Chapter 12: A Fateful Night

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(Kirihito is seen in his house spending time with his family, seemingly unaware of the danger close to him. Chris is seen outside the house, still determined to sneak up on Ayaka and Miko. Suddenly Kirihito senses someone stalking them, and pulls out his Shroudmagnum as he shoots Chris, without looking at him.)

Ayaka: Uh-Oh, someone's trying to break in. (takes out her rifle) Miko, go to the bedroom and lock all the doors.

(Miko goes to her room as Kirihito prepares to transform.)


Kirihito: Henshin!


(Kirihito transforms into Kamen Rider Skull, and along with Ayaka, he rushes out as they encounter Chris.)

Skull: Why are you here? What do you want?

Chris: I'm simply planning to take your wife and daughter to my personal harem.

(Ayaka got disgusted as she did not hesitate to shoot a bullet into Chris's heart. Unfortunately he got up.)

Skull: A vampire... He's a vampire.

(Ayaka smiles lightly and takes out a gun filled with silver bullets as Skull points at Chris.)

Skull: Now, count up your sins.

(They then rush to attack Chris, who tries to hypnotize Ayaka, but unfortunately she proves to be completely immune to his hypnosis as she shoots several silver bullets at Chris, harming him completely.)

Chris: Why? (grunts) How can a lowly human hurt me?

Ayaka: My family has been hunting vampires for generations! You are no exception!

(Suddenly the aurora curtain appears as Zen and his teammates along with some new allies come in, much to Chris' anger.)

Chris: Shit... not now...

(Chris tries to run away, but suddenly the sky turns blood red, and Chris gets attacked by a sharp blade.)

Chris: (coughs blood) What the...

(Suddenly a flock of bats flies in and presents the Checkmate Four in their human forms, standing on the roof of a building.)

Chris: (recognizes them) Fangires...

Lupin: Fangires?

Tucker: What is a fangire?

(Ayaka then remembers when she once met Ruan Mei.)


(Ayaka sees a seemingly tired Ruan Mei, and approaches her.)

Ayaka: Hey, are you okay?

(As she tries to help her, Ruan Mei sucks her life out of her.)

Ruan Mei: I was a little tired, so I needed to temporarily absorb some of humanity's life force. (carries Ayaka) But don't worry, you will only get tired, not lose your life.

(Flashback Ends)

(Then the Checkmate Four prepare to transform.)

Kagerou/Ikki: KIVAT!

Ruan Mei/Stella: KIVA-LA!

(The Kivat-Bats appear.)

Kivat 3rd: Kivatte Go!

Kivat 2nd: Time has come for your extinction!

Kiva-La/Dark Kiva-La: Here we go!



Ch. Four: (unison) Henshin!

(They transform into their Kamen Rider Forms.)

Ch. Four: (unison) Checkmate Four in action!



(The Checkmate Four launch an all-out attack on Chris, causing him to be seriously injured and forced to flee.)

Dark Kiva: That damn coward... 

Zen: So Chris attacked again...

Kirihito: Chris?

Dark Kiva: Yeah, that's the vampire's name. He considers himself superior and thinks he can make the women of the world his. He is on the Fangire clan's wanted list.

(They then revert their transformations.)

Kagerou: (gentily) I'm Shinomura Kagerou, King of Checkmate Four. I have a wife, and a child.

Kirihito: (shocked) Crud, me too...

Ruan Mei: (gentily) I am Ruan Mei, Queen of Checkmate Four.

Ikki: (gentily) I'm Ikki Kurogane, Bishop of Checkmate Four. I was accepted by the Fangire Clan when my stepfather refused to acknowledge my efforts.

Stella: (gentily) I'm Stella Vermillion, Rook of Checkmate Four. I was adopted by the Vermillions... something I found out once my fangire blood awakened.

(Zen and his team introduced themselves as well, and then Kirihito and Kagerou shake hands.)

Kirihito: Good to know I'm not the only man who values his own family, and hate those who destroy other people's families the most.

Ayaka: But... why are you here?

(Kagerou clenches his fist as he picks up a picture of Kamen Rider Millennium and glares at it.)

Ruan Mei: Thank Kamen Rider Millennium for that. Not only his battles, but also Union Academy's plots forced our hand.

(Kirihito growls as he remembers all cases in which Union was behind all atrocities he investigated so far.)

Kirihito: Oh... those... (notices Miko standing and looking out from inside the house) Muddle-Fudging Union... I found the same frequency of cases involving Union that happened lately.

(They then turn to Zen and his team.)

Zen: Well, we can help you-

Kirihito: Let's make something clear here, okay? I only help you guys, I don't agree to be your ally!

Kagerou: Me neither. My race needs time trusting humans again. That includes me, my wife, Ikki and Stella. Protecting the Fangire Race is my priority.

Zen: If you don't trust humans... (eyes narrow) Why do you trust Kirihito, and he trusts you?

(Ruan Mei and Ayaka cling onto their husbands' arms.)

Ruan Mei/Ayaka: (unison) Because they are husbands who love their families!

(As the screen fades out, Kivat-Bat the 3rd flies in again.)

Kivat 3rd: To be continued, guys.

(He flies away from the screen.)

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