Act 1/Chapter 1: The New Era

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(At Earthrealm, two individuals are seen working out in an academy as they do hundreds of push-ups until they turn to each other.)

Ryuga: That's a good workout, Ethan.

Ethan: Yess... it is a blessing, Ryuga.

Ryuga: You wouldn't rather disgrace your father's legacy as Captain America, do you?

Ethan: Of course not. I just wanted to be my own hero ever since I was a kid. I mean, I've been trained by my uncles Sam and Bucky, and...

(Captain America (Sam Wilson) and Winter Soldier are seen watching them.)

C. America: We heard that, kid.

(Ryuga chuckles as he turns to Ethan again.)

Ryuga: As long as your colleagues at Beacon Nexus Academy knew you, you've dreamed of leaving. Why can't you be happy in there? I mean, you weren't bullied, abused, neglected or any of that shit that happens to people in Japan.

Ethan: My father fought in great wars. He died with honor and glory. (sarcasm) Stories of our great adventures... hah... will be passed down for generations.

Ryuga: It may not be glorious, but what we do helps the people thrive.

Ethan: I know. But is it so wrong to want some excitement?

(Winter Soldier approaches them.)

Winter Soldier: If that's what you want, may I suggest a bet? Dinner at Madam Bo's, tonight. Last to complete the exercise program pays.

(Ryuga and Ethan smirk at each other.)

Ryuga: Not gonna chicken out, are you?

Ethan: Me? The son of the original Captain America? Ha! Since when? You're on, Ryuga.

(They then start their exercise program as Sam and Bucky instruct them on how to do the exercises properly.)


(At Night, both Ryuga and Ethan are seen with Sam and Bucky in a restaurant as a waitress is pouring tea.)

Ethan: That. Is. Amazing.

Ryuga: I'm starving. I wonder what Madam Bo is making tonight.

(Madam Bo comes in.)

Madam Bo: For you? Whatever you want.

Ethan: Thank you, Madam Bo. You spoil us.

Madam Bo: (shrugs) Like the sons I never had.

(The four walk up to the table and sit down in their respective chairs as Madam Bo speaks to Sam and Bucky.)

Madam Bo: Have they been practicing my lessons?

Sam: With me and Bucky watching them? They've been practicing smoothly. I even made sure my nephew didn't mouth any more excuses.

Madam Bo: Good to know... (bonks Ethan's head) Remember, Ethan Rogers. If you fail to prepare...

Ethan: (completing thought) ...your preparations will fail you.

Madam Bo: Good. You haven't forgotten. But we'll see if I make you anything special tonight.

(As Madam Bo walks away, Bucky speaks up.)

Bucky: I hope Steve doesn't take it too hard to see his son is paying us. Madam Bo might just paid the bill with her anger.

Ethan: I am paying? (points at Ryuga) HE finished the exercises last.

Sam: Agreed, Bucky. One second difference was very clear to me.

Ryuga: That's not what I remember.

Ethan: (turns to Ryuga) So that's how it is, eh? What do you say we settle this man to man? Hmm?

(Ethan gets up and walks as Ryuga follows him.)

Ryuga: (laughs in disbelief) Wait. You mean fight?

Ethan: Yes. Right here. Right now. Madam Bo, Uncle Sam and Uncle Bucky can watch, critique our form.

(As they walk outside the restaurant, Liu Kang is secretly watching them.)

Ryuga: (smirks) Best two of three?

Ethan: Fair enough.

(They then prepare to transform.)

Ryuga: King Rider... (poses) Henshin!

(Ethan then buffs up, and his clothes get ripped, revealing a suit similar to Captain America, but black, with red and white stripes, and no "A" letter in his helmet as he places it on.)

Ichi-King: We must be careful. Madam Bo will kick us out if we break something.

U. S. Agent: (laughing) This won't last long enough for that to happen. You will be down in no time.

(U. S. Agent gets the first strike as he lands some hits on Ichi-King, but the Kamen Rider counters and kicks him. As Ichi-King charges at U.S. Agent, the latter trips the former down and starts beating him before throwing him down.)

U. S. Agent: (crosses arms) Must we go another round? We both know how this ends.

(Ichi-King gets up and charges at U.S. Agent, who then dodges his attack and kicks him in the chest before sending a flurry of punches at his stomach. Ichi-King counters as he lands several hits and even kicks the back of U.S. Agent's head. After landing some combos, Ichi-King is kicked away by U.S. Agent. Both then exchange punches and kicks until U.S. Agent lands the final blow, emerging victorious as the crowd cheers enthusiastically.)

Sam: (claps hands) Good, that was very good. Yes, I like that.

(U.S. Agent salutes the people like a soldier, and then he approaches Ichi-King to help him up.)

U. S. Agent: (smiles)You haven't beaten me yet.

Ichi-King: The day is coming, Ethan Rogers.

U. S. Agent: (laughs) Keep telling yourself that.

(Some moments later, Ryuga is seen holding a massive bill as he glares at Ethan.)

Ryuga: You were hungry.

(Ethan burps as Madam Bo approaches the four.)

Sam: Everything was delicious, Madam Bo.

Madam Bo: Thank you, Sam Wilson. You and the boys are always a pleasure to cook for.

(As Ryuga pays the bill, a certain blonde boy is seen holding a certain gun-like device and a certain bottle.)

(He inserts the bottle at the device.)


Felix: Jouketsu!


(Felix transforms into Night Rogue, and then he snaps his finger as someone quickly snatches a note from Ryuga. It's Cat Noir, and along with him are Invincible and Ladybug as Night Rogue appears.)

Night Rogue: Madam Bo, Uncle Gabriel awaits your answer.

(He walks towards Madam Bo, who is unfazed.)

Madam Bo: I have been busy, Felix.

(Ryuga and Ethan turn to each other as they prepare to transform.)

Ryuga: King Rider... (poses) Henshin!

(Ryuga becomes Kamen Rider Ichi-King, and steps up to face Night Rogue.)

Ichi-King: I don't know who you are, but you're messing with an old woman, and I don't like that. That's why you better get back to your cave, Batman Reject, before I clip your wings!

U. S. Agent: (jumps in) Or, we can kick their asses, right here, right now!

Night Rogue: I'm just giving this old lady a simple choice. Pay for our protection, or risk harm to this fine establishment.

Madam Bo: You'll get nothing from me.

Smoke: That, Madam Bo, is unfortunate.

Ichi-King: (stern) For you, that is. (jumps) King Punch!

(Ichi-King and Night Rogue clash their punches, and then they exchange blows and kicks, but Night Rogue overpowers Ichi-King, and throws him down.)

U.S. Agent: (worried) Ryuga!

(Sam turns to Bucky, who nods, and then the latter rips off his fake skin that was covering his metal arm while Sam suits up, and then they help U. S. Agent to bring down several grunts. Suddenly Invincible tackles U.S. Agent and throws him down.)

Invincible: You are brave, son of Captain America. But against a Viltrumite... you are in over your head.

U. S. Agent: I don't care who you are or who you are with! I never fear blood or violence, I'm not such a coward!

(U. S. Agent lands a flurry of punches at Invincible, sending him sprawling thanks to the super soldier serum and training. Invincible however counters and punches him in the gut, making him cough blood. U. S. Agent then gives another flurry of punches at Invincible before punching him in the gut and kneeing his lower jaw. As he goes some rough combo, he brings Invincible down.)

U. S. Agent: You picked the wrong soldier to mess with, alien!

(Enraged by being called an "alien", Invincible charges at U. S. Agent, and punches him several times before slamming him into the floor. U. S. Agent then kicks one of his legs, and rolls over before doing a flip kick that hits Invincible's lower jaw. They keep excanging blows, but U. S. Agent eventually manages to defeat Invincible.)

U. S. Agent: Now who's in over his head?

(Winter Soldier easily knocks Cat Noir with a punch of his metallic arms, and U. S. Agent witnesses it.)

U. S. Agent: Looks like you still got it, uncle Bucky.

Winter Soldier: Honestly, I'm surprised too.

(U. S. Agent pats his uncle's shoulder, and then Captain America flies towards Night Rogue, who shoots, but Sam dodges the attack swiftly.)

Winter Soldier: Turns out Sam's got it too.

U. S. Agent: Indeed.

(Night Rogue keeps shooting, but Captain America keeps dodging.)

Night Rogue: You interfere with my business. Leave, or be a sacrifice for a greater cause.

Winter Soldier: Leave my friend to fight you by himself? Not happening.

(Ichi-King gets up, and sees Night Rogue tackling Winter Soldier while Ladybug wraps her yo-yo around U. S. Agent's right leg.)

Ladybug: (angry) Get over here!

(She pulls U. S. Agent down, but as she pulls him closer, he kicks her away as she holds her stomach and sees son of Captain America approaching her.)

U. S. Agent: You want more? I can do this all day!

Ladybug: You should have fled when you could. Prepare to regret ever crossing the Miraculous Ladybug!

(As they start fighting, Ichi-King jumps in and kicks her, giving U. S. Agent an opportunity to punch her away, but she uses her yo-yo to pull him close to her, but he grabs her and punches her face three times before doing a random combo that combined a drop kick, a flurry of punches in her stomach, and an uppercut.)

U. S. Agent: For what it's worth, I'm not regretting this yet.

(Ladybug gets up and charges at him, punching him, and then Ichi-King helps U. S. Agent by punching her. Unfortunately, she uses her yo-yo and pulls him and kicks him. He uppercuts her, but she then kicks him three times. Ichi-King helps U. S. Agent by kicking her, and the soldier sends a flurry of punches in her stomach, but Cat Noir (who recovered from his fight with Winter Soldier) unleashes his Cataclysm Attack, making him step back. Ladybug uses her yo-yo to pull him back to her, only tor U. S. Agent to drop kick her and send another flurry of punches, defeating her.)

U. S. Agent: It is you who will regret crossing me.

(He then goes to see Night Rogue punching Winter Soldier to a pillar as Captain America picks him up and flies away. Ichi-King comes in and tries to hit Night Rogue, who dodges his attack, and performs a series of icy slashes at him, causing him to freeze. U. S. Agent picks up Captain America's shield and throws it at the back of Night Rogue's head, catching his attention.)

Night Rogue: Uggghh... Incompetent.

(U. S. Agent then takes a circle bladed weapon and throws it at Night Rogue' giving him a slash on his left arm.)

U. S. Agent: Ho! That works.

I have had enough of you.

U. S. Agent: Then go, before I put you down like the rest of your lackeys.

Night Rogue: You haven't a prayer against the Night Rogue!

(As the fight starts, U. S. Agent uppercuts Night Rogue, and then he grabs him before pushing him aside as Captain America kicks his face. U. S. Agent performs some melee attacks at Night Rogue, who backs away and shoots him. Unfazed, the soldier performs a melee combo at the Kamen Warrior before the latter shoots him some more, but then U. S. Agent jumps and hits his face with a drop kick.)

U. S. Agent: (chuckles) Sorry, but I have to ask: can any of you fight?

(As they keep fighting, Winter Soldier helps U. S. Agent, and punches Night Rogue, who then kicks Bucky away. U. S. Agent then grabs Night Rogue and punches him three times before they start exchanging kicks and blows. As U. S. Agent sends a flurry of punches, Cat Noir comes in to kick the soldier away, but Captain America comes in and does the same to Night Rogue. After some swift strikes, U. S. Agent manages to knock Night Rogue down.)

U. S. Agent: Are you sure you're a... you know... Miraculous?

(He then picks up Captain America's shield, and whistles.)

U. S. Agent: So this is my father's shield... 


(Ethan turns to see a seemingly unconscious Madam Bo carried by Ryuga (who recovered from his fight against Night Rogue), and then he approaches them.)

U. S. Agent: (worried) Madam Bo.

Ryuga: She's out cold.

U. S. Agent: Oh no. Is she --

Madam Bo: (opens eyes) Dead? (smirks) Not yet.

(She gets up and pulls out a lighter and a cigar to smoke.)

U. S. Agent: Madam Bo, how are you --

Ryuga: Ethan!

(Ryuga points two people who are seen climbing down the stairs. One is revealed to be the Fire God: Liu Kang, and the other is the Headmistress of Beacon Nexus Academy: Summer Rose. Only then Sam and Bucky join in.)

Summer: You have passed.

(Ryuga and Ethan get confused about it as Summer smiles.)

Liu Kang: So, Madam Bo, are they ready?

Madam Bo: A bit thick in the head, perhaps... (smiles) But they are ready.

Ryuga: (to Ethan) His eyes are glowing.

Liu Kang: I am Lord Liu Kang, God of Fire and Protector of Earthrealm. And I believe you already met your Headmistress Summer Rose.

Ethan: (unmasks) God? Earthrealm?

Summer: Madam Bo has been preparing you for this moment since you enrolled in our prestigious academy. Today you have proven worthy of joining Lord Liu Kang's champions.

Ryuga: This fight was -- a test?

Summer: Yes, Marinette, Felix, Adrien and Mark were only pretending to be fake heroes to test your ability. A "true hero vs fake hero" training, basically.

Liu Kang: That was also a test of ability and character.

(Marinette, Adrien, Mark and Felix come in.)

Ethan: So they didn't betray us?

Liu Kang: The Miraculous and the Guardians of Globe are two groups of heroes dedicated to Earthrealm's defense.

Ryuga: You keep saying Earthrealm. Don't you mean Earth?

Madam Bo: You boys have so much to learn.

Liu Kang: Earth is only part of Earthrealm. Earthrealm itself is one of many realms. Together they comprise the whole of the universe.

Madam Bo: The realms can be fierce, bitter rivals. That's why we need champions to defend ours.

Liu Kang: The time draws near for the grand martial arts tournament between Earthrealm and the realm of Union-Verse. Held once each century, it allows each realm to demonstrate its strength. While our realms are at peace, there are Union-Verse "Heroes" who would prefer us to be at war. Our victory in the tournament will... temper their zeal.

Madam Bo: I've taught you everything I can. You must finish your training with Lord Liu Kang.

Ethan: More Training? These two couldn't defeat us.

(Felix scoffs while Madam Bo chuckles.)

Ethan: What?

Madam Bo: They were pulling their punches.

Felix: (crosses arms) I know it sounds ironical coming from a Support Course Student, but-

????: Had Mark not held back, you would not have survived.

(They turn to see Omni-Man floating close to them.)

Liu Kang: Come. The monks at the Wu Shi Academy await to continue your tutelage.

Ethan: (salutes) I am ready, Lord Liu Kang.

Liu Kang: And you, Ryuga?

Ryuga: Leave Beacon Nexus? I'm needed here.

Madam Bo: Earthrealm needs you, Ryuga. You'll best serve the village by being one of its champions.

Ryuga: I understand.

Liu Kang: (smiles) Excellent. I will join you soon. First, there are other champions I must gather.

(To be continued)

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