Kamen Rider Demon Gaim: Part One

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(I tried to make the Logo)

One day I was walking around in the park. I was thinking about Kouta. I felt that I was alone. I went to work. I barely started working for Yggdrasill. I walked.

Yggdrasill Tower

I went to check on the machine that I am working on. I was thinking about Kaito and Yoko. I sighed. Takatora went to check on me. I was working.

Takatora said," Sis."

I said," Niisan."

Takatora said," I know you miss them."

I sighed," I worked so hard trying to bring them back..."

Takatora said," I know."

Mitsuzane was visiting us. Takatora and I looked at Mitsuzane.

I said,"Mitchy-niisan."

Mitsuzane said,"They."

Takatora said,"I have a great idea. Jessica you can take a break and hang out with Mitsuzane."

I said,"Ok."

I stopped working and left Yggdrasill Tower with Mitsuzane. We went to find something to do. I saw an Inve.

I said,"Aww great, Inves..."

Mitsuzane said," Now what?"

I said,"What do you think bro. I'll handle them."

Mitsuzane said,"Ok."

Mitsuzane stood back. I took out my Sengoku Driver and Demon Orange Lockseed.

I said,"Henhsin!"

"Demon Orange! Lock on!"

Mitsuzane looked at me. I looked backed at him. Mitsuzane smiles. I smiled back and looked at the Inve.

I said,"This the Overlord's Demon Stage now!"

Mitsuzane said,"Yeah!"

"Soiya! Demon Orange Arms! Hanamichi on Stage!"

I said,"Kamen Rider Demon Gaim is on stage and ready to fight!"

I started attacking the Inve. Mitsuzane watches. Ichiro runs up to me already henshined.

I said,"Stay back, Ichiro."

Ichiro said,"Tsk, whatever you say."

Ichiro left. I slashed the Inve with my DaiDaimaru.

I was able to beat the Inve. I saw a Black Rider walk up to me.

He said,"Not bad, but sadly you must be destoryed."

I said,"Who are you?"

He said,"Just call Demon Black Baron."

I said,"I will defeat you, Kamen Rider Demon Black Baron."

Demon Black Baron said,"We'll see about that." 

Demon Black Baron left. Mitsuzane and I went back to the Yggdrasill Tower.

Yggdrasill Tower

I walked up to Sid. Sid looked at me.

Sid asked,"What can I do for you?"

I said,"Did you sell anyone a Demon Banana Lockseed and a Sengoku Driver?"

Sid said,"Yeah I did."

I said,"Well I need a name."

Sid said,"His name is  Asahi Nakmura."

I said,"Ok. Thanks Sid."

I handed Sid a couple 1000 dollars. Sid looks at the money.

"There is your pay for today." I said.

I walked away. I transformed into my Overlord form.

A couple of workers looked at me.

I said,"Hurry up so we can revive Kaito and Yoko."

The workers continued working.

I thought,"I miss you Kouta."

I looked down. I looked at a picture of Kouta.

I turned back to normal. I went home. I saw Team Fresh Gaim Baron on my way home.

Gohan said,"Hey Jessica."

I said,"Hello. If you excuse me. I'm going home."

Someone said,"I don't think so."

I turned around and it was Asahi Nakamura.

Asahi said,"This is your end, Demon Gaim."

I said,"You are Demon Black Baron aka Asahi Nakamura."

Asahi said,"Yes and you don't belong here."

"How so?" I asked.

"You're a overlord." Asahi said.

Team Fresh Gaim Baron gasped. Asahi points to Kyo.

Asahi said,"He is an Overlord as well."

Kyo didn't say anything. I punched Asahi. Asahi laughs.

Asahi said,"Let's fight."

Takatora walks up to me and protects me.

Takatora said,"No one is going to hurt my sister."

I said,"Bro...."

Takatora took out his Genesis Driver and Melon Energy. 

Takatora said,"Henshin!"

"Melon Energy. Lock on."

Takatora pushed the handle then the Melon Energy Lockseed opened.

"Soda! Melon Energy Arms! (Japanese techno music)"

Takatora said,"Don't mess with this family."

I turned Overlord. Asahi transformed into Kamen Rider Demon Black Baron. Takatora attacked Asahi. I helped Takatora. Asahi was able to dodge Takatora. I slashed Asahi.

Asahi said,"I know you hate everyone, including Kouta. He left you for Mai."

I stopped attacking. Everyone was shocked.

Takatora said,"Sis don't listen to him!"

I growled,"Shut up!!!!"

Everyone didn't say a word. I walked away. Asahi laughed and left. Santos ran to the others.

Santos said,"What just happened?"

Sasuke said,"You don't want to know."

Santos asked,"Will Jessica be ok?"

Naruto said,"We don't know."

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