chapter one

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Narrator: century's ago in Japan, Nighlok monsters invaded our world but samurai warriors defeated them with power symbols passed down from parent to child. Today the evil Nighlok have risen once again and plan to flood the earth, luckly a new generation of heros stands in their way. They are the power rangers samurai!

*we cut to a child running from bullies who hides away but notices a red glow*

Narrator: a gap is an entrance and exit between the netherworld and our, do not peak in for on the otherside is the home of the evil nighlok

*a small platoon of moogers emerge from the gap and start terrorizing the child but are blasted away giving the child a chance to run*

Kenji: moogers prepare to die at the hands of kamen rider decade *brings out the NDD and places it on his waist and brings out a card* henshin!

Moogers: *confused screeching*

Kenji: *transforms the ride booker into sword mode and starts hacking and slashing them*

*little did he know, nor care, he was being watched by ooctoroo master xandreds right hand man*

Ooctoroo: oh boy the red ranger is just as powerful as the last, and this new guy is an even bigger problem *suddenly the ground begins shaking and a ship emerged from the blood red water* the boss is back

Daiyu: *playing her harmonium*

Octoroo: good to be back on board, I see your as cheery as usual daiyu

Daiyu: oh shut up squidface

Octoroo: so where's the boss

Xandred: I'm here now shut up I have a splitting headache, give me my medicine!!!!

*a mooger comes out and gives him the medicine*

Xandred: ah this helps a bit, well how goes the mooger attacks

Octoroo: the red rangers son has taken up the mantle and been repelling our attacks

Xandred: should have known that they'd be back! *throws the plate he drank from shattering it*

Octoroo: but theirs someone else attacking our moogers, he wears magenta armor and doesn't use a samuraizer but he can morph

Xandred: huh an unknown joins huh, that's troubling, what is he called

Octoroo: his belt morpher said "decade"

Xandred: decade huh, send some moogers and a nighlok to draw the two out

Octoroo: it'll take a bit of time to find the right one

Torya: I can lead them, besides what's the worst that'll happen they bring in the new rangers

Xandred: cause as much panic as you can to raise the river water so we can flood the earth

*back on the surface*

Kenji: *walking around for a few hours and suddenly hears people screaming and grabs a guy* what the hells got people running like godzillas attacking

Guy: it's a monster! It's already killed three people!!!

Kenji: OK go, help anyone you can *runs off the deal with the nighlok, not knowing his brother and team are already there fighting*

*at the fight*

Jayden: come on we can win this! *about to summon his fire smasher is cut off by blaster firer hitting the moogers* what the!?

Kenji: *has the ride booker in gun mode* nice to see you again jayden, been a while little brother

Jayden: KENJI!? Kenji get out of here, you don't have powers and I can't fight and protect you at the same time

Kenji: don't worry bro *pulls out the NDD and places it on his waist and takes out the decade card* I can handle myself, henshin! *places the card in the slot and closes the NDD*

NDD: Kamen ride, DECADE

Mia: whoa

Kevin: what!

Emma: so cool!

Mike: awesome we have back up

Kenji: *brings out the illusion card* time to even the playing field a bit

NDD: attack ride, illusion

Kenji: *four copies are made and attack the moogers, while the original goes and helps jayden out* been a while brother

Jayden: yes it has brother, so when where you gonna tell me about this?

Kenji: oh get off my ass, I haven't seen ya in 11 years and the first thing I do is show ya this

Jayden: touche

Kenji: *the timer on his illusion powers end* ok time to switch things up *pulls out the titan kuuga card* henshin

NDD: form ride, kugga TITAN

Kenji: *turns into kuugas titan form and grabs a pipe and turns it into the titan sword*

Mia: he morphed again!?

Kenji: *brings out the finisher card*

NDD: final attack ride, k-k-k-kugga calamity titan!

Kenji: *swings his sword creating shockwaves the split the moogers in half, and changes back to base* to easy

Torya: not so fast rangers, you still have me to deal with *brings up a child and holds his sword to her neck* demorph and surrender or she dies

Kenji: *grabs the kabuto card* now your gonna die for that

NDD: Kamen ride, kabuto *electronic whirls are heard*

Kenji: *brings out the clock up card*

NDD: attack ride, CLOCKUP!!!!!

Kenji: *goes at light speed and grabs the girl and punches the nighlok in the face*


Kenji: *turns back to base* your clear finish him off!!

Jayden: *charges at the nighlok with his firesmasher and cleaves it in two*

Mike: ya we won!!!

Kenji: nope that's just the first phase

Kevin: phase?

Torya: *grows to the size of a skyscraper* now your screwed

Jayden: phase two is the megaform, ok summon your zords

*the five summon the zords and begin attacking*

Kenji: oh I'm not missing out on this *brings out the neo dienddriver and slots in the J card*

NDD: Kamen ride, J!

*Kamen rider j is summoned and grows it his large form*

Mike: whoa did that new guy do that

Mia: wow his powers are awesome

Kenji: *brings out the final form rider card for himself* oh this is gonna suck

NDD: final form ride, DECADE

Kenji: *turns into a giant version of the decadriver and wraps around J's waist making him look like decades complete form* so ready for an asskicking skirt breath

Torya: oh shit!

*all six begin attacking the nighlok and eventually destroy him*

Kenji: *walking up to jayden* so where's my hug baby bro

Jayden: your a month older, doesn't mean I'm a baby

Kenji: as your older brother it's my job to embarrass the crap out of you infront of girls

Jayden: *brings him in for a hug* your an asshole

Kenji: *returns the hug* always have been

Mia: so when where you gonna introduce us to your brother

Kenji: oh right *steps forward* my names Kenji Takeda

Mike: why do you have different last names?

Kenji: my birth family died in a nighlock attack 13 years ago, jaydens father took me in and raised me as his own and I've been the big brother to this numbskull sense

Mia: *giggles* you definitely act like brothers

Kenji: so let's head home, I wonder if Ji ever found my supply of prank material

Jayden: nope, he's still trying to find it

Kenji: oh he's gonna be so mad when he sees me

*the six walk off laughing as the screen fades to black*

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