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Tatsuma-Hado Ryujin/Midoriya-???????? Izuku (Kamen Rider Vail/Kamen Rider Destream)

New Look

Birthday: 15th July


8: Prologue
8-15: After Prologue

Gender: Male

Height: 180cm (After Unlock his true Quirks and After being injected with Giff's cells into the body)

Hair Color: Green (Formerly)-White (Currently)

Eyes Color: Green

Blood Type: O

Quirks: Intetsu (Is the Original Quirk but was sealed with All For One 2.0 and then awakened again after being injected with Giff's cells), All For One 2.0 (Is the Original Quirk but was sealed with Intetsu and then awakened again after being injected with Giff's cells), One For All (He get it back from Izumi and has Nezu's approvement), Elemental Dragon (Ryuga, Ryuya and Ryuna gave him a part of it)


Status: Alive and almost dead

Birthplace: Near Shizuoka Perfecture


-Yagi Toshinori (Step Father), Shimura Inko (Biological Mother), Aizawa Shota (Uncle), Fukukado Emi (Aunt), Shimura Nana (Grandmother), Shimura Tenko-Shigaraki Tomura (Cousin), Midoriya Hisashi (Biological Father) Shigaraki Yoichi (Uncle), Vermillion Stella (Fiancee)

-Hado Jiko (Uncle/Adopted Father), Tatsuma Ryuko (Aunt/Adopted Mother), Tatsuma-Hado Ryuga (Cousin/Adopted Older Brother), Tatsuma-Hado Ryuya (Cousin/Adopted Older Brother), Tatsuma-Hado Ryuna  (Cousin/Adopted Older Sister), Tatsuma Akeno (Adopted Aunt), Tatsuma-Hado Nejire (Adopted Cousin)

Occupation: FENIX's Rider, Student, FENIX Squad Leader

Affiliation: FENIX, U.A High School

Fighting Style: Melee and Long-Range


Izuku originally had green hair and eyes. After receiving Giff's cells, his eyes still the same and his hair turned white.He's no longer wearing fanboy clothes and has changed to a some simple style. He then changed his name to Ryujin

FENIX's suit

Ninja Suit


Initially, Izuku was a kind and generous person. But after going through many events and having Giff's cells, he became a cold, ruthless, cold-blooded person. The desire to fight and kill is often heightened when seeing Bakugo Katsuki and Bakugo Katsumi


Intetsu: Awakened in the form of a Katana, allowing Izuku's senses to be enhanced tenfold

All For One 2.0: As an evolution of All For One, it allows him to Steal Quirks with Telepathy, Gift Quirks with Telepathy, and Upgrade Quirks.

One For All: I think all of you understand it right

Elemental Dragon: It is a fusion of Ryuko's Dragon Quirk and Jiko's Elemental Quirk. The user of this Quirk can switch between Dragon form and human form. Or maybe it only takes a part of a dragon to turn into a half-human-half-dragon form. At the same time, this Quirk allows the user to control the elements in nature. This Quirk can be passed on to others and for those who are not blood related, the Quirk will change that person's DNA to match the bloodline of the owner.

Inner Demon: Vail


-Ryujin-san (By the Organization)

-Ikki (By Stella)

-Kabuto/Hercules Bastard (By Villains)


-I will fight... even though I know I have the devil's genes in me!

-No matter what the past is, we'll begin a new generation in the future!

-Even if Kamen Riders are weapons, we're the ones who choose if we want to be weapons of destruction, or weapons to protect those who can't protect themselves!

Tatsuma-Hado Ryuga (Kamen Rider Revi/Kamen Rider Revice)

Birthday: 21st June


8: Prologue
8-15: After Prologue

Gender: Male

Height: 180cm 

Hair Color: White

Eyes Color: Yellow (Formerly)- Red (Currently)

Blood Type: AB

Quirks: Elemental Dragon (Original), Ark (Izuku give him), Jurassic World (Izuku give him), One For All Type X (Original)


Status: Alive 

Birthplace: Yokohama

Family: Hado Jiko (Father), Tatsuma Ryuko (Mother), Tatsuma-Hado Ryuya (Younger Brother), Tatsuma-Hado Ryuna (Younger Sister), Tatsuma-Hado Ryujin (Cousin/Adopted Younger Brother), Tatsuma Akeno (Aunt), Tatsuma-Hado Nejire (Cousin), 

Occupation: FENIX's Rider, Student, FENIX Squad Leader

Affiliation: FENIX, U.A High School

Fighting Style: Melee and Long-Range


Ryuga is a tall boy with silver-white hair inherited from his father and golden eyes inherited from his mother. After undergoing Rider System compatibility surgery, Ryuga's eyes turned red. The clothes that Ryuga wears every day are humorous and tend to be fanatical games

FENIX's suit

Ninja Suit


Ryuga is a cold person who can be very emotionless at times. However, he still knows how to express his happiness or sadness at the right time. When Ryuga was angry, no one could stop it. When it comes to love affairs, Ryuga clearly shows the nature of a simp lord.


Elemental Dragon: It is a fusion of Ryuko's Dragon Quirk and Jiko's Elemental Quirk. The user of this Quirk can switch between Dragon form and human form. Or maybe it only takes a part of a dragon to turn into a half-human-half-dragon form. At the same time, this Quirk allows the user to control the elements in nature. This Quirk can be passed on to others and for those who are not blood related, the Quirk will change that person's DNA to match the bloodline of the owner.

Ark: Ark allows the user to transform negative emotions into pure power just like One For All. Depending on the number of times the user commands, the user can select up to 10 learning levels: Malice (悪意, Akui), Fear (恐怖, Kyōfu), Wrath (憤怒, Funnu), Hatred (憎悪, Zōo), Despair (絶望, Zetsubō), Strife (闘争, Tōsō), Bloodthirst (殺意, Satsui), Ruin (破滅, Hametsu), Extinction (絶滅, Zetsumetsu) and Downfall (滅亡, Metsubō). With this, the output of the special move "Perfect Conclusion" is adjusted.

Jurassic World: Allows the user to transform into any dinosaur.

One For All Type X: A part of the One For All that Ryuga inherited from his grandmother: Nana Shimura and from his father: Shimura Hayate or the current Hado Jiko. In addition to increasing physical strength, Ryuga can use Gearshift and Danger Sense but is only a quarter as effective as Izuku.

Inner Demon: Vice (Kamen Rider Vice)


-Ryuga-san (By the Organization)

-Ryu-kun (By Itsuka)

-T-Rex Bastard (By Villains)


-Let's go at once!

-I'm feeling it now!

-We're not demons, we're... Revice!

-I will protect my family!

Tatsuma-Hado Ryuya (Kamen Rider Live) 

Birthday: 21st June (After Ryuga 5 minutes)


8: Prologue
8-15: After Prologue

Gender: Male

Height: 180cm

Hair Color: White

Eyes Color: Yellow (Formerly)- Blue (Currently)

Blood Type: AB

Quirks: Elemental Dragon (Original), Ripple (Izuku give him), Bat (Izuku give him), One For All Type Y (Original)


Status: Alive

Birthplace: Yokohama

Family: Hado Jiko (Father), Tatsuma Ryuko (Mother), Tatsuma-Hado Ryuga (Older Brother), Tatsuma-Hado Ryuna (Younger Sister), Tatsuma-Hado Ryujin (Cousin/Adopted Younger Brother), Tatsuma Akeno (Aunt), Tatsuma-Hado Nejire (Cousin),

Occupation: FENIX's Rider, Student, FENIX Squad Leader

Affiliation: FENIX, U.A High School

Fighting Style: Melee and Long-Range


Ryuya is a tall boy with silver-white hair inherited from his father and golden eyes inherited from his mother. After undergoing Rider System compatibility surgery, Ryuya's eyes turned blue.

FENIX's suit

Ninja Suit


Ryuya is a serious teenager in everything. Despite being so serious, Ryuya also has a humorous side. It can be said that Ryuya is a guy who always knows how to make others feel secure. Ryuya is an introvert so he doesn't talk much.


Elemental Dragon: It is a fusion of Ryuko's Dragon Quirk and Jiko's Elemental Quirk. The user of this Quirk can switch between Dragon form and human form. Or maybe it only takes a part of a dragon to turn into a half-human-half-dragon form. At the same time, this Quirk allows the user to control the elements in nature. This Quirk can be passed on to others and for those who are not blood related, the Quirk will change that person's DNA to match the bloodline of the owner.

Ripple: This Quirk allows the user to simulate the energy of the sun through breathing

Bat: Allows user transform into a bat

One For All Type Y: A part of the One For All that Ryuya inherited from his grandmother: Nana Shimura and from his father: Shimura Hayate or the current Hado Jiko. In addition to increasing physical strength, Ryuya can use Fa Jin and Smokescreen but is only a quarter as effective as Izuku.

Inner Demon: Kagerou (Kamen Rider Evil)


-Ryuya-san (By the Organization)

-Ryuya-kun (By Ochako)

-Bat/Crow Bastard (By Villains)


-I'll decide between right and wrong!

-Let's settle this seriously!

-We're the perfect sync!

- (Element/Color) Overdrive!

Tatsuma-Hado Ryuna (Kamen Rider Jeanne)

Birthday: 21st June (After Ryuya 5 minutes)


8: Prologue
8-15: After Prologue

Gender: Female

Height: 180cm

Hair Color: White

Eyes Color: Yellow (Formerly)- Gray (Currently)

Blood Type: AB

Quirks: Elemental Dragon (Original), Spin (Izuku give her), Cobra (Izuku give her), One For All Type Z (Original)


Status: Alive

Birthplace: Yokohama

Family: Hado Jiko (Father), Tatsuma Ryuko (Mother), Tatsuma-Hado Ryuga (Oldest Brother), Tatsuma-Hado Ryuya (Older Sister), Tatsuma-Hado Ryujin (Cousin/Adopted Younger Brother), Tatsuma Akeno (Aunt), Tatsuma-Hado Nejire (Cousin),

Occupation: FENIX's Rider, Student, FENIX Squad Leader

Affiliation: FENIX, U.A High School

Fighting Style: Melee and Long-Range


Ryuna is a girl with a tall but sexy body. She has a big bust on par with the girls in class 1-A but still not as big as Stella. She also has porcelain white skin, without any wrinkles or blemishes. Ryuna also has golden eyes and silver hair like her older brothers, but after Rider System compatibility surgery, her eyes turn gray.

FENIX's suit

Kunoichi Suit


Although Ryuna is a girl, she has a tendency to mild violence. She hates people who make fun of her family. That violent tendency is often seen in combat from a small practice match to large-scale wars.


Elemental Dragon: It is a fusion of Ryuko's Dragon Quirk and Jiko's Elemental Quirk. The user of this Quirk can switch between Dragon form and human form. Or maybe it only takes a part of a dragon to turn into a half-human-half-dragon form. At the same time, this Quirk allows the user to control the elements in nature. This Quirk can be passed on to others and for those who are not blood related, the Quirk will change that person's DNA to match the bloodline of the owner.

Spin: This quirk allows the user to accumulate kinetic energy into any object with an axis of symmetry such as a ball or a bullet. By making it rotate continuously, the user can release it through a small-scale explosion. Unlike the average rotation, the Spin is persistent and produces more rotational energy than it takes to create. That rotational energy is transferred to nearby objects in the form of vibrations and can be wielded for a wide array of purposes.

Cobra: Allows user transform into a Alpha Cobra. In addition, the user can transform himself into a half-human half-cobra form and can create a wave that hypnotizes all snakes within 10 kilometers.

One For All Type Z: A part of the One For All that Ryuna inherited from her grandmother: Nana Shimura and from her father: Shimura Hayate or the current Hado Jiko. In addition to increasing physical strength, Ryuna can use Blackwhip and Float but is only a quarter as effective as Izuku.

Inner Demon: Lovekov


-Ryuna-san (By the Organization)

-Ryu-chan (By ?????)

-Cobra Bitch (By Villains)


-Let me show you how strong I really am!

-I'll defeat you quickly!

-Huh!? What did you just say, you motherfucker?! I'm gonna beat you until you can't see the sunlight!

- (Element) Spin Burst!

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