Episode 18 - The Power of Oranges! Birth of Jimber Tangerine!

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The scene begins elsewhere, at Azuchi Castle. Where we see the outside of a room within the castle.

Then it focuses on the inside, revealing to be the Oda's tea room.

It points out to Lord Nobunaga, who is having tea, along with his wife Lady Nohime who is serving him.

Right now, Nobunaga is already done with his cup of tea.

Nohime: May I, my lord?

Nobunaga was silent when he heard his wife's voice, but she poured another cup of tea anyways.

Nobunaga: ...To think I would once again taste tea after returning from the world of the dead.

Nohime: Yes, I agree. It's as though fate spared us from our own since the appearance of the golden fruit.

Nobunaga: Hmph. Even I was ready to accept death's embrace and rule over the heavens on the 'other side'. If fate has taken action in this play, then what purpose does it have for resurrecting the fallen?

The couple looked outside for a moment until Nohime speak up.

Nohime: Lord husband, about the battle currently happening right now. Pardon my concern, but for what reason is there for attacking Kai's shipment to draw their army out? Your goal is to retrieve the daughter of Ieyasu, is it not?

Nobunaga: Indeed it is. However, there's more to achieving one's desires, than to face head-on...

But as Nobunaga was about to speak more, he took another sip from his tea.


It now shows the continuation of the battle against the Oda and Toyotomi.

Yuuta is now about to face off against Mitsunari on an open field, where several Kurokages are still fighting each other.

Gaim: So... we meet again, Ishida Mitsunari.

Duke: Takeda's armored rider. I see you've survived.

Gaim: You got that right. Didn't actually think I was dead or anything, did you?

Duke: Merely a scant mercy I had shown. However, unfortunate for you, I'm in a mood to show no mercy.

Gaim: Heh, interesting words you got there.

As Yuuta played with his swords, both got into their fighting stances.

The atmosphere starts to get tense with silence, hearing nothing but the gentle breeze in the area.

Both start to re-adjust their footing, waiting for the right moment to charge in.

Then, upon seeing Mitsunari's foot moving, he then started to sprint followed by Yuuta charging in as well.

Duke: Hrrraaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!

Gaim: Hyaaaahhhh!

As they continue to run towards each other, they clashed with their blades while seeing each other's faces up close.

After a stare-down for a minute, both armored riders started to clash swords.

Yuuta is performing most of his strikes with his swords traveling the same way, allowing him to lay heavy blows.

However, Mitsunari's strikes with his bow-and-arrow are the same level as Yuuta's.

Continuing their strikes, both warriors are displaying their skills by seeing orange and yellow-colored slashes.

Then, Mitsunari begins to fire his Sonic Arrow at Yuuta.

He keeps dodging them by moving out of the way and rolling to the sides.

As Mitsunari fires another yellow arrow, Yuuta strikes the arrow because it was so close to him. Unfortunately, the arrow explodes at the moment of impact.

Mitsunari then puts his weapon down upon his victory.

However, Yuuta emerges from the dust by jumping high in the air.

This caused Mitsunari to be caught off guard, allowing Yuuta to land a powerful cross-slash, Miyamoto Musashi style.

But as Mitsunari was sent flying, he fired an arrow at Yuuta, causing him to fly and crash on the ground.

Both armored riders are now grunting because of their injuries and attempting to get up.

Duke: *pant*It seems I... underestimated you. *grunt*You happen to have improved a bit since the last time.

Gaim: *grunts*Well, can't say the same to you. *thoughts*This is bad, I'm almost out of stamina... Shouldn't have used too much energy in my strikes earlier. In that case...

Before Mitsunari knew it, he was shocked on what Yuuta drew. His Genesis Driver.

Duke: ...! It can't be, that's-...!

Gaim: Yep, you better believe it. Time to bust out the secret weapon!

But before Yuuta could put it on, he heard a voice nearby.

Michiko: Yuuta!

Yuuta and Mitsunari turned to see Michiko without her helmet, injured, lying next to a tree.

Gaim: Michiko!

Duke: Tch... That woman...!

Mitsunari then got up and prepared to fire his Sonic Arrow.

Yuuta witnessed in shock when Mitsunari fired his arrow towards the injured Michiko.

Gaim: ...! Stop!!!

As Yuuta acted on his own, he attempted to take the hit by blocking Michiko. The hit has been seen off-screen, as there's an explosion.

After the dust cleared, Michiko is seen getting back up and saw Yuuta on the ground.

Michiko: Yuuta! ...Are you alright!? Speak to me!

Gaim: *cough*Y-Yeah, I'll live.

But as Yuuta sat back up, he looked in shock as his Genesis Driver... has been destroyed.

Gaim: No! ...Oh man, Lord Shingen's gonna kill me for this.

As Yuuta continues to hold onto his new destroyed belt, Mitsunari is seen coming out of the fire, about to engage.

Michiko: Ishida Mitsunari. I demand a rematch.

Duke: Tch, you just don't know when to know defeat!

As Michiko and Mitsunari began to engage, their first clash caused a shockwave.

This caused Yuuta to be blown away.

However, after he landed, his Rider Indicator clip on the side fell off. As he gets back up once again, he saw his Genesis Driver's Core Unit fell off from the belt.

Gaim: Wait... is that?

Yuuta walks over and picks up the Core Unit, and at the same time, he notices his Rider Indicator clip fell off.

He took a minute of his time to look over the mechanics and his eyes widen inside his helmet towards his realization.

Gaim: No way... I wonder.

Without further a do, Yuuta slides his Core Unit to where his Rider Indicator clip was.

Gaim: Ah, it fits! Now then...

Yuuta then grabs his energy lockseed and holds it across to the side.

Gaim: Oh ho, I have a really good feeling about this. Alright... let's rock!

Lockseed: Tangerine Energy!

After Yuuta opens his energy lockseed, his normal lockseed on his Sengoku Driver began to unlock again.

Then, he puts his energy lockseed onto the Core Unit linked to his belt, and locked both locks.

Lockseed: Lock On! ×2

Finally, as Yuuta pressed the blade-handle, the two locks opened...

Soiya! Mix! Orange Arms: Path of Blossoms, on Stage! Jimber Tangerine! Ha-Ha!

Yuuta then began to transform as his orange armor, along with a tangerine-themed armor that appeared from above, began to combine to form a Jinbaori-based armor.

note: 'Jimber' is derived from the word Jinbaori, a formal coat worn by samurais.

As the Jimber armor transformed and got put onto Yuuta, it shows some of its parts painted with slices of tangerine.

Of course, Michiko and Mitsunari were surprised by his new sudden transformation that they stopped their fighting.

Michiko: Yuuta? What is this transformation...?

Then, flower petals came by and rain over Yuuta, along with the ringing of Kabuki-themed music.


Yuuta stands at his ready position in doing a Mie(pose) from a Kabuki performance.

Gaim: From here on, this is my show!

Yuuta began to charge towards Mitsunari, while Michiko sit on the sidelines, still surprised.

Yuuta and Mitsunari then clashed again.

Only this time, Yuuta's new arms personal weapon is none other than the Sonic Arrow.

While fighting with each other, both riders showed their display of strength coming from their powerful strikes.

Gaim: Heh, what do you think of that? Now I have the same weapon as you.

Duke: Grr, curse you! I may not know what you just did, but your new transformation doesn't concern me!

Mitsunari charges in and lands a couple of strikes, but Yuuta wasn't damaged whatsoever this time.

Duke: What!?

Yuuta pulled a fast one and fired an orange energy-filled arrow at Mitsunari, which is revealed to have twice the power unlike Duke's.

Duke: How? How is this possible!? This is the gift lent to me by Lord Hideyoshi. I shouldn't be beaten by the likes of you!

Gaim: Hey, what can I say? Everyone is full of surprises these days.

Duke: How dare you... How dare you! Takeda's armored rider!

Enraged, Mitsunari jumped really high and was about to perform a powerful downward strike towards Yuuta.

Gaim: Hey, hey. Don't you know who I am?

Yuuta takes out his energy lockseed and places it on his Sonic Arrow.

Lockseed: Lock On! Tangerine Energy!

At the same time, pressed the blade-handle on his belt.

Sengoku Driver: Orange Squash!

note: You can tell the tangerine from orange based on how it's glowing and having bit of a lighter color.

Yuuta began straightening his stance, and began to charge his bow and arrow by pulling back the string.

As the arrowhead begins to be filled with pure orange juice-like energy, an alternating row of orange and tangerine slices appear to form a line towards the target, Mitsunari while he's still airborne.

After the arrow is fully charged with power and locked on, Yuuta released it with the arrow going through the slices, fueled with even more power, and slamming it to the target.

Mitsunari was ultimately hit by the arrow, receiving critical damage. Resulting him to crash to the ground and de-henshin.

With Mitsunari defeated, Yuuta also de-henshined.

Yuuta: My name... is Yuuta.

===Music ends here===

Michiko then came to Yuuta.

Michiko: Well done Yuuta, you defeated Mitsunari.

Yuuta: Heh, thanks. But I guess I should say it's all because of you.

Michiko: *turns to Mitsunari*Now, I say it's time we get some answers.

Yuuta: Yeah, sounds good to me.

As they both walk to confront the defeated Mitsunari, Michiko grabbed one of the Kurokage's spears and pointed towards him.

Michiko: Surrender yourselves, it's over.

Mitsunari: Ghk! Never. I rather die again on the battlefield, than to become a prisoner of war.

Yuuta: Spare us with your words of loyalty, man. We want answers.

Michiko: Why have you attacked one of Kai's shipments?

Mitsunari: Even if I tell you, it will bring no good to you anyway.

Yuuta: Dude, what are you talking about? You completely lost.

Mitsunari: Lost? The great Oda Army? You're wrong, this attack was merely to get your attention.

Michiko: What are you speaking of?

But before anyone can speak of, the others in the field heard loud familiar barking sounds.

The warriors present turned their faces to see Kuroh running towards Yuuta and Michiko.

Yuuta: Kuroh!? Hey boy, what are you doing here?

Kuroh: *bark*! *bark*!

Michiko notices a letter being stripped onto Kuroh's back.

Michiko: What is this?

Michiko un-attached the letter and began to read.

However, her eyes widen in shock upon reading a few lines.

Yuuta: Michiko? What's wrong, what does it say?

Michiko: Kai... Is under attack...

All that was left is Yuuta's shocked look upon his face...

To be continued...

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