S1/Ep.7: Hello Rosie!

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Episode Summary: With secrets revealed and the Hotel in the crosshairs, Charlie and Vaggie must do what they can to protect their home from destruction by any means necessary.


(Opening: Hazbin Hotel Anime Opening)


(Opening Theme Ends)


The episode begins with Shio, Vaggie, Niffty, Alastor, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious and Husk all sitting in the hotel's lounge.

Niffty: (curious) "So, like where are your wings?"

Vaggie: (annoyed) "Niffty, I don't have-"

Vaggie's sentence is cut off by Angel Dust.

Angel: (smirks) "Did you ever think maybe she's sensitive about her lack of wings, just like her lack of tits?"

This causes Niffty to tug at Vaggie's shirt.

Niffty: "Yeah. Where are your tits?"

The Fallen Angel sighs at this.

Vaggie: (sigh) "Any other questions?"

Husk was then the one to speak up.

Husk: "I got one. How come every time Charlie talks to Heaven we get in deeper and deeper shit?"

Vaggie: (glares) "It's not her fault. Angels are just-"

Angel: "Liars?"

Vaggie: "...difficult. But Charlie's trying her best."

Husk: (annoyed glare) "Yeah, well, her best is turning out real well so far."

Shio: (glares) "Husk enough. What's done is done. The only thing we can do is focus on the here and now."

Husk: (annoyed glare) "Oh yeah? And what about those Wise Ones huh? The 'creators' of Heaven itself. It would be nice to have their help but noooooo. They're staying back and letting things just play out. Even with you here, we're still in deep shit at it is."

Shio grimaced hearing this as he sighs in dismay.

Angel: (annoyed) "And where is miss fearless leader anyway? Isn't it about time for another 'doomed-to-fail' plan?"

Vaggie: (worried) "She's upstairs. Coming up with something, I'm sure, in our room. Alone."

Suddenly, sinister music starts to play.

Alastor: (sinister smile) "Hmm."

The Radio Demon vanishes into black smoke.

As for Shio, the Kamen Rider could help but reminiscence about what happened after they came back from the Hotel. He remembers how both he and Vaggie tried to explain things to Charlie but that didn't turn out so well.


The trio had just come back, and the residents took notice of them, however, they're surprised when they hear the three of them arguing.

Vaggie: (pleads) "Charlie please! Can't we talk about this?! At least let me explain!"

Charlie: (glares) "We have nothing to talk about. And you have nothing to explain after you kept this hidden from me for so long."

Shio: "Charlie I know you're upset but-"

The Princess snaps her head at the Kamen Rider, causing him to flinch.

Charlie: (glares) "Upset?! I'm more than upset! What I'm feeling right now is one of betrayal!'

She glares at Vaggie.

Charlie: (glares) "From both of you!"

Vaggie closes her eyes and looks away, shame and guilt swelled up within her. However, they're soon interrupted by the other Hotel guests who took notice of their argument.

Angel: (confused) "Uh... what the Hell is going on? What happened?"

The trio glance at the resident before being forced to tell them everything about what went on in Heaven. Needless to say, the residents are all surprised and shocked, especially when Shio turned into his Omni Form and the Wise Ones made their appearance to tell the Angels about their true origins. However, all of that was dashed aside when they realized that the Hotel was gonna be a battleground against the Exterminators. Although they complained at first, Shio, Vaggie, and Charlie went back to their argument.

Vaggie: (pleads) "Charlie, I know you feel angry and hurt that I kept this from you, but I was scared! I didn't know how else to tell you."

Charlie: (glares) "So you decided to lie to me for all these years. Vaggie if you had just told me in the beginning, then I would've understood. I shared everything with you, and I mean EVERYTHING. I wouldn't have thought any differently of you and I still would've accepted you if you had just told me the truth. But now? I don't even know if I can believe anymore."

The Fallen Angel tried to open her mouth, but she then closes it in shame and guilt. That was then Shio came in her defense.

Shio: "Charlie, I don't blame you for being angry at Vaggie. Heck, I don't blame you for being angry at me. You're right, we should've come clean and tell you the truth. It was wrong of us. We know, but Vaggie just wasn't prepared to tell you at the right time."

The Kamen Rider closes his eyes and sighs before speaking again.

Shio: (sigh) "Charlie, this was her secret. Not mine. I had no right. A part of me did want to tell you from the beginning the moment I found out. But after I confronted Vaggie, I understood that this was a sensitive topic. One that was supposed to be discussed between the two of you. I had no right to interfere with your relationship. Especially when it came to a secret as big as this."

Charlie: (glares) "So you admit it. You're telling me, that after all the time we've spent together, even if it's for a short time, you KNEW what my girlfriend was. You knew she was an Exterminator Angel and you decided not to tell me?"

Shio: "...... Yes."


Almost everyone, except those like Alastor and Niffty, gasped in shock that Charlie slapped Shio across the face. Of course, Shio himself didn't even flinch as he fully expected this to happen.

Charlie: (glares) "You... had NO right to keep this from me. I thought you were my friend. Someone I could trust. But like Vaggie... it's clear I was wrong. All those years being separated since childhood, only for us to meet each other again I... if you're going to do this to me then... then maybe it was for the best that we never should've seen each other again. I wish you never came to my Hotel to begin with. That you just stayed on Earth where you belong. I... wished I never got to see you again."

Hearing this hurt Shio as his eyes go wide at what she said. The same for the others as they couldn't believe she would say something so cruel to the person who had done so much for her and asked for little in return. Even Charlie herself was shocked that she would say such hurtful things but... she was just too angry to even care."

Shio: (wide eyes) "Charlie..."

She raises a hand, causing him to close his mouth. Charlie sighs as he rubs her forehead.

Charlie: (sigh) "I... need to clear my head. I'll be in my room to think of a plan on how to fix this mess."

Vaggie: (pleads) "Hon please, you know we can help-!"

Charlie: (glares) "Don't!"

Vaggie stopped dead in her tracks as Charlie pointed a finger at her.

Charlie: (glares) "Just don't... call me that anymore. You lost the right to say that to me. Just... stay away from be for now. Please."

Vaggie felt her heart sank as tears stream down her face. She tried to approach her but Shio held her back as he looked back at Charlie.

Shio: (nods) "We'll... give you the time you need."

Not even acknowledging him, Charlie was walks away and goes back to her room. One gone, Vaggie falls to the grown and begins to cry. The others stood by, unsure what to do. As for Shio, he had just placed his hand on his head and sighs heavily, feeling as though he had just screwed up massively.


The Kamen Rider closes his eyes and puts a hand on his face as he brings it down.

Shio Thoughts: (sigh) "Charlie... Kami... I'm so sorry..."

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene changes showing Charlie in her bed under her covers softly crying. Both Razzle and Dazzle are there, trying to comfort her with tissues.

However, she was also crying because of the hurtful things she had just said to Shio. She realized her mistake but felt as though it was too late. While her and Shio had their ups and downs, she knew he was a genuine and kind person who did all he could to make her happy. And all she gave hm in return was saying hurtful words of how she never wanted to see him again just for keeping a secret. This caused her to cry even more as she drove away her very first friend.

Suddenly, Alastor reappears in her room and approaches her bedside.

Alastor: (smiles) "Oh, Charlie, you look an absolute mess."

Charlie begins to appear annoyed.

Charlie: (annoyed glare) "Ugh, go away, Alastor."

The Radio Demon sits down on her bed while Charlie hides again under the covers.

Alastor: (smiles) "Now, now is that any way to act after picking a fight with all of Heaven and dooming everyone you love?"

The Princess emerges from the covers as she glares back at him.

Charlie: (glares) "I have enough on my mind without hearing your sadistic idea of a joke, asshole."

She wraps herself under the covers again, only for Alastor to appear laying beside her.

Alastor: (smiles) "Who's joking?"

This scares Charlie, causing her to jump and falls off of the bed.

Alastor: (smiles) "You have a captive audience downstairs waiting to hear what kind of inspiring performance you have planned next."

Charlie was now leaning on the bed as she groans.

Charlie: (groans) "Ugh, I can't. How can I face them after failing them all so hard? Especially Shio."

She whispers the last part in guilt and shame. Alastor repositions himself on his stomach and begins kicking his legs in the air.

Charlie: (sad tone) "They came here to be saved and all I gave them was more pain. I even caused pain to the very person who was my first friend. The very same friend who did everything in his power to make my dreams come true... only for me to snap at him just for keeping a secret."

Once again, this causes Charlie to begin tearing up again.

Charlie: (cries) "I'm just as bad as the cruelest Overlord in Hell. And maybe worse."

She stands up and paces back and forth.

Charlie: "At least they don't go around giving false hope."

Alastor: (smiles) "Well, I never expected to see such a miserable display of self-loathing from you."

She glares angrily at this and points at him while Alastor adjusts himself, now laying on his side.

Charlie: (glares) "Oh, fuck you, Alastor. All you do is stand there, smiling while you watch us struggle and fail. I don't know how you can enjoy all this suffering so much."

She turns away from him as she faces the window. Alastor then stands up as he wraps his fingers on Charlie's shoulder while chuckling.

Alastor: (chuckles) "Just because you see a smile don't think you know what's going on underneath."

He lets go of Charlie. He then grabs Charlie's face with his hand and makes her smile.

Alastor: (smiles) "A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you're the one in control."

Charlie: (annoyed) "But I'm not."

Pushing the staff away, Charlie starts walking towards her bedroom window.

Charlie: (glares) "I'm the farthest thing from in control. The person I trust most has been lying to me for years. My childhood friend knew about the secret and didn't tell me. Heaven refuses to listen."

She thuds both fists against the window.

Charlie: (glares) "Even if they did, I can't prove the hotel works. Adam has an invincible exorcist Army pointed right at my doorstep and there's nothing I can do about any of it!"

Suddenly, sinister music begins playing again and Alastor starts smiling as he speaks in a sing song tune.

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ I know something you don't know. ♫"

Charlie: (confused) "Huh?"

Alastor walks over and grabs Charlie's arms.

Alastor: (smiles) "Those big, scary angels are not quite as indestructible as they seem."

The Radio Demon let's go of Charlie and walks away.

Charlie: (confused) "What are you talking about?"

Alastor: (smiles) "Just that you and your little band of misfits might stand more of a chance than you think."

This soon causes her to become desperate.

Charlie: (desperate) "How? I'll do anything."

Alastor: (smiles) "Anything? Then... let's make a deal."

He holds his hand out for a handshake.

Charlie: (scared) "You... You want my soul?"

The Radio Demon turns a bit into his demon form as Charlie backs up a bit.

Alastor: (sinister tone) "Your soul?"

He soon goes back to normal.

Alastor: (smiles) "Heavens, no. All I need from you is one itty-bitty favor. What's a favor between friends?"

Charlie: "I won't hurt anyone for you."

Alastor: (smiles) "Didn't you hurt Shio with your words? Pretty sure you hurt his feelings to the point he might want to leave."

This causes Charlie to flinch in fear as deep down, she didn't wish for that to happen.

Alastor: (smiles) "Anyways, who's asking! One favor, at a time of my choosing, where you harm no one. In return, I tell you what I know. Do we have a deal?"

He holds his hand out which glows green. Both Razzle and Dazzle both growl as they get into a defensive stance for Charlie.

However, Charlie puts her hands down to stop them as she was forced to accept.

Charlie: (glares) "...... Deal."

Ominous music plays as both Charlie and Alastor shake hands that causes a green glow.

This results in a green demon/ghost-like aura flash throughout the room. This also causes Alastor to have more of a demonic look with green strings sewed into him.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene cuts back to the group in the Hotel Lobby and are surprised when they see the green flash of energy happen. Both Vaggie and Shio widen their eyes as they realize what Charlie had done, causing the pair to go up and rush into Charlie's room.

Vaggie: (panics) "No. No!"

The two reach the room and slam the bedroom door open with their weapons in hand. The two widen their eyes, witnessing what Charlie had just done.

Alastor: (smiles) "Right on cue!"

Vaggie: (glares) "What did you do?!"

Shio: (glares) "Let her go!"

Just as Alastor and Charlie finish their handshake, Shio grabbed the Radio Demon by the neck and slammed him into a wall as Vaggie prepared her spear to stab him. However, Charlie quickly intervened to stop them both.

Charlie: "Vaggie! Shio! Stop!"

Vaggie: (wide eyes) "What?"

The Fallen Angel drops her spear while Shio lowered his sword.

Vaggie: (wide eyes) "No, Charlie, please tell me you didn't-"

She glares at the two with her arms crossed.

Charlie: (glares) "I made a deal with Alastor."

Shio: (disbelief) "You can't be serious?"

Vaggie: (pleads) "Charlie."

Alastor: (grunts) "Oh, calm down. She still owns her soul."

The Kamen Rider knees him in the crotch which causes him to scream. It was loud at first until Shio was able to muffle the sound before glaring at him.

Shio: (glares) "By quiet."

Charlie: (glares) "Shio, let him go."

Shio: "Charlie..."

Charlie: (glares) "Now."

There was a pause until Shio threw the Radio Demon on the floor. Alastor grunts in pain but manages to get back up. Charlie then looks back towards Vaggie.

Charlie: (glares) "He gave me info that can save the hotel, but we're going to need help. The angels can be defeated, and Carmilla is the key."

Vaggie: (surprised) "What? Carmilla Carmine?"

Charlie: "She killed an exorcist in the last extermination. She knows how they can be harmed."

Vaggie: (shocked) "But... I-I didn't even know that was possible."

Charlie: (glares) "If you did, would you have told me?"

Hearing this hurt Vaggie.

Vaggie: "Charlie, I-"

Charlie: "I need you to go to her, convince her to teach us. If she can, we might have a chance. Shio you go with her."

Shio: "Me?"

Charlie: (nods) "Yes you. Just in case there's trouble, you support her. We need her help and fast as possible."

Vaggie: "With just the seven of us?"

Charlie: (sigh) "No, we're- ugh, we're going to need numbers too."

Shio: "If you're asking for an army, I can get us that."

The two ladies looked at him in surprise.

Charlie: (surprised) "You can get us an army?"

Shio: (nods) "I have an ability called summons and I can bring forth as many of them as I want. I can give us the numbers we need to fight back against the Exorcists."

Vaggie: (curious) "How powerful are they?"

Shio: "Very powerful. Powerful enough to take on Adam's army and win."

Alastor reenters the conversation.

Alastor: (smiles) "While that all swell and good, I have a feeling we're gonna need a lot more help. And I know just who can help. As long as Charlie can be her normal, charming self."

Charlie: (smiles) "What's that you said about smiles?"

The Radio Demon gently pats her heard.

Alastor: (whisper) "Good girl."

Shio grabbed Charlie's arm and he spoke to her in a worried whisper.

Shio: (worried whisper) "Charlie, can we talk about this-"

Charlie: (glares) "We can talk later."

Shio: (sigh) "Then I'll make time."

He waves his hand, and suddenly time stops. Charlie seems to notice this and looks around in confusion.

Charlie: (confused) "What's going on? What did you do?"

Shio: "I stopped time. It doesn't just affect the surrounding area. I stopped time in ALL of creation. Heaven, Hell, Earth, the whole universe as a whole. I have made all of time stop so we can have all the time we need right now. (sigh) Charlie, we need to talk, and we are talking right now."

Charlie: (glares) "We have nothing to talk about right now."

Shio: (glares) "Then you're going to listen to what I have to say and I'm not resuming time unless you hear all of it."

She glares at him with her arms crossed, prompting Shio to sigh with regret.

Shio: (regretful sigh) "Please..."

She glares at him with her arms crossed before relenting to his request.

Charlie: (sigh) "Fine. Just make it quick."

Shio: (sigh) "I know we lied to you. I know and understand that you're angry at the fact that Vaggie is the very being who was a part of the event you desperately tried to stop. And I fully understand that you're angry at me for knowing the truth and keeping it hidden from you. I don't blame you. But let me tell you this. I know you well enough to see that both you and Vaggie shared everything together. Perhaps you both did indeed have your ups and downs, but you both were able to make it work. Vaggie supported you and your ideas. And let me tell you, none of that were lies. All of it was true. And what is also known to be true that despite how angry you are, I know that deep down, you still love Vaggie as well."

Hearing the last past causes Charlie to widen her eyes a bit.

Shio: "I don't expect an immediate answer, but ask yourself, did you ever once doubted that she loved you in return? After learning the truth, did you really think that all you've been through was nothing but a lie?"

The Princess tightens her fists as she looks away from him, her face filled with doubt and hesitance.

Shio: "Your right about the fact that Vaggie took part in the Exterminations and killed who knows how many sinners. Probably thousands, if not maybe even millions. Children included. But when you found her, nursed her back to health, and you wishing to open this Hotel to give others a second chance, you essentially gave her a reason to live. I mean, isn't this Hotel all about giving second chances? Isn't your dream of making this Hotel work so you can give people a chance at redemption?"

Charlie widens her eyes at this as her faces shows only of guilt and sadness.

Shio: (sigh) "Charlie, I think the real reason Vaggie actually supported this Hotel is because she wants to redeem herself to. She saw the errors in her ways and wants to make amends. To set things right. I know you're probably questioning that she knows you believe in seconds chances, yet she didn't tell you right? Well, I believe it's because it's difficult to admit to things you're not proud of, especially if those things hurt the ones you love. It may be wrong yes, but it's understandable. I've met people who had secrets. Secrets they just... weren't ready to tell."

He then gently approaches Charlie and places his hands on her shoulders.

Shio: "Vaggie screwed up, there no denying that, but she's flawed like all of us. No one's perfect. No even me. I may be a God, but I'm not without my own faults. However, if there's one thing I learned while growing up, it's that actions speak louder than words. And I can clearly see that Vaggie not only regrets her actions but is more than willing to do everything to protect all that you've worked for. Her actions should tell you that despite her past, it doesn't define who she is today. She may be an Exterminator Angel, but she's still the same girl you fell in love with. The same one who doing everything in her power right now to make things right."

By now, Charlie uncrosses her arms as she looks down on the floor as his words got to her.

Shio: "As for me, I should've told you the truth and I know this is no excuse. But this needs to be said. Charlie the only reason I didn't breathe a word of this to you is because I had no right to do so. If our roles were reversed, then you would better understand. When I told Vaggie the truth of how I knew her past, she was scared. She was terrified. She wasn't that strong woman who seemed brave or courageous. Instead, she acted like a scared and terrified little girl who acted like she was gonna be in trouble for the something she didn't even do. It was the same type of fear I saw during my journey as a Kamen Rider. It's for that reason I promised Vaggie I wouldn't tell you. Like it or not, I had no right to tell you this kind of secret. This was Vaggie's decision and hers alone. This was supposed to be between the both of you. I had no right to be involved. This was all on Vaggie and it was her decision to make that choice, forcing me to respect it."

He then let's go of her and sighs as he backs away from her.

Shio: (sighs) "If you want to hate me so much. If you really want me gone. Then so be it. If it's what you want of me, then I'll leave after we deal with Adam's army. I promise you won't ever have to see me again. Just... please don't stay angry at Vaggie. The love and bond you both share is genuine and sincere. The love and support Vaggie had given you weren't lies. They were all real and she still loves you because you were willing to give her a second chance. As chance to see that there was another path. A BETTER path than committing mass murder. Just please... don't throw all that away."

After listening to what Shio had to had, her expression wavered as she began to both falter and waver. She began to think about Shio and Vaggie. Although she did regret the hurtful words she said against them, she was still angry for keeping things from her. However, everything Shio had said made her change her perspective on him and slowly she began to see that she was wrong to treat that horribly. But right now, they had bigger things to deal with right now.

Charlie: (unsure) "I... I have to think about this. Can you just... resume time right now? We got work to do. So can you do that?"

Shio: (nods) "...... Yeah."

He snaps his fingers and resumes time. Vaggie shifts her eyes back and forth, confused.

Vaggie: (confused) "Uh what just happened."

Ignoring her, Charlie followed Alastor as they went to get the army they needed. However, before leaving, Shio called out to her.

Shio: "Charlie wait."

She stops and looks back towards him.

Shio: "Please just... think about what I told you."

She looked at him for a few seconds before following Alastor. Once one, Vaggie looking at him in confusion.

Vaggie: (confused) "What's going on? What did you tell her?"

Shio: (sigh) "I'll tell you later."

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Vaggie and Shio walk down the stairs, only to be met by a confused Angel Dust.

Angel: (nervous smile) "So-ho, uh...Alastor and Charlie just left like they were runnin' away from their responsibilities. Should we be alarmed?"

Vaggie: (glares) "No. We have a plan, but it includes defending ourselves against the angels."

Husk: (glares) "Uh- are you fuckin' high?"

Shio: "They can be killed-"

Suddenly the Egg Boi known as Frank speaks up.

Frank: "Yeah! That knife lady, Camaro Carfight, killed one."

Widen her eyes, Vaggie kneels down in front of him.

Vaggie: (surprised) "Wait, you knew about this?"

Frank: "Uh, yeah. I told Boss about it months ago."

The Fallen Angel then glared at Sir Pentious.

Vaggie: (glare) "He what?"

Sir Pentious: (shrugs) "What? They say insane shit all the time! how was I supposed to know this one was true?"

Egg Boi: "Bank accounts are a scam created by the shadow government!"

Sir Pentious: "SEE?!"

Shio: "Well... he's not technically wrong."

Vaggie: (sighs) "What's important now is that we're going to have a fight on our hands. Look, this hotel is about to become the most dangerous place in hell, and we.... I can't guarantee your safety anymore. I still believe in Charlie's dream and so does Shio. I know this place can work. But none of you signed up for this."

Both Shio and Vaggie head out the door.

Vaggie: "I'm gonna go learn how we can fight back, and when I come home... Well, I'll understand if none of you are here."

With that, both Shio and Vaggie heads out the door, everyone sighing in worry for what she said.

Sir Pentious: (worried) "Well...This is awkward."

Niffty: (smiles) "Kay!"

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene then changes to show Cannibal Town. Alastor escorts Charlie down the streets as he listens to Charlie, cleaning his monocle in the process as she rants about her problems.

Charlie: "Three years! THREE YEARS I've been sharing my life with her, and I tell her EVERYTHING! My hopes, my dreams, my insecurities, my embarrassing habits, what fucking DEODORANT I like, and she keeps something, like this, from ME? And then there's Shio. I though he was supposed to be my friend. Perhaps even my BEST FRIEND who I could trust. Yet he knew about Vaggie's secret and didn't tell me. Why would they lie for so long? Did they think I wouldn't accept them? What about me-me-says un-understanding? (pauses) misunderstanding (pauses) dis-under, wait wh-"

She pauses for a moment, looking at their current location.

Charlie: (confused) "Where are we?"

Alastor: (smiles) "Cannibal Town! There's a friend of mine I think you should meet."

Charlie: (confused) "In Cannibal Town? But it's, it's..."

She looks around her surroundings.

Charlie: (smiles) "...surprisingly nice here."

Alastor: (smiles) "Isn't it though? And it's all thanks to a very special someone."

Alastor opens the door for Charlie as they enter Rosie's Emporium, where they meet the Cannibal Overlord Rosie herself at her desk speaking to a young woman at the front of a long line.

Rosie: (smiles) "Well who hasn't thought about eating their first husband? I certainly would have if he didn't taste so bad! Hehe, I tell ya what, you bring ol' tall dark and armless to me, and I'll straighten him right out, Okay sweetie?"

She then motions to her and gives her a card.

Rosie: (smiles) "Now here's my card a-"

Suddenly she takes notice of Alastor.

Rosie: (smiles) "Oh, my, stars! Do my eyes deceive me?"

She smiles brightly as she peeks through crowd to see Alastor waving at her.

Rosie: (smiles) "Alastor?"

She then quickly makes her way through the crowd.

Rosie: "Alastor! Where have you been? These halls really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence and-"

It was then Rosie's eyes land on Charlie as she takes notice of her.

Rosie: (smiles) "Oh. Who's this ya brought with you?"

She waves her finger as she playfully scolds him.

Rosie: "Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you!"

Hearing this, Charlie rolls her eyes in annoyance.

Rosie: (smiles) "Oh, I'm just kidding. I know you're an Ace in the hole."

As for Alastor, the Radio didn't seem to understand her words.

Alastor: (confused smile) "A what now?"

Rosie: (smiles) "But where are your manners mister? Introduce us why don't you?"

Alastor: (smiles) "Ahh, yes. Charlie, this is Rosie, the most darling, delightful and dangerous Overlord this side of the Pentagram!"

Rosie: (giggles) "Oh! Always such a charmer."

Alastor: (smiles) "And Rosie, it's my pleasure to introduce you to princess Charlie Morningstar. Daughter of Lucifer and heir to the throne of Hell!"

He pushes Charlie upfront as she waves nervously.

Charlie: (nervous) "How do you do?"

Rosie: (smiles) "Well! Well! Isn't this a regal surprise!"

She pushes Charlie to her desk.

Rosie: (smiles) "Come in! Come in! Can I offer you somethin' to eat? I'm sure I have a leg around here or somethin'. Oh, what am I thinkin'?"

She pokes the Princess in the stomach.

Rosie: (smiles) "Small thing like you? You're probably watchin' your figure! How bout some nice pinkie fingers instead?"

As she spoke, she got out a box of cut off pinkie fingers in little pink wrappers. Charlie holds her hands up, freaked out seeing the fingers.

Charlie: (nervous smile) "Um...No. No, thank you, though."

Rosie puts the box away and gently pats her head.

Rosie: (smiles) "Oh look at you! So polite! Alastor, you could learn a thing o' two."

Rosie then proceeds to take Charlie to a table with two chairs. She sits her down on one of them and she sits on the one across from her. Alastor walks up to Rosie.

Rosie: (smiles) Well, sit down. Sit down. Tell Auntie Rosie what she can do for you. Ya know, Alastor. I got a premo-connect on a guy with about eight blocks of territory and not enough goons to run it. Prime pickin's for a deal to be made, my friend."

Although he appreciates the offer, he knows they have more important things to deal with as he walks up next to Charlie.

Alastor: (smiles) "Appreciate the offer but we're here on business of another kind."

Rosie: (smiles) "Well don't keep me in suspense! I'm a very busy woman."

She drinks a cup of tea as Charlie speaks up nervously.

Charlie: (nervous) "Well, as you know..."

Just then, she loses all composure and the Princess panics.

Charlie: (panics) "The extermination is coming early. It'll be here in a month, and they're-they're coming for my hotel and my friends first, and I-I-I-I-"

The Radio Demon then interrupts her.

Alastor: (smiles) "We need your help. Well, your cannibals help at least, to fend off the attack."

Rosie: (smiles) "Wow! (puts down cup) when you ask a favor ya don't start small, do ya, your highness? Oh now, don't fret."

She then gets up.

Rosie: (smiles) "I didn't say I wouldn't help. But I assume there's more to this plan then a bunch of unarmed cannibals."

Alastor: "Oh, your people will be far from helpless when we're done with them. Sure, we have a friend who has an army of his own to help out, but it wouldn't hurt to have more numbers. And by the end, they will be able to eat, their, fill."

Rosie: (smiles) "Well, in that case, sure! Why not?"

The Princess of Hell stands up in surprise.

Charlie: (surprised) "Really?"

Rosie: (smiles) "What can I say? I like your moxie girl. And old Alastor has never done me wrong before."

This causes Charlie to grab Rosie's hands and thank her repeatedly.

Charlie: (smiles) "Oooh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene changes to Shio and Vaggie walking towards Carmilla Carmine's house. As they were walking, Shio explains to Vaggie what he and Charlie talked about and eventually he finished.

Shio: "And that was it. That's what I said to Charlie."

After listening to Shio's explanation, Vaggie couldn't help but widen her one good eye in shock. 

Vaggie: "Wait so you really said all that to Charlie? About how she still loved me deep down and that you wanted us to stay together?"

Shio: (nods) "I did. Like I said so many times before, you and Charlie were meant for each other. The bond and love you two share for each other is pure and genuine. That and I didn't wish for you to get jealous at me again just for getting close to Charlie."

Vaggie: "What? Jealous? I'm not-"

Shio: (annoyed glare) "Vaggie I'm not stupid. Since the moment we first met, you kept on trying to kill me. I could see it in your eyes that when you found out I was Charlie's childhood friend, you thought I would steal her form you and so you did everything you could to make my life miserable at the Hotel. Even after I repeatedly told you I have no romantic interest in her, you still tried to make me suffer. Or am I wrong?"

The two stopped midway as he looked down at Vaggie with his arms crossed. She opened her mouth for a counter argument only for her to close as she realized that he was right. Defeated, Vaggie sighed as she admitted to her mistake.

Vaggie: (sigh) "Alright. Fine. You're right. I was jealous and I didn't like how you interacted with Charlie. It... It made me angry thinking you were gonna steal her from me. You can say I fell madly in love with Charlie when she saved me that day and I don't like it when I see those who appear to try and act romantically involved with her. I... I just don't want to lose her. I don't want to be alone."

Shio: (sigh) "Look, I gave her my word and promise that after the battle with the Adam and his Angels, I'll just... go back home on my Earth. Maybe just try to go back to the normal life I tried to live in. You can then have Charlie all to yourself and you'll never have to see me again."

Under normal circumstances, Vaggie would've been elated at the news. However, after spending time and getting to know Shio better, she began to grow fond of him. Sure, they had their problems with each other, and he did do thing she didn't like. But now Vaggie knows he's a genuine and good person. So, hearing that he's planning to leave Hell and never come back honestly hurt her. Despite her attitude towards males, the Fallen Angel really didn't wish for him to leave.

Vaggie: (worried) "Shio... maybe you don't-"

Shio: "We're here."

The pair stop as they finally arrived at their destination and Vaggie begins banging on the door.

Vaggie: "Carmine! Carmine, we need to speak."

She then walks up to the security camera and stares at it.

Vaggie: "I know what you did on extermination day. We can talk about it inside, or I can yell about it out here."

Soon the door clanks open.

Shio: "Well now that's simple."

Vaggie: "Fuckin' right you open that door."

The two walk inside and the door slams shut. The pair were walking, and they tried calling out to her.

Vaggie: "Hello?"

Shio: "Ms. Carmine are you here? We wish to speak with you."

Suddenly, Carmilla voice is heard through echoes.

Carmilla: (echo tone) "You have 2 minutes to convince me not to silence you both for good."

A spotlight is turned on revealing Carmilla.

Vaggie: "Miss Carmine, I'm here on appointment from the princess to enlist your aid in the defense of hell from the angelic extermination. We know an angel fell at your hands and we need to know how."

Carmilla: (glares) "No!"

Shio: (glares) "What do you mean, no? The Princess of Hell-"

Carmilla: (glares) "Means nothing to me. You have to do better than that. 90 seconds."

Vaggie: "With your knowledge, we wouldn't have to helplessly stand by while-"

Carmilla: "Clearly, I am not the helpless one here. 80 seconds."

Shio: (glares) "Oh screw this. I can just use my powers to rip the information out of her."

He was about to do something, but Vaggie struck her arm out to stop him.

Vaggie: "Wait. Let me try it my way first."

He glanced at her before nodding. He stepped back Vaggie continued her argument.

Vaggie: (glares) "Look, why won't you help? Why wouldn't you use what you know to fight?"

Carmilla: "To avoid the very problem you and your little friends are facing right now. I will not invite destruction into my house, on my people."

Vaggie: "You think we asked for this? All Charlie has ever done is try to make things better to help her people who, news flash, include your people too."

Carmilla: "And how exactly has that worked out for her? 45 seconds."

Shio: (glares) "You know that's really funny... considering the fact that we're only in this mess because of you. You killed that exterminator Angel and when Heaven found the body, it caused Adam to cut the Extermination timeline by half. You say our actions have brought us into this mess, but you forget we're only in this mess because of you. So, all of this, everything that's happened up until this point, it's all YOUR fault."

Carmilla narrowed her eyes as she heard this.

Vaggie: (glares) "He's right. We didn't pick this fight, but it's here now. And they aren't going to stop with us. You didn't see the look on their leader's face. With us out of the way, it's only a matter of time before they come for the rest of you. They won't stop until all of hell is wiped out, so you can help us make a stand here together, or you can stand alone tomorrow. And what do you think your chances will be then?"

She stops as a light shines down on her. Like the sound of a sabretooth cat, he eyes snap open as she glares at the two.

Carmilla: "You're out of time."

Without warning, Carmilla jumps down and attempts to kicks Vaggie in the face. However, Shio was quick enough to grab her and then kicks her away. Carmilla slides away as she looks at Shio.

Carmilla: "Impressive. I've heard about you for some months now. A human in Hell with powers after greater than any Overlord known here in existence. But I know what you truly are. You're a God so I find it hard to believe you still need my help."

Shio: (narrowed eyes) "It doesn't hurt to have some help."

Carmilla: "Hmmm."

She then glares at Vaggie.

Carmilla: (glares) "As for you. Angels attack quickly, viciously, and without mercy. You'll need to defend better than that."

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene then cuts back to Cannibal Town as Rosie is heard trying to make an announcement from a megaphone.

Rosie: "Cannibals and Cannibettes, assemble in the square."

Rosie walks with Charlie to the stage.

Rosie: "Now, darling, you know I would do anything, anything for my clients, but I can't exactly command all of Cannibal Town to follow someone else into battle. Now, don't get me wrong, they love carnage and bloodshed, but to get this group into line, you got to win 'em over."

She then speaks again through the microphone.

Rosie: "Settle in! Settle in! Important meeting."

The cannibals form a crowd around the stage.

Charlie: (confused) "But how do I-"

Rosie: (smiles) "With sparkle! Razzamatazz! and that oh so appealing moxie of yours."

Alastor: (smiles) "Shouldn't be a problem. It's not like you've ever failed to inspire before."

Charlie groans as she walks on stage.

Rosie: (smiles) "Now, fair warning. This group sticks together. So, in order to convince any of them, you'll need to convince all of them."

She motions to ALL the Cannibals in the crowd.

Rosie: "And there's one in particular-"

Alastor: (groans and smile) "Uuuugh, Susan."

Rosie: (cringe) "Susan, who's a bit of an... uh-"

Alastor: (smiles) "Ornery old bitch?"

Rosie: "That! She's tough but win her over and the rest will be easy as pie. Ready?"

Charlie: (nervous) "I guess."

Rosie then speaks through the microphone.

Rosie: (smiles) "Everyone, we have a very special, very royal guest this evening! Please put your bloody hands together for Princess Charlie!"

Charlie smiles awkwardly and waves at the crowd.

However, just before Charlie could even saw some words, someone shouted from the crowd due to the fact she didn't like her.

???: "Booooo! Bring Rosie back!"

The crowd separate to reveal an old female Cannibal named Susan.

Charlie: "Susan?"

Rosie and Alastor: "Susan."

The Princess taps the microphone as she laughs nervously.

Charlie: (nervous laughter) "Sorry. Uh, okay, uh, my name's Charlie, and..."

Soon both Susan and Charlie speak at the same time.

Susan: (glares) "Booooo!"

Charlie: (nervous smile) "Well, I run this hotel with my part..."

Susan: (glares) "Get off the stage you blue blood bitch!"

Charlie: (nervous smile) "Well someone and..."

Susan: (glares) "Booo! We don't give a shit about some hotel."

Charlie: (nervous smile) "Wait, let me start over."

Susan: (glares) "Leave before I eat those big ass eyes of yours."

Charlie: (nervous smile) "Angels are coming to kill us all and we need help defending our realm."

Susan: (glares) "Boo! Get off.

Charlie: (nervous smile) "So- we, uh... we need your help-"

Susan: (glares) "Where's the showmanship?"

Charlie: (nervous smile) "With your assistance, we can make a stand for-"

Susan: (glares) "Where's all the finesse?"

Charlie: (nervous smile) "♫ I... I have a dream ♫ and I-"

Susan: (glares) "Fucking mediocre!"

By now, Charlie reaches her breaking point as she furiously shouts at Susan and flips her off with the middle finger.

Charlie: (furious glare) "FUCK YOU, YOU OLD BITCH!!!"

This causes the Cannibal crowd to gasp in shock and begins to riot. Charlie has both a furious and annoyed glare while Rosie comes over with a nervous smile as she tries to simmer down the situation.

Rosie: (nervous smile) "Okay! We'll be back after a brief intermission."

Rosie moves an angry Charlie away from the stage.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene cuts back to Shio and Vaggie fighting against Carmilla. Vaggie is slammed onto a pillar but then starts charging at Carmilla, only for her to kick her to the floor again. Shio utilizes the power of Kamen Rider Kuuga as its symbol appears behind him before disappearing.

[Kuuga! Rising Titan Sword!]

The sword manifests and Shio grabs it as he engages Carmilla. Sparks are seen as Shio clashes the blade against her shoes. However, he narrows his eyes as he gets an idea of what they're made of.

Shio Thoughts: (narrowed eyes) "Angelic steel."

Carmilla swipes a kick at him, but Shio dodges as he thrusts his palm, unleashing a blast of energy that sends her flying back. She screams in pain but manages to get back up. Seeing an opportunity, Vaggie charges at her. However, the same result happens again when Carmilla kicks her onto the floor. Vaggie gets up and just barley points her spear at Carmilla before being kicked onto the floor again.

Vaggie: (glares) "Fuck! Ow!"

Vaggie gets up, only to be kicked yet again. She strikes at Carmilla twice, but she dodges both times and kicks Vaggie again. Shio teleports behind Carmilla and knees her in the face, breaking her nose and cause blood to fall down. He then manages to kick her away as Shio goes to help Vaggie up.

Vaggie: (glares) "Come on, what is this?"

Despite being wounded and pinching her nose to stop the pain, Carmilla speaks and explains her actions.

Carmilla: (pained grunt) "You want me to teach you how to beat angels? That's what I'm doing."

The Kamen Rider narrows his eyes as he now understood what Carmilla was trying to do.

Shio: (narrowed eyes) "This is a test. In truth, you are trying to help us fight the Exterminators in your own way."

Hearing this impressed the Overlord.

Carmilla: (impressed) "Well at least someone's able to figure this out. You can learn a thing or two from him. After all, you boyfriend here is a better fighter than you are."

Hearing what Carmilla said caused a faint blush to appear on both Shio and Vaggie's face, but they both quickly shook it off.

Shio: (glares) "She's not my girlfriend. She with someone else."

Vaggie: (glares) "He's telling the truth. And how are you trying to teach us? By trying to beat the shit out of us? I'm not used to fighting with long hair."

Carmilla: (glares) "By showing you the flaws in your own fighting style. Yours and all your sisters'."

She points at Shio.

Carmilla: (glares) "He on the other hand knows what he's doing, which is why he's able to better fight against me."

However, both Shio and Vaggie were actually surprised that Carmilla knew that Vaggie herself was an Exorcist.

Vaggie: (surprised) "Wait... you know I'm an exorcist? How?"

Carmilla: (deadpanned) "You have a giant X over your eye and wield an angelic spear. It's not rocket science."

Shio: "Well she's got you there Vaggie."

Carmilla: (curious) "Before you found out about me, did you know angels could be harmed?"

Vaggie: (glares) "No."

Carmilla goes to kick her again but this time Vaggie dodges. She goes for a knee kick, and it hits.

Carmilla: (glares) "That shows in how you fight. You leave yourself open with every swing."

The Overlord tosses her spear back to Vaggie as the Fallen Angel grabs it.

Carmilla: "You fight like someone unafraid of harm, and this is what you'll take advantage of. Angels wield no shields, little armor and fight with reckless abandon. Strike them here, here, and here."

She was able to kick Vaggie in the face 3 times, but Shio was quick to intervene to block the blows.

Vaggie: (glares) "With what? Some secret weapon of yours?"

Shio: "I think she's talking about your spear. Angelic weapons are the key."

Carmilla: "Hmmm, he appears to be smarter than you, stupid girl. It's true when he says that you're holding the answer in the palm of your hands."

Vaggie: (surprised) "Angelic weapons? It's that simple? How has no one else figured this out?"

Carmilla: "Angelic steel isn't common, and those who have it aren't exactly rushing off to test it against exorcists."


A flashback opens to multiple dead demons who have been impaled by the Angelic spears.

In the background, Carmilla and her daughters are rushing home, trying to avoid exorcists. But as they are running, they get caught a group of them.

Carmilla: "When my daughters and I were cornered in that last extermination, I tried to buy time for my girls to flee, and well... You don't become an angelic arms dealer without arming yourself first."

One of the exorcist's flies in the air and charges at Carmilla. She then jumps in the air. The angelic steel blade on her boots sparkle, as she falls down and uses the blades to cut the exorcist's head off.


After hearing her story, Vaggie glances at Shio how still held his Titan sword in battle position.

Vaggie: "Let me handle her. Alone."

Shio: (surprised) "What?"

Vaggie: "You said this was a test, right? Then I'll show her what I can do. So, leave her to me."

The Kamen Rider was silent before lowering his blade and backs away, leaving Vaggie to deal with Carmilla alone. With that, both Vaggie and Carmilla engage, prompting the song 'Out For Love' to be sung.

(BGM: Out For Love)


Carmilla: "♫ I see you're driven by your detestation. ♫"

"♫ Your every step is stoked with animus. ♫"

"♫ You need a different type of motivation. ♫"

"♫ Or there's no way that you can handle this. ♫"

After doing some acrobatics, she lands on the ground as her heals hit the floor.

Carmilla: "♫ I know you're thirstin' for vengeance, Vaggie. ♫"

"♫ You're out for blood. ♫"

Vaggie glares as she points her spear at Carmilla.

Carmilla: "♫ But you'll only stand a chance if you're out for love. ♫"

"♫ Out for love~ ♫"

"♫ Love~ ♫"

As she sings, Carmilla and Vaggie continue to spar while Shio watches on in awe, especially at how Carmilla moved her legs.

Shio Thoughts: (amazed) "Damn Carmilla is acting like Chun-Li with those legs."

Had he not been the kind of man who can control his hormones, he would've seen Carmilla as the definition of the MILF.

As for Vaggie, she was caught off guard when Carmilla grabbed her spear and got in close.

Carmilla: "♫ Think of who you care about. ♫"

"♫ Protect them and be out. ♫"

Sher threw Vaggie across the floor and the Fallen Angel hit the tip of her spear in the floor to help stop in her from sliding.

Carmilla: "♫ For love~ ♫"

"♫ Love~ ♫"

'♫ You're gonna fight without gloves. ♫"

"♫ Long as you're out for love. ♫"

It was then shown how Carmilla begins teaching Vaggie how to properly fight as the two began to really train.

Carmilla: "♫ Fuel yourself with the fear of losin'. ♫"

"♫ That somebody who's your reason to live. ♫"

"♫ Harnеss your heart and you can't help choosin'. ♫"

"♫ To fight with all you can give. ♫"

Soon the two make their way to a staircase where they both stare down as each other. soon the two began to stop closer to each other.

Carmilla: "♫ I know you'rе thirstin' for vengeance, Vaggie. ♫"

"♫ You're out for blood. ♫"

"♫ But you'll only stand a chance if you're out for love. ♫"

The two then smirk as they make their way up the stairs.

Carmilla: "♫ Out for love~ ♫"

"♫ Love~ ♫"

"♫ Think of who you care about. ♫"

"♫ Protect them and be out. ♫"

Their spare soon turned into what now looked like a ballet dance as they reach the top.

Carmilla: "♫ For love~ ♫"

"♫ Love~ ♫"

"♫ You're gonna fight without gloves. ♫"

"♫ And when that push comes to shove. ♫"

"♫ Yeah, you just might rise above. ♫"

"♫ Long as you're out for love. ♫"

Vaggie jumps into the air when suddenly, she grows a new pair of Angel wings.

(Background Music Ends)

Carmilla: (smiles) "Well, look at that. You might just survive this."

Vaggie: (smiles) "We're going to need more weapons."

Shio: "And we mean a LOT. If you can, give us everything you got."

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene changes and cuts back to Rosie and Charlie. The former takes the latter to her room.

Rosie: (smiles) "Alright, what has you so out of sorts, Darlin? Ya clearly got more on your mind than angels."

Charlie: (sighs) "What do you do when someone you love lies to you about who they are?"

Rosie: (smile) "Romance? My specialty! Come on, dearie. Details, details!"

Charlie: "My girlfriend is an Exorcist angel, and she never told me."

Rosie: "Oh, shit! Quite a secret. How does that make you feel?"

Charlie: "Just, angry, because we share everything, because she always supported me, and my ideas, and-and- and now, I don't know whether or not that was just more of the lies! (gasp) Oh no that's a horrible thing to think! Do I think that?! Yes! N-no. Kinda?"

She sits on couch whimpering. Suddenly her eyes widen a bit as she remembers the conversation she had with Shio and the things he told her. She feels a sense of Deja vu because of this.

Rosie: "You said you love this girl?"

Charlie: "Yes. Or well, I... yes."

Rosie: "Have you ever once doubted that she loved you in return?"

As she spoke, Rosie sits down next to Charlie, who shakes her head at the question. Again, she begins to remember what Shio had spoken to her about.

Rosie: (smiles) "Well, then what's the problem?"

Charlie: "She... She took part in the very thing we've been working so hard to end!"

Rosie: (smiles) "Well, isn't that silly hotel of yours all about redemption?"

Charlie: "Yes?"

Rosie: (smiles) "Perhaps this girl, was trying to redeem herself too."

Charlie: "She knows better than anyone that i believe in second chances, why not tell me?"

Rosie: "It can be difficult to admit to things you're not proud of, especially if those things hurt the ones you love. She fucked up, sure. She's flawed. But, hey, who down here isn't? If there's anything I've learned, it's that words are cheap, but actions, they speak the truth. So, what have her actions said?"

Charlie: (smiles) "That she believes in me, and what we're doing. Right now, she's off learning how to protect everything we've worked for. And I can't even pitch my hotel right!"

Suddenly she stops speaking as her eyes widen as dinner plates. Rosie was confused at first but is then surprised when she saw her begin to break down crying. She watched as Charlie covered her face with her hands as she bawls her eyes out as so many tears streamed down her face.

Charlie: (cries) "Oh gosh... Shio was right... what have I done?"

The Princess of Hell cries even harder as Rosie places a hand on her back in comfort.

Rosie: (concerned) "Sweetie, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Charlie: (sobs) "I... I said some things... to a guy I met as a child. I was angry at him because he knew what my girlfriend was, and he kept it from me. Even though he tried to explain his reasons I... I was just too angry to even care. I said some hurtful things... things I said that will make me unable to never see him again."

Rosie: (smiles) "Oh! A boy! Well, tell me about him."

Charlie: (sobs) "When I was a child... my parents took me to Earth one time, and I met this boy. He was nice and we played together. Of course, I could only see him once because then he had to leave, and I had to go back to Hell. It was years. Decades even since I last saw him. But then, just after I made my announcement about my Hotel, I saw him again. He helped out a lot but... he also knew about my girlfriend's secret. I was angry and... I said things to him. Things I never should've said."

She gritted her teeth as she covered her face. She then continues to cry heavily due to how awful she was to the one person she first made friends with. Seeing this and to Charlie's surprise, Rosie grabs her and pulls her into a hug. Charlie was surprised by this gesture, but she continues to weep as she hugs Rosie back while the Overlord gently strokes the back of her head.

Rosie: (smiles) "There, there sweetie. Tell me what you said to him. It might help talking about it."

The Princess was silent before speaking again.

Charlie: (wept) "I... I was angry at him. I was furious that he knew my girlfriends secret and... and I told him I never wanted to see him again. I called him many names and I spoke on how he never should've come to Hell to begin with. I said all those horrible things and now I know for a fact that he hates me for what I told him. I... I don't want him to leave. I want him to stay... but now I don't know if he'll be able to after all the things I said to him."

Rosie: (smiles) "Well if you feel so bad about it, apologize to him. It may not seem like the best option, but I'd say it's your only way if you want him to stay. In fact, why don't you tell me about this young man. You seem to be fairly smitten with him."

Charlie: (sad sigh) "Well... he was first friend I ever made when I first came to Earth. I then met him again years later and I was shocked to learn he was now a Celestial God. We had our ups and downs, but Shio helped me through my struggles and did all could to make my dreams a reality. Besides Vaggie, he was truly the only one supportive of my dream becoming a reality."

Rosie: (smiles and nods) "Mhmmm, Mhmmm. Anything else?"

This time, Charlie has a nervous blush on her face.

Charlie: (nervous blush) "W-Well... he's an amazing cook. Might even put the best Chefs in Hell to shame. And he can do other things like cleaning, giving fantastic massages, knows sewing, plays guitar and is great at singing. I... I even heard he was good with kids s-so..."

Hearing this got Rosie smiling widely.

Rosie: (wide smile) "Well he sure does sound like a keeper! A real gem in all this garbage. Any lady sure would-be lucky to have him as a lover."

Charlie: (nervous blush) "I-I guess but I don't wish to betray Vaggie. Yes, he's... an amazing person but... I'm sure he'll find someone better than me..."

She still had that blush on her face and Rosie took advantage of it.

Rosie: (smiles) "If you ask me darling, it sounds to me that you love him."

This causes Charlie to blush as she looks away from her.

Charlie: (blush) "What?! No! I love Vaggie! Shio is just a friend!"

Rosie: (smiles) "Really? Is that what your heart tells you? Be honest with yourself and think. Are you really sure you hold no feelings for this friend of yours?"

The Princess said nothing as she cheeks were red. However, she began to contemplate on the words Rosie told her.

Charlie Thoughts: (blush) "Do I... Do I love... Shio?"

She places a hand on her chest as her cheeks glow red and her heart begins to beat rapidly. She began to think about the time they've recently spent together, and she remembers how close she's gotten to him. Her face blushed even more when she remembered how she starred longingly at him and the two wrapped their arms around each other as they were about to kiss. Thankfully that stopped before it could get outta hand. However, thinking about it now, she realized her interaction with Shio had left a profound impact on her as she widens her eyes for her feelings towards him.

Charlie Thoughts: (wide eyes and blush) "Oh my gosh... I really do love Shio."

Shame and guilt washed over her as she feels as though she's betraying Vaggie. She began to realize that she did indeed love Shio and she was deeply ashamed to admit it. She covered her mouth and wept as she felt like she was cheating on Vaggie.

Charlie: (wept) "Oh gosh... I really do love Shio. How can I do that to Vaggie?"

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Rosie smiling at her.

Rosie: (smiles) "Darling it's fine. I know how hard this sounds to you but if you really love her, you gotta tell her. Along with your male friend. Besides dear this is Hell. No one cares about rules, and you can do whatever you want. I'm sure your girlfriend will understand if you have feelings of this boy. The best course of action is to be honest. Keeping those feelings will only do you more harm than good. Heck, I'm pretty sure your girlfriend won't mind having a threesome with him."

Charlie jerked away with an embarrassed blush on her face. Given the fact she was half succubus from her mother's side, she can't deny that she had some sexual fantasies. Of course, she tried to suppress them since she knew it was inappropriate and wrong. Yet for some reason, the thought of doing a threesome with both Shio and Vaggie honestly... turned her on. However, she shook her head to get rid of such thoughts.

Charlie: (shakes head) "No I... I'm not sure. I mean..."

Rosie: (smiles) "It's fine. Listen, you can tell them about this later. Don't we have more important things to do?"

Charlie: (blush) "I... I guess."

Rosie: (smiles) "Great. Now, back to your idea. Tell me, how do you normally explain your hotel?"

Charlie: "By singing. But that never works."

Rosie: (smiles) "It will work here. Trust me."

========== (Sence Change) ==========

The scene changes back to the crowd. Charlie and Rosie both walk back up on the stage as Alastor hands Charlie his microphone. Feeling confident in herself, Charlie begins to sing 'Ready For This'.

(BGM: Hazbin Hotel - 'Ready For This' (Color Coded Lyrics)


Charlie: "♫ Have you ever wanted something. ♫"

"♫ That was so clear in your mind that you could taste it? ♫"

Susan: "You mean like human flesh?"

Charlie: (nervous smile) "Eugh, sort of."

Charlie: "♫ It's a feeling like a rumbling in your gut. ♫"

"♫ That you could finally be faced with. ♫"

"♫ A billion needy faces, I guess what I mean to say is. ♫"

"♫ For the first time in my life. ♫"

"♫ I might have to be ready for this. ♫"

She looks over to see Rosie clapping and Alastor giving a thumbs up, both were smiling.

Charlie: (smiles) "♫ Ready to be the one who's leading from the front. ♫"

"♫ Gotta come into my own. ♫"

"♫ Gotta come into my throne. ♫"

"♫ Gotta take charge and defend my only home. ♫"

"♫ And although I kinda feel unsteady. ♫"

"♫ Now I need to be ready for this. ♫"

Charlie marches into the crowd.

Charlie: "♫ Have you ever felt like you're willing to die. ♫"

"♫ To save the people of your city? ♫"

Susan: "By die, you mean use my teeth to rip flesh apart?"

Charlie: (smiles) "That's a start!"

Charlie: "♫ Cause right now, we need a leader. ♫"

"♫ And it seems to me that. ♫"

"♫ Destiny has picked me to be that. ♫"

"♫ If you'll permit me. ♫"

"♫ So who's with me? ♫"

Soon Charlie starts dancing.

Charlie: "♫ Wouldn't it be super to see more of Hell? ♫"

"♫ Join up now if you like travel. ♫"

"♫ Come on boys, hop in the saddle. ♫"

"♫ Lotta sights to see en route to my hotel. ♫"

"♫ Not to mention the camaraderie. ♫"

"♫ Yes siree, you'll form life-changing friendships. ♫"

"♫ With the folks along the way. ♫"

Alastor: "♫ And feast on all the angels you can eat! ♫"

Charlie: "♫ Okay... ♫"

Cannibal #1: (smiles) "Free food?"

Cannibal #2: (smiles) "I'm in!"

Soon the rest of the cannibal crowd join in on the song and start dancing as well.

Cannibal crowd: "♫ It's time now to act. ♫"

"♫ They're on the attack. ♫"

Alastor takes his microphone back and Rosie hands Charlie a parade stick.

Cannibal crowd: "♫ When they move to strike. ♫"

"♫ We will fight biting back! ♫"

"♫ We'll follow your lead. ♫"

"♫ We're eager to feed. ♫"

"♫ We'll sharpen our teeth. ♫"

"♫ For the heavenly feast! ♫"

"♫ From this moment on, you can count on us. ♫"

"♫ To be resolute and ravenous. ♫"

"♫ Our appetites are whet. ♫"

"♫ And we're set to seize the day. ♫"

"♫ So I say, 'Oh hey! Come join the flesh buffet!'♫"

The crowd begins singing and dancing.

Charlie: (nervous smile) "♫ Well, that's a little violent. ♫"

"♫ Can we tone it down? ♫"

Rosie: (smiles) "♫ Oh, don't be put off by their snarlin'. ♫"

"♫ That's enthusiasm, darlin'! ♫"

Charlie: (nervous) "♫ Eh, they just seem a little murdery right now. ♫"

Rosie: "♫ Don't worry, honey. ♫"

"♫ That's there thing. ♫"

"♫ Keep singing. ♫"

Charlie and Rosie: (smiles) "♫ We're super duper grateful. ♫"

"♫ To have you folks aboard. ♫"

Cannibal crowd: (smiles) "♫ Can't wait to taste an angel's wings. ♫"

Charlie: (sigh) "♫ Oh, Lord... ♫"

Rosie twirls Charlie in a dance as she goes to the crowd.

Charlie: "♫ For the first time in my life. ♫"

Two Cannibals grab Charlie and carry her as they all march down the road.

Charlie: "♫ Maybe I can be ready for this. ♫"

"♫ Can be the marshal leading the parade. ♫"

"♫ I can come into my own. ♫"

"♫ And I think I've always known. ♫"

"♫ My destiny could never be postponed. ♫"

"♫ When Adam brings the battle here. ♫"

"♫ I must appear like I'm ready for this. ♫"

Soon the entire crowd of Cannibals are seen marching to the Hotel.

Rosie: "♫ They're dancing along. ♫"

"♫ They're singing her song. ♫"

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ Surprised? ♫"

"♫ Why, I knew she could do it all along ♫"

Soon the two began to dance together like a married couple.

Rosie and Alastor: (smiles) "♫ She's bound to pass the test as Princess of Hell. ♫"

"♫ Like her Daddy she is madly power-fell! ♫"

Alastor: (smiles) "♫ She's filled with potential that I could guide. ♫"

Rosie: (smiles) "♫ I concur. ♫"

Rosie and Alastor: (smiles) ♫ Stick with her, you'll be on the winning side. ♫"

Now EVERYONE began to sing all at the same time.

All: "♫ For the first time in our lives. ♫"

"♫ We know that we are ready for this. ♫"

Rosie: (smiles) "♫ We'll show heaven a fight they won't forget. ♫"

All: "♫ It's time to take a stand. ♫"

Charlie: "♫ It is time to lend a hand! ♫

Cannibals: (smiles) "♫ Huzzah! ♫"

Charlie: "♫ Against the angels and their deadly threat! ♫"

All: "♫ We cannot take it anymore. ♫"

"♫ The time has come to go to war. ♫"

Susan gives a nod of approval.

All: "♫ Prepare to fight, we're ready for... ♫"

"♫ THIS! ♫"

Charlie: (worried) "♫ I really hope that I'm ready for this... ♫"

(Background Music Ends)

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Scene cuts back at the gates of the hotel. Shio and Vaggie are seen heading there with multiple crates of weapons. While walking, the two were seen having a conversation.

Vaggie: "Are you really going to do this? After the battle and once we defeat the Angels, your gonna leave Hell... like forever?"

Shio: (sigh) "Yes. I made up my mind. Even on the off-chance Charlie does forgive me and does wish for me to stay I... I can't help but feel like I'm gonna bring more trouble if I stay here. Perhaps coming here to Hell was indeed a mistake and I shouldn't have come here. But hey, at least you'll still have Charlie all to yourself. You won't have to worry about me 'stealing' her from you."

She didn't know why but the words Shio said had hurt her. In many ways, 

Vaggie: "Shio wait I... I don't want you to go. Please I want you to stay here. Charlie wouldn't want you to leave because it will hurt her more than you realize. Please, you can't just leave us."

Shio: "Why not? Isn't this what you wanted?"

Vaggie: "It isn't... Okay maybe in the beginning I would've been giddy at the thought of you being gone forever but now... now I don't want you to go. I want you to stay."

Hearing this widens Shio's eyes. Suddenly, he was forced to looked down as he saw Vaggie hug him tightly.

Vaggie: (whispers) "Please... don't go... don't leave me..."

Before Shio could say anything, to duo see Charlie coming with the army of cannibals.

Vaggie: "Looks like you had a busy day."

Charlie: "You too."

Shio: "Charlie, we-"

She stops then both midsentence.

Charlie: "Hold that thought. Err... Ah! I got you two souvenirs from Cannibal Town."

She pulls out two keychains which are actually decapitated shrunken heads.

(A/N: Imagines there's two of them.)

Shio: (cringe) "Um... are those severed heads?"

Charlie: (nervous smiles) "Well... they did seem nice so..."

Not wanting to act as a douchebag, Shio accepted it. Vaggie gasps and has an apologetic expression.

Feeling grateful, Vaggie runs over to hug Charlie.

Shio smiled as he saw this.

Vaggie: (smiles) "Oh, Charlie."

Charlie: "The wings are new. They look nice~."

However, things soon became awkward when both Charlie and Shio met face to face.

Charlie: "Hey..."

Shio: (nods) "Hey..."

The pair were silent as the others watched on. Vaggie backed away as she knew that whatever the two were going to speak about was between them. The silence between the two were tense until Charlie tried to speak.

Charlie: "Listen I-"

She stops when Shio raises his hand, prompting to close her to close her mouth as he spoke.

Shio: "Before you say anything I... need to tell you something important first. I need to get this off my chest."

She was confused at first but nodded.

Charlie: (nods) "Go on..."

Shio contemplated his words for a few seconds before speaking. What he said make Charlie's heart sank.

Shio: "Charlie after this battle. After we win against Adam and his army, I plan on leaving Hell. I'm gonna go back to my home universe and never come back here ever again. It's... (sigh) It's best for both of us."

Charlie: (wide eyes and shock) "W-What? How... How can you say that? Leave forever?"

Shio: "Isn't that what you wanted? You said it yourself you never wanted to see me again. You wished I never came here to begin with so when the fighting is all done, I'll leave. You can... just go back to whatever normal life you had before I came."

Charlie flinched at the reminder at the horrible and awful words she once said to him. A few tears streamed down her face as she realized her action had driven away a friend who believed in her dreams... and maybe even loved romantically.

Shio: "Look you'll be fine without me. You still have Vaggie and the others, so you won't really need me anyone. I caused enough problems for you already so-"

Charlie: "NO!!!"

To his surprise and shock, Charlie flung her arms and hugged him tightly. Before he could utter a word, he heard Charlie crying as she speaks through her sobs.

Charlie: (pleads and sobs) "Please don't go! Don't leave! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I was angry and stupid, but I really never meant the things I said to you! I never meant to say any of those things! I don't want you to leave Hell and never come back! I don't want to lose my best friend!"

Shio blinked in surprised, and he glanced to his left as he saw the sobbing Charlie crying. He honestly thought she was still angry at him, and it clearly wasn't the case. He can clearly tell that the words his said had indeed gotten to her.

Charlie: (cries) "Please... don't leave me... I'm begging you..."

Unsure what to really do, Shio sighs as he wraps his arms around her and hugs her back.

Shio: (sigh) "I thought you hated me. I lied to you, and you outright told me you never wanted to see me again. I thought this is what you wanted?"

He can feel her shake her head as she held onto him tighter and cried even harder.

Charlie: (cries) "No! It's not what I want! It's not what I want at all! You were right and I was wrong! I was angry yes, but it was misplaced. I shouldn't have said those things to you. What I said was crossing the line. Please! Please don't hate me!"

Shio: "Charlie I'm not angry at you nor will I ever hate you. It's alright-"

Charlie: (cries) "No it's not! It's not alright at all! I said horrible things to you! Things I never should've said! I hurt you and I no doubt made you feel worthless! I feel awful about it and I'm SO sorry!"

The Princess now looked up at the Kamen Rider, tears streaming down her face as she pleads with him not to go.

Charlie: (pleads) "Please... don't leave me... please stay... I'm begging you..."

Shio was unsure what to say as he looked deep into her crying eyes. That as when Vaggie spoke up as she approached the pair.

Vaggie: "She's right."

They glance at Vaggie as now she looks at Shio with a pleading look.

Vaggie: (pleads) "Please don't go. Look I know we had problems with each other, and I know there were times where we were at each other's throat. But despite that, me and Charlie saw that you've done a lot to help make this Hotel work. You helped change our lives and the lives of other for the better. That's worth something. I know me and Charlie have said things to you that were indeed hurtful. But we were both wrong. You're a good person with a pure heart of gold. So please... don't go. Stay with us."

Shio looked at Vaggie before looking at Charlie. It took a few seconds, but he sighs as he gently wipes away the Princesses tears before nodding.

Shio: (nods) "Alright... I won't be going anywhere... I'll stay."

Charlie: (sobs) "R-Really?"

Shio nodded and Charlie hugged him back as she whispers to him.

Charlie: (whispers) "Thank you..."

The two hugged and stayed like that for a few seconds before letting go of each other.

Charlie: (smiles) "Come on, let's go home."

Nodding, Shio, Vaggie, and Charlie walk into the hotel, as they find Angel Dust, Nifty, Sir Pentious, and Husk all working on defenses for the hotel together.

Sir Pentious: "Come along, let's put some effort into these fortifications."

Angel: "Yeah, fortify that..."

Soon the group notices some familiar faces retruning.

Angel: (smiles) ""Well, look who decided to show up. We thought we were fightin' by ourselves."

Charlie smiles as she looks like she's about to cry while Vaggie looks on in disbelief.

Vaggie: (disbelief) "You're... you're still here?"

Sir Pentious: "What? Do you think we're a bunch of pusssssies?"

Husk: "I just got used to you guys. (Scoffs) I ain't finding no new drinking buddies."

Niffty: (smiles) "I've named all the stains on the carpet. (giggles) That one's Fred."

Charlie: "Well, looks like we have a lot of work to do."

Shio: (nods) "Yup."

The trio look forward as they see just have a lot of work to do to fix up the hotel.

However, just before the group could get to work, Vaggie then spoke up.

Vaggie: (confused) "Hang on. Shio didn't you say you can bring an army? Where is it?"

Not answering her question at first, Shio made his way to the door and opened it slightly as he looked back to smirk.

Shio: (smirk) "Come on outside. You'll want to see this."

The group looks at each other in confusion before following him out the door.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The group makes their way outside as Shio prepares to summon the army. The other's get out as they watch what Shio was about to do.

Angel: "So what's going on here?"

Charlie: "Shio's going to bring us an army. How though I'm not sure."

Soon Shio is seen standing in front of the Hotel's lawn. It was clearly big enough for what Shio needed to do as he turned around and smirked at everyone.

Shio: (smirks) "You wanted an army? Here's the army."

He raises his hand and snaps his finger. The moment he does that, multiple golden portals are seen being opened on the ground and in the skies. What came out of the portals was the army Shio had promised.

On the ground, thousands of Kasshine foot soldiers are seen marching out.

They all marched forward before stopping to stand at attention as the portal behind them closed.

In the skies, out of those portals came multiple dozens of Dai Mazine.

They hovered above the air as they let out mechanical screeches.

Not only that, but then Shio began to summon all the Kamen Riders from both the Heisei and Reiwa Eras.

(A/N: There will be no Kamen Rider Gotchard. The series isn't finished yet.)

Kamen Riders (Both Heroes and Villains alike) are all shown being summoned and looked like they were ready to fight.

The group were shocked and amazed seeing a massive army in the thousands now standing in front of them. By now, the group now felt they had the fighting chance they needed to fight against the Armies of Heaven.

Angel: (shocked) "Holy shit! Now this is an army!"

Husk: (shocked) "You got that right."

Charlie: (amazed) "This... This is amazing!"

Vaggie: "Huh... guess we really don't need those Cannibals after all."

Shio: (shakes head) "No we still might need them. Mainly we might need them to form a rearguard to protect the Hotel. Mainly to deal with some stragglers who might slip by while my army deals with Adam's main army. But that's not all."

Shio snapped his fingers again and a massive golden portal opened high above the Dai Mazines. To the shock of the group, they saw a giant Dragon emerging from the portal that looked eerily similar to Ohma Zi-O.

The Dragon hovered in the air, flapping its wings at it let out a roar.

Dragon: *ROOOAAAAAARRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Soon the Kasshine and Dai Mazine cleared a path as it landed on the ground. Jaws were on the floor when they also saw the giant dragon and they can clearly tell it was extremely powerful. While most of the group was in shock and disbelief, both Vaggie and Charlie smiled at each other, feeling now they had the fighting chance they desperately needed to win.

Vaggie: (smirks) "Oh... we are SO gonna win this fight."

Charlie: (smiles) "We sure will love."

The episode ends and the screen fades black.


(A/N: Finally, the chapter is done. Took a while but now I'm excited to finish this season in the next chapter. As you can expect, the next chapter is the season finale when we can finally see the battle between the Angels of Heaven vs the Kamen Riders. Stay tuned for next time!)

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