Act 2/Chapter 1: Secrets and Lies

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(While Akatsuki was walking away, he sees Wayne Hyoudou standing in front of him.)

Wayne: (cracks his neck) My turn.

Akatsuki: Alright, I don't mind.

(He then pulls out his Cyber Key, and prepares to transform.)

Wayne: Sideways Transformer! Cyber key power!

(He transforms into Sideways, but Akatsuki isn't impressed as he conjures a fire arrow, and launches it at Sideways, but then the transformer does something unexpected. He uses the Limitless Red, reducing the fire arrow's damage before conjuring his own, much to Akatsuki's shock.)

Akatsuki: Wait, what? How?

Sideways: This is my Secret Gear or my Cyber Key. It gave me a power to copy all my rivals' abilities. So... what did you say? You are the strongest one ? Let me show a power of my lord. A power of the Unicron!

(Sideways and Akatsuki charge at each other as Sideways performs a move he copied from Kamen Rider Ichi-King.)

Sideways: KING KICK!

(As their attacks are about to collide, the screen goes black.)

(Cut to Beacon Nexus Academy, Fire God Liu Kang and Headmistress Summer are seen standing in front of Team RWBY, Roku Waltz, Red Hood, Zuikaku and Alix Kubdel, who is seen holding a picture of a certain immortal wizard.)

Alix: So we find him in Union-Verse, and then we bring him here for questioning?

Liu Kang: Yes, if what I fear has happened, he's a grave threat to all realms.

Alix: (smies) Anything else?

Summer: Ozma, or as we used to call him... Ozpin... is a master of deceit. Do not trust a word he utters. (to Ruby) That includes you, Ruby. Your mom almost got herself killed because of him.

Weiss: Why the general before my sister trusted him is beyond me.

Blake: This Ozma sounds a lot like Adam.

Alix: It's a tricky mission. I'd rather Ryuga going along than these four.

RWBY: (unison;offended) Hey!

Weiss: Ruby might be... uh... younger... but she HAS a team up for the job.

Summer: Ryuga is still recovering from his recent battle. Ryan and Barbara are still fulfilling suspension, and I don't trust Kiana Kaslana yet.

(Liu Kang approaches the group.)

Liu Kang: This mission must be done quietly. I am breaking my word with Lady Tsunade by sending you into Union-Verse without her knowledge.

Summer: Not to mention that the other Union headmasters might see this as an opportunity to invade our realm if they find out.

Liu Kang: Due to the tournament, Ryuga is now a familiar face there. Even if he was available, sending him will only increase your risk of being discovered.

(Summer then pulls out a talisman and hands it to Ruby.)

Summer: This talisman is attuned to Ozma's aura. Follow it to him.

Liu Kang: And be careful.

Liu Kang/Summer: (unison) May the Elder Gods protect you.


(The team is seen at Union-Verse's Fuyuki City as they keep walking.)

Yang: Why didn't Aunt Summer let us bring my Bumblebee?

Alix: Again? How old are you?

Yang: What can I say? We could have arrived in there faster.

Roku: And jeopardize out entire mission in the process.

Weiss: We should consider ourselves lucky, Yang.

Ruby: We ARE lucky, Weiss. We've been sent for our first official mission.

Alix: Just stick to the plan, Ruby.

Blake: Ruby is our leader, Alix. Not you.

Alix: But I am more experienced than you all together.

Weiss: We all worked hard to become part of Beacon Nexus. Oh, that's right, you're from the Miraculous. If there's something I learned is that you never know who you can actally trust.

(Alix then glares at Weiss.)

Alix: The Miraculous are still doing a great job, even before we agreed to join Beacon Nexus. I mean, why do you think your so-called father is arrested for secretly supporting Hawkmoth? It's thanks to us Miraculous. The same goes to Adam Taurus and his half of White Fang being sent to a maximum security prison. Power is not everything.

(Ruby checks the talisman her mother gave her, and sees it glowing.)

Ruby: It's glowing brighter... I guess we're close.

(They walk past Weiss as Blake gives her an "I'm watching you" glare as she groans. As they keep walking they suddenly see something below. Yang then starts recording the fight between some I.S. Pilots and several members of the League of Darkness.)

Yang: Now that's something we don't see every day.

Ruby: (sees the talisman still glowing) That Ozma is among those... villains...

Yang: Oh, the Super Hero Girls are gonna go nuts when I show them what they've missed.

(The scene cuts to two I.S. Pilots holding down a familiar villain: Tomura Shigaraki, formerly known as Tenko Shimura. Suddenly Ozma comes from behind.)

Ozma: Hold him still! If he squirms, he might escape.

(He then pulls out a familiar driver and places it on his waist before pulling out a progrisekey.)

(He then clicks its button.)


Ozma: Henshin!


(Ozma transforms into Kamen Rider Zein as the heroes' eyes widen.)

Roku: No doubt, that's him!

Ruby: Let's jump after he's done.

Alix: No movie-based strategies.

(Tomura is seen still struggling to get rid of the I.S. Pilots.)

Tomura: Let me go. This is cheating!

(The I.S. Pilot kicks one of his legs.)

I.S. Pilot: Quiet, villain. (turns to Zein) Who are you again?

Zein: (possessing Ozma) I am Zein, I am this dimension's savior.

(He then pulls out a card containing a Rider Power.)


(He places it on his driver, and then he shreds it.)


(Before he can execute his finisher, Tomura somehow decays the cuffs, and grabs both I.S. Pilots as they scream in pain and their body disintegrates.)

Zein: You have merely delayed your inevitable death.


Zein: (jumps) Rider Kick!

(Tomura dodges the attack, and starts fighting Zein as he somehow managed to land a kick on his face.)

Alix: Looks like he's got a new power in his hand. Just another reason why he's to be brought alive. (pulls out her kiwami) Fluff, clockwise!

(She transforms into Bunnyx while Roku activates his armor. The heroes then join the battlefield as Tomura Shigaraki is about to use his quirk on Zein, only for Bunnyx to stop him as he struggles and kicks both Red Hood and Weiss away. Zein smirks as he leaves without the villains' knowledge.)

Tomura: (glares at Bunnyx) I would have killed him, but for you.

Bunnyx: I get why you want to, Tenko Shimura. But you can't.

Tomura: (growls) I don't know how you found out my true name, hero. But you will die for this!

(Bunnyx starts attacking Tomura with several strikes, and Ruby shoots him with her Crescent Rose, but Tomura then starts countering her attacks until she outsmarts him.)

Bunnyx: You haven't stopped him. You've just made him angry.

(Bunnyx then lands several swift yet deadly strikes on Tomura, eventually bringing him down.)

Bunnyx: Now please, let me explain.

(Unfortunately several villains surround the group.)

Yang: You got us into this, how about getting us out?

Bunnyx: I know what this looks like, but we don't work for Union.

Tomura: (glares) If not, why save that bastard?

Bunnyx: Because Liu Kang and Summer Rose want to question him. They believe Ozma can be a threat to both of our realms. (extends a hand) I am Bunnyx.

Tomura: You're heroes, we're villains. And besides, my quirk could easily decay your hand just by contact. But we can tall you that most of us have been victims of this realm's oppressive system. We got either abused, neglected, betrayed... either for reasons or simply because we have villainous powers.

(The scene shows the villains.)

Tomura: In rare cases, there are former heroes, who either had enough of so much injustice or got betrayed by their fellows. We became monsters of their creation. Chaos became our only release.

Blake: So just like Sienna's side of White Fang, you were misguided.

Tomura: I was just a kid who formerly wanted to be a hero, but because of my former dream, my father started abusing me until my quirk manifested, and I eventually killed him. I was called a monster, a villain, a plague. (looks around) Then I turned to my master All For One, and he gave me the necessary guidance to take his place should something happen to him. Yeah, I used to be Tenko Shimura, but this name is now dead. I am now Tomura Shigaraki.

Bunnyx: I suppose some of Union resorted to ask for Ozma's help to purge all of you...

Tomura: Yep, he is like those Union Heroes' Wild Card.

Bunnyx: We'll capture Ozma, and we'll find out why he's be coming here. I promise.

(Tomura then snaps his fingers, and Kurogiri comes in.)

Tomura: Get them out of here.

(Kurogiri then opens a portal to a location close to Ozma's current whereabouts.)

Bunnyx: Thank you, we won't let you down.

(They then go through the portal and approach what looks like a castle. Instead of Shigaraki, it's Madoka Orimura who's guiding them.)

Ruby: Any idea what's to expect?

Madoka: No, none of us has ever been inside, not even our leaders.

Bunnyx: Stay here, we'll chek it out.

(Inside of his palace, the heroes walk in as Ozma's voice is heard.)

Ozma: (voice over) This Driver proved to be an inspiring choice. Outcomes improved significantly. I should have thanked James for modidying the driver while he could. I can now use several Rider Powers. These cards are exactly what were needed. The results will be immediate and definitive.

(Then Tatenashi and Gilgamesh are seen standing in front of Ozma.)

Gilgamesh: How can you be sure, mongrel?

(The scene cuts to Ozma holding the Zein Driver.)

Ozma: Because all of the main Riders foolishly agreed to help build something to "save" mankind. It couldn't be more potent.

(Then Yuuma is seen laying in a bed as Red Hood's eyes widen.)

Red Hood: He's about to execute Yuuma.

Weiss: And he's got both Chifuyu's lapdog and that golden armored jerk on this. (whispers to Ruby) No wonder your mother is worried about this guy.

(They then hide.)

Bunnyx: We need to stop him?

Wing Zero: Save a distressed damsel? Sure thing.

(They then decide to confront the trio.)

Bunnyx: Get away from her.

Yang: Or be brought down with a "Yang".

(Everyone gets dumbfounded by Yang's pun.)

Roku: Excuse me?!

Blake: Tch, really?

Gilgamesh: (stern) Earthrealm mongrels... how did they find us?

Tatenashi: They've already seen too much.

(She activates her suit ahc charges at the heroes, but both Wing Zero and Ruby shoot her. She then uses her spear and charges at them while Bunnyx kicks Ozma twice.)

Ozma: I need time. (to Gilgamesh) Buy it for me.

Gilgamesh: (glares at Bunnyx) That mongrel God sent you here, didn't he? Sent you to learn our secrets!

Bunnyx: He sent us here for Ozma. But it looks like he's just a part of the problem.

(Tatenashi comes in and hits both Bunnyx and Ruby with her spear, but then Bunnyx kicks her out before starting to strike Gilgamesh several times until he launches some of his blades at her. Bunnyx kicks Gilgamesh twice before Tatenashi stabs her with her spear, but he kicks her to Gilgamesh, who then shoves her aside.)

Gilgamesh: Get off me, mongrel. (gets up and glares at Bunnyx) Think you've won, mongrel? We're just getting started.

(With some swift and precise strikes, Bunnyx manages to defeat Gilgamesh.)

Bunnyx: The King of Heroes got dethroned.

(Meanwhile, Tatenashi manages to defeat both Team RWBY and Roku, but then Bunnyx holds her and throws her, but she lands on her feet.)

Bunnyx: Thought you didn't take Tsunade's outburst so well, but not that you'd go so low.

Tatenashi: (glares) You trespass Union, interfere with our matters. It's you who are going low, not me.

(Bunnyx starts striking Tatenashi with her umbrella, and Red Hood helps her, but then Tatenashi strikes back and powers up, but it's not enoigh for her to beat a miraculous warrior.)

Bunnyx: Your plot ends here, Tatenashi.

(Bunnyx lands some precise strikes at Tatenashi, but then Cu Chulain goes to help the I.S. Pilot, even though their combined abilities could barely scratch Bunnyx who defeats both of them.)

Bunnyx: Your plot is over.

(She approaches Ozma, who prepares to transform.)


Ozma: This is the second time you've been a thorn in my side. You Earthrealmers do have unhealthy habits. Henshin!


(As he transforms, Ruby aims at him.)

Ruby: You're not killing the daughter of Azazel like you almost did to my mother!

Ozma: (stares at Ruby) Hmmm... your silver eyes are familiar somehow...

Bunnyx: We've heard about how you lie. No wonder Headmistress Summer became so skeptical. (to her group) Cover me.

(The others prepare to face Ozma while Bunnyx approaches Yuuma.)

Yuuma: (groans) What's happening...

(Suddenly she feels some pain in her back as as she screams in agony, and then some wings grow in her back. Instead of white, it's black wings, and her eyes became predatory as Yang and Weiss to stop her, but she easily defeats them.)

Bunnyx: Yuuma, we can help you.

Yuuma: Yuuma? That was quite a lame name, you know... how about you call me... Raynare?

(Yuuma, now naming herself as Raynare, tries to strike Bunnyx, and eventually manages to do so, but Bunnyx lands several precise strikes.)

Raynare: You're good for a human, I admit.

(Bunnyx and Raynare keep trading blows, but Bunnyx still overpowers her, and eventually defeats her.)

Bunnyx: Ruby! Roku! Help me hold her!

(They try to hold her as Azazel comes in and sees Ozma.)

Azazel: (stern) You? (sees Raynare struggling) My God... Yuuma!

(Raynare breaks free, creates a light spear, and as Yang and Weiss try to strike her, she cuts off one of Yang's arms while giving a scar close to one of Weiss' eyes.)

Ruby: (eyes widen) WEISS! SIS!

(As Raynare is about to resume her rampage, Azazel conjures a spell that seals Raynare's side, reverting her back to Yuuma.)

Azazel: Darn... I was too late...

????: By the Gods... Azazel-sensei!

(Naofumi and his party approach Azazel and Yuuma, but then Sirzechs and Rias' Peerage follow them.)

Naofumi: What happened here?

Azazel: Ozma was here, he tried to kill Yuuma.

Ruby: It's true, Naofumi. He-

(Suddenly she gets blasted by Issei's Dragon Shot, and then Akeno launches some lightning at Roku.)

Sirzechs: Thank you. (glares at Azazel) I warned you she needed to die, but no. You simply got no stomach to listen to me, eh? Look where it got us! We should detain the Earthrealmers and the villains we found outside. At least until the rest of us is ready to respond to such incursion.

Rias: Agreed.

(Sirzechs snaps his fingers, and then the devil soldiers take the Earthrealmers away, and then Danzo comes in.)

Sirzechs: This incident proves Earthrealm's bad faith. We must strike them now to protect ourselves.

Naofumi: No. (gets up) They would not do this. There must be a misunderstanding.

Azazel: Naofumi is right.

(Danzo approaches Naofumi.)

Danzo: It is no misunderstanding, Shield Hero. It is a confirmation of Ozma's prophecy. Left unchecked, Liu Kang will destroy Union-Verse. (to Azazel) I apologize for not arriving sooner, to save your daughter. I am glad she was saved.

Ozma: And still the threat remains.

Sirzechs: (stern) Yes. (to Danzo) Danzo, when do you anticipate they will strike again?

Danzo: Soon, today's events were foretold in the final qartrains of the prophecy.

Sirzechs: Then I am right. We must act now!

Azazel: I will take your devilish concern to the Hokage. It's up to her to decide. (to Naofumi) Naofumi, you and Raphtalia assist me.

(Naofumi and Raphtalia help Azazel to take Yuuma away as Sirzechs turns to Ozma.)

Sirzechs: What truly happened here, wizard?

Ozma: The Earthrealmers' attempt to prevent me from executing Yuuma was just a collateral damage, they were trying to capture me for Summer to execute me, just like she did to my previous incarnation...

Sirzechs: Ozpin... yeah... he was a good ally before Summer somehow found out abut his attempt to ally with us. But why you?

Ozma: That I must investigate. For now, let us revel in our good fortune. The Earthrealmers' arrival has given us evidence to convince the Hokage of the truth about the prophecy.

Danzou: A new conflict is inevitable.

Ozma: Not neccessarily. The Hokage has never been eager, neither did that foolish Sarutobi.

Sirzechs: If she resists, we'll have Danzo replace her. Konoha needs a steadfast leader.

Ozma: Danzo leading the village...

Danzo: If the village requires...

Sirzechs: (to Ozma) Kill the Earthrealmers. They cannot report back to Liu Kang.

Danzo: Ah, their deaths will also feed the ire between realms.

Ozma: Two birds... one stone.

Danzo: (smirks) You can finnaly have your vengeance of Summer for executing you. Our benefactor will be pleased.

Ozma: She needs the realms at war, not at the brink of it, in order to conquer them both. Only then we will rule at her side.

Danzo: Before she found me, I became a mere shadow of Sarutobi and Minato. (smirks) But soon she will have transformed us from serfs into scions.

(Chapter Ends)

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