Chapter 1: The Serial Killer Strikes Again

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(Meanwhile in Germany, a portal opens up, revealing some Veteran Megaforce heroes coming out of it along with some allies and a former villain.)

Kim: So this is Eiichiro's homeworld.

Roy: I heard he managed to defeat his brother and the Three Factions along with the Megaforce Outsiders.

Yamai: I don't understand, why are we searching for him anyway, what if they're no much of a big deal.

Zane: Every test is hard until it becomes easy.

Nighteye: I couldn't have said ie better, Zane Wilson. And the reason why we're in Germany, not in Japan is because there is an abandoned building we can use as our base of operations.

Yamai: (confused) We?

(Kim and Roy face back at each other, and nod in agreement.)

Kim: Us... (looks back) and them.

(Then Enterprise (The Complete Defender Universe), Maki Kisaragi, and some unknown individuals.)

(Back to Aqua, he is seen with Ruby as they rush to the school.)

Aqua: Damn, we're late.

(As they keep running, some female voices are heard.)

????: (unison) Good morning for you, Aqua and Ruby.

(They turn to see Asuka, May, New Jersey and Alie.)

Asuka: There you are.

Aqua: Oh, I see we're not the only ones late for school.

May: Indeed. It's a miracle that we managed to get in today.

(They chuckle a bit, and then they go to class. A few hours later, they finish their classes as they are approached by three individuals.)

Jackson: There you are, Alie.

Kami: Seriously, Asuka... you had me worried.

Daburu: Once again we owe the "Children of Creation". (sighs) Great!

Alie: Aw, Jackson. No need to be like this. I promise to make up. (winks) Pinky promise.

(Asuka merely hugs Kami between her bosom while giggling.)

Asuka: Feeling better?

Kami: (muffled) I don't know...

(May and New Jersey approach Daburu.)

New Jersey: I know we messed up, but please forgive us.

(They show puppy eyes as Daburu is unable to resist them, and sighs.)

Daburu: Fine...

May/New Jersey: YAY!

(Suddenly they hear some screams and quietly approach the source as they see a certain blonde serial killer beating the crap of a certain prick named Chris Dragonius with a metal rod.)

Riser: (laughs) Nothing like beating the crap of someone to relieve the stress.

(The group whispers among themselves.)

Aqua: (whispers) Who is this guy?

Jackson: (whispers) He's the alternate Riser Phenex. He's a serial killer.

Aqua: (whispers) A serial killer?

Alie: (whispers) Yeah, he kills people slowly for no reason at all.

Aqua: (whispers) How can we stop them.

Jackson: Alie and I will, you guys back away.

(As Riser is done beating Chris to death, he is about to leave until Jackson and Alie confront him.)

Jackson: HEY!

(Riser turns to see Jackson and Alie.)

Riser: Oh, it's been a long time, Saber.

Jackson: Can't say I'm happy seeing you again, Ouja.

Alie: (glares) Prepare to get your ass kicked by us. (pulls out a Biometal) MEGAMERGE!

(Jackson and Riser prepare to transform as well.)



Jackson/Riser: Henshin!


(Jackson transforms into Kamen Rider Saber while Riser becomes Kamen Rider Ouja.)

(The latter attacks the former faster than he had anticipated. After battling for a while, Saber throws Ouja against the ceiling. Ouja breaks free and pulls out a card before inserting it on his visor.)


(Ouja summons his sword, and Saber draws his sword as well as they engage in battle again. Saber shoves Ouja's sword with his, and then he prepares to execute his finisher.)


(Ouja decides to execute his finisher as well.)


(They execute their Rider Kicks, but Ouja surprisingly overpowers Saber. Alie then charges her buster and shoots, but Ouja dodges the attack and charges at her before grabbing her in the neck. Kami then decides to summon his mecha while Asuka, May and New Jersey charge at Ouja, who easily dodges each of their attacks. Daburu summons his 00 Armor and charges at the Kamen Rider along with Super Galaxy Gurenn Lagann.)

Kami: Eat this! Super Galaxy Giga Drill Breaker!

00: Don't forget about me!

(They combine their attacks and manage to overpower Ouja. Suddenly another Kamen Rider approaches the defeated Riser, and turns to the group.)

Scissors: (smirks) Thanks, guys. I've looking for him long enough. (grabs and drags Riser) We'll meet again... (smirks deviously) Heroes.

(As Scissors leaves, Aqua and Ruby wonder about one thing.)

Aqua/Ruby: (unison) What just happened.

(Unbeknownst to them, a certain female individual is watching them from afar.)

Tsumuri: I'd better prepare Eiichiro's children for the battle to come.

(Cut to Chicago, the I.S. Pilots and the brainwashed Ichika wipe out the entire U.S. Army and turned the military base into their own Outpost.)

Houki: We're one step closer to conquer this world.

(The girls start laughing as the chapter ends.)

(A/N: Kami Digger (Alternate Timeline)/Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann and Daburu Kojima/00 Gundam belong to KaijuBird while Jackson Whitlock/Kamen Rider Saber belongs to Mjhhfffg.)

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