Episode 29 - The New Dangerous Threat! Rise of the Inves!

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The scene starts off in Kai, where every citizen is in a state of panic.

Earlier from the last episode, the red monster covered all of Japan in vines and vegetation, literally.

Kai is also covered in vines, which is covering the grounds and even on the rooms of the houses. Even moss is growing in all sorts of random places.

However, that is not the worse part of the current situation.

The monsters from before in the battlefield from earlier appeared in Kai. Causing all sorts of havoc and terror in attacking innocent civilians and randomly destroying houses like mindless beasts.

But, besides from the regular monster fought before, there also appearances of new types of monsters from the same kind.

And they seems to be much more powerful than the weaker ones, as the two were able to destroy houses with a single strike of their claws.

The destruction the monster are causing in Kai is even worse from the time they were under attack from the Oda and Toyotomi forces.

Meanwhile, in another part of the village, there are signs of explosions happening in the area and the hearings of citizens screaming in terror.

As the dust clears, it appears to the one who was the cause for causing such terror.

It's another one of those monster, but it's another type related to the two other ones from earlier.

However, it appears to be quite different, as it is huge and muscular.

Suddenly, while the monster appears to be rampaging, it was seen holding a hostage up with its gigantic hands.

That hostage... is Kanami.

As she was struggling, some children saw and tried to reach out to her.

Child 1: Big sister Kanami!

Kanami: No, don't! You must run, hurry!

Child 1: Somebody, help!

Child 2: Please, save big sister!

After the kids ran away, the blue gigantic monster has its face close to her while it was grumbling.

Kanami: ...! *closes her eyes*Yuuta!

Suddenly, there's a similar armored rider who pressed down his blade-handle.

Sengoku Driver: Pine Squash!

Kanami: *opens eyes*Eh?

As Kanami opened her eyes, she saw what she couldn't believe. It was Yuuta, who's already in his Pineapple Arms.

He appeared up in the sky while executing his move of kicking his Pine Iron towards the gigantic monster.

But instead of exploding, the ball and chain enlarged and attached to the monster's head.

Yuuta then performs his rider kick while his right leg is being coated in pineapple juice-like energy.

As soon as he made contact, Yuuta literally kicked through the monster that showed a pineapple-shaped hole.

Afterwards, the monster explode with pineapple slices flying out.

After defeating the monster, Yuuta easily catches Kanami in his arms, princess-carry style, and gently puts her down. Yuuta then de-henshins.

Yuuta: Are you okay, Kana?

Kanami: *smiling and blushing a little*Yuuta...

Then, without any restraint, Kanami hugs Yuuta, happy and relieved to see him.

Yuuta also went and gently hugged Kanami back.

Yuuta: I'm so sorry, I let it happen again.

Kanami: *shakes head*No, please. You do not need to apologize, I'm just glad to see you back here safely.

Setsuna: Kanami!

Yuuta and Kanami then turned to see the rest of the main characters of the army behind them.

Kanami: Brother! Everyone!

Setsuna: Are you unhurt?

Kanami: No, I am fine.

???: Lady Kanami!

Before the others realized it, they saw Tadatomo running over.

Setsuna: Tadatomo.

Tadatomo: ...! My lord! *bows on knees*Please forgive me for not keeping lady Kanami safe. I am ashamed of myself!

Kanami: Tadatomo please, it's fine-

Setsuna: We will discuss about it later. Right now...

Everyone then looked around to see the destruction caused to Kai so far. Damaged buildings, smoking fires, and monsters roaming around and causing destruction freely.

Shingen: Such destruction...

Yuuta: Those bastards! Why would they do such a thing...?

Kenshin: Let us worry about it later. We should rid of this crisis as quickly as possible.

Shingen: *nods*Mmm. You are right, old friend. As of now, the Kurokages from our army have already been ordered to scour throughout the village in order to deal with these new enemies and to protect the civilians. However, there is still much more needed to be done.

Sakura: Then what your orders my lord?

Shingen: You and Kuroh will be in charge of evacuating the citizens.

Sakura: Understood, I will notify my ninja squads right away.

Kuroh: *bark*!

Shingen: As for the rest of us, make sure to eliminate these threats. Leave no enemy out of sight until all of Kai is safe.

All: Yes, my lord!

Shingen: Very well, the two of us will go on ahead.

With that, Shingen and Kenshin rode their horses to random route to do battle.

Naomi: My lady, we should go too.

Michiko: Right. But... are you sure you are able to fight? You are still recovering from what happened earlier.

Naomi is seen with bandages in some parts around her torso, along with a few bad bruises. There are also signs of sweat coming down from her head and body.

Naomi: Nngh...

Michiko: Perhaps you should stay and rest-

Naomi: No, please do not be concerned about my injuries, my lady. I may not appear to be, but I still have the strength to fight. Besides, I cannot idly sit by while innocents are suffering.

Michiko: ...Very well. But I still suggest you should not push yourself.

Naomi: Nngh... As you wish...

Michiko and Naomi then left the scene as well.

Yuuta: Kanami, Tadatomo, you two better evacuate with the rest of the people.

Tadatomo: Understood, sir Yuuta. My lady, this way.

Kanami: O-Okay. Yuuta, brother, please be careful.

Setsuna: ...

Yuuta: Hey, don't worry of them, they'll be safe.

Setsuna: I know.

Yuuta: Alright...! Come on, let's go!

The first scene starts with Yuuta and Setsuna running towards a bunch of monsters.

Yuuta: There they are!

The group of monsters heard Yuuta and turned their attention to the two.

Yuuta: There's so many of them.

Setsuna: Numbers do not matter at this point. We will crush them all with our power. Let's go, Yuuta!

Yuuta: Right, Setsuna!

Both warriors then got out their lockseeds and put them on their belts.

Lockseed: Orange! ...Lcok On!

Lockseed: Baron-Banana! ...Lock On!

Yuuta & Setsuna: Henshin!

Soiya! Orange Arms: Path of Blossoms, on Stage!

Come On! Banana Arms: Knight of Spe~ar!

Gaim: From here on, this is our show!

As soon as the monsters began to charge, Yuuta and Setsuna began to charge in as well.

The two began to clash with the monsters, and both seemed to already have the advantage in battle.

Yuuta was charging through with both swords and finishing the monster one by one with a single slash.

As there's a group of monsters up ahead, Yuuta jumped up high and finished the monsters off with a single slash with both of his swords.

At Setsuna's side, he's facing the monsters as if he's a surrounded by thousands of enemies, and defeating them with a single strike and thrust with his spear.

Setsuna then turned around to see a pack of monsters charging towards him.

Baron: Hmph, it seems these enemies do not know their own sanity.

Then, he pressed on his blade-handle.

Sengoku Driver: Banana Squash!

Setsuna thrusts his spear forward hard and fast, summoning a projection of a banana that eliminated the pack of monsters the moment they made contact with it.

Gaim: Setsuna! ...*pant*You okay?

Setsuna: Yes, but we are not done yet. Let's go.

Gaim: Right.

But before the two can press on, they were suddenly caught in by a surprise attack.

It was the green monster from earlier with the huge claw on the right, and it was able to send Yuuta and Setsuna flying with a strike from its claw.

Gaim: *grunts in pain*W-What the hell was that? ...! Another one...

Baron: Hold, there's something different about him.

New Green Monster: *growls*...

Gaim: You're right, it's completely different from the other ones.

Baron: This may not be simple, stay focused.

Gaim: You got it!

Yuuta and Setsuna then charged at the new monster.

While they are fighting, the new monster is able to stay even above toe-to-toe with the armored riders.

It has much more speed and strength, and able to strike fast despite his claw being so big.

Every time Yuuta or Setsuna tries to strike with their weapons, the new monster just pushes to the side and strikes fast when there's an opening.

The monster directs its focus on Yuuta, but he managed to block its claw with both of his swords.

This gave Setsuna the advantage to strike from the back, finally landing a hit.

However, it only resulted in making the new monster mad, as it assaulted Setsuna with a barrage of claw attacks, ending with a upper-strike, with Setsuna rolling on the ground.

Gaim: Setsuna! Why you...!

Before Yuuta charged in with fire in his eyes, he puts his two swords together into the naginata.

Yuuta then pulled a combo with powerful slashes that were struck with precision before sending the new monster back while it was still hurt from the continuous slashes.

This gave Yuuta the chance to grab his lockseed and puts it on his naginata.

Lockseed: Lock Off! ...Lock On!

1, 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000: Orange Charge!

As Yuuta readied himself, he then releases two slash projectiles in the shape of an X. Which resulted in the new monster trapped in an orange energy sphere.

He then charged in and released a powerful slash that cut the orange, as well as the new monster, in half before it exploded with orange slices flying out.

After the monster was defeated, Yuuta went to check up on Setsuna.

Gaim: Setsuna! Are you okay?

Baron: Yes, don't worry about me. You did well in defeating the enemy.

Gaim: Hee hee. It was no biggie.

Baron: However, there are still more to take care of.

Gaim: Then what are we waiting for? Let's clean up the rest of this mess!

Yuuta and Setsuna then went to take care of more monsters.


Michiko and Naomi are in another part of the village, taking care of another wave of monsters.

Michiko is walking down in a calm manner, taking out most of the monster with some shots from her Musou Saber.

As soon as group of them moved in, Michiko took them all out with a green-colored slash.

In Naomi's side, she is quick shooting her Budou Ryuhou at the monsters, both on the ground and on some that are on the roofs.

But suddenly, as Naomi continues her fight, one of the monster before, the red one that looks like a lion, was about to execute a surprise attack behind her.

Naomi spotted, but she could not dodge in time. Until she saved by Michiko and her shield and knocked back the new monster.

Ryugen: Ah... Thank you, my lady.

Zangetsu: Never reveal your blind spot, Naomi.

Ryugen: My apologies. But...

Both Michiko and Naomi looked at the new monster for a moment as it got up.

Zangetsu: It seems there are new types of the same enemy. Be on your guard, Naomi.

Ryugen: Understood.

As soon as the lion monster charged in, Michiko and Naomi prepared themselves.

Michiko and Naomi first used their tactic of overwhelming the lion monster from both sides.

It seemed to be working at first, but the lion monster managed to slip through due to its speed.

Then, while using its super speed, the lion monster attacks the armored riders from all sides, striking them with its claws.

While the two are struggling to get up, the lion monster made a quick move and held Naomi by the throat as she lifted her up in the air.

Zangetsu: Naomi!

Ryugen: *grunts*... No, I won't... allow myself... to fall here...!

Naomi uses her strength to reach and grab her other lockseed.

Lockseed: Kiwi! ...Lock On!

As the lion was distracted by the kiwi armor appearing above, Naomi used the opportunity to push it away from her and transform.

Hai! Kiwi Arms! Whirling Wheels! Slice and Dice!

And so, the two armored riders continue their attack.

The two managed to land hits on the lion monster with their team combination attacks.

The lion monster then started to use its super speed again to run around in circles around Michiko and Naomi.

At first, they were confused, but Naomi whipped a fast one and used her chakrams to twirl around in the opposite direction. Resulting in easily striking the lion monster.

Zangetsu: Very good, Naomi. Its speed can be a powerful weapon, but carelessly thinking they have the advantage will make them not notice their weakness.

Ryugen: Shall we finish this, my lady?

Zangetsu: Very well, then.

Naomi starts the finishing attack by pressing her blade-handle down two times.

Sengoku Driver: Kiwi Au Lait!

Just like last time, Naomi filled her chakrams with kiwi-shaped energy before she threw them both towards the lion monster.

The lion monster was still standing, but is injured and losing its footing.

Now it is Michiko's turn, as she pressed down the blade-handle two times.

Sengoku Driver: Melon Au Lait!

Suddenly, Michiko's Melon Defender began to transform.

The crescent blades attached to the side began to activate and turned forward, acting almost like pincers.

Michiko pointed her shield toward the lion monster, and suddenly, the crescent blades enlarged and slashed through the lion monster as soon as they cross each other, making it explode.

Zangetsu: *pant**pant*

Ryugen: Lady Michiko, are you alright.

Zangetsu: I am fine, do not worry.

Then, they de-henshined. But after that, they heard a familar voice.

Yuuta: Hey, you two!

Naomi: Shirayanagi. Lord Setsuna.

Michiko: Are you two alright?

Yuuta: Heh, never better.

Setsuna: It seems we are done here. The other divisions have already dealt with the other enemies in the other areas as we speak.

Michiko: Thank heavens it's over. For now...

Yuuta: *sigh*Just what's happening to the country?


It's shown back in the Takeda Castle, at Shingen's meeting room on the top floor.

Yuuta and the others, as well as some Takeda elders are about to discuss about the events while in their fight with the Oda and Toyotomi, as well as the appearance of new enemies.

The elders are all murmuring about the dangers they may face in the coming future.

As they continue however, Shingen spoke up.

Shingen: Silence!

With the room in complete silence and seeing some elders sweating, Shingen then took a deep breath and spoke calmly.

Shingen: Now then, we are gathered here to today to speak about today's events. ...As you know, during our battle with Nobunaga and Hideyoshi, we've came across some new enemies which has overwhelming numbers.

Elder 1: They are monstrosities my lord! It's certain they are not of human life.

Elder 2: Just what are these beings anyway? Yokai?

Elder 3: That cannot be certain, their appearances according to our reports are different from folklore.

Elder 4: I wonder what will happen to Kai is this goes on-

Shingen: Enough!

Again, the room is filled with silence, but Shingen is still controllable and calm in his words.

Shingen: *phew*Anyway, what is the current situation in the village.

Elder 1: Per your instructions, my lord. We have already given orders to the Kurokages to patrol every part of the village for any more signs of those beings.

Elder 2: We have also given another division orders to cut down the vines that are everywhere. Especially to establish repairs of the destroyed houses.

Shingen: Excellent work. Until we hear otherwise, I want everyone to continue on with their duties. You are all free to go now.

All: Yes, my lord.

As the elders and some soldiers left, Yuuta, the Uesugi, and the Saika-Shu still remained in the room.

Yuuta: *sigh*This is getting really bad around here.

Naomi: This is no time to joke Shirayanagi, you should know by now the situation of how the country is in complete peril.

Yuuta: I know, I know. It's just that this is stressing me out.

Sakura: ...Can't blame you. I-I just can't believe Yukimura is now working on the enemy's side. Not to mention, as their armored rider.

Shingen: But why would Yukimura...?

Yuuta: I don't think he's really working with them.

Kenshin: What do you mean?

Yuuta: I think it's more like he's being mind-controlled by them.

Shingen: What kind of nonsense is that?

Yuuta: When I first saw him, it feels like he wasn't himself. And besides, his eyes were actually glowing bright red. ...My guess is that while he was kidnapped, that red guy back there must have offered him to join their side. Yukimura must have refused and they resorted to turning him to a mindless soldier. It would make sense they would turn him to their puppet, the red guy did say he wanted his strength.

Michiko: ...

Shingen: Hmm... It seems the situation is more dangerous than any of us would imagine. Now to mention your report saying the one whom you encountered created a lockseed for the young cub.

Sakura: Wait a minute, if he created it so easily, do you think their the ones who actually created the lockseeds?

Everyone started to be shocked deep down and the room is quiet.

But it all stopped once Magoichi stood up.

Shingen: Where are you going?

Magoichi: Well the rest of us are not going to get anywhere by just sitting on our asses and being all negative, so I'm heading back to my base and do a little research on my own. But while I do that, I suggest you guys do the same.

Magoichi and Adrian then left.

Kenshin: Shingen, pardon me If I may. But we should be making our way back to Echigo. I am sure the vines have also reached towards many neighboring provinces and need to be taken care of.

Shingen: I understand, if you need any assist, let me know.

Kenshin: I give you my thanks, but it'll not be necessary.

Kenshin, Michiko, and Naomi stood up and began to leave.

Yuuta: Michiko! ...Don't give up hope, I swear we're going to save Yukimura. No matter what.

Michiko: ...Thank you.

Then, the Uesugi have left, leaving Yuuta, Sakura and Kuroh, and Shingen.

Shingen: *sigh*By the way, Yuuta. Do you know where young lord Setsuna is?

Yuuta: He went back to training, says he needs to be stronger the next time we have to face those Inves.

Sakura: Wait... what did you say?

Yuuta: You know, Inves. That's what I call the monsters from earlier. Cool name, right?

Sakura: Uh... depends. Why did you make up that name?

Yuuta: They're a new species and their trying to invade this country, makes sense, right?

Shingen: Hmm... Very well, these beings shall be called Inves.

Sakura: My lord!

Shingen: Now then, moving onto important matters. We still need to figure out who the Inves really are and what do they want.

Sakura: *sigh*If only there was a person who knows everything...

Kuroh: *whines*

Yuuta: Wait, everything?

Shingen: What is it, Yuuta? Do you have someone in mind?

Yuuta: Actually, I do. There's a fortune teller who lives near a village for retired soldiers and she knows everything. I'm pretty sure I can get information from her.

Shingen: Do you place your trust in her, though?

Yuuta: Of course! After all, she's the one who saved my life back when Oda and Toyotomi attacked us.

Shingen: Mmm... Very well, Yuuta. We will leave that part to you.

Sakura: My ninja groups and I will cover ground to find the source of where those monsters- I-I mean Inves are hiding in.

Kuroh: *bark*!

Shingen: Excellent, it seems we all have our duties to carry on. You two rest for the day, we will start tomorrow. ...Because now, a new fight has begun.

It ends with Yuuta, Sakura, and Shingen looking at the still-damaged village.

To be continued...

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