Chapter 18: Resting Day

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(One week has passed since the Earthrealm's victory against the Union. The Special Forces have been praised by their deeds, and Sonya got more members for the group, like the new Flash and Civil Warrior.)

(But now the heroes decide to relax. Ryo Shimizu is seen in his building (courtesy of Bruce Wayne) wearing his clothes and getting his guitar as he is planning to star a career as a singer. But as he's about to get out, he is tackled into a hug by Cassie and Marinette.)

Cassie/Marinette: Good morning...

Shimizu: Girls! Not so tight!

Cassie: Oh. (let go of Shimizu) Sorry.

(Then Jacqui comes in with Takeda in their casual clothes.)

Jacqui: Cassie, you almost broke his bones.

Marinette: What can I say? I love my senpai.

Cassie: Me too. (takes her cellphone) Smile.

(Cassie takes a selfie with Shimizu and Marinette.)

Cassie: Now come on, we must see everyone else.

(Outside the building, they see Barbara Gordon, the Cotta-Arc duo and Kate Cho waiting for them.)

Kate: You took your time, didn't you?

Shimizu: Sorry. These two wanted a hug.

Saffron: Well, so do we all here. Right, Terra?

Terra: Yeah. We couldn't stand a second without you.

Barbara: At least we agree it's true. I even got over Grayson.

Shimizu: So... What do you want to do?

Kate: How about telling us what you have been doing lately?

Shimizu: Gladly. But first, who's hungry?

(Then they went to Sweet Justice, where they ate a breakfast while Shimizu explained his thoughts about trying a new career.)

Barbara: You know how to play guitar?

Shimizu: And lately I learned to sing.

(Then he starts singing "The House of Rising Sun".)

Kate: And the X-Men say that Dazzler is a good singer.

Marinette: You did it all in only one week?

Shimizu: Yeah. And it's been worth it since the Special Forces didn't have missions lately.

Johnny: (comes in) You could have tried a movie actor career instead.

Cassie: (pouts) Dad!

(Sonya hits Johnny's arm as Jason Todd and Mark Grayson come in)

Jason: (comes in) Your movies are nothing but a joke, Cage!

Mark: He's just desperate because his career is in decay.

Johnny: Decay? Did you imagine how much I gain?

Jason: How about giving you a reality shock?

Sonya: Don't mind Johnny. Sometimes he's much of a paranoid.

Jason: I could say the same about Bruce.

????: Hey, guys.

(They see the Teen Titans with new teammates.)

Nightwing: What's up. I brought some new friends.

Johnny: More kids?

Sonya: They're teenagers, Johnny!

Dick: Thanks. These are Wally West and Conner Kent.

Wally: Nice to meet you, guys.

Conner: Aren't we supposed to bring Jackson, Artemis and Megan?

Megan: (phases through the wall) Someone called me? (notices their glare) What?

Conner: You used your powers again!

Jon Allen: Next time, use the door.

Marinette: I forgot how crazy being with the Young Justice is.

Garfield: Hello. It's Teen... Titans... Teen Titans is the name of the team.

Conner: (glares at Beast Boy) Young Justice is the best name!

Garfield: Teen Titans!

Conner: Young Justice!

Garfield: I still say "Teen Titans" is how we named the team!

(Then Jessica Cruz comes in and gets between Garfield and Conner.)

Jessica: Hey, no fighting here!

Kori: I'm glad you're fine, friend Shimizu.

Shimizu: Same, Kori.

Rachel: It's good to spend some time without any violence.

Jessica: Yeah. Violence was never the answer to... you know.

Barbara: I know, right?

Shimizu: Yeah.

Dick: What were you talking about?

Shimizu: About what I've been planning a week ago.

Dick: Good to know.

(And that's how Ryo Shimizu and his friends and girlfriends had a resting day.)

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