagined you would... actually land a blow to me.

Knuckle: Because like you, I also believe in the strength I was given.

Duke: Hmph, then let's see if you can handle this.

Mitsunari then puts his lockseed on his Sonic arrow and began to charge his attack.

Lockseed: Lock Off! ...Lock On! Lemon Energy!

Knuckle: Very well. Then I shall grant your wish as well.

Nobuyuki then pressed his blade-handle two times.

Sengoku Driver: Kurumi Au Lait!

As both are about to execute their finishers, Mitsunari's attack is charged with yellow energy. For Nobuyuki, he summons a projection of a giant walnut right in front of him.

Then, both of them unleased their attacks.

Mitsunari fires a powerful shot covered with lemon juice-like energy. As for Nobuyuki, he punches the walnut with one of his gauntlets, launching it with high speed.

After both attacks collide with one another for a brief moment, it caused an explosion. Resulting in both armored riders being sent flying back.

But both seemed okay and got back on their feet before they de-henshined.

Mitsunari: Heh, you fought well.

Before Mitsunari could speak furthur, Nobuyuki walked towards him and lend out his hand.

Mitsunari accepts and got back up.

Nobuyuki: I know well, Mitsunari. You were only holding onto your unwavering loyalty and honor, and want to share it with the rest in your own way.

Mitsunari: Yeah, I suppose you can put it like that. ...It's so strange, though. The two of us walking upon the earth once again. Even though I kept memories of my past, including my death of how I was be-headed, here I am serving Lord Hideyoshi once again.

Nobuyuki: Yes. It goes the same for all of us. I suppose we owe our thanks to that golden fruit. However, I doubt it since another war has started. Tokugawa Ieyasu, one of my brother's followers, lost control over his rule and eventually went into hiding.

Mitsunari: But that's why we are here now. To help unify this country once again. But for this alliance or for Nobunaga. Only for my Lord Hideyoshi.

Nobuyuki: *chuckles*It seems death hasn't changed you at all.

Mitsunari: I could say the same.

While the two are still having a conversation, two men who have not shown their faces, have seen the events from on top of the castle's balcony.

One man is fanning himself with a fan that has the Toytomi symbol, while the other is wearing black clothing with Oda symbols around it.

???1: Ha ha ha! Oh Mitsunari, you haven't changed at all. I am glad to see you are still one of my finest soldiers and a dear friend. ...But, I never expected your brother remains loyal to you.

???2: ...

???1: Oh, come now. You could cut some slack and celebrate the fruits of your labor once in a while.

???2: What... is the situation?

???1: *closes fan*Geez, alright. Some of our men have reported we have found the person we are looking for. Later on, we'll go through our plan one more time.

???2: ...Soon. Very soon, we will retrieve... the daughter of Ieyasu.

???1: Heh, I see you haven't changed at all, my lord.

???2: ...Neither have you, monkey.

The second man turned around and walked back inside the castle.

While he was walking back, however. There is a woman who is hiding behind the walls.

She's an armored rider, wearing armor similar to an apple...

To be continued...

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