King of beast and a beanstalk

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The Demon king of time and space announced to Homura that she no longer had her devil powers, meaning she can't rewrite the world or stop time.

Homura: Ohma Zi-O? Never heard of you.

Ohma Zi-O: That's because I'm not from your world, Universe or galaxy.

Homura: Then why are you interfering in my world.

Ohma Zi-O: That's because there a Kamen Rider in your world, I just simply wish to help him.

Homura: Kamen Rider?

Ohma Zi-O then raises his hands to show scenes of Y/N transforming into Kamen Rider Saber and battling the Golem Megiddo.

Homura: Y/N?!

Ohma Zi-O: So, you already know him, guess it'll be easier for you to convince him.

Homura: "Convince him"?

Ohma Zi-O: You see, you and your friends can gain your "Magical girl" powers back.

Homura eyes widened when he said that.

Homura: Are you insane, you want us to turn into magical girls again! For what reason, so Y/N can destroy us when we turn into Witches.

Ohma Zi-O: SILENCE!!!

Homura stepped back in fear.

Ohma Zi-O: You will get new Soul Gems, but with these ones you don't have to get Grief seeds to contain the darkness in them... But.

Homura: But...?

Ohma Zi-O: The way to get them is not easy.

Ohma Zi-O raises his hand again to reveal 5 big black shadowy figures, when Homura saw them, her eyes widened so much they could roll out of her head.

Homura: *backing up in fear* N-No! You have to be joking!!!

Ohma Zi-O: This is no joke, for you and your friends to help Y/N in his battles. Y/N must defeat you and your friends Witches forms.

Homura was shaking in fear of the thought of being turned into a Witch again, Ohma Zi-O reads her mind and just chuckled.

Ohma Zi-O: Do not fret, you and your friends will not become the Witches, one by one I will bring the Witches from an alternate universe into this one, then place them into a labyrinth. You will then find and send Y/N to theses labyrinth where he will defeat them, the Witches will then drop the Soul Gem it's based on.

Homura stayed silent and thought about this, she really cared about Y/N, but didn't want to see Madoka hurt.

Homura: Fine.

Ohma Zi-O: Very good, the first Witch shall appear soon.

Ohma Zi-O was just about leave before saying one last thing to Homura.

Ohma Zi-O: Also, for your sake, I hope we don't meet again.

{{Homura bedroom}}

Homura then woke up in her bedroom, it was still nighttime, she then thought about what Ohma Zi-O said.

Homura: How am I going to explain this to Y/N... more importantly, how am I going to convince him without him getting suspicious?

{{Tassel House}}

Tassel: Bonne Lecture, my friends!

Tassel said with his usual greeting.

Tassel: That talk with the demon was incredible scary was it not?

Tassel said before shaking a little in fear, he then straightens his posture before speaking again.

Tassel: But I'm currently enamoured with the activities of the novelist Y/N Kamiyama!

A book opens to see the events of last time, looking like a theatre.

Tassel: A book monster sent the city to a mysterious world.

It then switches to Y/N pulling out the Kaenken Rekka in its original state out of the ground and transforming into Kamen Rider Saber.

Tassel: However, Y/N obtained an amazing sword and book, and used them to transform into Kamen Rider Saber!

The book then went to when Saber defeated the Giant Golem Megiddo.

Tassel: he defeated the monster, saving the city and bringing it back to the original world.

{{Fantastic Bookstore Kamiyama}}

We then go back to where we left off last time, the mysterious man who was watching Y/N in his bookstore riding a blue lion, asking for Kaenken Rekka and the Brave Dragon Wonder Ride Book.

?????: Kamiyama Y/N. Mind handing over your Wonder Ride Book and Rekka, the Sword of Flames?

Mei and Y/N just stared in shock.

Mei: A blue...

Mei started.

Y/N: Lion?!

Y/N completed her sentence as the blue lion just roared at them. Mei approach him as Y/N tried to stop her.

Mei: Right?! He's even riding on it! What the heck!

Mei pointed at him and the lion.

?????: I read in a book that in your culture, it's rude to enter with shoes on.

The mysterious man stated as the lion roars in agreement. Mei look at him as if he was stupid.

Mei: I'm pretty sure using a lion is just as bad.

The man looks in shock and tries to get off the lion as fast as possible, he does and the lion turns into blue book pages and gets absorbed into the Lion Senki Wonder Ride Book.

?????: Oh, my apologies. I'm still not fully versed in this world yet.

Y/N (thought): No duh?! You came into my store on a blue lion!

Y/N said in his mind and the mysterious man stand up straight, while Mei just has a shocked look on her face.

Y/N: That reminds me, Who are you exactly?

Rintaro: My deepest apologies, I am Shindo Rintaro of the Sword of Logos. But do not worry, you shouldn't feel suspicious of me whatsoever.

Rintaro stayed as he put his arms out a little and gave them a smile we all know to well.



Everything was quiet and the only thing that could be heard was the toy trains moving on the train set in the middle of the store. Mei then decided to break the ice.

Mei: Yeah, I don't think so. You're the definition of suspicious!

Mei said while pointed at Rintaro as Y/N nods in agreement.

Rintaro cleared his throat as he starts walking around to get to them, in response, the walk the opposite direction.

Rintaro: The Sword of Logos is a secret guild that has maintained the balance of the world for eons.

Rintaro points at Y/N.

Rintaro: The Wonder Ride Book you hold possesses great power. Which makes it very dangerous.

Y/N gets out his Brave Dragon Wonder Ride Book and shows it to Rintaro.

Y/N: So, you know what this is?

Rintaro: I'm afraid I can't say anymore. You might still be in danger, so would you mind handing it over?

Rintaro asked Y/N who gives him a serious look.

Y/N: I can't do that.

Rintaro looked at Y/N in shocked and just chuckled.

Rintaro: Perhaps you didn't hear me correctly?

Rintaro asked Y/N who just looked at the book.

Y/N: This is something very important to me. *looks at Rintaro* I'm sorry, but I can't hand it over.

Rintaro gives a shock expression, but then they all hear what seems to be a phone ringing.

{{Gatring! Gatring!}}

Y/N and Mei look around for the source, while Rintaro gets a phone like device from his pocket and sees someone is calling him.

Rintaro answers it and puts it to his ear.

Rintaro: Yes?

Y/N and Mei just give each other a confused look as they have no idea what is happening.

Rintaro: I understand.

Rintaro tells the person on the other side and end the call, he the walks toward a bookshelf.

Rintaro: Kamiyama Y/N, I'll be using this space.

Rintaro pointed as he brings out another small book with the words "Book Gate" and opens it.

{{Book Gate!}}

The space the bookshelf was turned into a door that opened to reveal a portal that was filled with books.

{{Open Gate!}}

They both looked in shocked as Mei screams a little bit in excitement.

Mei: An Anywhere Door!

Rintaro: This is a Book Gate, not an Anywhere Door.

Rintaro Corrected Mei as he closed the Book Gate Wonder Ride Book.

Rintaro: Kamiyama Y/N, I've linked this to to our headquarters. Would you mind coming with me? You can wait here, Ms. Sudo Mei.

Mei then pouts as Y/N becomes serious.

Mei: You're so Stingy, Rintaro!

Rintaro just smile until his eyes widened as he look on the table. Mei sees that he's looking at a muffin she brought to eat, Rintaro then shakes his head to snap out of it.

Rintaro: *to Y/N* Shall we?

Y/N didn't say anything and walks towards the door as Rintaro does the same, when the both entered, the door shut behind them.

{{Inside the Book Gate}}

Inside the Book Gate, Rintaro looked like he was running on nothing while Y/N was spinning upside down.

Y/N: W-Wait a sec! I'm upside down!

{{Sword of Logos HQ}}

Finally getting out of the Book Gate, Rintaro and Y/N walk through a door and entered the Sword of Logos HQ.

(Best picture I could find)

Y/N: Holy...

Y/N looks around with excitement of all the books.

Y/N: Holy smokes, this is amazing!

Y/N went up to the table in the middle which had a book like device on it.

Y/N: I've never seen anything like this!

Rintaro then grabs Y/N and tries to pull him away.

Rintaro: I understand your sentiments, but please don't touch anything.

Y/N doesn't listen and tries to push Rintaro away from him. Suddenly, two bookcases open to reveal a girl in white clothing.

Sophia: I am Sophia, a protector serving the Sword of Logos.

Sophia introduces herself to Y/N while Rintaro bows his head to her.

Sophia: This Northam vase is located in the North Pole.

Y/N: The North Pole?!

Y/N said with a shocked expression.

Y/N: R-Right, the North Pole...

Sophia: We have been operating from here alongside the swordsmen chosen by the Sacred Swords to protect the book of great power that created this world.

Sophia explains to Y/N.

Sophia: This is how we've been maintaining its balance.

Rintaro stops bowing his head and looks at Sophia with a questionable look.

Rintaro: Is it all right to tell him?

Sophia nods in response.

Y/N: Books that hold power and Swords...

Y/N looks up at Sophia.

Sophia: That Sacred Sword has deemed you worthy of becoming a Kamen Rider.

Y/N brings out his Seiken Swordriver and looks at it.

Y/N: Kamen Rider?

Rintaro: Yes.

Rintaro said as Y/N looks at him.

Rintaro: Swordsmen chosen by the Sacred Swords go by that name.

Rintaro said to Y/N as he looked at Sophia for answers.

Y/N: What should I do?

Sophia: This is a battle that started long ago and will continue into the future without end.
What you should do can only be dictated by your heart.

Sophia said to Y/N as she walks back into the bookcase that shut after her. Rintaro bows after she left, Y/N and Rintaro looked at each other.

Y/N: Who moved the city to another world?

Y/N asked, hopefully getting answers.

Rintaro: The traitorous swordsman Calibur, and the Megiddo, monsters of the manuscripts.

Rintaro began explaining to Y/N what happened.

Rintaro: 15 years ago, they stole countless Wonder Ride Books...

Rintaro then brings out his Seiken Swordriver.

Rintaro: ...and many Swordsmen fell to their treachery.

Rintaro then looks at Y/N again who was confused.

Rintaro: But I will say this. We fight with our lives on the line.

Rintaro said to Y/N, informing him what was going to happen.

Rintaro: Its our destiny to protect the books and maintain the balance of the world.

Y/N didn't look at Rintaro, but at his Wonder Ride Book, thinking about what he should do.

{{Fantastic Bookstore Kamiyama}}

Y/N was back in his store while Mei had left while he was gone, he continued to look at his Wonder Ride Book and his Seiken Swordriver.

Y/N (Thoughts): Kamen Rider...

{{Megiddo HQ}}

One of the hands continued to write in a book.

Storious: Things are proceeding well.

Storious said as he looks at his comrades.

Storious: A new Alter Book nears its completion.

Calibur chuckles of this.


After having a walk to clear his mind, Y/N was heading back to his store. Y/N was still deciding what to do.

??????: Hey! Y/N!

Y/N turns around to see Madoka and Homura walking towards him, along with 3 other people. They all were wearing Highschool outfits.

(In this story, the girls are in highschool, and imagine for Sayaka and Mami are wearing highschool outfits.)

Y/N: Hey girls!

Madoka: What are you doing?

Y/N couldn't tell them the truth.

Y/N: Well, I got asked a question by one of the kids that visits my store, and he asked me a really hard question that I don't know how to answer.

Kyoko: What's the question? Maybe we can help.

Mami: Yeah.

Y/N thought about it for a little bit before asking them the question.

Y/N: If you had the power to save the world without people knowing, but every fight could cost you you're life, would you continue fighting?

The girls looked at each other, trying to think of an answer. Then Homura spoke up.

Homura: Of course, as long as you're fighting for something.

Everyone: Huh?

Homura: If you're fighting for something, like the world, then you should fight, as long as you don't die with regrets, then it's fine. If you continued fighting everyone would have a tomorrow to live for.

The girls looked at Homura in shocked while Y/N founded the inspiration he needed. He then hugged Homura who blushed of embarrassment.

Y/N: Thanks Homura! *breaks hug* You just gave me the inspiration I needed.

Y/N then kissed Homura on the cheek before running back to his store.

Y/N: Thanks, I'll hopefully see you guys later!

Y/N the got out of their sights while Homura had a massive blush on her face.

{{Fantastic Bookstore Kamiyama}}

Y/N got back to his store to see Rintaro waiting for him.

Y/N: Rintaro...

Rintaro: A part of the city has yet to be recovered. I'm going to go save those people now... What are you're plans?

Rintaro asked Y/N who just gave a smirk.

Y/N: I'll come with, of course!

Rintaro: This is a huge responsibility that comes with danger.

Y/N: I don't care, I also want to save everyone, to show books are for good!

Rintaro smile at Y/N answer.

Rintaro: I understand, but do not worry. I will be alongside you the entire time.

Rintaro assures Y/N.

{{Outside the missing part of the city}}

Rintaro put his Seiken Swordriver on his waist as the emblem glowed.

Rintaro: A Sacred Sword allows travel to the other side.

Rintaro explains as they stood in front of a giant blue book.

Mei: Touma.

Y/N turns around in shock to see Mei on a bike.

Y/N: Mei?!

Mei was then peddling towards them.

Mei: I'm going too!

Y/N: H-Hey, wait a second!

Rintaro and Y/N tried to stop Mei, but she rams into both of them, taking them to the other side where the lost part of the city was.
The book then disappeared.

Mei: Owie...

Rintaro: Ms. Sudo Mei... This is no place for an ordinary Homo sapiens. Going head-on with a bicycle...

Rintaro then got interrupted by Mei.

Mei: What is that?! It's disgusting!

Mei said while pointing to the destroyed parts of the city that looked like burnt pages of a book.

Y/N: It's worse then before.

Rintaro: The abnormalities are reaching the final stage. Leave this to me. I will show you how to fight.

Rintaro said as Mei stared in shock.

Mei: You can transform too, Rintaro?

Rintaro then walked forward while holding his Driver.

Rintaro: In the name of Nagare, The Sword of Currents... i will keep this world free from harms reach.

Rintaro said as he opens his Lion Senki Wonder Ride Book to its story page.

{{This blue mane records anew the wars of a noble king!}}

Rintaro closes the Wonder Book and inserts it's into the second slot of the driver. Rintaro appears in a similar place that Y/N went to, but was surrounded by currents. He pulls out his Suiseiken Nagare.

{{Nagare Battō!}}

He swings the Suiseiken Nagare a bit before bringing it to his left side.

Rintaro: Henshin!

Rintaro does a Horizontal slash as the Blue mechanical lion from before becomes his armour. The slash comes back, completing his transformation.

{{Lion Senki! Nagare Issatsu! Hyakujū no Ō to Suiseiken Nagare ga majiwaru toki konpeki no tsurugi ga kiba wo muku!}}

                     {{Suiseiken Nagare!}}

Both Y/N and Mei looked in shock, the some green stuff was shot at Kamen Rider Blades, he rolled out of the way and saw what shot at him.

It's was the Ari Megiddo that was spitting the green stuff at him, it then started spitting more while Blades reflects it off his Suiseiken Nagare.

Blades: Stand Down! Stand Down!

Blades misses one of the green stuff as it flew pass him, Y/N and Mei and lands on a puller, dissolving it a little bit.

While Y/N and Mei look in shock, while Blades continued to block the Acidic Salvia from the Ari Megiddo who just moved closed when it got the chance to.

Some of the Acidic Salvia got on the ground, causing it to dissolve, Blades then swings his Suiseiken Nagare as it gets filled with blue energy. Blades the shoots out a stream of water at the Ari Megiddo, causing it to go up in the air while Blades runs towards to and delivers a slash filled with energy, causing it to get pushed back.

The book on the Ari Megiddo chest glowed purple as it summoned some foot soldiers known as Shimi. The Shimi ran towards Blades who blocked and dodged their attacks and gave them a few quick slashes.

The Ari Megiddo saw an opportunity to strike Blades and tried to punch him, he saw it coming and backflips onto a building.

Blades: An Ant Megiddo... I sense a horde will follow.

Blades said and then, more Shimi and Ari Megiddo came from two other directions.

Blades: As I suspected... But that's fine by me.

Blades then jumps off the building and presses the Wonder Ride Books.

                            {{Lion Senki!}}

Blades: Lion Wonder!

Blades then summoned a blue mechanical lion and sent a blue horizontal slash as the enemies and traps them in a wave. The mechanical lion rams into them while also biting some. They then exploded.

Blades lands on the ground while the mechanical lions lands next to him.

Mei holds on to Y/N in excitement of what she saw, Blades then walks to them.

Y/N: Awesome.

Blades: This is but one way to fight.

Y/N: I knew you were strong!

Mei: So much power! And you finish the fight in no time!

They both then inspect Blades armour, he then stops them.

Blades: I'm afraid it isn't over quite yet.

{{Megiddo HQ}}

They 4 villains look into a bubble showing Blades fight.

Calibur: The swordsman of water, Blades has appeared.

Storious and Zous give off a smile while Legiel gives an unimpressive look.


Y/N is seen to be helping people out of a nearby building.

Y/N: Over here, Everyone! Don't panic, take your time.

Y/N then gave a serious face.

Y/N: I'll make sure to save everyone. I promise!

Y/N brings out his Seiken Swordriver and attached it to his waist, he then brings out his Brave Dragon Wonder Book and opens it.

                        {{Brave Dragon!}}

Y/N inserts it into the first slot and appears back into the Library (I'm just going to call it that.) once again surrounded by flames, he then pulls out the Kaenken Rekka.

                            {{Rekka Battō!}}

Y/N swings the sword around a bit as a mechanical dragon appears and starts flying around him. He then brings the Kaenken Rekka to his left side.

Y/N: Henshin!

Y/N then does an flaming X slash sending it out as the dragon spun around him giving him armour, the flaming slash comes back, finishing the transformation.

{{Brave Dragon~! Rekka Issatsu! Yuki no Ryu to Kaenken Rekka ga Majiwaru Toki Shinku no Tsurugi ga Aku wo Tsuranuku!}}

                        {{Kaenken Rekka!}}

Saber ran towards the Shimi and Ari Megiddo dodging and blocking their attacks, giving them a few slashes. Saber block three attacks from the Shimi's, he fell to the ground.

The Shimi's try to strike Saber, but he was quick enough to spin around and push them back by swinging his sword, allowing him to get back up.

Blades then battles with some other Shimi's, swinging his sword as quick as he can, Mei watch's the battle.

Then two Ari Megiddo shoot some Acidic Salvia at Saber who dodge in time before it could hit him. He then press his Brave Dragon Wonder Ride Book.

                           {{Brave Dragon!}}

Saber: Dragon Wonder!

Saber charges his fist with fire before punches towards the enemies and summons a mechanical dragon that rams and destroys all of them.

Blades finish's off with the Shimi's he's dealing with and looks at Saber surprised.

Blades: You wield your sword well.

They then hear a High-pitch sound, causing them to cover their ears.

Mei: Agh, my head hurts!.

We look above from Saber and Blades another Megiddo causing the sound, it was the Kirigirisu Megiddo.

It was rubbing it arm sickles together causing it to make a high-pitch sound, it stopped and jumped from where it was to Saber and Blades, trying to slash them but they dodged in time. It then landed next to the main Ari Megiddo.

Ari Megiddo: Humans think they're so clever...

Blades: So there Was another one!

The Kirigirisu Megiddo laughed at them.

Kirigirisu Megiddo: Look for yourself! Once this book is completed, this will become the new normal!

Saber: Nani?

Saber then looked at the Ari Megiddo and saw the book on its chest was glowing. Both the Megiddo the jumped away, leaving Saber and Blades.

Mei: I can't go on...

Saber and Blades then run to the unconscious Mei, Blades check on her condition.

Saber: Mei!

Blades: Don't worry, she's still breathing. Let's take her back and regroup.

Saber: Thank goodness...

{{Sword of Logos HQ}}

Y/N and Rintaro go back to the Sword of Logos HQ to ask Sophia some questions.

Y/N: What are those guys trying to do?!

Sophia: They must be replacing the lost Wonder Ride Books in order to recreate the book of world creation.

Y/N gains a confused look. 

Y/N: A book of world creation?!

Rintaro: They intend to obtain that great power.

Rintaro explains, causing Y/N to walk back to the door.

Y/N: Then we need to go back there!

Sophia: That place has already been rewritten with the Megiddo's book.

Sophia informs Y/N who stopped.

Sophia: If they continue to rewrite reality, your lives as swordsmen will be at risk.

Sophia told the both of them.

Rintaro: It can't be...

Y/N thinks back of what the Megiddo said.

Y/N: That creep said nothing will ever return to normal if that book is complete.

Y/N then turns to look at Sophia with hope.

Y/N: That means if we defeat them before its complete, then things will be all right!

Sophia: Recklessness and bravery are two different things.

Sophia told Y/N who didn't care.

Y/N: Hope exist beyond our resolution!

Y/N told Sophia who looked at him in Shock.

Sophia: Those words...!

Then, a container holding a Wonder Ride Book glowed red and opens, causing Rintaro and Sophia to be shocked.

Y/N walks to the container to see the Wonder Ride Book.

Y/N: What is this?

Sophia: Its a book that only you can use. Kamen Rider Saber.

Sophia told Y/N, he then picks up the book and looks at it.

Y/N: Saber.

The book had the Words "DIAGO SPEEDY" on it.

        {{Issue the Issue! Diago Speedy!}}

{{Megiddo City}}
(Calling it that since the Megiddo had taken over)

Y/N and Rintaro appear back in the city, the state was more worse then last time, all the building looked like burnt pages.

Y/N: I refused to accept this world!

Rintaro: So this is the inside of a Megiddo book...

Rintaro said with an unhappy expression.

Rintaro: In the name of Nagare, the Sword of the Currents... I will keep this world free from harm's reach!

He said while opening the Lion Senki Wonder Ride Book.

                           {{Lion Senki!}}

Y/N: I will save both the city, and it's people!

He said while opening the Brave Dragon Wonder Ride Book.

                         {{Brave Dragon!}}

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(0:21 to 0:45)

Saber and Blades now In their armour, Blades brings out the phone from before and press an app, he the folds and throws it as it becomes bigger.

                         {{Ride Gatriker!}}

Saber: Okay...

Saber inserts the Diago Speedy Wonder Ride Book into the 3rd slot, he then pulls out the Kaenken Rekka again from the Swordriver.

                       {{Start up the Roar!}}

The Wonder Ride Book then transforms into a motorbike.

                         {{Diago Speedy!}}

Blades and Saber got on their respective vehicles.

Blades: Let's ride.

Saber: Right!

{{Megiddo HQ}}

The mechanical hand continues to write as the 4 look at it.

Storious: That Megiddo has been givin another power...

Storious looks up with a smirk.

Storious: Surely those swordsmen will be unable to stop it now.

{{Saber and Blades}}

Both Saber and Blades ride around the city, trying to find the two Megiddo, then when they went down the road, they saw what looked to be giant ants waiting for them.

Saber rode in with Kaenken Rekka in hand, it was powered by flames as he slashed one ant and it exploded. Blades then used the Gatrike Shooters on his Ride Gatriker and shoots at the ants.

Saber and Blades continued to slash and shoot their way through the ants, once the smoke had cleared, Saber almost drove into a truck, he luckily went under it in time.

Saber and Blades were then driving towards and ant infested tunnel, Blades shoot at them while Saber slashed at them, Saber then drove into the ceiling of the tunnel to get ant up there.

Saber drove down next to Blades as they destroyed all the ants and got out of the tunnel, they drove towards a broken part of the bridge. They jumped over it and made it to the other side.

When they got there, a green slashed struck them causing them to come to a stop and see what struck them, it was the Kirigirisu Megiddo.

Kirigirisu Megiddo: I'll turn you two into a part of our book too!

Blades: No doubt that's the one controlling the ants...

Blades was going to start driving again before getting stopped by Saber.

Saber: Hold on, the story is about the Ant and the Grasshopper. That would mean the grasshopper is protecting the ants!

Saber told Blades, he then looked at Blades.

Saber: Go and find the shining ant! That's the queen multiplying their numbers!

Blades: Got it! Find the shining ant...

They both drove towards the flying Megiddo.

Kirigirisu Megiddo: Like I'd let you get away!

Saber: You'll have to face me first!

Saber said as he slashed the Megiddo letting Blades go and find the Ari Megiddo.

Blades: There it is!

Blades said as he found the Megiddo, which summoned a few giant ants to protect it.

Blades: Here it goes!

                        {{Hissatsu Dokuha!}}

Blades shoots at water stream from the Brace Lion that destroys all the giant ants and traps the Ari Megiddo in a bubble. Blades then jumps off his Ride Gatriker.

{{Lion! Issatsu geki! Water!}}

Blades: Leo Cascade!

Blades then kicks the bubble which breaks and kick the Ari Megiddo which exploded and got destroyed, Blades lands back on the Ride Gatriker and catches a Wonder Ride Book.

Blades: "Jackun-to-Domamenoki." They used a Wonder Ride Book's power.

Blades looks behind him and saw the Kirigirisu Megiddo try and slash him, but dodges while Saber parks next to him.

Saber: Did you defeat the queen ant?

Saber asked, Blades shows him the Wonder Ride Book.

Blades: A Wonder Ride Book can be used like this as well.

Blades brings out his Suiseiken Nagare and scans the Wonder Rider Book at the tip of it.

{{Jack and the Beanstalk! Hmm, Hmm...}}

Blades delivers a slash that sends green bean-like projectiles flying at the Kirigirisu Megiddo.

{{Flash Learning!}}

Saber got off Diago Speedy and walked towards Blades.

Saber: It can learn?!

The Kirigirisu Megiddo continues to fly and looks at them.

Kirigirisu Megiddo: It doesn't matter what you do! This will become our world!

It screamed as it flew higher into the sky.

Saber: Nani?!

Blades then hands the Wonder Ride Book to Saber.

Blades: Please give it a try!

Saber took it and looks at Blades.

Saber: I'll give it a shot!

Saber then puts the Kaenken Rekka back into the Swordriver and closed the Brave Dragon Wonder Ride Book while putting in the Jack-to-Domamenoki book in the 3rd slot.

Blades tries to stop Saber.

Blades: Wait, it's too early for you to try two volumes!

{{Rekka Battou! Nisatsu no Hon o Kasaneshi Toki Seinaru Tsurugi ni Chikara ga Yadoru! Wonder Rider! Dragon! Jack-to-Mamenoki! Futatsu no Zokusei o Sonaeshi Yaiba ga Togisumasa Reru!}}

Vines started to cover Sabers left side, showing Sabers new form. Dragon Jack.

Blades: Or, uh, maybe it isn't.

Saber played with the vine that was hanging out from the Entangled Gauntlet, he then aimed it at the ground and shot multiple Domame Beans.

Blades: There's no meaning in attacking the ground! Aim above!

Blade shouted at Saber, who was looking at the ground he shot at the was pulsing a green energy.

Saber: Its fine this way!

Then a giant green construct of a book appeared where Saber had shot, it opened and was making a giant bean stalk, leaving Blades confused while Saber got back on Diago Speedy.

Blades: Wait, What?

The Kirigirisu Megiddo looked at what's happening while Saber drove up the growing beanstalks.

{{Rev up those tires and awaken the crimson body within! With the blade as a symbol, the flowing words accelerate with every issue! Diago Speedy!}}

Saber: Get back here!

Saber said as he drove up the Beanstalk that continued to grow, while trying to get to the Kirigirisu Megiddo that just flew higher. Blades look at Saber impressed.

Blades: That's a brilliant way to use that power!

Saber continued to use Jackun-To-Domamenoki power to twist and turn the beanstalk so he could get the Kirigirisu Megiddo that is still flying away. Saber then landed a flaming slash on the back of the Kirigirisu Megiddo.

When the Kirigirisu Megiddo started falling, it then glowed with blue energy, allowing it to fly again.

Kirigirisu Megiddo: It's to late, no matter what you do! The book is nearly completed!

Saber got off Diago Speedy and looked at the Kirigirisu Megiddo.

Saber: I don't think so! I'll be the one to write the ending of this story!

                   {{Hissatsu Dokuha!}}

{{Dragon! Jack and the Beanstalk! Issatsu geki! F-F-Fire!}}

Saber: Flaming Dragon Crushing Kick!

Saber jumped off the beanstalk and sent a kick filled wit red and green energy towards the Kirigirisu Megiddo, it send 2 energy slashes towards Saber by got destroyed by his kick.

Saber trapped the Kirigirisu Megiddo in some flaming vines as he connected the fire enhanced kick, Saber creates a construct of Kaenken Rekka in himself and some book page construct.

Saber kicks and brings the Kirigirisu Megiddo through the pages and gets to the book construct, he then pierces through the Kirigirisu Megiddo, destroying it once and for all.

Saber lands on the ground and looks back to see a blue book falling, he catches it and looks at it.

Saber: "Peter Fantasista."

Blades then drives towards the left over giant ants and stands on his Ride Gatriker.

Blades: With my swordsman's pride on the line... I will keep the balance of the world!

                         {{Hissatsu Dokuha!}}

{{Nagare Battō! Lion! Issatsu giri! Water!}}

Blades: Hydro Stream!

Blades drives through the left over giant ants and hits the with water enhanced slashes from the Suiseiken Nagare. Blades destroyed all of them and parks next to Saber.

Saber and Blades look around and see that the City was being restored to what it used to be.

Blades: Looks like we did it!

Saber then shows Blades the Peter Fantasista Wonder Ride Book.

Saber: Looks like it.

{{Megiddo HQ}}

The mechanical hand stops writing in the book while Legiel, Storious and Zous give and unimpressed look, Calibur assures them.

Calibur: This only accelerates my plans.

Calibur chuckles as the 3 look at him.

{{Fantastic Bookstore Kamiyama}}

Y/N was drawing the two Wonder Ride Books he and Rintaro acquired in the recent battle in a little book. He closed it and went to Rintaro who was looking around his store.

Y/N: Rintaro! You're sword skills were freaking amazing, man! Mind telling me more about those books and swords?

Y/N asked Rintaro he gave him a smile.

Rintaro: Wonder Ride Books and Sacred Swords, to be precise. There's still a lot you can learn. And feel free to call me Mr. Rintaro from now on.

Rintaro told Y/N who gave an unimpressed look, then Mei came running at them with a small box in hand.

Mei: I'll help you too, Rintaro

Rintaro: You're being rather forward. I'm okay, I respectfully decline your offer.

Rintaro told Mei who just gave him an teasing look.

Mei: If that's the case, then I don't have to share any of these.

Mei said hold a chocolate Eclair in her hand, also revealing a box of them in her other hand. Rintaro eyes widened as he walks to Mei.

Rintaro: Éclairs au chocolat? I've only read about them, mind if I...

Mei looks away in shock that her plan was working, but Rintaro stops himself.

Rintaro: No, a Swordsman must have self-restraint and maintain their body... But sugar can help the brain, so what the problem.

Mei: N-N-No way, they Eclairs. Wait, I can hear what you're thinking!

Y/N looks at the Jackun-to-Domamenoki Wonder Ride Book, he then had a flashback.


The young girl from his dreams opens a pop-open book and looks at someone.

{{Flashback end}}

Y/N eyes widen in shock of what he saw.

Y/N: That girl again...

The 3 people hear the Book Gate open, they look in the direction and saw a young man riding on top of a flying carpet.

?????: Hey Y/N. Long time no see.

Y/N: Who?!

{{Tassel House}}

Tassel: Looks like with some inspiration from Homura, Y/N has decided to keep fighting alongside Rintaro and the others. Furthermore, a young man riding on a carpet has appeared! This reunion will change Y/N destiny in a big way... not only that, it looks like it almost time for a witch to appear.

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