DNA #0: Origin

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(3rd's POV)

Izumi: And that's what you get for trying to become a hero.

Izuku is currently on the ground cover in bruises. His sister and 'friends' are standing over him.

Katsuki: You don't have a quirk so quit saying your gonna become a hero!

Shoko: It's pathetic really. Someone quirkless like you doesn't deserve to be a hero.

(Shoto is still Izuku's friend and only him and right now he is on his extra classes.)

Katsumi: Man I'm hungry. Let's leave this pathetic trash.

Izumi: Then let's go.

They began to leave the forest

Izuku: I....don't...care...what you. I can.....still...become...a.. hero.

They stopped. Suddenly Katsumi turned around and unleashed an explosion. Izuku hit a tree and fell to the ground.

Katsumi: Shut up! Your not going to be hero! So stop saying that!

They left him. Izuku was bleeding from his head and probably has a concussion. He began to pick himself up.

Izuku: "Crying" Why? Why do they do this? I want to become a hero to save people but nobody believes in me. Not mom and dad, Izumi or my friends. Why does the world hate me?.

He began to walk deeper into the forest

Izuku: I'm better of dead

He continue walking for awhile until he pass out from blood loss. While closing his eyes he hears footsteps.

{With FENIX}

Right now, there were 2 Kamen Riders who are breathing a sigh of relief after an attack.

(Kamen Rider Ainz Tatoba Scramble Genome Form)


(Kamen Rider Over Demons Kuwagata Genome Form)

Ainz: Great work people! Deadmans didn't stand a chance!

Over Demons: Who knew Deadmans had a bad all the way out here.

Now they are walking to their transporter

Ainz: Hm? Ryuko, do you feel something?

Over Demons: What is it Jiko?

Ainz a.k.a Jiko began to walking. His wife began to follow him.

Ainz: It's a child!

Over Demons: What?!

They ran to the child on the ground. Ainz bend down and picked him up.

Over Demons: He's hurt. Let's take him back quickly.

They ran back to the others

Over Demons: Delta! Automobile!

The A.I starts the transporter and they got on. They then flew and the Riders de-henshin reveal their face. 

(Hado Jiko/Kamen Rider Ainz)

(Tatsuma Ryuko/Kamen Rider Over Demons)

Jiko laid him on the seats and Ryuko began to treat him the best she could.

Ryuko: Bruises, blood, concussion. What the hell is this!?

Jiko: What is it?

Ryuko: Look!

She turns the boy over and see scars on his back. Look like they haven't been heal properly. But Jiko saw something that can recognize the kid.

Jiko: Izuku!

Ryuko: You know him?

Jiko: No time to explain! Delta! Full Charge Ahead! Forward to Skybase!

Delta: Yes sir!

Delta put the transporter into overdrive. Ryuko tried to stop the bleeding. After a bit they arrived at their main base. 

(FENIX Skybase)

Delta than landed and open the door

Ryuko: Jiko take him to the infirmary fast!

He  picks up the kid and begins running towards the infirmary. He pass multiple agents and enter the med bay. He laid him down on one of the beds. Ryuko and two woman entered.

(Hasegawa Chisato/Kamen Rider Juuga)

(Tatsuma Akeno/Kamen Rider Demons)

They approached the bed

Akeno: Oh you poor boy. What did this to you?

Jiko: Hey Sis is he going to be okay?

Chisato: Yeah. It look like he doesn't have any serious wounds. I'll be able to patch him up.

Jiko: "Sighs" That's good. I'll leave you to it"

He left the med bay and close the door.

?????: Dad!

Jiko turn to see his children

(Tatsuma Ryuga-Oldest Son)

(Tatsuma Ryuya-Second Son)

(Tatsuma Ryuna-Only Daughter)

Jiko: Kids! Why are you guys up here?!

Ryuya: Ryuga-nii sensed a dangerous life and it took us here!

Jiko: We found a child injured.

Ryuna: What? Did Deadmans did this?

Jiko: No they didn't. We found him pass out near the Land base though.

Ryuga: Is it serious?

Jiko: Thankfully no. He has some bruises but...

Ryuga: But what?

Jiko: The kid has scars on his back. Deep one's too. And and mom says that it looked like they haven't heal properly.

Ryuna: Who will do this a child. How old is he?

Jiko: We don't know. Best I could I could tell is 7 or 8 as same as you. Let's leave this to Angela for now. Let's go kids

They began to walk away from the med bay

(Time Jump)

We see Izuku sleeping in the med bay. Chisato did her best and is letting him rest for now. Izuku then started to wake up. He opens his eyes slowly.

Izuku: "Groans" Whe..re am I? Am... I... dead?

???: Ah your awake. And you're still alive.

Izuku turns to see the blond woman.

Izuku: Ryuko-san? As.... Ryukyu?

Ryuko: The one and only.

Izuku: Hi. I'm... Izuku Yagi...

Akeno: Yagi? Are you All Might's son?

Ryuko: "Thought" I didn't know he had a son...

Izuku: I....don't know

Ryuko: What do you mean you don't know?

Izuku says nothing. They then see Izuku tense up when hearing that.

Akeno: Well you can tell us on another time.

Izuku: Thank you...

Chisato: Hey if you don't mind me asking why were you hurt in the forest?

Izuku: ...My sister made friends beat me up.

Akeno: "Shocked" Why would they do that?

Izuku: Because I want to become a hero but I don't have a quirk.

Ryuko: Well Izuku you can become a hero even without a quirk

Izuku: Really?

Chisato: Yes you can. Most FENIX Troopers have quirks but some don't use them. They just use other stuff that will help them become heros. Even us too.

Izuku: "Crying" Thank you for telling me that.

Chisato: Your welcome. Now rest your still not fully heal.


Izuku blushed

Ryuko: "Giggles" I'll get you something to eat.

She leaves the med bay and goes to get him something to eat.

Jiko: Ryuko.

Kids: Mom!

Ryuko: Ah Jiko...And...

Jiko: They sensed his life energy. So how's the kid?

Ryuko: He's good. He just woke up actually.

Jiko: That's good. Did he tell you why he was in the forest?

Ryuko: Yeah he did.

Jiko: Hun, what's wrong?

Ryuko: I'll tell you when we have privacy. I'm getting him food.

The Tatsuma-Hado go to the canteen and get Izuku food. They went back to med bay and gave it to him.

Ryuko: I don't know what you liked so I got you a couple of things you could eat.

Izuku began to eat everything immediately.

Ryuga: Whoa slow down bro, the foods not going anywhere.

Izuku: "Gulp" Sorry. It's been awhile since I had any food

Izuku began to eat more slowly

Ryuna: Their that's better. Izuku what happened?

Jiko: You can tell us anything. If there's something wrong we can help you.

Ryuya: He's right. Our parents're heroes and their job is to keep people safe.

Izuku: Then can you not send me back?

Jiko: Why? What happened?

Izuku began to explain all the things that happened when his family found he was quirkless. He said his parents don't pay attention to him at all. His twin sister Izumi and friends will always beat him up and use their quirks on him as their own punching bag. The dragons were mad.

Izuku: And that's it.

Ryuko: Those monsters.

Akeno: Why would they do that to a child?

Jiko: Inko.....That's it! I'm gonna kill her! "Takes out Alcatraz Driver" She and that goddamn family need to pay!

Ryuga: Dad!

Izuku: You... know her... 

Jiko: Yagi Inko, before she was adopted into the Aizawa family, she was a member of the Shimura family. And the reason I know is because she's my twin sister, my real name is Shimura Hayate. So basically, Izuku... you are our cousin.

All: "Yells" WHAT?!

Ryuko: Why you didn't tell me?

Jiko: By the time I was adopted into the Hado family, I had lost all memories of my childhood before I was adopted.

Izuku: Are you gonna send me back?

Tatsumas: No!

Ryuko: We're not sending you back.

Jiko: Your gonna stay here and be taken care by us.

Izuku: "Crying" Thank you.

Ryuga: Hey, cheer up bro! We are your new family!

Ryuya: And family are never leave anyone behind!

The Tatsuma family hugged him and little did they know, Ryuga, Ryuya and Ryuna Quirks are flow into Izuku's body.

{Scene change}

We see Izumi and the others arriving home at the Yagi household. They enter and go to the kitchen.

Inko: Welcome back kids. How was school?

Katsuki: It was fine Aunty.

Inko: That's good.

Katsumi: Is their any food?

Inko: Yes I just finished preparing dinner

They sat down and waited for their food. Toshinori Yagi arrived home from work and sat down for dinner. Inko brought out dinner and serve her family. They were talking until...

Izumi: Why is Izuku not back yet?

Katsumi: Your right he's always back by now.

*Knock knock*

Shoto: That's probably him. "thought" Bro, please...don't have anything wrong!

Toshinori: Doesn't he have his own keys?

Katsuki stood up and opened the door. He sees it's a police officer.

Officer: Excuse me is Inko and Toshinori Yagi here?

Katsuki: Aunty! Uncle!

Inko and Toshinori got up and went to the door and see an officer

Toshinori: Yes?

Officer: Excuse me are you Inko and Toshinori Yagi?

Inko: Yes we are.

Officer: I've sorry but I can with terrible news.

They got scared. Izumi and the others were now listening in.

Toshinori: What?

Officer: An hour ago we found the body of your son.

Everybody was shocked

Officer: We found him in the forest in a pool of his own blood. We don't know the cause of death yet. I'm sorry.

Inko fell on her knees and began crying. Toshinori couldn't move. His son is dead. He tried to remember him but he couldn't. He doesn't have a memory of him. The others began to cry as well.

Officer: Based on how his body appeared we've come to the conclusion that it was suicide. we found a letter that appears to be for all of you, once we find more info on what happened will notify you, i sorry for you loss, Please excuse me

The officer gives them the letter close the door and left, he lift his mask and reveal he is Ryuga.

Ryuga: Good, now Ryujin doesn't have to worry about his shitty family. You thought I was an officer, but.... Kono Ryuga Da! (Get the reference)

He took of the uniform to reveal an FENIX logo along with a Dragon Birthmark on his left shoulder.

Ryuga: Yagi Inko... This... is your Karma... This... is the Punishment Of The Dragon.

Ryuga then uses Lightning Element to run out of the neighborhood and back to Skybase in his Dragon form.

Inko: "Crying" Why?! My baby boy?! He's dead?!

Mitsuki: What's the letter say, gimme it!

She opens the letter and everyone began to read it

To Those That Didn't Care

Hello, you probably don't even remember me, This is Izuku Yagi you son. If your reading this then that means i've finally given up. Mom, Dad i always wanted to know... Why, Why did you neglect me i understand i wasn't the son you wanted, you wanted a son with a quirk but that was out of my control... I was still your son... wasn't I?.

Izumi, Shoka, Kat-chan, Kac-chan... Why did you 5 start bullying and beating me, I thought we were family, i thought you cared about me. Sho-kun... maybe you did care, since you always brought me supplies to patch me up after i'd get beat down and i thank you for that

... But i'm Sorry, I'm Sorry i wasn't the Brother you all deserved, especially you Izumi i'm sorry you got stuck with someone like me as your Brother, you deserved a Brother you could look up to, A Brother that Could Protect you, A brother with a Quirk.

I'm Sorry i caused you three along with Aunt Rei and Aunt Mitsuki to waste so much time helping me, you all always seemed so happy when i wasn't around, so i'll leave your lives so you all can be happy, since anytime you were with me you all never smiled. It took me so long to realized i was the Problem, i was the reason you were unhappy. So even if you never find this letter, Even if none of you care enough to read it, Just know that I still Care about you all and always will

From your Son, Izuku Yagi AKA... Deku

After they Finished reading it, Inko and Toshi were frozen and crying, while Mitsuki and Rei were glaring at the kids.

Izumi: "Crying" Izuku! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Katsumi: "Crying" Why?! Why did I use my quirk on him?!

Shoto: What?! You use your quirks on him?

Katsuki: "Fake sad" Yeah we did.

Shoto: What the fuck?! Why?! Why would you do that?!

Shoko: "Crying" Because we didn't want him to become a hero!

Shoto: He is my friend...our friend... And now he's dead! "Yells" HE GONNA TO BECOME THE BEST HERO EVER AND NOW YOU KILLED HIM! YOU MONSTER!

Shoko: "Crying" Nii-chan...


Inko: "Crying" And you thought using your quirks on him was the right thing to do?!

Toshinori: Inko calm down.

Inko: "Crying"  How am I supposed to calm down?! My baby is dead! I don't even know how he looks like!

Toshinori: Look I know we're not the best parents but...

Rei: "Yells while crying" NOT THE BEST PARENTS?? "Talks" You both are the worst, you neglected him, Me and Mitsuki were more of a Parental figure to him then you ever were!

Rei said crying but still holding it together

Rei: "Thought" I was his Aunt... No i was pretty much like his Mother, He helped me and my family So much and yet... I didn't do anything in return!

Shoko: We're the worse! We use our quirks on him and bully him!

Izumi: I'm sorry Izuku!! I'm so sorry!

Shoto: Bro....I'm sorry.... If I could help you on time...

They continue to cried. They were devasted. Inko and Toshinori don't have a memory of him. Izumi doesn't have her brother. Katsumi and Shoko lost their crush and Shoto lost his brother. Little did they know, this was Katsuki's plan all along.

Time pass. The Bakugo's and Todoroki's found out about everything. They punished their kids. Mitsuki and Masaru couldn't look their kids in the eyes without being scared. Rei lost it when she found out. She almost had a mental breakdown if Endeavor didn't stepped in. He was trying to become a better father and husband. Izuku despite being just a kid he knew what he was talking about. Endeavor listen and learned from his mistakes. He owes Izuku a lot. 

The Yagi household was in pieces. Izumi was always depressed. When talking about heros she doesn't smile anymore. It just reminded her of Izuku and his dream. Inko cried every day. She didn't move from her bed at all. She only got up to use the bathroom, to eat or go to Izuku's room. She didn't even know he had a room of his own. Toshinori kept on working as hero and smiling even though he was destroyed inside. Katsumi and Katsuki are not loud anymore. 

They stayed quiet. Katsumi wanted to give up on becoming a hero. Shoto began training to become strong for Izuku, he still blame himself for didn't make it on time. Shoko cried in her room all the time. She wanted to give up her dream to be with Izuku. The girls were being watch closely by their family to in case they do something tragic.  

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