Open the 3 books

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{{Tassel House}}

As we appear back inside of Tassel house in front of his usual set up, the man himself appears from the side.

Tassel: Bonnie lecture! My name is Tassel.

Tassel then goes to sit on his chair.

Tassel: I'm currently very excited about these two swordsmen.

As always, a theatre like book opens and shows us what has happened recently, firstly showing us the introduction of Ryo Ogami.

Tassel: Ogami, who appeared in front of Y/N, showed heroism and strength as both a swordsman and the King of Parenting. This guy really stands out!

Tassel shouted before he started coughing and taking a sip of his tea.

Tassel: The King of Parenting child disappeared, which caused a great commotion!

The book then showed us Sora being taken by the blank Alter Ride Book, it then showed us the fight between the 3 riders and the Megiddo.

Tassel: It had seemed like Y/N and the others had saved everyone, but...

{{Sword of Logos HQ}}

We appear in the Sword of Logos base where Sophia came out to talk to the riders.

Rintaro: This is very unusual.

Rintaro began to talk to Sophia while Y/N, Ryo and Kento were thinking.

Rintaro: The people should have returned to this world after the foe was defeated. Then why has it not...

Ryo then slams his fist against his leg out of anger.

Ryo: I'm sorry, Sora... I couldn't save you.

Y/N looks at Ryo and starts to feel guilty about what happened with Sora.

Rintaro: It must be difficult for you, Mr. Ogami.

Rintaro said with a sympathy, which earned him a glare from Ryo, Rintaro backed up out of fear. Ryo gets up and walks towards Rintaro.

Ryo: Children are like treasures. Sora means everything to me!

Ryo shouted at Rintaro, Y/N then decided to speak up.

Y/N: Mr. Ogami... I promise you. I will save Sora.

Kento looked at Y/N in shock while Ryo just sighed and looked at Y/N as well.

Ryo: Again with that promise nonsense?

Ryo then began to walk towards Y/N, he then grabbed Y/N by the shirt.

Ryo: Don't make promises you can't keep! You said you made a promise with Sora, right? Then why isn't he here right now, huh?! Where's your shame?!

Ryo shouted at Y/N while Rintaro tried to break them up.

Rintaro: Mr. Ogami, I must ask you to—

Ryo then pushes Rintaro, where he knocks into one of the giants books and falls to the ground. Ryo then grabs Y/N by the shirt again and asked him a very serious question.

Ryo: Do you know what I'm going through right now as a parent?

Y/N: I will keep my promise.

Y/N repeats for Ryo, everyone just watch's, think Y/N was stupid. Ryo then pushes Y/N away as he leaves and Rintaro follows after him.

Rintaro: Wait for me!

With that, Y/N and Rintaro both left, Ryo then goes back to where he was sitting.

Ryo: What is with that guy?!

Kento glares at Ryo and walks up to him, his fist are clenched.

{{Megiddo HQ}}

Both Storious and Zous were sitting down, Legeiel was smirking at Zous.

Legeiel: Doesn't look like your Megiddo amounted to anything after all...

Legeiel then walks away, not before Zous says.

Zous: You really think so?

Storious smiles at Legeiel idiocy, while he was confused by what Zuos meant.

Zous: Just wait and see.

Zous said, as we appear back where the Megiddo was destroyed, we see dark particles coming together to form a familiar hand that moved.

{{Fantastic Bookstore Kamiyama}}

Back at Y/N shop, Rintaro and Mei look through a curtain which accessed the back room of the shop, where Y/N was looking for a book.

Y/N exits the room while Rintaro and Mei were confused.

Rintaro: What's with the commotion?

Y/N scratches his chin, trying to remember where his book of animals is.

Y/N: His body was really slippery and hard to slice.

He started to move towards one of the shelves.

Y/N: He also told us he wasn't a lizard...


Hanzaki: How dare you, I'm no lizard!

{{Flashback end}}

Rintaro was also confused by this.

Rintaro: Then what would he be?

Rintaro asked, while Y/N moved to another shelf.

Y/N: It's gotta be around here somewhere...

{{Sword of Logos HQ}}

Kento: Please don't misunderstand Y/N.

Kento told Ryo who was confused.

Kento: None of his promises are made without consideration.

Ryo: Then what, huh?

Ryo didn't understand what Kento meant.

Kento: The menories he lost 15 years ago...

Kento began to tell Ryo about Y/N past. About the one promise Y/N had made.

Kento: The one promise he couldn't keep... I understand his feelings all too well.

Sophia looked at Kento with sympathy while Tetsuo entered back into the room. Kento held out a Wonder Ride Book too Ryo, he looked at it and it said "Needle Hedgehog".

Kento: Take this.

Kento said while Ryo just looked at him in shock.

Kento: Please, lend him your support.

Kento held the Wonder Ride Book out more towards Ryo.

Kento: Will you put your faith in Y/N?

Ryo looked at the Wonder Ride Book.

{{Fantastic Bookstore Kamiyama}}

Y/N was still looking for the book, he was looking in a different shelf and spotted it and grabbed it.

Y/N: Found it.

It was a animal encyclopaedia, Mei and Rintaro went to Y/N sides to see why he needed.

Mei: An animal encyclopaedia?

Y/N was skimming through the pages until he found the one he wanted.

Rintaro: Here it is. Amphibia Urodela Cryptobranchoidea, I believe. Though I have not seen one in the flesh.

Y/N: This is it, he's not a lizard after all.

Y/N said as he gave Rintaro and Mei the book as he went to get another one.

Mei: Then what is he?

The book Y/N got was "The Folktale and Superstitions of Japan ~Rivers and Watersides~"

Y/N: A Sanshouuo salamander, also known as a Hanzaki.

Y/N opens the book and reads the page about the Hanzaki.

Y/N: This creature is said to be able to regenerate, even after its body is split into two. So that's why Sora and the others haven't returned.

Y/N said after closing the book, Rintaro closes the other book and walks towards Y/N.

Rintaro: I see. But this raises another question. Why gather all those people?

Rintaro asked while Mei was by his side, also wondering.

Y/N: Well...

Y/N thought about another thing it had said.

Hanzaki: I won't let you get in the way of the birth of our king!

Y/N puts the book he has down and looks for another one, he founds its and shows the others.

Y/N: Right here!

Rintaro and Mei come closer to see what it is.

Y/N: "Legend of the Man-Eating Salamander."
*Opens the book* This story is about a salamander who ate a lot of people, allowing him to become the king of their kind.

Mei then takes the book off Y/N and looks at it.

Rintaro: Then Sora and the captured citizens are to become its prey?

Mei: Eh! You're kidding!

Both Y/N and Rintaro try to figure out what to do.

Y/N: He did say something about "the birth of our king"... He's creating a giant king salamander using people as its prey. That's gotta be it.

Y/N said to Rintaro.

Y/N: Lets return to the other world and search for where they're being held. The enemy as well.

Rintaro: Agreed.

Mei then try's to stop them.

Mei: Hold it just one second! That world's gotta be huge, right? How are you gonna find them?

A door was then slammed shut behind Y/N and Rintaro, Mei saw who it was and was shocked. Y/N and Rintaro looked behind them and saw Ryo.

Y/N: Mr. Ogami...

Ryo: Novelist. What did you promise to my son?

Ryo asked Y/N, wanting to know what kind of promise he made.

Y/N: I promised that I would show him how amazing books can be.

Y/N answered, Ryo just stared at him while Rintaro wanted to know why Y/N cared so much about promises.

Rintaro: Y/N, Why are you so enamoured with promises?

Rintaro asked, Y/N thought about the girl in his dream being sucked into a blank Alter Ride Book.

Y/N: Good question...

Y/N didn't really know how to answer that question.

Y/N: But even I'm not quite sure. Still, if I have the power to save others, then i should use it. Not just for Sora, but for everyone else as well.

Ryo was shocked by his answer and started to rethink his opinion on Y/N.

Ryo: I see...

Ryo chuckled and started to leave, Y/N was just confused.

Y/N: Was it something I said?

Ryo just stops in front of Y/N and looks at him.

Ryo: Lets get a move on!

Y/N had a shocked face as Ryo left the store to go back to Wonder World.

Y/N: Right!

Y/N left as well, Rintaro walked to Mei before giving her the book he was holding.

Rintaro: If you don't mind.

Rintaro then went after Ryo and Y/N, leaving her by herself.

Mei: N-No, wait a second!

Mei went to put the books away and grab her bag, only to trip and fall. Things fell out of her bag, one of the things was a blank Alter Ride Book.

Mei: Isn't that book...


Calibur wasn't inside of the Megiddo HQ, he was walking inside of a empty warehouse.

Calibur: Megiddo that hath been sealed...

He then brings out a Alter Ride Book with the words "Desast"

He opens it, showing a face with chains in front of it.

Calibur: I now free you from your chains.

Calibur then opens the second page revealing the face of a monster as it glowed brightly.

A burst of energy came out of the book as it started to form a more humanoid Megiddo.


Desast: I smell it... The world, it's books, it's swords, they chafe against one another. A remarkable scent in both the best and worst ways.

Calibur: It's been 15 years since you were last outside.

Calibur informed the newly revived Desast.

Calibur: How are you feeling?

Calibur asked while Desast just scoffed.

Desast: I don't have to tell you anything.

Desast said as he walks away.

Calibur was about to walk away, but stopped as he felt two powerful energies coming from Wonder World.

Calibur: This power... perhaps we could use it.

Calibur said as he began to walk outside.

{{Fantastic Bookstore Kamiyama}}

Mei picked up and looked at the blank Wonder Ride Book.

Mei: If I use this book, I can go to where Sora is.


The 3 Riders ran towards the book where Sora was taken, Ryo used his sword to open a entrance for them, they were about to enter until a voice spoke.

Desast: I thought there was a nice scent...

The 3 Riders looked to where the voice came from, only to see Desast appear from behind a tree. Desast then looked at them.

Desast: The swordsman of fire is here, I presume?

Ryo: Desast...

Ryo said, clearly knowing who he is, Rintaro and Y/N looked at him in confusing, Desast then brought out a Wonder Ride Book.

Desast: You're still frolicking with these contraptions?

The Wonder Rider Book Desast brought out was a red one called "Storming Eagle".

Rintaro: A Wonder Ride Book! Why do you...

Ryo: He's killed his fair share of swordsmen...

Ryo informed the two, Y/N the a steps up to fight Desast.

Y/N: He's after me. Mr. Ogami, Rintaro, you two go and save Sora. I need to show this guy if you're gonna play with fire, You're gonna get burned.

Y/N pulls out the Jackun-To-Domamenoki Wonder Ride Book and hands it over to Ryo, who looks at it, remembering what Kento asked him.

Ryo looks at Y/N and scoffed, he grabs the Wonder Ride Book.

Ryo: No, this guy's all mine!

Ryo said while moving towards Desast, but not before throwing the Needle Hedgehog Wonder Ride Book at Y/N. Ryo gets the Dogouken Gekido off his back.

Ryo: I'll leaving Sora to you two.

Ryo said as he opens the Genbu Shinwa Wonder Ride Book and inserts it on the Dogouken Gekido.

                        {{Genbu Shinwa!}}

Ryo pulls the trigger of his sword and puts it on his shoulder.

                     {{Genbu Shinwa!}}

Ryo: Henshin!

Ryo then does a downwards energy slash, turning rocks into his Armor and the slash comes back, completely his transformation.

{{Ittō Ryōdan! Butta Gire! Dogo! Dogo! Dogouken Gekido! Gekido jūhan! Zettai sōkō no taiken ga hokuhō yori ōinaru ichigeki o tatakikomu!}}

Buster: You'll keep your promis, won't you?

Buster asked Y/N.

Y/N: I will.

Y/N said to Buster, he then looked at Rintaro.

Y/N: C'mon.

Rintaro: I'll leave him to your care.

Rintaro said to Buster, who was getting ready for Desast that was running towards him. Buster sent a downwards slash at Desast who dodge and tried to kick him. Buster also dodges his attacks.

Both Y/N and Rintaro enter into Wonder World, unknown to them, Calibur was watching.

{{Wonder World}}

Inside of Wonder World, we see the place where the Sora and the other people were taken, they were trapped inside of giant blue sacks. We looked to see Sora.

Sora: Father...

Everyone then heard screaming in the sky, they looked up and saw Mei falling down into one of the empty sacks. Sora looked surprised.

Sora: The last from the bookstore.

Mei gets up and looks at Sora.

Mei: Sora! You're actually here! Nice one, me!

Mei said Complimenting herself while Sora was confused, Mei then proceeds to get her bag off and search for something.

Mei: Thank goodness! I'll go get help, just sit tight!

Mei then proceeds to pull out a fire work dispenser which said "Not even rain will stop this shell!"

Mei then sets it up and fire some fireworks, telling Y/N and Rintaro where they are, Y/N and Rintaro saw the fireworks.

Rintaro: What could that be?

Y/N: Lets check it out.

{{Buster vs Desast}}

Meanwhile, Buster sent a horizontal slash at Desast who just jumped over it, he lands and gets a clear slash on Buster. Desast front flips and gets a hit on Buster shoulder who tried to block but failed.

Buster then clenched his fist a couple times.

Buster: Man, that hurts.

Desast: What's wrong, old man? Feeling rusty?

Desast mocks Buster.

Buster: It's been 15 years, y'know. Go a little easy on me!

Buster replies while sending a energy slash at Desast who jumps over it, Buster also jumps towards Desast, they block each other's strike. But due to Buster having a bigger sword, he pinned Desast to the ground who quickly got up after dodging Buster's attack and then crossed swords again.

{{Wonder World}}

Back inside of Wonder World, we see that Mei hair was now a disasters after firing those Fireworks.

Mei: Save is already!

Mei screamed at nobody.

Madoka: Mei-san?

Mei then turned around to see Madoka and the others are here.

Mei: Madoka! Homura! Mami! Sayaka! Kyoko! What are you doing here?!

Homura: A weird white book appeared in my house, I opened it and we got transported here...

Mei: I see...

Sora: I shouldn't have opened that book.

Sora said, causing Mei to look at him.

Sora: Books aren't fun at all!

Mei: No way...

Sora was looking down until a voice spoke up.

Y/N: You're wrong.

Y/N appeared and started to walked towards them.

Girls: Y/N?!

Y/N: Books can be amazing as long as they're not being used for evil.

Y/N smiled at Sora while Sora looked shocked, Rintaro then appear with the Lion Senki Wonder Ride Book in hand and opens it.

                           {{Lion Senki!}}

Pages then floated out of the book and summons the Animal Lion Senki which sprays water and destroys the sacks, freeing everyone. But the newly revived Hanzaki Megiddo came and everyone ran away, but the 5 girls came and hid behind Y/N.

Hanzaki: My prey for the king...

Hanzaki says in despair, he then points his sword at the riders.

Hanzaki: How dare you!

Rintaro: I see you have regenerated.

Y/N: I'll save Sora and everyone else!

Kyoko: Hey Y/N, mind explaining?

Y/N: I will later... but for now, run to safety.

Madoka: But...

Madoka was about to speak until Y/N gave her a look that said trust me. Homura understood this.

Homura: You better have a good explanation for this. *looks at the girls* For now, lets trust Y/N and run.

The girls nodded in agreement and ran somewhere else.

Y/N: Man, I going to be in so much trouble after this.

Y/N said as they both attached their drivers to their waist and opened their Wonder Ride Books.

      {{Lion Senki! / Peter Fantasista!}}

   {{Brave Dragon! / Needle Hedgehog!}}

{{Kono jakuniku kyoushoku no daishizen de ikusenmo no hari o matoi ikinuku kemono ga iru!}}

They both then attached the books in their appropriate slots for the Drivers.

Rintaro draws his Suiseiken Nagare.

                        {{Nagare Battō!}}

Rintaro: Henshin!

{{Kagayaku Lion Fantasista~! Nagare nisatsu! Gao! Kirakira! Genso no tsume ga ima aoki kenshi no sonomi ni yadoru!}}

Over to Y/N, he draws his Kaenken Rekka.

                           {{Rekka Battō!}}

Y/N: Henshin!

{{Nisatsu no hon o kasaneshi toki seinaru tsurugi ni chikara ga yadoru! Wonder Rider! Dragon! Hedgehog! Futatsu no zokusei o sonaeshi yaiba ga togisumasareru!}}

Mei and Sora look at Saber's new Armor in awe, while the Hanzaki Megiddo gets ready to fight the Riders.

Hanzaki: Try all you want, it's no use!

Hanzaki then ran towards them while Saber and Blades do the same, but Saber tells Mei and Sora to stay safe.

Mei: Go get 'em!

Saber blocks the Hanzaki Megiddo slash, he then kicks him away, the Megiddo tries to slash Blades but misses as Blades wraps it arm around with his Capture Hook. He looks at Saber.

Blades: Now's your chance!

Blades then backs off as Saber scans the Needle Hedgehog with his Kaenken Rekka.

{{Hedgehog! Hmm, Hmm... Learning Flash!}}

The Kaenken Rekka glows yellow as yellow energy quills form around it, Saber then launches the quills at the Hanzaki Megiddo. Saber then gets more energy quills on the Kaenken Rekka as he does two slashes on the Megiddo. The Megiddo exploded while Blades reeled his Capture Hook back.

Saber then sighed and started to walk away, but he was stop one of the destroyed piece of the Hanzaki Megiddo shoulder tail. It was glowing until the Megiddo regenerated it's body back, catching Saber and Blades off guard.

Hanzaki: Regenerate!

It then slashed both Saber and Blades.

{{Buster and Desast}}

Buster does a downwards slash at Desast who dodges it and tries to slash Buster, but he blocks it with his Dogouken Gekido. He kicks the bottom of his sword up, causing Desast to back up.

Buster: The young guys are doing their best...

Buster tries to slash Desast but he dodges and slashes Buster's arm, Desast then uses his agility to slash Buster all around his body.

Buster: So I can't afford to lose here!

Buster slashed at Desast but he blocked with his own sword, Buster uses his physical strength to overpower Desast and push him against a tree. Desast then pushes Buster off of him, knocking both of them to the ground.

Desast gets up and runs towards Buster and slashes him, Buster uses his arm to block, Buster tries to slash him but Desast goes under the attack. Desast slashes Buster in the chest, he then to slash him again but was blocked, Desast jumps and kicks Buster away.

Desast: Time to finish this.

Buster gets back up.

Buster: Whoa there. Don't just decide that for yourself!

Buster then removes the Genbu Shinwa Wonder Ride Book and opens the Jackun-to-Domamenoki Wonder Ride Book.

{{Toaru shonen ga futo teni ireta omame ga kyodaina ki to naru fushigi na hanashi!}}

Buster then inserts the Wonder Ride Book.

{{Jackun-to-Domamenoki! Ittō Ryōdan! Butta Gire! Dogo! Dogo! Dogouken Gekido! Gekido jūhan! Zettai sōkō no taiken ga hokuhō yori ōinaru ichigeki o tatakikomu!}}

Desast looks with interest, he scrapes his swords on the ground.

Desast: Calamity strike.

Desast runs up to Busters and starts spinning in the air at him while also sending multiple energy slashes, Buster uses all of his strength to block it with the Dogouken Gekido. Buster scans the Genbu Shinwa Wonder Ride Book.

                     {{Genbu Shinwa!}}

Buster creates four beanstalk like vines to wrap around against the trees, because he's being struck at pulling the main vine behind him. They then come to a stop which left Desast confused.

          {{Ka-Bam! Gekido Randokugeki!}}

Buster: Grand Revolution!


Buster then pushes Desast back and flings him self across and slashing Desast while Desast also slashed Buster, causing them both to stumble down. Desast notices he lost something, he looks at Buster to see him holding the Storming Eagle Wonder Ride Book.

Buster: I'll be taking this.

Desast just laughs at this.

Desast: Fine by me. Things will only get more interesting. It's all yours.

Desast then disappears, leaving Buster by himself, Buster returned to his civilian form and gets back up.

Ryo: Saber... I entrust my son to you.

{{Saber and Blades VS Megiddo}}

Back to Saber's and Blades fight, Saber tried to dodge the Megiddo attack but got hit instead, Blades blocked an attack from him and Both Blades and Saber try to slash him but their attacks slide off due to the slime. The Megiddo hits them both.

Saber and Blades got some distance and sent a Fire and Water enhanced slash the Megiddo which blocked them both, Saber went to kicked the Megiddo while Blades punches it. The Hanzaki Megiddo blocks them both and slashes them.

Blades: This is troublesome. I'm sure his power has increased!

Blades said while Saber came up with a plan.

Saber: Rintaro!

Blades looks at Saber who got back up.

Saber: Three Wonder Ride Books can be used together, right?

Blades: You're correct, but why—

The Megiddo then ran at them and tried to slash them both but missed, Saber and Blades went next to each other.

Saber: Then I'm gonna borrow this!

Saber said as he took the Peter Fantasista Wonder Rider Book from Blades Seiken Swordriver, reverting Blades to his primary form.

Blades: What are you intending to do?

Blades asked as Saber re sheathed the Kaenken Rekka and closes his Wonder Ride Books on his driver.

Saber: I think we have a chance if we use three books at once.

                         {{Peter Fantasista!}}

Secretly, Mei and Sora watched the fight, Saber inserted the Wonder Ride Book and re draw the Kaen Rekka.

                            {{Rekka battō!}}

{{Sansatsu no hon ga kasanarishi toki seinaru ken ni chikara ga minagiru! Wonder Rider! Dragon! Hedgehog! Peter Fan! San zokusei no chikara o yadoshita kyōjin na tsurugi ga koko ni korin!}}

Saber was now using the powers of Brave Dragon, Needle Hedgehog and Peter Fantasista Wonder Rose Book. The Megiddo went to attack Saber but Saber blocked it and used his Capture Hook to push the Megiddo sword away.

Saver kicked the Hanzaki Megiddo away twice.

Saber: So this is the power of 3 books!

Mei: Mr. Peter has combined with Mr. Dragon and Mr. Hedgehog!

Mei said in excitement while Sora had a shocked face of Saber's new form.

Sora: Peter Fan?

Mei: You see, Peter's story...

Mei began to explain while Saber gets ready to try out his new form.

Saber: First things first...

Saber throws the Capture Hook at Megiddo who dodges it, Saber reels it back in and it wraps around the Megiddo. Saber presses the Needle Hedgehog Wonder Ride Book.

                  {{Needle Hedgehog!}}

Saber pulls the Megiddo towards him and hits it with a Red, Yellow and blue energy slash, Saber reels the the Capture Hook back in, the Megiddo gets back up but the Hedgehog Breastplate glows and energy quills appeared around its body and it fell down.

Blades: What is with this unorthodox fighting?

Blades said with confusion while the Megiddo got back up.

Hanzaki: I'm not going down that easily!

The Megiddo ran back at Saber who kicked him in the head, Saber then ran the Megiddo and knees him the head, sending him flying.

Saber: I'm will be writing the ending of this story!

Saber sheathed the Kaenken Rekka and starts his finisher.

                     {{Hissatsu Dokuha!}}

Saber: Draconic Fury!

{{Dragon! Hedgehog! Peter Fan! Sansatsu Geki! F-F-F-Fire!}}

Saber announced as 3 big projection of the Wonder Ride Books he was using appeared behind him, they summoned the God Beast Brave Dragon, Yellow energy quills and the fighting fairy.

Sora: A dragon and a fairy?

Sora said as he looked confused while Mei looked in awe.

Mei: Peter is friend with a Fairy, so it would make sense...

Mei was interrupted as the fairy became a buff girl.

Mei and Sora back up in confusion.

Blades: Muscular and... cute?

Blades said in confusion while Mei was trying to figure out what she is looking at.

Mei: What kinda...

The fairy winks as she grabs the Capture Hook and Saber starts swinging her around and Brave Dragon breaths fire on the fairy, covering it in a fiery aura. Saber starts to spin faster as he then throws the fairy at the Megiddo.

Saber: Off you go!

The fairy screams as it punches both the Megiddo and itself to the ground.

Sora: I don't get it... But... it sure is exciting!

Sora said with a smile on his face.

The Fighting Fairy was keeping the the Megiddo pinned on the ground, it blew a kiss and as the fairy was now covered in flaming energy quills, damaging the Megiddo so it couldn't regenerate.

Hanzaki: I can't regenerated like this...!

The Megiddo said before it exploded, Y/N and Rintaro returned to normal as they ran towards  Mei and Sora.

Mei: Amazing!

Y/N: You okay, Sora?

Y/N asked Sora, Sora smiled in response.

Sora: Yeah, that sure was interesting!

This causes Y/N to have a shocked face.

Sora: Could I read some more book?

Sora asked which'd made everyone smile, Y/N nods his head, then Mei returns to Y/N store, Sora returns to the bench he was at, he turned around and saw Ryo.

Sora: Father!

Sora ran towards his father and they hugged each other.

Ryo: Sora!

Ryo then thinks about Y/N.

Ryo: A man who keeps his promises, huh?

Back to Y/N, he was stretching his arms.

Y/N: All's well that ends well!

Y/N then has trouble standing and falls to the ground, Rintaro rushes to his side.

Rintaro: Using three volumes can even burden the body of a seasoned swordsman! Very reckless of you, I must say.

Rintaro said as he helps Y/N back up.

Rintaro: Lets head back.

Rintaro and Y/N then looks and sees Desast walking towards them.

Rintaro: Desast!

Desast puts his hands up.

Desast: As much as I want to fight you, I won't today, I just came to tell Saber that his friends are still here.

Y/N eyes widen.

Y/N: What?!

Rintaro: How is that possible, they should've returned.

Desast: Don't ask me... but you should hurry before Calibur gets to them before you do.

Desast then disappears again, Y/N then gets up and run in the direction of his friends.

Rintaro: W-Wait! You should rest!

Rintaro runs after Y/N.

{{The girls}}

The girls were currently far away from the fight as they could be, leaving Y/N behind.

Madoka: We should go back, we need to see if Y/N is okay.

Sayaka: I agree, plus we don't even know we're going.

Homura: No, if Y/N wanted to live, he should've come with us, not fight and stay like an idiot!

Kyoko: Are you serious!? Y/N is our friend and your just going to abandon him!?

Mami: I thought you cared about him?

Homura look at the group with a serious face.

Homura: I DO care about him, he was fighting an unknown creature, he might have been killed by now. If I did that, I would've wanted my friends to escape and not get injured.

They all fell silent.

Sayaka: ...I agree.

Kyoko: Are you serious!? What the hell!?

Madoka: P-Please don't fight.

???????: I'd listen to that pink haired friend of yours.

A mysterious voice said to them, they looked behind where Homura was and saw a armoured man with a purple sword.

Mami: W-Who are you?

Asked Mami, frightened.

Calibur: Kamen Rider Calibur... *looks at Homura and Madoka* Your energy is similar to the Book of Ancients.

Homura/Madoka: "Book of Ancients?"

Calibur: Correct, I suppose I'll take you two back to the base... and kill the other 3.

Sayaka: W-What!?

Kyoko: Why!?

Calibur: Because your insignificant to our plan. *looks at Homura and Madoka* Now watch as your friends fall to my Ankokuken Kurayami.

Calibur declared as he slowly walked towards the girls who were frozen in fear.

The girls just looked at him, they couldn't scream or run, they were kept thinking that this was going to be the end of them...


?/?: Hyah!

Calibur: Agh!

A unknown figure jumped from behind the girls and kicked Calibur away from them, the girls instantly knew who this was.

Girls: Y/N!

Y/N was standing in between Calibur and the girls with a pissed of look.

Y/N: I don't know who you are, but I heard you betrayed your friends for power... SOMEONE LIKE YOU DOESN'T DESERVE THE POWER OF KNIGHT OR KAMEN RIDER!!!

Y/N shouted at Calibur as fire started to form in his hands and took form of a belt and a book.

He attached the the belt to his waist.

              {{Seiken Swordriver!}}

                {{Brave Dragon!}}

Y/N opened the Brave Dragon Wonder Ride Book.

{{There was once a divine beast possessing a great power that would destroy everything!}}

He closed it and inserted it into the first slot of the driver, he then pulled out the Kaeken Rekka out of the driver.

                   {{Rekka Battou!}}

Caliber send a slash of dark energy towards Y/N.

Girls: Y/N!

Y/N: Henshin!

When it got closer to Y/N, he slashed it into two while he got covered in flames. When the flames dispersed, where Y/N had once stood was another man in armor.

Madoka: Y/N... is that you?

The armoured person look at Madoka and gave her a thumbs up.

Saber: Yep, but in this form, please call me Kamen Rider Saber.

Calibur: Saber!

The now-named Saber look at Calibur and pointed his Kaeken Rekka at him.

Saber: That's right, and the ending to this fight...

Saber began as a construct of a red dragon appeared behind him.

Saber: Is mine to decide!

Saber ended as the Dragon roared.

Blades: Y/N!

The girls turned to see a blue armoured man also holding a sword similar to Saber's.

Sayaka: Another one?!

Saber: Girls, that's Rintaro, but in that form, call him Blades.

Blades: Y/N, you really shouldn't go running after what happened.

Saber: Sorry, anyway, lets go!

Blades nodded his head in agreement as they both ran towards Calibur.

{{Sword of Logos HQ}}

Sophia was walking around where she usually is until she stopped, she started to sense Calibur presence.

Sophia: The swordsman of Darkness...

{{Wonder World}}

Saber and Blades we're attacking Calibur who easily blocked their attacks, Calibur pushes their swords away and strikes them both.

Calibur: Hand over Kaenken Rekka and Brave Dragon at once.

He puts the Ankokuken Kurayami in the Hissatsu Holder.

{{Kurayami! Iai!}}

He pulls his sword back out as dark energy surrounds it.

{{Dokugo Issen!}}

Calibur finishes charging the dark energy and sends a powerful slash towards Saber, Blades and the girls, then lightning appears and stops the attack, Saber and Blades and the girls saw a yellow Kamen Rider protecting them.

He then destroys the attack and gets Saber, Blades, the girls and himself away, leaving Calibur in Wonder World.

{{Tassel house}}

Tassel: It seems the swordsman of darkness has finally made their move!

Tassel turns to the readers.

Tassel: What wonderful power.

Tassel: it also seems that Y/N friends found out about his secret.

Tassel grabs a black book.

Tassel: Y/N appears to be caught in the centre of the spinning wheel of fate!

Tassel then opens the book to show 3 pictures.

Tassel: It also appears that old enemies of the original Saber have are being unsealed.

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