Episode 3 - Pulverize! Pineapple Arms!

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It is seen at the Takeda's home base, in the main castle.

Yuuta has been taken and granted the audience of being in front of the leader of Takeda himself, Takeda Shingen.

Presently, they are in the lord's main room.

Yuuta: *thoughts*Okay, calm down... I can't believe this is happening. Me being in front of the one who rules over the Kai Province. This is like a dream...

Shingen: Is something the matter?

Yuuta: N-No, sir! Just that... I'm kind of stress... in meeting the "Tiger of Kai" himself.

Shingen: Ah hah hah hah! There's no need to bring fear upon yourself based on my presence. How about we treat ourselves normally, as men?

Yuuta: Oh... o-okay. A-Anyway, why did you bring me here?

Shingen: ...It's like I mentioned before, I've been looking for the one who bears the appearance of an orange armored rider. And that happens to be you.

Yuuta: I... see.

Shingen: I even saw a demonstration of your power from earlier's incident.

Yuuta: Are you going to put me in jail?

Shingen: Of course not, how could I? Those rouge Kurokages were the ones responsible. Although, I'm surprised you controlled the powers of an armored rider so well, since you didn't kill one of them.

Yuuta: Guess you can say I'm not the type of guy who would take a life, unless it's necessary.

Shingen: *nods*Mm, I understand. Besides, there seems to be no lies coming from your words.

Yuuta was silent, but Shingen started to speak up.

Shingen: Speak your mind, boy.

Yuuta: Um, I don't know if I should be asking this, but I'll feel guilty if I don't. Like how are still alive? I heard you died in the year 1573, so there's no way you can still be alive, right? And one more thing, why is this country still at war? It should've been over when the Tokugawa won and governed this land.

Shingen started to be surprised, but instead he's shown a serious look. He then gets up from his seat and walks over to Yuuta.

Yuuta started to get scared and closed his eyes in fear. But surprisingly, Shingen puts his hands on Yuuta's shoulders and smiles normally at him.

Shingen: You know what, today's weather is perfect. How about we continue our talk outside?


Yuuta and Shingen are outside of the castle in the area.

Shingen: Ah, the pleasant sky and the gentle breeze... I thought I would never feel or see these things ever again before my apparent departure to the next life.

Yuuta: The next life? Wait, then that means-!

Shingen: Yes. It's just as you said... I had died.

Yuuta: But how...? How are you still alive?!

Shingen: You are not from this world, aren't you boy?

Yuuta started to look down after being surprised.

Yuuta: How...?

Shingen: It's not just based on your appearance, but you've also learned about my death as well. So I had no doubt my suspicions were correct.

Yuuta: ...Heh, as expected of a daimyo himself. But anyway, I still want to know-.

Shingen: Boy, I know you want an answer, but it's rather complicated for you to understand.

Yuuta: Alright, if there's a reason then there's nothing I can do about it.

Shingen: And about the war still ongoing, then perhaps you can explain it to him.

Yuuta realizes Shingen wasn't talking to him. When he turns around, he finds Yukimura standing there.

Yuuta: Hey, it's you!

Yukimura: It's a pleasure in meeting you again.

Shingen: Boy, meet my young general, Sanada Yukimura.

Yuuta: That's Sanada Yukimura!? But... he looks so young!

Yukimura: Hey, what do you mean by that? I've always been like this.

note: This is what he looks like without the armor.

Shingen: Young cub, would you give the young man an explanation about the war? And maybe perhaps you can give him a tour around the village.

Yukimura: It shall be an honor, my lord. Shall we go?

Yuuta: Oh, yeah sure.

But as they walk away, Shingen stops Yuuta for a moment.

Shingen: Wait, boy. What is your name?

Yuuta: Yuuta, Yuuta Shirayanagi.

Then, Yuuta and Yukimura left.


Kanami is at her mochi stand, still continuing her business.

Customer: See ya, Miss Kanami!

Kanami: *bows*Thank you very much. Please have a good day.

Kanami sighs because her business is busy as ever. Then, she starts to stare at the Takeda castle, thinking about Yuuta.

She also remembers his smile the moment he told her he's okay.

Kanami: Yuuta... I hope nothing bad happens to him.

But as Kanami was about to go back to her stand, she was confronted by a couple of Kurokage Troopers.

She's then last seen with a serious look on her face towards them...


Yuuta and Yukimura are continuing their walk, and Yukimura has explained some parts already.

Yuuta: So let me get this straight, after the war was over, the country was under the rule of the Tokugawa. But after the other daimyos have mysteriously came back to life and heard about the news, another war has started.

Yukimura: Yes, that is correct.

Yuuta: Man... kind of hard to believe that the great Tokugawa Ieyasu is still alive in this year. Looks like that something that helped bring back all the other daimyos cured his illness or something too.

Yukimura: ...Sounds like you idolize Lord Ieyasu.

Yuuta started to express a little bit of anger from his words.

Yuuta: Oh, sorry... I shouldn't have said that since you two have a little bit of history. Guess you're still regretting over that time at the Siege of Osaka Castle.

Yukimura then looks at Yuuta with a mean look and fire coming out of his eyes.

Yuuta: Eek... S-Sorry!

Yukimura: ...*sigh*No, I apologize. You were right, that time has traumatized me, even today. However, me, my lord, and the rest of Takeda are still alive because of that "miracle". It doesn't matter now, the past is the past.

Yuuta: Yukimura... A-Anyway, why don't we talk about something else?

Yukimura nodded in agreement to him.

Yuuta: So, is it true that all the lords are joining back to fight in this war?

Yukimura: Not really. Only the main armies such as the Toyotomi and Oda forces have been present on the battlefield. Unfortunately for some of them, they met their fates again. The rest are either living normal lives or laying low in exile.

Yuuta: Like the Date or the Mori?

Yukimura: Yes, exactly.

Yuuta: Well it does make sense since they've experienced a lot in the past war. But what about those belts like the one I have? Even those locks and those weird fruits coming from the sky?

Yukimura: We're heading there right now for that explanation.

Before Yuuta knows, both him and Yukimura arrived back at the Takeda castle. Specifically the dorms where the Takeda soldiers come to stay and rest.

Yuuta: Wow, a cherry blossom tree!

Yukimura: An astonishing view isn't it?

Yuuta: *nods*Mm. But I never thought you would have this kind of tree in your own backyard.

Yukimura: This is one of the few unusual and special around here.

Yuuta: What are you talking about?

Yukimura: Take a look up.

As Yuuta raises his head, he sees the tree bearing some strange fruit.

Yuuta: Hey, what are those things?

Yuuta sees Yukimura getting and assembled a ladder.

Yukimura: Here, try to pick one of those fruits up in the tree.

Yuuta: Wait, can I?

Yukimura: Of course, go on.

Yuuta then uses the ladder to climb up and pick one of the weird fruits.

After Yuuta got down, he sees the fruit he picked transforming into a lock.

Yuuta: Whoa, cool!

Yukimura: As you can see, everytime we pick one of those fruits, they transform into these locks.

Yuuta: Heh, now I know why the armor's theme are fruits.

Yukimura: However, at first we keep getting these pinecone-locks. But on rare occasions, we sometimes get fruit-based locks, which have more power. We call them lockseeds.

Yuuta: Lockseeds? Kind of a funky name if you ask me. But what about these belts, where did they come from?

Yukimura: That... I'm afraid I do not know. Only my lord knows where they came from.

Yuuta: Oh, I see.


Yuuta and Yukimura are walking into town.

Yukimura: I'm getting a little hungry.

Yuuta: Really? Me too. Do you want to get something to eat?

Yukimura: Sure, but I do not know any place around where we can go.

Yuuta: Actually, there is someone I know who runs a mochi stand.

Yukimura: Mochi? That sounds good, it would be nice to have a snack there.

But as Yuuta and Yukimura alive, the shop crowded with people. But there are also police on the scene.

Yuuta: What's going on here?

Yukimura approached one of the citizens.

Yukimura: Excuse me, what's going on?

Citizen: Ah, lord Yukimura! Please you have to help her!

Yukimura: Who?

Citizen: Miss Kanami. Kurokages, they kidnapped her!

Yuuta: What!? What are you talking about!

Citizen: I saw it happened. They appeared out of nowhere and started dragging her away.

Yuuta: Where? Where have they taken her?!

Citizen: I don't know... All I saw was they dragged her up that path. Oh, someone please save Miss Kanami...

Yuuta grunts in frustration and started running. But Yukimura grabbed him.

Yukimura: Hey, Yuuta! Where are you going?!

Yuuta: I'm going to save Kanami, I can't just leave her like this!

Yukimura: ...Very well. Here, take this.

Yukimura gave Yuuta another "special" lockseed.

Yuuta: A lockseed?

Yukimura: My lord ordered me to give this to you in case you get into trouble. Go, I will speak to the police about the situation and catch up with you.

Yuuta: Thanks Yukimura, I won't waste it!

Yuuta started to run towards the direction the citizen pointed.

Yuuta: *thoughts*Hang on Kanami, I'll rescue you!


It's seen where Kanami is in some sort of shrine, being interrogated by a few Kurokages with rope around her body, while sitting on her knees.

Kurokage1: There's no use in telling lies. Now speak.

Kanami: ...I've already told you everything.

One of the Kurokages came in close to Kanami, and suddenly slapped her hard.

After Kanami fell, that Kurokage picked her up and pulled her up close.

Kurokage2: Do you realize the kind of situation you're in? Just tell us where he is!

Kanami: Even if you ask, I do not know.

The Kurokages then looked at each other, wondering what to do next.

As for Yuuta, he arrives to the site where Kanami is held hostage.

Yuuta: *pant**pant*Kanami... she's definitely inside there. Alright!

But as Yuuta decides to rush in, he was confronted by a lot of Kurokage Troopers who were hiding.

Yuuta: Well well, looks like the party is here*puts on belt*. Didn't think this would be easy anyway.

Yuuta then grabs his lockseed, puts it on his belt, and presses the blade-handle.

Lockseed: Orange! ...Lock On!

Yuuta: Henshin!

Soiya! Orange Arms: Path of Blossoms, on Stage!

Gaim: From here on, this is my show!

The Kurokage Troopers made the first move in charging at Yuuta, while he waits for a few seconds before engaging.

Yuuta started off by using his Musou Saber and Daidaimaru, showing his dual-wielding sword skills in striking fast and even cutting some of the troopers' spears in half.

However, while Yuuta defeated some Kurokages, some were able to recover and reinforcements came in.

Gaim: Man, they just don't know when to quit. ...Good thing Yukimura gave me this for troubles.

Yuuta grabbed the new lockseed and switched with his orange lockseed.

Lockseed: Pineapple! ...Lock On!

Soiya! Pine Arms: Pulverize and Destroy!

After Yuuta puts in the new lockseed, a pineapple appeared above and transformed into a new set of armor.

Gaim: Whoa! Now this is what I call an upgrade.

After the new introduction, Yuuta immediately attacked the Kurokages with his new ball & chain weapon, the Pine Iron.

Yuuta spins and swings his weapon around, and a lot of troopers were hit by it.

He even grabs a few of Kurokages and threw them to the ground hard.

Yuuta then spots the last group of Kurokages and presses the blade-handle on his belt.

Sengoku Driver: Pine Squash!

Yuuta started by jumping high in the air. Then, he pulled in his ball & chain and kicks it hard towards the group of Kurokages. Which resulted in a massive explosion with pineapple slices flying out, defeating all of them.

Gaim: Man, this new lockseed sure kicks butt. Oh, that's right, Kanami!

Immediately, Yuuta ran over to where Kanami is.

When he arrived, Yuuta surprisingly saw the Kurokage Troopers who were helding her hostage all defeated.

But Yuuta never minded that, as he saw Kanami lying there unconscious and over to her side.

Gaim: Kanami! ...Hey, Kanami! Hang in there!

However, unknowest to him, there was someone behind a door that took their leave.


It's already night time and Kanami is seen lying down on her futon bed.

As she slowly opens up her eyes, Yuuta is the first to lay eyes on.

Yuuta: Yo, Kanami! You're awake, thank goodness.

Kanami: Y-... Yuuta?

Yuuta: Yes it's me, I'm here.

Kanami tries to get up, but she's still hurt.

Yuuta: H-Hey, don't push yourself. Here, I'll help...

Kanami: Thank you. ...What happened?

Yuuta: It's okay. After I found you, Yukimura and the police arrived and arrested the kidnappers. So don't worry about it, those guys won't be bothering you ever again!

Kanami: ...

Yuuta: Oh, uh... Are you okay?

Kanami: Huh? Oh, don't worry, I'm alright thanks to you. Although it's kind of surprising. To think the person who I saved, has saved me as well...

Yuuta: Hee hee, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Besides, I still had that debt to pay back to you.

Kanami then grabs Yuuta's hand with of her hands.

Yuuta: ...Hey, what's wrong Kanami?

Kanami: Thank you. ...You have gone through such lengths for me. Thank you so much, Yuuta.

Yuuta: Hey, there's nothing to be so thankful for. You were in trouble and I just had to go and save you.

Kanami: *chuckles*You really are kind.

Yuuta started to blush a little in seeing Kanami smile, and the two kept smiling at each other for the rest of the night.


There is someone standing on a roof, and mysterious armored rider, watching Yuuta and Kanami from afar.

Although, his sights were only towards Kanami.

The reason the armored rider is fixated on Kanami is that in a flashback, he's actually the one who took down the Kurokages that were torturing Kanami.

Kanami saw the armored rider fighting, but lost unconscious by the time.

His identity is unknown, but what is seen right now is his appearance.

???: ...Kanami.

To be continued...

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