S2 Main Antagonist

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(A/N: Based on a Hazbin Hotel AU series on YouTube from her channel saffiro. An alternate tale where Abel takes Adam's place and the Exterminations have always been make public to all of Heaven. In this case, I plan to have Season 2 where Abel follows his father's footsteps and gets revenge against the one responsible for killing his father. He is the main antagonist against Shio Tokiwa. If any of you wish to see her art, you can find her on Twitter or Instagram account titled s_affiro to see more of her art. All credit belongs to this user.)


Name: Abel


Famous Quotes:

-"You killed my father! Now I'm gonna kill you asshole!"

-"Do you know who the FUCK I am?! I'm fucking Abel bitch! I can do whatever the FUCK I want!"

- (mocking tone) "These sinners are my family!" (glares) "BITCH! How do you think I feel?! I loved my brother! I looked up to him! And what does he do?! He kills me just because the Angel's favored ME over him!"

-"Redemption?! Are you shitting me?! You think I'm just gonna stand by and allow you to send these homicidal monsters into paradise?! Well FUCK THAT! If any of those worthless ingrates ever do make it to the gates, I'll kill them where they stand!"

-"Why Emily?! Why?! I love you and you choose that DEMON over me?! What does that masked FREAK have that I don't?! Do you have ANY idea what he's done to me?! HE MURDERED MY FATHER!"

Bio/History: As his name implies, Abel is indeed the son of Adam and Eve and the very human who was murdered by his older brother Cain.  Since the moment he was born, Abel has always been surrounded by sin. His own parents had sinned before he was born and because of it, humanity was damned, and he never got to experience Eden. In life, he tried to see the upside of it all, though a part of him always resented his parents for sinning. He opted to instead be a good person, always doing what's best and doing right by Heaven. However, what drove him over the edge was Cain. The two of them were very close so when Cain had committed the ultimate of act of mortal sin, murder, Abel's hatred of sin and sinners reached its apex. His parents were sinners and doomed him to a life of suffering and his own brother ripped him from life before it was time.

When Abel first arrived in Heaven, he was shocked and confused as first, but the first person to greet him was the angel known as Emily. Him meeting her could only be described as love at first sight. She helped him face through his trauma of being killed by his own brother and she stuck by his side whenever he felt depressed or alone. This made Abel determined to get strong and became protective of Emily. He wanted to protect her innocence and swore he would do whatever it takes to keep her happy no matter what.

As time went on and sin ran rampant, with humanity being divided between sinners and winners, Abel wanted to take some form of vengeance. Cain never died and through his mark, he can't be harmed lest Abel get hurt in the process. And being forced to see new souls in Heaven that were victims of homicide like he was makes the scar of what happened to him never fade. With all of this fury bottled up inside, he directed it towards the sinners in Hell. Heaven gave the approval and so the Exorcist Angels were formed with his father as the leader. Despite how their relationship had been on Earth, the two were able to work together as they both shared a common enemy and hatred towards sinners. And so, like his father, Abel joined the exorcists. Normally he would've been 2nd in command, but Adam assigned him to a more specialized unit of Exorcists called the Exorcist Assassin, a more brutal and sadistic variation when compared to their normal counterparts.

Everything about his appearance references his death and keeps him perpetually reminded of why he is doing all of this. So, when Abel found out that the Princess of Hell wants to redeem those that committed evil against his fellow winners, like his father he wasn't gonna stand for it. And now his hatred for sinners grew even more when he learns his father was killed by the Kamen Rider known as Shio Tokiwa. It's worse when he learns his long-time crush Emily has a romantic crush on Shio and this caused him to become disillusioned, making him think that everything is being taken from him again. Once again, he's not gonna stand for it all and is determined to wipe out all of Hell, along with killing Shio and taking Emily for himself.

Main Rival/Enemy: Shio Tokiwa

Info: When Abel learned of his father's death at the hands of Shio, this infuriated him greatly. So much so that his hatred for the Kamen Rider was equivalent to his hatred for his brother Cain. From then on, he swore revenge and would do everything necessary to murder Shio, no matter the cost or consequences. His hatred for the Kamen Rider grew even further when he learned that his long-time crush, Emily, had a romantic interest in Shio and was even pushed over the edge when he found out she kissed him on the lips due to the sinner, Sir Pentious, being redeemed. It infuriated Abel to know Shio stole Emily's first kiss and so he swore to make the Kamen Rider pay for all the 'sins' he committed against both him and ALL of Heaven.

Theme Song:


Exorcist Uniform/Armor:

Personnel Units: Exorcist Assassins

Info: Unlike regular Exorcist Angels, Exorcist Assassins are essentially the 'Black Ops' units of Heaven. They are Abel's personal soldiers and bodyguards when doing missions. While Sera gave Adam the authority to commit to the exterminations, what she didn't know was that he want behind her back and created specialized group of Exorcists that didn't answer to her but ONLY to Adam or his most trusted Lieutenants, those being Lute and Abel. When the Exorcist Assassins were created, Adam gave him this elite unit to his son to command over. The members who joined this group are radicalized fanatics and die-hard loyalists to the extermination cause. Picked personally by Adam and Lute who are willing to do whatever it takes to complete the mission and kills as many inhabitants of Hell as possible, they follow orders without question and are given extra training that make than even deadlier when compared to regular exorcists.

What makes them dangerous and infamous among Heavens ranks is the fact that not only do they kill sinners, but they also covertly kill the Hell Born as well. They even have access to go into the other rings and kill those demons whenever they please during extermination. Since their creation, they have been slaughtering all types of demons in Hell, whether they were sinners or Hell Born. Though they followed the exception that they couldn't touch the Royal Family, those rules no longer apply with the death of Adam. His death drove Abel over the edge and now he no longer cared about the rules as he was open about wiping out all of Hell. Due to their fanatical loyalties to Abel, they willingly follow him into battle and kill anyone who stands in their way, even at the cost of turning against their fellow Heaven Born and Winners.


(A/N: An that's it. As said before, shout out to saffiro on YouTube for making this AU version of Abel or you can search her art on her Twitter account on s_affiro. None of this Art belongs to me as all of it belongs to its creator. Anyway, see you all next time on Season 2.)

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