Chapter 1: Rise Of A New Kamen Rider/Return of Yokaiser

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(After Richard is done meditating, he gets up, and notices a driver with a scroll-like trinket.)

Richard: (curious) What's this?

????: Looks like you've been chosen to become a Kamen Rider, eh?

(Richard gasps, and then he gets in his fighting stance as he sees DeathRay.)

Richard: (glares) Who are you?

DeathRay: (smiles) I'm your one and only DeathRay the Humanoid Manta Ray Kaiju.

Richard: (confused) Kaiju?

DeathRay: A name given to creatures that live long before humanity. Many governments think we are a threat, and even want to make clear that the earth belongs to them.

Richard: Figures...

DeathRay: I heard you've got problems with that so-called Justice League.

Richard: Yeah, except for Cyborg, they blamed me because of an accident that happened at their precious Watchtower. Even Wonder Bitch broke up with me and rekindled her relationship with that prick Steve Trevor.

DeathRay: Actually, she cheated on him with Superman.

Richard: (sighs) Poor man...

DeathRay: Today's your lucky day. I am a specialist in killing fake heroes and villains. Of course, for a fair price.

Richard: Heh, I know a friend of mine who would pay millions for anyone who can destroy the so-called Justice League.

DeathRay: Lex Luthor... Jonathan's former rival turned friend David Taylor, also known as Kamen Rider NEXT Psyga, is a friend with his Megaforce-Verse counterpart.

Richard: Megaforce-Verse?

DeathRay: Yeah, the lair of aliens and Super Sentai, along with other superheroes. I came from a similar world known as Daikaiju-Verse, who unlike Megaforce-Verse, is composed of kaijus and Kamen Riders.

Richard: I see...

(Suddenly a familiar symbol appears out of nowhere, and a certain mage comes out of it.)

Dr. Fate: Sorry to disturb you, Richard Phoenix, but the Justice Society needs you.

Richard: What's the problem?

Dr. Fate: The Legion of Doom.

Richard: (eyes widen) That's impossible, I thought they-

DeathRay: I bet Vandal Savage is leading them.

Dr. Fate: Exactly. Besides him there are also Bane, Deathstroke, Mirror Master, Metallo, Star Sapphire, Ma'alefa'ak, Enchantress, Black Manta, Gentleman Ghost, Cheetah and Count Vertigo.

Richard: Damn... even with Cyborg, Deadshot and Luthor, they are still outnumbered. How am I... (remembers the driver) I got it.

(Doctor Fate gets confused as Richard pulls out his driver and places it on his waist.)


(He then pulls out the Tenjutsu Scroll and turns to DeathRay.)

Richard: What am I supposed to do?

DeathRay: Say Henshin, and place the scroll in your driver.

Richard: Right. (determined) Henshin!


(RIchard turns into Kamen Rider Spinobi.)

Spinobi: Whoa, so this is a Kamen Rider?

DeathRay: That's right, my friend. Before the fight, remember to say the following cathphrase: "I'm a Zodiac Beast Ninja, Kamen Rider Spinobi!"

(Richard nods as the two follow Doctor Fate through the portal as it fades out.)

(Meanwhile at Metropolis, the Justice Society is seen having problems dealing with the Legion of Doom as Bane slams Wildcat, Metallo uses his kryptonite heart to weaken Power Girl, Hawkman is striggling against Gentleman Ghost, Stargirl is brought down by Cheetah, etc. Suddenly Doctor Fate comes in, bringing DeathRay and Spinobi.)

Metallo: The last Justice Society member came, and he brought reinforcements.

Deathstroke: Good, he'll need it anyway. But who are they?

DeathRay: The name is DeathRay!

Spinobi: I'm a Zodiac Beast Ninja, Kamen Rider... (poses) Spinobi!

Bane: I broke the bat, and now the panther. Yo te quiebro también.

Spinobi: Well, I guess we'll see about that.

DeathRay: Alright, time to play some music!

(As the music plays, DeathRay pulls out two katanas like Deadpool, and he deflects Deathstroke's bullets with them while Spinobi charges at Metallo, and slashes onw of its arms with his blade.)

Spinobi: Whoa, that's a cool blade.

(DeathRay charges at Deathstroke and stabs his two katanas through his stomach, making him cough blood inside his helmet.)

DeathRay: It's BukiJyumaru, a weapon that has several abilities. Try them.

(Spinobi then sees Mirror Master multiplying himself, and then he prepares to perform a technique with his BukiJyumaru.)


(Spinobi launches a black flaming slash that destroys all of Mirror Master's illusions. As the real Mirror Master sneaks behind him, Jay Garrick speeds up and knocks the villain out.)

Flash (Jay): You're welcome, kid.

(Spinobi nods as he turns to see Cheetah charging at him, but he dodges like a ninja, and prepares to execute another technique with his BukiJyumaru.)


(Spinobi surprises Cheetah with a water slash that brings her down. DeathRay flies as Bane charges at him, but the kaiju outsmarts him and cuts his venom tubes, reducing him to a frail man as DeathRay slams into him. Doctor Fate uses his magic to block Star Sapphire's violet energy blasts, and then he decides to approach the made as he performs a shielding technique.)


(A powerful barrier is created, shielding both Spinobi and Doctor Fate from Star Sapphire as the Ninja Rider does a wall run, and jumps off, turning his BukiJyumaru into its shuriken mode.)


(He launches the BukiJyumaru at Star Sapphire, who tries to shield herself, but the weapon hits her ring, breaking it as she falls down, but Spinobi prevents Carol Ferris from falling.)

Spinobi: Well, I guess I overdid it.

(Suddenly he gets blasted by Black Manta, who approaches him.)

Black Manta: You fight well, but you will not stop me from avenging my father and killing Aquaman.

Spinobi: (grunts) I could care less about that Atlantean.

(Suddenly two voices are heard.)



(Then two Kamen Riders descend from the skies as they kick through Black Manta.)

???? 1/???? 2: (unison) SEIYA!

(Black Manta screams as he explodes as DeathRay recognizes the Kamen Riders.)

DeathRay: Now that's what I call an entrance, Orga and Yokaiser.

(Then Kamen Rider Next Orga, and Kamen Rider Yokaiser (in pursuit of redemption) are seen.)

Yokaiser: Kamen Rider Yokaiser... sanjou!

Next Orga: Let's crush those baddies.

(Orga then activates some commands.)



(Orga predicts a sneak attack from Ma'alefa'ak, and then he dodges it and stabs the martian as he executes his finisher.)


(Orga blasts Ma'alefa'ak away as he explodes. Yokaiser clones himself and prepares to finish the remaining enemies.)


(Yokaiser and his clones jump off, and descend as they kick through the villains.)

Yokaiser: SEIYA!

(The villains scream in agony as they explode.)

Next Orga: (smirks) Heh, good going, Kutaro Igawa.

Yokaiser: Thank you, Jonathan.

(Then they help the Justice Society up.)

Power Girl: You are really incredible.

Stargirl: Yeah, if it weren't for you, we'd be already doomed.

Spinobi: We're just doing what had to be done.

(Then Doctor Fate creates a portal, and the Justice Society along with the anti-heroes go through it. Unbeknownst to them, a certain mecha pilot is watching over them.)

Charles: Damn, Kamen Rider Yokaiser is back. I'd better warn the General of Darkness about it.

(Then Charles goes inside his Char's Zaku II, and pilots it to fly to the General of Darkness' current hideout as the screen fades to black.)

(To be continued.)

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