Chapter 5: The Battle against the Brotherhood of Mutants

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(At the X-Jet, the X-Men and the other heroes are seen ready to fight Apocalypse and his horsemen. Fernando looks back at his teammates.)

Fernando: Okay, guys. Let's find Apocalypse before the Brotherhood gets in our way.

Giuseppe: Let's do this!

????: You're not doing this alone.

(Then they turn to see Eradicator, Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, AoNinger, Kamen Rider Den-O, Beet Buster, Kamen Rider Zolda and Blaze the Cat aboard Gundam Victory.)

Giuseppe: Alright, the entire gang is here.

????: Not all of us.

(Then they turn to see Fighter Roar and Optimus Prime.)

Roar: Hello, my friends. You probably know who I am.

Thomas: Great, it's the Chinese Fighter.

Roar: Shut up, Thomas. Oliver and I are here too. We'll be facing our enemies no matter what.

Giuseppe: Alright. Let's deal with Apocalypse and his horsemen once and for all.

Heroes: Right.

X-Men: Let's do this.

(Then they prepare to land as Fernando and Giuseppe look at each other.)

Fernando: Ready?

Giuseppe: Oh yeah!

Fernando/Giuseppe: Henshin!

Lostdriver: Joker! (Orchestral hit)

(Thomas uses the Flash Prism and transforms into Ultraman Powered.)

Joker: Let's find Apocalypse and destroy him!

ZO: Let's do this!

(Then they set to find Apocalypse.)

Joker: Soon Anna, we will have our time together.

(Suddenly the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants comes in and the heroes get in their fighting stances.)

Powered: What are you doing here?

Pyro: Why are you doing this?

Victory: Because we seek to help the X-Men to destroy Apocalypse and save the world. Now beat it, or I'll crush you all.

Blob: We need to protect the mutant pride.

Joker: Protect? You have already failed countless times. You're nothing but pawns to a misguided mutant.

Magneto: What did you just call me?

Joker: You heard me. Your hatred towards humans is unjustified.

Magneto: So you're helping the X-Men to protect mankind from us.

Eradicator: That's right. We're here to protect humans and good mutants from bad people like Colonel Stryker. You're nothing but a joke.

Joker: Get ready, Magneto. Because now we're putting an end to your wars against mankind.

Magneto: Then playtime's over!

(Then Rogue interrupts.)

Rogue: How long will you keep this insanity, father?

Jean: Either you let us handle Apocalypse... (dark tone) or feel the power of the PHOENIX FORCE!

Emma: You can't do this! Fighting Apocalypse is a suicide mission!

Joker: You're wrong. We are strong enough to protect the world, and we always got to handle evil mutants like you.

B. O. E. M.: WHAT?

C. Warrior: That's right. We will defeat you all.

Joker: And I always wanted to destroy you... Gambit!

Gambit: (glares) You...

Joker: I know what you did to Rogue, and this is unforgivable.

Juggernaut: If she hadn't betrayed us, Gambit wouldn't have to do this.

Cyclops: What else could be said from a brute than mere bullshit... Now we'll protect the world from evil.

Gambit: You're the one to talk, Scott.

Cyclops: You still got some nerve to talk back, Remy. You're dead to us.

Rogue: That's right. Kamen Rider Joker is the only man in my life now. You're just a lover who's got a limp dick.

Mystique: Enough, Rogue. I'll re-educate you myself!

(Mystique charges at the heroes, and Optimus Prime pulverizes her, enraging both Pyro and Blob as they charge at them, but two figures come to the rescue. They are Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man and Rob Djarin, known as the Mandalorian.)

Spider-Man: Hey, Bobby. Figured out you could use some help.

Mandalorian: I heard what those bozos did. (glares at Magneto) And you, you and your Acolytes murdered my family. Now I'm back for revenge.

Joker: What are we waiting for? Let's get this party started!

Magneto: You X-Men are nothing but traitors!

Cyclops: And you're nothing but murderers!

Gambit: Prepare to die!

(Then they charge at the heroes and have a clash. Kamen Rider Joker kicks Gambit away and punches Pyro before throwing him to the wall. The Mandalorian is seen fighting against Magneto.)

Mandalorian: You took everything from me.

Magneto: I don't know you.

Mandalorian: You will.

(The Mandalorian slashes Magneto and kicks him in the ground, and then he uses the force to lift him up before slashing him in half.)

Mandalorian: This is the way.

(Spider-Man and Iceman help Fighter Roar against Blob and Mystique. Fighter Roar slashes both of the evil mutants, killing him.)

Roar: By the way, my name is Yang Zhangshong.

Spider-Man: Peter Parker.

Iceman: Robert Drake.

(Meanwhile, Kamen Rider Joker and Rogue are fighting against Gambit and Pyro. Kamen Rider Joker inserts the Joker Memory in the Maximum slot.)

Lostdriver: Joker Maximum Drive!

(Then Kamen Rider Joker finishes Pyro.)

Gambit: I can't believe you are joining the human.

Rogue: Believe it. And I'm not coming back to you again!

(Then she punches him, and then she slams him down, breaking his bones, before crushing his neck.)

Rogue: I'm glad to be with you, sugar.

Joker: Me too, my southern beauty.

(Then she put some inhibitor bracelets before kissing Fernando. Meanwhile, Blob and Emma Frost are overwhelmed by Jean Grey and blasted by Gundam Victory.)


(The heroes have finally defeated the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.)

Spider-Man: By the way, Bobby... who are those guys again?

Iceman: Well, it's a long story.

(Some minutes later, they find Apocalypse and his horsemen being beaten by Dark Brain.)

Blaze: Is he the one behind the mess in the timeliness?

Spider-Man: If Miguel was here, I would answer "yes".

Wolverine: Miguel?

Blaze: Miguel O' Hara. He is Spider-Man in the future.

(Then Dark Brain manages to kill Apocalypse and his horsemen.)

D. Brain: Now that Apocalypse and his horsemen are out of picture... (turns to the heroes) You are next.

Sonic: (serious) Get ready, guys. The final battle starts now!

(They get on their battle stances and prepare to fight Dark Brain in the final battle, and then the screen fades out.)

(To be continued)

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