Episode 16 - Revelations from the King (????)

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A timeskip went by after the events of the last episode.

Y/n, Koemi, and Mitsuru are resting in Mitsuru's room, right in the middle of where Y/n is about to explain how his and Koemi's journey, as well as Mitsuru's involvement, started.

Koemi: So let me get this straight: You met with the, uh... old man again.

Y/n: Yep, right after getting my last ridewatch.

Mitsuru: Zi-O, you keep saying about this person. Who is he?

Koemi: He was the one who helped Y/n become a Kamen Rider.

Y/n: That's right, and gave me the ridewatches that used to be blank so I can travel to other worlds and gain one of the riders' powers of my choice.

Mitsuru: I see...

Koemi: Anyway Y/n, what is it you need to tell us about how it all started?

Y/n: Right, right. Uh, where do I start... Well, after I got my last ridewatch, I was at the old man's place again...


It's just like Y/n said, Y/n first appeared face to face with the cloaked man, sitting on a throne-like chair in his psyche plane.

???: You have returned, Y/n.

Y/n: Actually, you're the one who brought me here. To this place...

???: *small chuckle*You got me there. I see you've you used all of the ridewatches I gave you. Well done.

Y/n: I'm really starting to get annoyed by your gratitude, you know that?

???: Now it is time. The time has finally come for you to use all of your power, and save your time.

Y/n: Wait. I'm not going back yet, I still need to save Koemi.

???: I understand your situation, but time is nearly running out. And it won't be nearly enough to save you friend.

Y/n: I don't care! I can't just leave her after everything we've been through together. Besides, a true king needs to have a deep care for other people instead of himself.

???: A... true king, you say? Very well, I shall send you to where your beloved friend is.

*cut flashback*

Koemi: And that's when you came here.

Y/n: Well, at least I thought it would end that way. But the old man said he has something else to say.


???: -You said about one of your definitions of a true king.

Y/n: Huh?

???: Tell me, what is a true king?

Y/n: Well... Like I said, he needs to have a huge care for his people with all his heart and protect them no matter what. Not only that, but the kind of true king that I inspire to become... wants to make the world a better and comfortable place for all.

???: ...I see... You indeed remind me... of "him".

Y/n: What are you going on about?

???: There was a time where I used to be king, but I ceased to exist. And my actions were partially responisible for that.

Y/n: Old man...

???: I apologize, Y/n. But I believe it's time to reveal who I truly am.

As the cloaked man gets up from his chair and spreads his arms, a golden Ziku Driver appeared around his waist.

As Y/n's eyes began to widen, he got reminded of the Ohma Zi-O hologram the cloaked man showed him that day, having the same driver on it.

Y/n: That belt... No, it can't be.

???: Hen... shin.

The cloaked man then pressed in both ends of the driver.

The Blssed Time! The Greatest! Kindest! Maximum! Strongest King! Ohma Zi-O!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As soon as the dust cleared, Y/n could not absolutely believed what laid in front of his eyes.

The overlord of time and space himself, carrying the powers of all the riders as their successor, Ohma Zi-O.

Y/n: You're-!?

Ohma Zi-O: Indeed, for I am...

*cut flashback*

Koemi: -Ohma... Zi-O?

As Koemi is shocked to hear who the cloaked man truly was, Y/n gave a slight nod.

Koemi: It can't be...

Mitsuru: Who is this Ohma Zi-O you two are talking about?

Y/n: The "Overlord of Time", who is a king. And... responsible for the destruction of our home.

Mitsuru: ...It all makes sense. He must have the power to manipulate time. Which means... he transported most of the Time Mazines to your time.

Y/n: ...That wasn't case though.


Y/n: Old man... you look just like... from that hologram.

Ohma Zi-O: Indeed. Did you never wonder how I knew so much about the other rider worlds? How I gave what you need to be a rider, and where to go.

Y/n: Then, you lied to me...?

Ohma Zi-O: Y/n, I know you're having it hard to trust-

Y/n: Shut up! ...You used me, put me and Koemi through a lot. You're even responsible for destroying our home, killed lots of people! So how am I suppose to trust you, when you're the one who started all of this!?

Ohma Zi-O: ...You have earned the right to be angry at me. But please hear me out. It's true I started this, but I never meant for any of this to happen to your world or any other.

Y/n: What are you talking about?

Ohma Zi-O: I come from another world where I ruled everything as king, and saved the world from its own destruction. However, some events happened in the past of my timeline, which should've caused my existence to cease to exist.

Y/n: But, how are you still alive?

Ohma Zi-O: I've used every ounce of my powers before I almost disappeared. Which allowed me to still be alive.

Y/n: Who... was the one that made you dissapear?

Ohma Zi-O: It's... difficult to say. However, because he chose a different path, rather than becoming who and what I am, my powers were uncontrollable, causing fractures and out-of-place events all across time throughout the worlds.

Y/n: So it was that guy's fault. It was his fault my world was destroyed in the first place! If he didn't made you disappear in the first place, none of this could've happen.

Ohma Zi-O: *small chuckle*Although, I did not blame him for his actions.

Y/n: But he-!

Ohma Zi-O: He only did what was neccessary to stop me, preventing the things I'm responsible for. Back then, I made everyone bow down before me by showing a demonstration of my power. I believed by showing that, I could save my world from its inevitable destruction.

Y/n: But let me guess, it didn't go so well.

Ohma Zi-O: At least that's what "he" said.

Y/n: ...Can I ask you something?

Ohma Zi-O: What?

Y/n: Why did you choose me to be a rider? You could've gone with someone a lot more cooler and more to your liking.

Ohma Zi-O: That's easier said then done.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Ohma Zi-O: Do you remember about your origin?

*cut flashback*

Mitsuru: -You had amnesia?

Y/n: Yeah, that's right.

Mitsuru: *turns to Koemi*Did you know about this?

Koemi: *nods*But I didn't want to stress Y/n, so I didn't talk about it to anyone, even to my own friends.

Mitsuru: When did this happen?

Y/n: I don't know, but I believe it's how I was born.

Y/n's pov (flashback)

It was a rainy day at a playground somewhere.

I was just there, unconscious, but I felt very cold because of the weather.

I didn't know who I really was, or how I ended up at that park.

Ironically, I didn't even know my real name. I completely forgot about everything about me.

Security guards found me and brought me to a hospital. They said I have a serious case of amnesia.


Y/n: -Eventually, I got adopted and got the name Y/n. But my mom died in a accident, and I've been living with my dad ever since.

Mitsuru: It sounds like you've been through a lot to have lost your memories.

Y/n: To amnesia people, probably. But my case was different.


Y/n: I'm not... human?

Ohma Zi-O: It's exactly as I said. You were only born when you found yourself at that playground that day.

Y/n: Then... who am I?

Ohma Zi-O then stayed silent, then suddenly, he fired something at Y/n.

Flashes of scenes went back and forth with Ohma Zi-O sending something to the same park Y/n was in, and came the appearance of the young boy.

Before he was sent off, Ohma Zi-O said something.

Ohma Zi-O: You will be destined for great things. For you will succeed in my place in becoming someone who will save the worlds. It may be difficult, but in time, all will be clear. ...Go, undo the mistakes I have made. As of this day onward, your name shall be...

Y/n: -Sougo... Tokiwa.

Ohma Zi-O: That is correct, your real name. You happen to be my creation from my powers. And as years went by, I prepared you for this moment, leading you on the path to saving not only your world, but many others as well from the fractures.

Y/n: ...What about you? Why can't the all powerful king save my world instead wasting time on creating someone like me to do the dirty work for him?

Ohma Zi-O: Because...

Ohma Zi-O then shows Y/n of himself slowly disappearing into small light particles.

Y/n: You're... dying?

Ohma Zi-O: It's the result of a paradox, a time paradox. Because I no longer have a timeline, my existence has been forfeit.

Y/n: Then why can't you just heal yourself with your powers?

Ohma Zi-O: It wouldn't make a difference, even if I were to use my power, the balance of being used and the paradox taking over will result in nothing changing. Back when I created you, I wasn't able to make you into a perfect copy, and it sent me into a coma for a little while.

Y/n: So, I'm incomplete?

Ohma Zi-O: *chuckling*But that's what makes you more human rather than a creation.

Y/n: *thoughts*He's really getting on my nerves here. I really don't like this guy at all.

Ohma Zi-O: The moment I foresaw how I was responsible for guiding alternate worlds to their destruction, was that I realized that I had to stop it with my own hands. Unfortunately, I've grown weaker, and I can't even move and use this body of mine to my satisfaction. To make matters worse, the paradox has almost reached me.

Y/n: How much time do you have left?

Ohma Zi-O: By the looks of things, sometime after 24 hours, or if lucky, then tomorrow.

Y/n: That soon...? Was it because... you created me?

Ohma Zi-O: You don't have to worry, because I wanted you to be born, from the bottom of my heart.

Y/n: Wait, if you die, then what will happen to me?

Ohma Zi-O: During my time of creating you, you also happen to share my heart and body. Therefore, you will become a true human being of your own free-will.

Y/n: Human?

Ohma Zi-O: To be honest, the reason why I created you was not only to fix the fractures. But also having the faint possibility you can restore my timeline. However, you went towards a different path, experienced different emotions and committed different actions, leading towards a path of your own.

Y/n: ...

Ohma Zi-O: There's nothing to be sad about, I eventually knew this would happen. So whatever comes next, I will accept my fate with no regrets.

Y/n: But what will happen if I die, will that save you?

Ohma Zi-O: It's pointless. If you do happen to die, then the power I used to create you will restore back to me. However, my lifespan before the paradox takes over will extend to a few days or weeks. Not nearly enough time in finding another way to be saved.

Y/n: That just sounds... terrifying.

Ohma Zi-O: But I encourage you to not make any foolish actions. I want you to destroy the fracture coming from your world. With that goal in mind, I don't want you to hold back in using your power.

Y/n: Your not the boss of me, telling something like that. After all, I'm not the type of guy who would do this for your sake.

Ohma Zi-O: *chuckling*I'm glad that you were born.

Ohma Zi-O then open a portal right next to him, and Y/n was about to approach it.

Ohma Zi-O: Go on, your friend is waiting for you. I will leave the future... in your hands.

Y/n: You sure have a lot of nerves, leaving everything to me.

Y/n then went through the portal, with Ohma Zi-O watching him go.

*end flashback*

Everyone in Mitsuru's room was silent in shocked about this.

Mitsuru: Wow... That was a very harsh story you had to go through.

Koemi then looks to see Y/n down and goes toward him.

Koemi: Y/n... You know, I thought I know all about you. But I never thought you had to go through so much.

Y/n: I'm shocked as you are. And I learned my name isn't really Y/n... ny name is Sougo Tokiwa.

Koemi: ...So what?

Y/n: Eh?

Koemi: It doesn't matter who you really are. You're still you no matter what, Y/n.

Y/n: Koemi that's not my name, it's Sougo-

Koemi: I know that.

Y/n: But... I see your point. After all, I am still myself.

As Y/n(Sougo) and Koemi are sharing a smile, Mitsuru came up to the both of them.

Mitsuru: As much as we all like to enjoy the moment, you know we still have something to do.

Y/n(Sougo): That's right! We need to go back home, and save our time from the fracture.

Koemi: But how are we going to get back. Y/n used up all of his ridewatches.

Mitsuru: Leave that to me.


The three went down to Mitsuru's basement. He then opened a door leading to a secret hallway to a room.

There, they saw a weird machine in the middle of the room.

Y/n(Sougo): What's that?

Mitsuru: It's a time machine.

Y/n(Sougo): How did you get a time machine?

Mitsuru: That's not important. Now then...

Mitsuru then dialed in the correct time to go to. Back to 2020.

Koemi: So this is it... We're finally going home.

Y/n(Sougo): We sure are, Koemi.

Mitsuru: Although we must be prepared, this may be the toughest battle we have to face.

Y/n: Right. Guys, let's go. From here on, this is our last battle!

To be continued.

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