Act 3/Chapter 5: The Gambits

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(The heroes proceed to the snow-covered castle of Ozma, where he and Spider-Man 2099 craft a crown at a well emitting green energy.)

Ozma: We are ready.

Spider-Man 2099: And the soul stealers?

Ozma: Keep them running. I am sure we'll find a use for the collected souls.

(Ozma and Spider-Man 2099 walk into the main building. Naruto and the others meanwhile quietly eliminate the guards, acting like ninjas. Teaming up with Invincible and Ladybug, they encounter a group of soldiers marching through the courtyard.)

Melty: Will they stand down, if ordered?

Mirella: No. Those are Aultcray's most loyal lieutenants.

Invincible: They must be neutralized if we are to shut down the soul stealers.

Liu Kang: Yes they do. We should split up.

(The heroes run to attack and start a massive battle in a wide courtyard with many soul stealers on large wooden pedestals. Hinata and Naruto run up to the rightmost soul stealer but at that very moment Minato emerges from the ground.)

Hinata: Stay behind me, Naruto.

Naruto: No. We fight together.

Minato throws his kunai at them, and they dodge, but Minato appears out of nowhere and hits hitata with his Rasengan while Naruto leaps over the debris and almost manages to attack Minato, but he grabs him and throws him away. He prepares another Rasengan, and hits both of them as they are launched against the castle wall. Naruto struggles to stand while Hinata groans in pain.)

Naruto: What's wrong?!

Hinata: Guh! My ribs. They may be broken.

(Minato walks up to them.)

Naruto: Guh! Help me up.

Naurto: No, Hinata. This time, I protect you. Believe it!

Minato: It is pointless to resist, Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto: Come any closer and you'll feel the points of my blades.

(He pulls out his kunai threateningly.)

Minato: We are both disciples of Jiraiya, but I became a master.

(Minato calls the also "reincarnated" Hiruzen while Raphtalia comes in as they strike each other. Naruto and Minato exchange strikes, but with some kicks and an uppercut, Naruto brings Minato on his knees.)

Mileena: You are not the only student to have surpassed the master. Believe it!

(Naruto continues striking Minato, not giving him any chances to hit back, and manages to defeat him.)

Naruto: Pervy Sage would be so proud of me. Believe it!

(He runs up to Hinata.)

Hinata: Amazing, Naruto-kun. You really have what it takes to become a Hokage.

Naruto: I prefer earning the title, dearest Hinata.

(Naruto helps Hinata up.)

Hinata: Guh...

(Minato, meanwhile, seems to be struggling with himself...)

Minato: Uhh_Gah... Raaaaaahhh...

Naruto: We must leave. Quickly.

Minato: Son. Wait.

(Minato recovers his control over himself.)

Naruto: You are... my father?!

Minato: Yes, Naruto. I was revived by Orochimaru's Edo Tensei, becoming one of his lapdogs. Your attack broke his control over me. Now I am free.

Naruto: Father!

(Naruto and Minato embrace happily, but then Minato turns to Ichika.)

Minato: What happened to Tatenashi?

Ichika: She was dead... punished for failing the Lord Hokage before you.

Minato: So Orochimaru did make a number on Union City.

Naruto: A discussion for another time, Father. We must go.

(The others have already destroyed their soul stealers and are walking victoriously through the empty courtyard. Everyone is surprised to see Minato Namikaze himself. Kakashi hugs him when he sees him.)

Tsunade: Minato Namikaze?!

Minato: Yes, Tsunade. It's me.

(They hug each other out of sheer joy.)

Tsunade: I've missed you. And so did Jiraiya.

Liu Kang: Greetings, Minato Namikaze. (sees someone else) And Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Tsunade: (eyes widen) Sarutobi-sensei?

(Liu Kang bows respectfully.)

Hiruzen: Liu Kang, my friend. We meet again.

Liu Kang: It is good to have you back. We once again find ourselves in challenging circumstances.

Hiruzen: And once again we will prevail. As always, Tsunade.

(The scene changes to the castle itself, where Ozma and Spider-Man 2099 are watching a demonstration by their army of reanimated soldiers. Naruto, Invincible and the others sneak in.)

Naruto: How is it they're unaware that the soul stealers are shut down?

Invincible: We are deep within the mountain. From here, they couldn't tell.

Liu Kang: Look at them conspiring. It is history we should not be repeating.

Ladybug: We must take the crown. Without it, he can't raise more warriors.

Mirella: Our odds will improve if we can surround them.

Melty: I'll distract them while the rest of you get into position. (to Mirella) Leave it to me, Mother.

(She sneaks up on the conspirators.)

Melty: Ozma.

Ozma: Princess Mileena?

Melty: I bring news from Melromarc. Mirella is deposed. Malty now rules.

Spider-Man 2099: And yet you are still free?

Melty: To succeed, my sister needed help on the inside. I provided it.

Spider-Man 2099: The heiress to the throne gives it up willingly?

(As they talk the other heroes creep closer.)

Malty: Ha! It's a burden I've never wanted. The kingdom is better left in my sister. Queen Malty's hands.

Ozma: A most mature perspective. Union-Verse benefits from your wisdom.

Melty: Yes, Ozma. It does... ...But not in the manner that you expect.

(Ladybug attacks the soldiers. The others also join the fight.)

Ladybug: Ssseeehh!

Ozma: A bold gambit, Princess.


Ozma: Henshin!


(Ozma transforms into Kamen Rider Zein.)

Spider-Man 2099: It is an impressive display of guile. Who knew she was so capable of such anomaly?

Melty: You count yourselves among my doubters? I will count you among the dead.

(Melty calls Naofumi, who charges at Zein, distracting him long enough for her to strike him relentlessly.)

Melty: Your betrayal will be punished. Do not expect leniency.

(She then uppercuts Zein, who retaliates by punching her stomach. They punch each other, but Melty overpowers Zein, defeating him.)

Melty: There will be consequences for threatening the peace.

(Ozma reaches for his crown to activate the soldiers but it is not on his head - it fell off during the fight.)

Liu Kang: Thanks to the Princess, this fight is ended.

Ozma: The fight, perhaps. Not the battle.

Liu Kang: True. Until your benefactor is caught, the realms remain threatened. Who is she, wizard?

Shang Tsung: (laughs) Speak of the devil. Liu Kang... meet Damashi.

(The crown on the floor begins to glow.)

Lord Liu Kang: Damashi?!

(Four figures appear... Shang Tsung, All Might, Dark Geras and Dark Raiden... from another timeline.)

Liu Kang: You are the victim of deception,wizard.

Ozma: You're not Damashi... You're...

Shang Tsung: Shang Tsung! (Ozma gasps) And I'm not saying this metaphoricaly, hretoricaly, poethically, theoretically or any other fancy way. I am Shang Tsung straight up! And I tricked you and your Spider-Partner, Ozma.

(Spider-Man 2099 clenches his fists in anger as he found out he was being used.)

Summer: What's happening here? Who is he?!

Liu Kang: This Shang Tsung is whom I battled for the Hourglass. I thought him dead.

Shang Tsung: As I did you, Liu Kang—It turns out, the battle that involved both Daikaiju and Megaforce against Virgolial and Dormammu mammoth energies which ripped apart time's fabric. The fight had two conclusions. In one, the villains won... In the other, it was the heroes. It was eons before I discovered this. Once I did, I knew the path forward, but not before absorbing the souls of Virgolial and Dormammu, taking control of both Darkaiju Conquerors and Kaotic Avengers, unifying them into one organization named as... Shadow.

(He transforms into Damashi... which is a dark version of Kronika.)

Damashi: I took this form and infiltrated your timeline. I elevated these wretches, giving them great power. Together, they sowed discord among the realms and assembled for me the Dragon Army. I led them to believe they were aiding my conquest of Earthrealm and Outworld. But my intent is to exterminate all life in this timeline and then merge it into my own.

Ozma: You promised me my rightful place as the ruler of Beacon. Now you leave me to slaughter?

Shang Tsung: You were just a pawn. Your purpose served, you will be sacrificed.

Spider-Man 2099: So they're not anomalies... (angry) YOU ARE!

Shang Tsung: And yet I control the Dragon Army, thanks to the souls contained within.

(He breaks the crown releasing the souls that possess the soulless warriors. After that, he absorbs the souls of Ozma and Spider-Man 2099, slowly killing them.)

Shang Tsung: Goodbye, Liu Kang. Neither you, nor your timeline, will be missed.

(He disappears leaving only Dark Might and Dark Raiden. The heroes prepare for battle as some villains join them.)

Salem: It appears our interests align... for now.

Liu Kang: Know that I trust neither of you. I will finish you both at the first hint of treachery.

(Meanwhile, Dark Raiden and Dark All Might are preparing to attack.)

Dark Might: You shall face true terror, for I AM HERE!

Dark Raiden : Hrgn!

(Most of the heroes are overpowered by Dark Raiden and Dark Might. Team RWBY attacks Dark Raiden, who easily throws them off, and is ready to kill them, but as he launches his lightning at them, Summer gets in the way, taking the hit instead.)

Ruby: (eyes widen) MOOOOOOOOOM!

Ryan: (shocked) OOOOOH NOOOOOO!

Yang: Ah crap!

(Meanwhile Yuuma is losing control of herself as Minato notices that.)

MInato: Azazel! What's wrong?!

Azazel: Her curse... it's manifesting... again...

Yuuma: Serum... Wearing off... Must stay in control...

(Ryan then injects the serum on her, calming her instincts for a while before walking towards Dark Raiden.)

Ryan: You dare attack my family?! I will make you suffer!

Dark Raiden: Further resistance serves no purpose. This timeline will be destroyed.

(Ryan starts attacking Dark Raiden with brutal precision, and calls Rampage to distract Dark Might. He then kicks Dark Raiden's legs and punches him down.)

Ryan: Your existence is illogical. Now I will finish you off!

(Dark Might fends off Rampage, and tries to attack Ryan, but is stopped by Kiana/Nadeshiko. Meanwhile, Dark Raiden grabs and throws Ryan, but he gets up and blasts him before charging at him as Dark Might overpowers Nadeshiko and tries to strike Ryan, only for Divebomb to strike him as Razorclaw strikes Dark Raiden, who then unleashes a lightning attack at him, and then Dark Might arrives to punch him several times, and then Dark Raiden uppercuts him to the skies, and strikes him down before landing roughly on him, seemingly breaking his ribs, but he gets up and blasts Dark Raiden away, knocking him out.)

Ryan: This Shang Trung should have sent more minions.

Dark Might: Ha ha ha! Come forward, if you dare. I will finish what Raiden could not.

(He effortlessly scatters all of Earth's heroes, including Liu Kang. Only Mirella gets up leaning on her sword.)

Dark Might: Your tenacity's to be admired.

Mirella: Until our last breaths are taken... as long as blood flows through our veins... we are not beaten.

Dark Might: (chuckling) Noble sentiments, which in the end matter little. None of you will leave here alive.

(They fight fiercely, and Mirella wins, but at the last moment Dark Might tries to punch her, only for Ruby to shoot him as he turns to her and walks towards her.)

Dark Might: Oh, it's so sad to see a child lose her mother.

Ruby: Our world's All Might perished, and now so will you!

(Ruby starts slashing Dark Might with her Crescent Rose several times before attacking with her semblance: Petal Burst as she keeps slashing him. Dark Might tries to combine an attack with Dark Deku, but she counters them.)

Ruby: The forces of evil shall not prevail!

(She keeps striking while combining her weapon with her semblance. Yang is about to aid her sister, but is forced to fight Dark Deku, who punches her with his Detroit Smash. Dark Might then grabs Ruby before throwing her as Dark Deku comes in and punches her while breaking her left arm. All Might then grabs her and slams her several times before kicking her, but then Weiss helps her teammate by summoning Glyphs, giving Ruby the chance to strike a final blow at Dark Might, defeating him. She then slowly approaches Summer as Ryan helps her as Yang approaches her aunt as well.)

Yang: Aunt, you can't go. Not yet.

Sindel: It's my time, dear niece. At least we had a few hours more.

(Ryan and Ruby finally get close to their mother.)

Ruby/Ryan: Mother.

Summer: (to Ryan) Ryan... take your mask off.

Ryan: Hang in there, mom. I can save you.

Summer: I am beyong saving now. Just for once... let me look on you with my own eyes.

(Slowly, hesitantly, Ryan takes off his mask, revealing his face as Kiana nosebleeds. Summer smiles by seeing her son's face while drawing her last breaths.)

Summer: Now... go, my son. Leave me.

Ryan: No. You're coming with me. I can't leave you here. I've got to save you.

Summer: You already have, Ryan.

Ryan: Mother... I won't leave you.

(As Ryan is about to carry Summer's body, Minato pats his shoulder.)

Minato: Before you go, I have a request for you, Ryan Rose.

Ryan: What is it, Mr. Namikaze.

Minato: (smiles) Take good care of my son... you and your girlfriend... please, be the parents Kushina and I could never be

Naruto: Father?!

Minato: I'm sorry, Naruto. For everything you've gone through...

Liu Kang: Hurry, everyone! We must withdraw.

(They leave the fortress going far into the mountains.)

Naofumi: To move an army that large among realms he'll need a portal, yes?

Liu Kang: More than one.

Naruto: He will need a nexus ol portal gateways. It must be nearby. We follow them, they will lead us to it.

Liu Kang: Agreed. But we cannot strike until Ryuga and Ethan arrive.

Invincible: That my father and the Lin Kuei won't help us is unforgivable. Bi-Han has corrupted the clan totally.

Scorpion: When this crisis ends, we will deal with that one.

Liu Kang: This is but the opening battle in a longer war. "Titan" Shang Tsung has prepared his entire timeline for it... we cannot match its strength.

Salem: He said that your battle with him ripped time's fabric, creating two timelines. But how do we know that it wasn't for further? If there are two timeline, can't there be more?

Liu Kang: Why the thought experiment, witch?

Salem: You said we Ozpin was executed. He might have escaped in other timelines.

Ladybug: How would we do that?

Serafall: We gather allies from across timelines... other Titans... to build an overwhelming force.

Liu Kang: If they exist. We have no proof that they do.

Hiruzen: We must fight the battle in front of us. We can't stake our survival on pure conjecture.

Naruto: If Liu Kang is right, the battle in front of us is already lost. This may be our only hope.

Liu Kang: Geras. Your thoughts?

Geras: It is possible. But as I am only the Hourglass's steward, such a search is beyond me. It can only be undertaken by the Keeper of Time.

Liu Kang: And I no longer wield that power.

Geras: You may be able to regain it.

Liu Kang: How do you mean?

Geras: When you gave up control of the Hourglass... I worried that, one day, you would find you needed it. So rather than let your power dissipate. I collected it... To this day it remains safely stored.

Liu Kang: Why did you never tell me this?

Geras: Because the process of restoring your power is likely irreversible. Returning to the life you have now as Earthrealm's Protector, a life you cherish, may be impossible.

Liu Kang: And you didn't want me tempted to make that sacrifice... unless it was absolutely necessary.

Geras: Correct.

Liu Kang: Thank you, Geras. You have saved us with your wisdom. Now. Where have you stored my power? We must retrieve it.

Geras: It is at the Fire Temple. Stored in the jade jaguar gifted to you by the Great Kung Lao.

(However, Geras turns out to be a traitor. He immediately flees to his master, Titan Shang Tsung.)

Shang Tsung: Yes, Geras?

Geras: Liu Kang has proven more resilient than anticipated. He and his comrades have escaped the fortress.

Shang Tsung: Forget the others, find Liu Kang. He alone threatens my plans.

(Then we see a scene of Geras walking together with Lord Liu Kang... what's going on?)

Liu Kang: You could have picked no better vessel to store my power, Geras. Have always treasured the Great Kung Lao's gift. It reminds me of his meticulous nature and his generous heart.

Geras: Once we retrieve the jade jaguar, we will proceed to the Hourglass. There we will transfer the temporal power stored within it to you.

Liu Kang: It now occurs to me that, all along you have had unfettered access to the power stored within. You could have taken it, become Keeper of Time, but chose not to. Why?

Geras: Because I have faith in your vision for this new era. I am content to be its guardian.

Liu Kang: Thank you, Geras. Now this process you propose. You are sure it will restore my power?

Geras: As sure as I can be of one that has been neither tried nor tested. But even if successful, it is not guaranteed that you will find any other timelines or allies. They may not exist.

Liu Kang: (sighs) I pray this is not a fool's errand. I hate leaving the others behind.

Geras: Your champions will holster their strength against the Dragon Army. It is sure to be the mother of all battles.

Liu Kang: May the Elder Gods protect them...

(Act 3 End.)

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