Chapter 17: Reasons Why

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(The resistance heroes are seen in the hospital as they make some acquitances with Caelus Rose, also known as Knockout.)

Caelus: Well, looks like you recovered fast. That's good.

(Zen and Yuji didn't understand the sudden attack of the Onis.)

Zen: (in mind) How did that oni know about my ancestor?

Yuji: Why would those two attack us out of nowhere?

Samuel: (stern) Don't know, don't care. I'll find them and teach them a lesson!

Rumble/Frenzy: (unison) Same.

(Suddenly Kagerou, Ruan Mei and Kirihito walk in front of them as they cross their arms.)

Kagerou: We'll try to talk to them.

Kirihito: We want to find out about them as much as you all do. But remember, we're only helping each other, that does not make us allies.

Ruan Mei: You stay here in case they think you want to destroy them.


(At the Oni Village, Kagerou, Ruan Mei and Kirihito approach the entrance.)

Ruan Mei: This is the place? (Kagerou nods) Why is it so deserted?

Kirihito: I remember that your husband told a history about a massacre. Looks like this is what's left of the village. Time to find out why.

(Suddenly Acheron is seen at the gate as she looks at the three.)

Acheron: I've been waiting for you.

Ruan Mei: We have come in peace, not to declare war.

(Acheron then nods as she turns around.)

Acheron: Follow me.

(Acheron leads them to a temple as Styx is in there. He draws his sword and glares at Acheron.)

Styx: Why are they here? Do you secretly hate me, Acheron?

Acheron: They have come here to talk, not to fight.

(Then he puts down his sword, and so does Acheron. As the three get in, Kagerou explains.)

Kagerou: I know your pain, Styx. We're not allied with anyone. We Fangires need time to trust humans, like I trust Kirihito.

Kirihito: We only have the same goal as the true heroes, which is to protect the people. Nothing more, nothing less.

Styx: I see... maybe... maybe you three can be trusted...

Kirihito: Now tell us, why is this place so desterted?

(Styx and Acheron realize that they can trust the three.)

Styx: Acheron and I are the only survivors of the Oni Race.

Acheron: This happened due to the genocide ordered by Ddraig and Albion.

Styx: Both Onis and Dragons had a truce, but the two believed they were being undermined, and decided to break the truce by ordering the massacre.

Acheron: Since then we have harbored hatred towards them and anyone who allied with them.

Styx: We don't care if some of them are protecting the people. Because of them, we lost everything, so we want to kill them all, both good and evil dragons so we can live in peace.

Acheron: Once we accomplish our mission, humanity... well, we'll help the pure ones...

Styx: As for the corrupt ones, like Union Academy and League of Darkness, we will purge them all like the inferior lowlives they truly are.

(The three understand their pain.)

Kagerou: If we were you, Ruan Mei and I would fight with the same hatred.

(Then the two decided to do something unexpected.)

Styx: I guess you have earned the right to know our true names. My real name is Kata Akatsuki, or as I used to be known... "Shiro to kuro no mujō"

Acheron: And my real name is Raiden Bosenmori Mei.

Styx: Remember, we're only trusting you three, no one else.

Ruan Mei: Okay...

Styx: But... (glares) you gotta promise you'll keep it a secret.

Kagerou/Kirihito/Ruan Mei: (unison) We promise.

Styx: (nods) Good.

Ruan Mei: Just a question? Sure, the cybertronians also allied with the Dragons, if you get the picture. (Styx nods) But why did you attack them? Rumble and Frenzy are just children.

Styx: (stern) Cybertronians always think they are superior while everyone else is inferior. The same goes to those filthy dragons. (shows some pictures) Like these ones.

(Kirihito sees the pictures of the wall. The pictures are of Masachika Hayashi, Yuuji Tsugikuni, Raymond Serizawa, Issei Hyoudou and Vali Lucifer respectively.)

Kirihito: Now I understand why they're hunting all of us down. (Ruan Mei and Kagerou turn to him) They want to destroy all Dragons the same way they destroyed the Oni race.

(Everyone becomes silent for a while.)

(A few moments later, the five of them were sitting around eating cakes and drinking tea when Acheron senses someone was affecting the village's seal.)

Acheron: Someone is trying to break the seal!

(They run out of the temple, and see the Cybertronians, who somehow broke the seal.)

Styx: You are trespassing on the sacred land of the Oni tribe. Leave now, or you'll regret it!

(Soundwave then charges at the two, who try to counter, but Acheron grabs her hand.)

Acheron: (shocked) What?

Soundwave: This has gone too far!

(He pulls Acheron's hand away.)

Soundwave: Bludgeon had more compassion for others!

(Styx tries to attack Soundwave, but he breaks the oni's ribs.)

Soundwave: I thought I wouldn't let him out anymore... thought my family was safe... but no...It's time for the Soundwave to leave and come...

(Then Soundwave changes into a darker version.)

Soundwave?: The soundblaster. One way or another, Cybertronians are superior, ONI are inferior... activate the elimination protocol.

(Styx and Acheron heal themselves as it's night and the Onis' healing factor are faster during nighttime.)

Styx: You couldn't be more wrong, Soundblaster.

(The two rush to attack the three.)

Styx: Cybertronians and Dragons Inferior!

(Styx and Soundblaster have a brief clash as both are evenly matched.)

Styx: Oni... SUPERIOR!

(As Styx fights Soundblaster, and both Rumble and Frenzy fight Acheron, Kagerou gets surprised.)

Kagerou: So the legends were true... even without their skills, they can fight on equal terms with other races...

(In an impulsive moment, Rumble and Frenzy accidentally shot a nearby grave.)

Styx: NO!

(Styx kicks Soundblaster away and rushes to the grave as he recognizes it belonged to his deceased mother.)

Styx: (growls) Why you...

(Styx goes into a rage and unleashes all of his Oni Bloodline. The manifestation of that state is black tattoos running along the body, larger horns and an additional pair of eyes, making Styx now have 4 eyes.)


(Styx then attacks the three Cybertronians and completely overwhelms them before reverting back to his normal state. Suddenly Soundblaster speaks something that triggers his nerve.)

Soundblaster: You're nothing by a monster, all onis are. Worse, they're true devils. Low-class species deserved to die.

(Hearing those words, Kagerou and Ruan Mei now know that the Cybertronians have just entered death's door.)

Styx: (angry) I'm telling you... (transforms) NOBODY LOOKS DOWN ON MY RACE! NOBODYYYYYY!

(Styx's angry screams echo through the village, scaring the crows away. Acheron transforms as well, and then they unleash their sword swing attacks at the Cybertronians, causing them to lose most of their strength and be severely injured. Unfortunately both of the onis end up dying because they used too much of their power, and it caused them to disintegrate completely. Just in time, Ikki, Stella, Masachika Hayashi, Yuuji Tsugikuni, Raymond Serizawa also appear.)

Ikki: Kagerou-sama, what happened?

Kagerou: The last remaining onis fought to their last breaths... they eventually disintegrated...

Stella: Why?

Kagerou: They told us about the massacre of their race... they chose to join their fellows rather than living in this corrupted society.

Ikki: I see...

(They then leave the deserted Oni village as there's no Oni left anymore.)


(At Castle Doran, while Jiro, Ramon and Riki are doing their usual stuff, the Checkmate Four gathered in their secret office.)

Ruan Mei: Styx and Acheron's real names were Kata Akatsuki and Raiden Bosenmori Mei. Don't tell anyone else.

(Ikki and Stella nod)

Kagerou: And Ikki...

Ikki: Yes, Kagerou-sama?

Kagerou: Do not to use Emperor Form for now.

Ikki: (nods) I understand.

(Some moments after the deaths of Styx and Acheron, Chris Belmont returns from hell, but got stripped of most of his powers due to the power of Styx's Dragon's Shinigami and Acheron's Naught.)


(Chris' angry scream scares the birds away as the screen fades out.)

A/N: geminithekiller asked me to "kill" ThTrungNguyn9's OC because the latter got depressed lately and almost committed suicide, so I had to write a different outcome from what was planned for his chapter. I hope you guys understand, especially you, Tarnfan and MfsDante.

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