Daybreak F: Invitation to the rider

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Snow falling down,a wave of water erupted slap the rock,A sound of the coin flips up,The coin is spin up and down,It go down slowly,A hand quickly catch it.

The hand was belong to a man,he wear a Brown coath,black pant

On his left there was a girl,she wore a white and black dress,she have a white ribbon

On her two armr,holding a yellow box,on the box there was a ! Sign on it

Girl:Smile,she raise the box to the man "Congratulations,from today,you're kamen rider"

The man,turn his head,look at the girl,he raise his left armr open the hod reveal to be man in his mind 20,His name was ace ukiyo

Ace smile at this invitation,but it seem like he know what is coming? whenever this girl appear,he already know what it mean

Ace: "I awe of that?"he took the box,slide,open it up reveal to be a Id core and a driver,his id core have a symbol of red fox

Ace:smile "The game is about begin"

So what does he mean,game are about begin?
(17 month)
In a tall building on the city name Tokyo inside there were a office

On right have a few people,That are wearing a vest,black pant,have a tied on the collar of them.Infornt is the interview but they have high position,They are to find out who will be enter they company

A eldest man,is sitting on the chair,he wore a brown vest and red tied on collar

His name was takahito Taira,and he is holding a paper fill a information about the one he going interview

Takahito: "So can you tell me what reason,you here Tanjiro kamado"he put files down

And now looking at a Teenage In age of 18,He have red hair,A two pair ear piece like a sun on his ear,He have a little scar on his forehead,this was Tanjiro kamado

He wore a vest like all other,He look at takahito and smile

Tanjiro: "Reason I want to be in this Company is... because I came from a country side,I want in here to have experience and bring happiness to mine family"

Takahito:see how determined he are from his word "Impressive you are...But do you have a desire,Any desire beside just Bring happiness to your family?"

Tanjiro stunt to hear of this, question,he is wonder do he have a desire,well he only want to experience this city,find new thing,as well as bring happiness to his family,He is slient for few minutes,he breath and thinking the desire but turn out he doesn't have it.

Tanjiro: "I-i-i doesn't have any desire,I just want experience new thing in here,And bring happiness to mine family"

Takahito:breath understand "Tanjiro,I sorry to saying this,we can't get you in company"

Tanjiro hear this,he shocked,is he fired,is he done something or say something wrong.

Tanjiro: "Wait...I can do it...I'm hard work person"

Takahito: "I know,but this job isn't fit to you,You came from country but in here,in these city,when you enter this company there won't be turning back,You will willing to anything to achieve happiness,even take other happiness is that what you want?"

Take away happiness of other,no he don't want that,he can't do that,if he take away other happiness is like,he is making his family sad,he can't do that.

Takahito: "Not only that,kind like you will easy to be trick,You must know life isn't about just hard work,you can achieve the good thing,sometime hard work will came with Bad"

Tanjiro thinking,what he said,is seem like he right,this place really different from what takahito said.

Tanjiro: "I understand"he stand up now to him "I can leave now"he turn approach to the door

Takahito:look at tanjiro "Kamado,Be strong,and good luck find other job"

Tanjiro:turn look at takahito,he smile at his Encourage speech "Thank you"he grab the door walk out

Takahito is smile,he can see that tanjiro truly a country boy but hard working,and put his family ontop,he do remind him...himself,he back Interview other.
Tanjiro is sitting on the bench,he drink a water, thinking to what takahito about this city is rarely different then his country.

Tanjiro:breath "ught,what should I do now"he lay his head on the bench "Mother and other siblings counting me in find job in these city but..."

(You will willing to anything to achieve happiness,even take other happiness is that what you want?)

That work truly something meaning to him,and he right,this city is crowned,Full of people and lot of house, building meaning double hard working in here,And who know might be lot of bad people in here,And even good will do bad just to survive.

He move his look straight,but still no matter how big or how small it is,he can't back with empty hand,if that job isn't fit to him,he will find other job.

Tanjiro:(thought) "Right,this job isn't fit to me,I will find other job,I won't give up,I will bring happiness to mine family"

But before he can do it,His belly growing,make him realized he haven't eaten when in here

Tanjiro: (thought) "Right I haven't eaten when I came here"

He stand up,throw the bottle water into trash can,and walk away find a eater to eat then he can find a job.
On the flying temple, Tsumuri is standing Infornt of her is 4 individual,They all standing

Tsumuri: "few minutes the invasion of Jyamato will soon coming,Get ready rider,whose win and defeated the final boss will became Deza shin"

The 4 individual put the desire driver on they waist,and one of them was ace,He is smile,like he having a plan of whatever this jyamato is.
Tanjiro was searching some place to eat,his belly is keep growing,Is like his belly are killing him,but every time he is looking there isn't any food store open,or he don't have much money to came here

Tanjiro:hold his belly,and it keep groan (thought) "Seriously I should bring mine lunch,when came here"

He don't know where to search now,it like he going feel into the depressed,untill...

He see a eater house,it not so fancy,the eater house was like traditional house,but mix with fan on top,A curtain as a door

Tanjiro smile,he finally have,seem like luck is with him now,he eagerly walk toward to the curtain.
When tanjiro enter,he wide mouth,eyes pale,what Infornt of him is this eater decoration full of snake,Snake on the wall,Snake mouth open that have a drop stick,he look around seeing few people have enter here

Probably some people came here cause they have weird fashion...sense,he don't know,but let hope this won't have a snake food,cause he would vomit.

He turn his head notice,there is a left table,he approached it,he sit down,A voice speak up to him.

???: "welcome,what kind I help you"

Tanjiro turn his head,he amaze at the one Infornt,the one Infornt of him is a young woman,she have long Green and pink twin hair,her lip was pink,she wore a white apron as well a green shirt behind the white apron,wore a blue pant,And her name was mitsuri kanroji

(Ingrone the knife on top just forcus on her that is important, Don't stare in 5 minutes)

Tanjiro stare at her,his nose move it,he scent her smell are very good,her personality and her...breast,he stare at her and her breast for a few minutes

But what he don't,when he stare at her,that mean,he make a death wish, tanjiro scent a another smell but this smell was different it is dangerous and dangerous are about fly toward to him

Something fly very fast,pass to him,Make him freak out,so what is it.Is a freaking knife that are now stab on the wall

Tanjiro:wide mouth,his body is pale (thought) "W-w-what the hell?"

Mitsuri: giggle,she smile "Heheh,sorry mine husband,he usual to throw knife at customer"

Tanjiro: shock look at her "husband?"

Mitsuri:smile "Yeah I married look?"she raise her right armr showing wedding ring

Tanjiro just realized what he done,he stare a woman have be married,he feel so stupid and guilty to stare at her.

Mitsuri: "Plus I kinda..use to mine husband hobbit"

Tanjiro:smile let just forget about him stare at her "Ah I-i- see"

Mitsuri: "so what can I help you?"

Tanjiro: "Oh I would like..."he stop right there,he have this scent was different

Mitsuri: curious,she tiddle her head "What is it?"

Suddenly a red wall appear behind her,make her and tanijor attention at it, Mitsuri approach to the red wall,she touch it,she wondered and confuse where is this red wall came from, Tanjiro stand up touch the red wall,he feel and same thought like Mitsuri

He look around not just him,other was trap in here with him and mitsuri,what is going on why there is red wall in here

A voice scream,Make tanjiro and mitsuri attention,What they see is A girl be slash,fell on the ground but that isn't what they notice,what they notice is the creature that kill her.

The creature have a ball forehead,close mouth and somekind long bear blade  wear a red dress,white pant holding a sword

This was the jyamato, creature have been already mention,This type wasou,One of the jyamato done kill a woman,it look at tanjiro and mitsuri

It approach to two of them

mitsuri was shocked,confuse as well as scared,she would want to fight it,but she don't know what is it and how to fight this kind Creature that she never meet

Tanjiro was have same feel like her,but when he saw that thing kill a woman,he can't stand here do nothing,turn his head look at mitsuri,seeing her scared face,and she have a family,it make him want to fight jyamato to protect her as well bring her to home to her husband

He stand there right there,no weapon but will to again the jyamato, Jyamato almost came close to them,it charges raise the sword

This is now or never, Tanjiro run Infornt mitsuri try the best he could to protect mitsuri,while mitsuri close her eyes

Jyamato about swing down the sword,to tanjiro and end him, tanjiro close his eyes,is this is the end of him wrong.a sound of clashing make tanjiro open,he saw a katana is blocking jyamato sword,he look whose hold katana

Is the man,in his 24 year old,he have a black short tied hair,He wear a chief clothes,black pant,on his mouth have a white mask,he have two different eyes right is yellow,left is blue tanjiro don't know who is it but Mitsuri know

Mitsuri:Open wide her mouth,happy "OBANAI"

The one that Infornt of two of them was Mitsuri husband,Obanai iguro

Obanai push his wasou jyamato sword away,he raise the katana point at them

Obanai: "If you want hurt mine Sweet wife,Then over my dead body"

All Jyamato accept his challenge,they all charges at him, Obanai move katana,he slide his feet on the ground,when the jyamato came closer to him, Obanai charges at them,he swing katana slash all of them,He slash through one of them,slient is fill in atmosphere,As the jyamato slowly crumble,fall apart

Obanai turn his body to tanjiro and mitsuri,Tanjiro was amaze at his skill,his charges so fast,even him can't see how he move to sword

Tanjiro: "That was... amazing"

Mitsuri run toward to Obanai,she happily jump hug him.

Mitsuri: "Obanai,I glad you came...but how?how can you enter the red wall"

Obanai:smile behind the mask "don't you know,I'm your husband, whenever you are,I will be there"

Mitsuri:smile "Uwa,as expected from my dear husband"

Tanjiro is watching them,he dumbtruck at two of them,and he was surprised that Obanai is mitsuri husband,so wait skill at katana,oh he is the one throw knife, Luckily he miss...or did he.

They thought thing was over...However tanjiro scent something,He look at those crumble of Jyamato,It begin rise up and rebuild.

Tanjiro: "Uhmm you two better look at this"

Obanai and mitsuri turn they head,they sawing jyamato is rebuild themselves, Obanai see this will be a good time to run,Cause he won't have a enough time to fight more of them,he need get mitsuri to safety...and of course tanjiro even though he don't know who is he.

Obanai:look at mitsuri "mitsuri we gotta out of here"

Mitsuri:look at Obanai "what about eater,we can't abandoned it"

The eater was only thing,they can make,they have been through Manny in their life to achieve they eater,and happy make food,so they can't leave it,if they leave that mean,they are abandoned they dream.

Obanai:put his left armr to Mitsuri "I know,but we have no choice,I don't have enough strength to again them,We need to get out,when these done,we can rebuild it"

Mitsuri hear his word,and he right,they life was important,they eater can be rebuilt, Without they life,this eater won't be nothing than just a abandoned place

Mitsuri nood her head,agreed to Obanai,He and her run toward to the curtain, tanjiro run follow them too

The jyamato have done rebuild Themself,They pick up weapon and speak

Jyamato: "ja ja ja ja ja"
Now the city are in chaotic, people are running away from whole lot more wasou jyamato

The jyamato destroy everything in they path,they step,Stab and kill more human

One of the kick the chair,cause it annyoing it.
Tanjiro, Obanai and mitsuri are take a deep breath,they just away those jyamato very far,now they are under the bridge

Tanjiro: "What just happened,What are those creature was?"he asking to himself

Obanai:Look at tanjiro "You must be the customer stare my wife"

Tanjiro:turn his head "Eh?"

Obanai: "Listen,your brat,I don't who are you or what your intention,But if you try stare my wife with that eyes of you"he came closer to tanjiro "I will tear that eyes of you"

No need to said it,That throw knife came from Obanai,he already scared,and from his guess,Obanai is overprotective his wife.

Mitsuri: doesn't like "Obanai,you are scared him"

Obanai: Quickly look at his wife "No, mitsuri I just teaching of be a good customer"

And now he scent a different scent from Obanai,Frist Threating him and now...this,wow no wonder he overprotective her,he sweat drop at him

Mitsuri: approach to tanjiro,she smile "Sorry for my husband...he is little harsh,but he doesn't mean it"

Tanjiro:smile,try to be positive he could "Is okay"

They talk was interrupted one more,by jyamato but this time,there isn't one but all Jyamato,They all have a weapon.

Obanai draw a katana, prepare to fight them again, Mitsuri is looking weapon to defend her,while tanjiro is look at jyamato,he still wonder where are those jyamato came from.

All jyamato slowly approaching to them,till something break through the wall that hold other jyamato, charges very fast,throw the jyamato to other,push them away.

The one break through the wall,wear a purple armor skeleton,Have a two spike on shoulder path,A sliver horn, helmet is a buffalo,on his left armr he have a huge big claw,this was Kamen rider Buffa

Buffa turn look at jyamato,as the jyamato charges at him,Buffa raise a chainsaw weapon,it color was purple

When jyamato are charges at him,he charges at the too,he swing the Chainsaw slash all of them,he swing right and left,he grab one of them, headbutts and throw them away.

He swing the Chainsaw onto jyamato shoulder,let that jyamato be his hold,he grab the handel pull off,he slash jyamato arcoss the chest,He turn swing Chainsaw on jyamato belly,he press the trigger,The chainsaw move,it have purple energy


he swing Chainsaw up to jyamato,make jyamato hit to the wall onto and fall down, while buffa turn away walk,the jyamato explosion

Tanjiro saw this,he can't believe in his eyes,he saw a man that just beat jyamato by himself.

As he was awe it,More jyamato come to them,But they all slash away by a blur,The blue blur stop revealing another armor,but different here,his color armour was blue and have bird helmet.

This was Kamen rider Raijku, Raijku turn his head look at tanjiro, Obanai and mitsuri then he turn his head look at jyamato

He charges,swing the spear slash of them,He raise spear block the upcoming attack of them,he push side kick them away,He swing spear slash them again

Jyamato charges at tanjiro and the married couple this time,they be blast away by someone ontop building,but different that his armor isn't like buffa or Raijku,his armor was small attach to his right shoulder,he hold a crossbow

This was Kamen rider Shirowe

Okay did tanjiro, Obanai and mitsuri is dreaming,They are seeing three of armor people are fighting jyamato what is going on here.

Shirowe Jump down to them,he approached to three of them

Shirowe: "You three okay?"he ask them

Tanjiro is isn't sure how to speak, Obanai is caution on him,while mitsuri was just confused.

Shirowe look at see how they feel are through they face and eyes,he look see more jyamato is coming,Buffa and Raijku are off again them,while he doesn't want to compete them,what he need to do is lead these three out of here

Shirowe:look at the three "Follow me,and truth me,This place isn't safe"he run Frist

The three was unsure but saw this how dangerous it is they have no choice but to follow him,but Obanai still on caution.
Tsumuri is watching the rider,two of rider like buffa and rajiku are fighting jyamato while Shirowe is lead the three civilians out of the battle,Still there is missing someone

Tsumuri: "eh...where is Geats"
Speak of devil,Ace is in a room,somekind break time room,he is sitting on the sofa,tasted the tea.

A butler approach to him,he wore white clothes,all his clothes was a white vest,he hold a tray.

Butler: "Aren't you enter the fight like the  other"

Ace:smile "Nope,I will wait till the big came,plus I have high hope,that I will win"

he raise a buckle,it shape like a wheel color was Red,he smile knowing that this game he will win.
(Groof top)
Tanjiro sit down,another running,it make him tired, Obanai letting his wife sit down safely

Shirowe take the small device on his right,reveal to be a man,wear a somekind a long trench coat with a blue hood,his name was takeshi

Takeshi: "can't believe this game have to be a rough battle"

Obanai:hearing game,he look at takeshi "what do you mean game?"

Takeshi:Realized what he did,he turn look at Obanai "oh about...forget what I just said"

Obanai: "No you have to explain now,what the hell just happened,and what do you mean this is a game?"

Takeshi: "Listen the best you can do is forget what I said,Plus I have reason to save you,is just mine hobby as fireworker"

???: "cut the crap Shirowe"

Takeshi see whose voice it is,it was Buffa,he approached to takeshi

Buffa: "You don't want to tell him,what kind this game is, because you scared you going losse a point for yourself"he walk pass takeshi "Saving people as hobbies bullcrap ever, Everyone in these game have they reason to join,for they ideal world,But that doesn't matter, Without geats in here,this level is all mine now"

Takeshi:turn his head look at buffa,he doesn't like what buffa is think "Don't lump me with your"

Buffa turn his head look at takeshi,and whatever it is,he have one word in his vocabulary is don't care what takeshi going to do

Tanjiro seeing these two are having a tension with each other,he snift his nose one again this time,he scent something big are coming,it make him stand up

Mitsuri:stand up too "what is it?"

Tanjiro: "Something is coming and it right Infornt of us"he look up, Mitsuri look up as well Obanai

What they saw is a flying sensitive Creature with lot of flower are flying and firing everything,it eyes notice three civilians and two rider.

Buffa: "Slug fortress"

Takeshi: "Already"

The slug fortress firing the beam destroy everything and the city are burning,it swing the flower vines

Takeshi: "oh crap"He raise the small device,plug in right side of driver


But before he transform,the Vince flower have hit him so powerful enough push hit to wall as Shirowe,as well as his id core have been crack

Shirowe: "I... didn'"a glitch appear on him it make him...

fade away in red,the driver drop on the ground.


Tanjiro was wide eyes,he just witness a person just fade away like nothing, Mitsuri hold her mouth,she is shocked to see a man that save tanjiro,her and Obanai,now he gone.

Mitsuri: "He...death?"

Obanai wide eyes,he can't believe these,he person die,not normal but fade away like a thin air

Buffa:take a phone,he look at it see the panel,he now ontop "Yes,One down,two to go"

Obanai:turn his head look at buffa "what do you mean one down,two to go"

Buffa:low his phone,he turn his head look at Obanai "doesn't your concern,you should be forcus on survive if don't then you are death"

Obanai: "What?"he furious approach to Buffa

But a powerfull beam blast off the groof top,make the building shaking off,It crumble fall down, Obanai, tanjiro and mitsuri are falling down,while buffa just jump away,From them

The fall really very deep and painfull, Tanjiro can't believe he have death like this,Frist time in city was terrible really terrible

Obanai notice his wife is fall down near,to him,he move down,he raise his right armr,he have make a promise to her,he will protect her.

Obanai: "Mitsuri grab my hand"

Mitsuri saw Obanai,she reach her armr,She grab Obanai armr,But they still fall down,is this the end of them...

No it isn't...A sound of motorbike arrive,A hand grab mitsuri,drag her along her husband,A blue blur,grab tanjiro.
The motorbike land on the ground safely, Mitsuri and Obanai was hugging each other on the motorbike, tanjiro fell on the ground

He open his eyes seeing he are on the ground but no injured,he look at The one save him was Raijku

Tanjiro: "you are...?"

Raijku isn't said anything,he just stand there,While Obanai and mitsuri they break they hug,they saw themselves are fine it make them happy,and smile but a voice interrupted them

???: "I hope I wasn't late to save your two"

Obanai, mitsuri as well as tanjiro look who talking it was ace.

Ace:look at mitsuri "so what is your name?"

Mitsuri:Shocked,she point herself "Me?"

Ace:smile "Yes,I just save you a appreciate from you would be nice"

Mitsuri: "uhmm...I-i- I not"

A knife fly pass her,Ace quickly step aside, Obanai Came closer to his face,with his dark aura

Obanai: "So you Save us,try to flirt MY WIFE"

Ace: "wait?your wife,Oh right,sorry I didn't mean too,I thought you two are brother"

Obanai: "Do this look like a sibling to you"He raise the wedding ring on his armr

Ace:smile "Hey-hey clam down,Plus your wife...what should I said...oh yeah is Buff"


Ace: "Hai-hai I get it,You have weird tasted,but who I'm to judge,Welp...I guess mine time haven't come yet"

Raijku:speak up "Was you always arrogant"

Ace:look at Raijku "was you always serious on everything,come one just light up will ya"

Raijku: "Light up when surrounded us is full of battlefield here"

Ace: "Hehehe yep"

Raijku: "Then I don't need light up"

While ace and Raijku are talking, Tanjiro is watching the city are been attack, destroy fire was everywhere,Yep it truly terrible,he don't know what to think or to said,It is out of his league but there is one word

Tanjiro: "Is this the end of the world?"

His word make ace,and other look at him.

Tanjiro: "is it true this world is falling and people are gone"he remembers Shirowe death is like a war

Ace:breath "sadly yes,this is the end of the world..."this make tanjiro, Obanai and mitsuri more sad "But,There is a other way can save this world and rebuilt it"

Tanjiro hear there is other way to save to world and rebuilt,but how,how is that possible

Tanjiro:turn look at "How?how can save the world and rebuilt it is impossible?"

Ace: "Nothing is impossible,If you have a believe it, believe what you do, believe what your see, everything is impossible"

When he is talking,Bunch jyamato have arrive,with the slug fortress,It make Obanai, mitsuri, tanjiro turn saw them again, Raijku raise his spear prepare to fight,But ace walk pass him

Ace:turn his head look at other "Witness me,how I change this world"

He raise a small device it have a spinner and a Handel,The device he hold was magnum buckle,ace smile he plug the magnum buckle on Right side


Magnum logo appear on his right
ace swing his right armr around like a circle,he stretch his armr forward,snap the finger

ace: "Henshin"he low his right arm spin the bullet,grab Handel fire it,five bullet fly and turn back hit the logo, become a armor


A tube appear scan ace,ace now in a a black suit, behind him is a robot,It stretch it armr grab Magnum armour mere to him,A helmet land down on to his head,He have now become Kamen rider geats magnum form

Tanjiro:wide eyes,he shocked ""

Geats: "Sha..this is..."He raise the raise magnum "The highlights"


All jyamato charges at him,geats fire all of them,he too charges at the jyamato

The jyamato swing weapon,Geats step aside,he raise the magnum gun fire all of them,he duck the attack of them,he side kick them push them away,he then run climb up the wall,firing all of them,He land down,spin himself as well magnum,every bullet that he fire,it all directed hit jyamato,Blast them all

He step aside,from Jyamato swing spear that behind him,He point the magnum fire at it belly push away,geats rise his body up,all jyamato have been take down now only him and slug fortress

Slug fortress swing the vines flower,Geats Jump dodged of it,He land look at the forest and he know the Weakness of it.

Geats: "So that is your weaknesses"

Slug fortress swing the flower vines again,Geats jump very hight land on top the groof

Geats:Take out the buckle have me mentioned this is Boost buckle "Now for the trump card"He kiss boost buckle and quick plug it on the left


Boost logo appear,Geats turn the handel,small fire was released,the logo became a lege armor,robot hand appear it stretch up mere to His lege part


Slug fortress firing the beam to Geats.Geats use boost power,he Jump very high,He turn the magnum to sniper,he aim at slug fortress,the weakness of it was the old house on top it,So only he have to do is fire at it,He fire all the bullet hit at house,making a entrants for him,Geats land down

Geats: " Now the finisher"

He grab magnun handel press trigger fire it,he also grab Boost buckle,he spin it two time


Motorbike transform to a fox,it charges at geats,Geats jump,the mechanical fox jump follow him,Geats land on the tied,he jump,he stretch up the Leges,as fire aura cover his Leges,he side kick,kick through the house,all over the place,the heat have burn over the house,geats kick through the fortress house.

Geats land down,but the slug isn't land down instead explosion,Geats Behind from it
The temple firing a fire works, tsumuri standing raise her fist,happily jyamato invasion have over as well as geats win again

Tsumuri: "We have a New desire god,yeah?she smile at the winner.
Buffa swing Chainsaw slash all the Jyamato,he hear a ringing belt,he take his phone watch the score,seem like Ace win, again but this make Buffa Angry more,he clench it
Tanjiro and other approaches to Geats,take magnum buckle,while boost buckle it  unplugged and fly away with a heat give it to him,also he back as Ace

Tanjiro:saw his Fighting style and he must said,he is impressive "That,But still how can you change the world"

Ace smile,His smile was a warning everything around them is flying and rebuilt it, Buildin,and house  Tanjiro, Obanai and mitsuri confuse.

Tanjiro: "what just happened"

Ace: "The changing that I have told you,A new world is about to star"he turn his head look up the sky

As for tanjiro,he is confuse and wonder what does his mean a new world is about to star but what kind work it is

Ace smile,now everything is according to his plan...but what is ace plans




(Kamen rider geats)

Tsumuri: "Congratulations for now on you're Kamen rider"

Tanjiro: "Those I saw isn't dream,it is true along with mine old memories"

Ace: "welcome to mine new world,my friend"

???: "The blue lily isn't here,and everything in here was changed"

Buffa: "Geats today I will win over you"

Tanjiro: "Nezuko no...not again, don't become demon again please"

Ace: "Your sister have became demon and one way to end her suffer,is to kill her"


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