Chapter 1: Fate of the King

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One day Jessica was walking around Askr. Some of the heroes were talking about a demon king. Marth and Alm walked up to her.

Jessica asked, "What's going on?"

"Supposedly something was going to happen today. A demon king was supposed to appear," Marth said.

Alm said, "We should be all careful."

Jessica sighs, "Grandpa, Hero King Marth, this Demon King that you speak of is not evil."

A loud boom can be heard outside of the castle. Jessica ran to check it out. Marth and Alm followed but then something was thrown at Jessica, it was a dagger. Jessica froze until someone slashed at the dagger. It was Conrad.

Conrad asked, "Are you alright?"

Jessica said, "Thanks Uncle Conrad."

Conrad nods.

"Was that the Demon King?" Alm asked.

A rider appeared.

??? said, "Hello Lady Imazuma, I come to assassinate you."

Jessica growled.

"I'm Saburou Tokiwa, SOUGO Tokiwa's younger brother," The Rider named Saburou said

Alm got in front of Jessica, "We are not letting you kill her!"

Marth said, "That's right, She's our summoner."

Saburou laughed. "Come on out you guys."

More Riders appeared next to him.

Jessica growled, "Dark Decade, Gemn, Dark Ghost, Gold Drive, Bujin Gaim, Nega Den-O, Dark Kabuto and Ryuga..."

Saburou said, "Attack her."

??? said, "I don't think so."

Saburou was shocked, "Ohma Zi-O!!"

Jessica said, "Sougo..."

Sougo looked at Jessica, "Are you alright?"

Alm said, "You're the Demon King, stay away from Jessica!"

"Grandpa Alm b-" Jessica said before being interrupted by Sougo.

"It's fine, Jessica, I understand their fear," Sougo said, "But I'm not the evil Demon King. I'm the nicest Demon King."

Marth pointed his Falchion at Sougo, "You better leave now."

Jessica ran in front of Sougo, "Stop it."

Sougo looks at Jessica. Jessica turned around and hugged Sougo. Sougo hugs back.

Marth put his sword away, "So we don't have to worry about him."

Jessica nods.

Sougo said, "Let's defeat him together."

Marth, Alm and Conrad nods.

Jessica said, "Sougo, I have an idea."

"What is it?" Sougo asked.

Jessica took out three Riderwatches. It was Ryuki, Gaim and Den-O Rod. Jessica handed the Gaim Riderwatch to Marth then gave the Den-O Rod Riderwatch to Conrad then finally gave the Ryuki Riderwatch to Alm.

Jessica said, "Turn the face and press the button."

Alm, Marth and Conrad did was Jessica told them as they changed into the rider forms they are using.

Conrad said, "This is amazing."

"Yeah," Marth said

Alm said, "We have to fight them fast."

Conrad, Marth and Alm charged at them. Jessica and Sougo follows. Conrad fought Nega Den-O. Marth fought Bujin Gaim. Alm fought Ryuga. Jessica fought Dark Ghost, Gold Drive and Dark Decade. Sougo found Dark Kabuto, Genm and Saburou. Lukas and Saber arrived as they slashed Dark Ghost and Dark Decade.

"Lukas! Saber!" Jessica said.

Saber asked, "You ok lass?"

"We don't want anything bad happening to you," Lukas said.

Jessica said, "Thank you."

Sougo, Jessica, Conrad, Marth and Alm rider kicked at Saburou, Dark Decade, Dark Ghost, Gold Drive, Dark Kabuto, Genm, Bujin Gaim, Nega Den-O, and Ryuga. They were destroyed except Saburou.

Saburou said, "This isn't over!"

Saburou retreated. Jessica, Alm, Conrad and Marth detransforms. Lukas smiles. Sougo remained transformed.

Conrad asked, "So, the demon king is not our enemy?"

"Of course I'm not because I became the nicest demon king," Sougo said.

Saber said, "As long as he doesn't hurt the summoner, I completely trust him."

"Saber-" Jessica said before being interrupted by Lukas.

Lukas said, "I agree with Saber."

Alm, Marth and Conrad nods. Jessica sighed softly.

"Sougo is not going to hurt me," Jessica said.

Sougo nodded as he pets her head. Jessica blushes lightly. Alfonse ran up to them.

Alfonse said, "Jessica."

Jessica looks at Alfonse, "Hey Alfonse."

Alfonse smiled. Jessica smiles. Two Wolfskins ran up to Jessica and the others. Sougo was kinda scared.

Jessica said, "Keaton, Velouria don't scare Sougo."

Keaton and Velouria changed back.

Velouria said, "Sorry Mom."

"Eh?!" Sougo exclaimed.

Keaton looked at Sougo, "So he's the demon king I heard about."

"That's correct but I'm not evil," Sougo said.

Keaton said, "Oh. Want to see my treasures?"

Sougo chuckled, "Sure."

Keaton and Sougo went to look at his treasures. Both Kris ran up to Jessica.

Male Kris said, "Summoner."

"What is it?" Jessica asked.

Female Kris said, "A monster is attacking a village."

Jessica was shocked. Male Kris nods.

"Lead the way, come on Hero King," Jessica said.

Both Kris nods. Marth nods as well. Jessica, both Kris and Marth ran off. The four ran until they saw something in the distance. It was Another Zi-O.

Another Zi-O said, "Queen Imazuma."

Jessica growled as she attacked Another Zi-O. Another Zi-O slashes Jessica. Both Kris and Marth went to check on the villagers. Jessica stabbed Another Zi-O. Another Zi-O slashed Jessica before being defeated.

"That Another Zi-O was just a clone..." Jessica said softly.

Someone ran to the four.

"Jessica," The person said.

Jessica saw Celica.

Jessica said, "Grandma Celica!"

Celica ran towards her and hugged her. Jessica hugs back.

"I wasn't able to save them..." Jessica said softly as she began to cry.

Celica wipes her tears, "You tried to but you still saved the village."

Jessica cried, "Thank you Grandma Celica."

Marth and Both Kris joins the hug. Jessica cries. Celica pets her hair. Three Riders watches them from afar.

One of them, the one with a different driver than the other two, said, "There's Lady Imazuma."

The red one said, "I know, Woz but how did Another Rider Zi-O appeared? Hope Jessica can stop this."

The only female out of the three said, "Apparently Sougo is here as well."

The one that first spoke named Woz said, "We should walk up to Lady Imazuma. Geiz, Tsukuyomi."

The Red Rider named Geiz said, "Not yet Woz."

The female Rider named Tsukuyomi said, "I agree with Geiz."

Woz, Geiz and Tsukuyomi leaves.

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