Come Back Home...

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T: About time.....'

Me: " Will you stop saying that!?!

T: " Your slow.....

Me: " Your just saying that because you want to flirt with Nanami-

T: !!#!!!

31. Come Back home...


Nanami bit her lip as she looked out the window, her eyes wide as she did so, The snow had picked up and Inari bit his lip slightly as they rocked in the carriage.. But Nanami winced and looked down at the jewels on her hands slightly. She shivered and then looked out the window once more,

They were on their way to the war gods palace and only took her a minute to realize this man was forreal, what made her realize this you ask?

Maybe the guards that lined his shrine walls and the tall men holding giant javlins? There was even a statue of the war god, holding a kitsunes head in his grasp while glaring at the world.. He really hated foxes...

No wonder Tomoe didn't want to come..

Nanmi sighd out weakly and looked down, her eyes weak as she rememebered Tomoe, his hurt expression crossed through her mind and she almost winced, she grabbed her chest and tried to steady her breathe, but it was hard... How could she do this to him was beyond her. She had hurt him like no one else could and now she felt like a terrble person.

And Inari's silent glares ddn't help either. He wanted to stand up and shake some sense into her.. Scream at her and tell her eveything Tomeo had gone throught that past year But no.. he couldn't do that. It wasn't perfessional and he was the very pillar of prosfessional out of all the gods.. So he ust folded his fan open and stared out the window blankly,

"We're almost there.." he muttered balnky and Nanam nodded. She swallowed and watched as the carriage near the ground. She saw the road and how cold it seemed as the snow piled up.. The walkway was a deep purple carpet and she realized that all she saw was high in honor..

Blue red curtains decorted the blood red shrine, making her shiver weakly.. Inair looked at her and her scared look before rolling his eyes and laughing slightly,

" Oh don't act that way.." he rolled his eyes, " My shrine is much bigger..." he muttered as he folded his fan closed, once it was closed he made the doors come open wth a flick of his hand, They flung open making her gasp as the cold wind flowed in and blasted her in the face,

"Ah...' She gasped when the cold air blasted her in the face, " W-Wah..' She whined from the cold and rubbed her arms, but chll bumps formed on her skin making her whine slightly... The snow had picked up and her mind reverted back to Tomoe..

She hoped he was okay in something like this...

She whined before she heard something that just made her even more cold, she shivered as the exact, icy chill went down her back.. She gasped and looked up, her eyes wide as she twitched, her pupils went small and she froze up when she saw a man with purple hair. He was wearing a decortive outfit and his eyes were narrowed in a dark glare,

" Your older then me too Inari.'The man glared darkly and hissed, His cold eyes traveled over them and soon paused on Nanami making her freeze up. Her heart nearly stopped and her hands shook as she stared up at the man..

Oh kami.....'


Tomoe cursed and snapped harshly as he threw off his black scarf, he hissed and nearly screamed out in hate,

" Why am I here!?" he snapped harshly and twitched, " i can't believe I came back in this weather, I swear to god its not worth it!! hate my job! I HATE IT!" he hssed and threw his scarf to the side, he ground his teeth and then stripped his shirt off.. only to whine when the cold air touched his bare chest,

" Dang t.." he hwspered and bit his lip, almost drawing blood while hate welled up in his eyes. He was mearly coming back to help his master.. and make her appoligize to him for what she said.. for what she did....

He was not a love child, he was not a mistake.. he... He wasn't right? Then why was he so mad? Was it because he knew he was one?....

No.. He coudln't think like this when he had to get to that shrine in ths aweful weather.... He bit hsi lip and whined slightly before kicking off his human like shoes and running a hand threw his wind blown hair..

Only to fill something warm hug his leg.. It only took him a second to see what it was before rolling his eyes as the shirne spirirts wailed out and screamed in joy,

" MASTER TOMOE!!!" They screamed and wailed happily hugging his legs and making him glare down at them, " WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" They wailed and whimpered.. They almost cried out of their masks making Tomoe roll his eyes and sigh out weakly,

" I do not have time for formalities." he snapped harshly and folded his arms, This took them by surprise as he then sighed out and weakly looked around the shrine, " She has gone, correct?"

This mad the children blink and then swallow a bit.. What the? He was going to go after him in this storm? In this aweful storm? This storm that Inari almost cancled over!? They understood that Master Tomoe was always smart and over everything, he was one of the best familiars after all.... B-But..... Going out in this?

" C-Correct Master..' They whispered while Onikiri shivered when Tomoe nodded and quickly went to his room, he slammed the door and then started cursing to himself as he grabbed his best outfit and shoved it on. He then got his fan, brushed his hair and got his Tabi out.

This left the kids gasping in shock,

" B-But.. Tomoe-Dono!!" they whined in shock their eyes wide in panic, "Its dangerous outside Master!!" They whined out and swallowed weakly, but Tomoe ignored them and quickly ties his pants and pulled his Haori on.

WHAT WAS HE DOING!? Why? If he went out he'd die!! DIE!

" Tomoe please!" kotosu whined suddenly making Tomoe pause.. His eyes blank as he paused on his shoe and slowly looked at them.. He looked at them slightly and then shifted hsi head to let his white hair sheild his eyes,

" I'm sorry.... " he hwispered softly and then stood up.. This made them gasp in shock and then freeze up, before they could protest though.. Tomoe quickly ran out the door with his fan in hand, He then stood on the porch.. hsi eyes bank before he blew into his hand...

The snow whipped about him until a hot blue flame formed around him and then shifted into a carriage like item. He stood on the axel part and then relaxed as he held onto the wheel on the half carriage.. This was his form of tranportation back in his earlier years.... his harder years..

Tomoe breathed out, knowing he hadn't used this in a while.. and he only hoped he could still use it. He swallowed a bit and then breathed before quickly tapping the side and letting it rise up really fast...

Which he wasn't expecting so the fox nearly fell off, ( Nearly got blown off... He looks like a flag.. XD ) Tomoe groaned although and winced as the snow smacked him n the face... No.. He had to do this.. he HAD TO! He groaned and then tightened his grip as much as he could..

His hands almost bleed as they stuck to the metal because of the cold, but it helped him houst himself up on the carriage once more.. This time he held on tighter and quickly bit his lip slightly as he zoomed towards the War gods palace......

To Shuji's brothers house..'


" So this is the new land god..... Such a pityful creature and a human at that." The man glared while they sat around a dinner table... she was being served the normal human food while they ate and drank food for higher ups. She may of been a higher up but she wasn't in that big of a position...

The girl swallowed and took the compliments slightly, But she knew something bad was probably going to happen evenutally.'

" I see Tomoe isnt here.. " he suddenly smirked " Good... Hes still a treasonous person and I woudl of had his head.." he muttered and sipped his drink making Inari bite his lip and then laugh weakly,

" Oh you know teenagers.. drinking, having fun.. Who knows what hes doing now. We might not even want to know of course.." he smiled weakly, " He did get a familiar award three years ago.. He even beat mine, And You woudln't of been able to kill him if he was here.." inari then smiled weakly, " Hes a familiar to this little lady and that would be a high treason on your part...' He smiled but his eyes almost challened the man, making him glare darkly..

A few minutes passed before the man laughed and threw his head back a bit,

" Maybe so..' he muttered slightly, " to bad really.. he owuld of been a nice trophey.." he smirked slightly " Along with that... if I have his head... I can take my brothers pendents right off of his neck.." he shrugged leaving Inari to pause and glare slightly..

This man had guts, he'd gve him that.. but no one meesed with this man.. not unless you wanted something thrust into your stomach, or you being turned inside out.. which was scary in itself.

But Nanami paused and bit her lip.. She had been here for god knows how long, and he had insulted her, Mikage, Inari and alot of other people.. he insulted Inaris familiars, the shrine spirits... but then he started to throw causul comments about Tomoe like that all the time, and Nanami knew one thing.. You could be rude to her but you leave Tomoe out of things....

" But... " She paused slightly, " There has to be a reason Tomoe has the pendant after all.. " She muttered making Inari pause and look at her.. Tomoe didn't tell her anything so what was she saying DID SHE WANT TO DIE!? However the war god suddenly glared a bit,

" What-?"

" I mean there has to be a reason Tomoe has the pendants and not you.. right?" She whispered slghtly making theman suddenly shoot up and grab her by the front of her kimono.. The girl gasped out in pain as her headdress slipped to the ground and her beautiful chocolate brown hair slipped in a pile of curls.. It landed on her shoulder before he slammed her down on the tale making Inari freeze up and shoot up from his seat,

" STOP!" He snapped before the man stopped a blade at Nanmai's neck.. She gasped out at the searing pain in her back and side, making her choke and whimper before the man growled darkly and hissed,

" What dd you say to me!? You foul, FOUL HUMAN BEING!? You who will only live once and it is a short one at that!? DO YOU KNOW WHO YOUR TALKING TO!?!" He snapped before he raised his blade.. Nanami yelped, her eyes wide as she stared at the almost curved blade... It seemed to glimmer and she nearly screamed as she shurt her eyes and prepared for him to stab her continuosly....... But Thats when the main doors slammed open and showed a few familairs cursing and snapping at a personw ith white hair.

They tried to hold him back but he quickly moved hs hand and let blood splatter on the walls.. Inari froze up from this.. his eyes wide.. they weren't dead but the cut were so deep that it was fairly close..... What had... Tomoe hadn't done something like this in years...

: LET HER GO!! Your fight if Between you and ME! NOT HER!" Tomoe suddenly snapped, his teeth almost bared, to bad they weren't fully martured or he would of looked rabid. He snapped and flicked hsi hand, making the blood of the wound familiars flng on the wall.'

This left the war god to slowly look up, pictures of Tomoe wth his brother crowed his eyes and he ground his teeth and then stabbed the table bside Nanami's head. She screamed in shock and whined out as it nearly snipped some of her hair off in the process. His painted lips formed a gasp as she suddenly choked up from the reality that she was not going to die... not yet anyway.'

" WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING IN MY SHIRNE!! KILLING MY FAMILIARS!? YOU DUB ANIMAL!!" he snapped and then pulled out his katna. He suddenly glared harshly and hissed a bit, Tomoe on the other hand stood there, his eyes feral as he panted from running through the cold snow.. His white face was flushed beauitfully from the cold air, smacking him in the face slightly,

His white and red hakamashita seemed to fit him perfectly but was slightly wet from the on coming snow that had pelted him madly outside.. He panted and winced as he gripped his hand... But as Nanami stared at his hands,

She noticed blood dripped down slightly from is fingers and palm.. He didn't.... He didn't hurt himself right? No...... No...If he did he would of probably cut himself on the arm... Thank goodness, She didn't want him to hurt himself at all.... Not because of something she said.

The girl looked at him, her eyes fixed on him before she suddenly choked up, tears ran down her face and she started to wail silently as Tomoe stared darkly at the war god, his eyes feral and cold.

" It was self defense for my mistress.." he snapped darkly, " I have right to defend her.. so their lives don't count on my record.." he glared darkly making the man scoff darkly,

" Oh so typical of you!" he snapped out and ground his teeth a bit, " You don't think any life matters unless its your own!!" he snapped harshly as Tomoe glared a bit.. Nanami watched them silently, she shook on the table.. still unable to get up from the pure shock of everything...

She shifted her eyes from Tomoe to the people behind him.. she saw blood leaking into the room from the halls and she saw a hand laying stilly on the ground.. It was attched to a body leaving her choking in panic. Oh no.... No...

Tomoe.... was really capable of doing things like this... But she could tell by the way his nose was wrinkled up in disgust..

He didn't really want to go that far..

She realxed and then choked weakly as the man glared harshly, His eyes narrowed,

" You killed my brother..." He snapped leaving Tomoe to look at him, he just stood there confuing Inari to the core.. what was he thinking!? JUST STANDING THERE WAS NOT GOING TO HELP HIM RIGHT NOW!" he ground his teeh as the teen sighed out and then laughed a bit..

He looked up through his bangs and then bit his lip, but his laughter wasnt mocking or happy.. it was pained and almost stabbing to her heart... Tomoe.... Did this hurt you? Did this subject hurt you? How much? How long? She wanted to know and she wanted to help more then anything.... But there wasn't much she could do but watch..'

There wasn't something else she noticed as well.. When she was sent back to the past, his eyes were wild.... evil and even seaching for the closest of preys... But now, His eyes were soft.. pained and as she looked closely, maybe bagged from lack of sleep. She swallowed and almost winced, knowing that it was probably her fault on that part.'

" I did..' Tomoe suddenly whsiped making Inari bite his lip... Nanami froze up in shock, was this what this battle was about? His brother..... Tomoe killed him? But why?! She continued to listen as Tomoe looked up, his eyes weak and sad.'

" Its been explained to you before.. He was wounded badly, he hid me in the area so that I did not get hurt like he did.. he fault but things happened and he didn't make it.." he whispered slightly, " He ASKED me to finish him... If I had not he would of suffered.." he whispered and then looked at the war god a bit, "S urely you understand that much.....I didn't want to kill hi-

" "SHUT UP!!! I AM THE WAR GOD! " he snapped, " I knwo what the pain of lose is!! I KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO SEE YOUR FREINDS AND FAMILY PLEED FOR DEATH YOU FOOL!" he ground out and then put his blade by Tomoe's neck.... He slipped it up and let the blade cute the hiddens tring that held hi brothers pendant,

" But I want this..' he whispered, " My last sign of my brother.." he ground out leaving Tomoe to look at hm blankly, he then grabbed the pendant before it fell to the ground and shook his head softly,

" Im sorry...... But Im not getting rid of it.. not even to you." he whispered making the man twitch,


" I already have.. Tomoe suddenly laughed and held the pendant close to his chest, " I already have and its killing you that you cannot get a rial out of me!!! You don't always get what you want Mr War god!" Tomoe suddenly snapped harshly and ground his teeth, " You can't do anything to make me regret my actions tonight.. NOTHING!" he snapped before the man glared harshly.

" Then I guess I'll make you fail...' The man muttered making Tomoe pause... But then his eyes grew wide and he quickly charge forward towards the man,

" STAY AWAY!!" Tomoe snapped out when he saw the man hold a blade over Nanami, the most part was this.. He could not loose his lady and mistress.. he would show Mikage he could be usuful, and just like Nuru said... Shes a weak human surrounded by all this pain.... it wasn't worth it for her to die so suddenly... He may not love or like her.. but he knew one thing..

He was going to protect her....

The man suddenly glared and ground his teeth before he qiuckly raised the blade above Nanami, but he girl gasped and moved away quickly as Tomoe grabbed the mans hand and pulled it back, but blood filled the air and Nanami paled as Tomoe grabbed his arm weakly and wailed out from a sharp pain..

The man then ground his teeth and quickly went to stab Tomoe before Nanami went and with a rather quick hand wrote ' Freeze' On a tailsmen.. She then smacked it on the mans arm and watched he freeze up and and then twitch a bit,

" W-What the--!?" The man snapped as Inair blinkd but then laughed slightly.... Ah.... Smart.. Smart girl... But what took his by surprise is when she took his sword and then positioned it so that it he tried to break from the spell it would go through his stomach,

" And if you try to bother me again I'll show you what type of human I am!" She snapped harshly and then swallowed before looking at Tomoe.. She saw him lick his arm, wincing out as the hot like air seemed to shrivel with his pain....


" T-Tomoe..' She whispered in shock and then quickly kenlt down, she looked at his arm and whimpered befor etomoe looked at her.. he then looked at the war god and snickered weakly, his chapped lips pulled into a laughing smile before he paused and winced from the pain..

" Tomoe your hurt..' She whispered and choked making him swallow a bit, he shook his head and bit his lip,

" It does not matter.." he whispered and then stood up.. He almost wobbled on his feet as the blood poured down into the blood.. soaking the royal purple and blue carpet... Nanami saw this and watched as the blood turned the blood black... making her choke on the smell,

" T-Tomoe.. we have to get this to stop!!" She gasped as he wobbled and winced as he slumped on the door and panted... He winced before she swallowed and whined out.. But thats when Inari quickly caught him from falling into the floor...'

" TOMOE!" Nanami screamed in panic as the man winced slightly and then bt his lip,

" I should treat the wound right away, but right here is not the time to do that.. Not in front of this fool..' he glared at The war god before biting his lip and then looking at Nanami.. But the girl kept choked and wailing as the blood kept flowing... Inari saw this and winced a bit.

Even if they did fght and she said something so mean to him, So... Horrible to him, he didn't care.. he had to help.. and he knew she wanted to as well. He swallowed and then winced as he nodded his head.. She looked at him and gulped as she got on the other side of Tomoe, Helping him up slightly.

The girl was mindful of his arm while Inari nodded and then had her bring him out into the snow... Tomoes blood dripped int he snow and Nanami choked when she saw the carriage, CRAP! She coudln't step on wthout a jump start! The girl whined out and swalowed befre Inari quickly hopped in and then pulled Tomoe up to her shock.

Her eyes grew wide as Inari nodded a bit,

" Okay.. Give me your sleeve.." he nodded as she blinked and then paused a bit,

" W-Wait what?" She blinked in shock, her eyes wide, This made the man shake his head.. She already looked worse enough with her make-up dripping down her face like mad. She choked and whined slightly makng sigh out, go up to her and then rip her sleeve right off.

The girl gasped and nearly screamed as she covered her chest making the god roll his eyes as he then wrapped Tomoe's arm with the cloth.. Tomoe groaned out and twitched, pain going through his system before the man bit his lip and then started to sew him up rather quickly..

Nanami held Tomoes other hand, her eyes weak,

" I-its going to be okay..' She whisered weakly and then choked a bit, but Tomoe wouldn't even hear her as he flinched and choked weakly from the hot pain... Nanami bit her lip and kissed his arm, letting blood dance on her lips....

Please be okay..'


Inari sighed out a bit and let Tomoe lay in front of the heater at home, he whined out and stayed there... Layng on a futon that was pulled up in the living room.. Nanami was alreayd cleaned up . She had pinned her hair up in a pony tail before stting down and shivering a bit,

" Will he be okay?" She whispered as the man nodded a bit and then sighed out weakly,

" Yes.. " he whispered softly " He was cut really deep and I have to admit I don't know what to say about it, But right now he's in recovery... so try not to say anything to upset him anymore.." he whispered while Nanami blinked slightly,

" I know you didn't mean it.." he hwispered " But don't act so stupidly again.. or I'll be pissed, And you don't wanna see me pissed.' he whispered while Nanami paled and nodded.. Was that a threat? She didn't know and she was rather shocked by what he had said to her..

" I wont..' She whispered a bit and then swallowed weakly, her eyes weak as she looked down,

" You should get some rest..' he whispered slightly, " If you don't you might pass out from all the stress you had to put up with.' he muttered making the girl blink but nod slightly.. but what shocked her was when Inari stood up and straightened his robes " As for me I have some things to do.." he smiled slightly and then looked at her a bit,

" Be careful.." he nodded softly leaving her to blink but nod.... And then Inari walked out the door shocking her completely. She bit her lip and then slightly tugged at her hair, she looked at Tomoe and then stroked his head....

He whined out and seemed to lean towards her soft hand, He winced and bit his lip... he turned his head towards her suddenly making her pause when she saw his eyes were open..

" T-Tomoe..' She whispered before his eyes turned blank and looked at the heater in the room, This left her heart trembling in hurt and pain... Oh. Sohe was still upset.. and porbably tired from the blood loss..

" I'm sorry..' Nanami whispered before she could even think, she didn't know why she said it but she then heard Tomoe scoff slightly.... He then looked at her, and she paused when she saw his eyes showing her he was forgiving her... She didn't know what to say to it.. but his eyes showed her something she had never seen before..'

" For what?" he whispered n a groggily state..and it made her swallow and then smile with trembling lips....... He forgave her, The Tomoe- Forgave her- A human. She swallowed and then smiled weakly before he winced and bit his lip slightly...

"Ah..' he whispered a bit and then swallowed weakly.

" D-Do you need water?" Nanami whispered as Tomoe waved it off and then slightly sat up, this made the girl gasp and then pale,

" T-Tomoe no! Sit back down..' She choked while he waved her off and then slightly held his head.. He winced when the room spun and then paused when he looked at his arm and then sighed out gently, knowing full well that it was going to hurt for a while.;

" I'm fine.. he muttered a bit, " Stop looking at me like that.." he sighed out weakly and then winced slightly, " I just need to sit up a bit.' he whispered slightly but weakly.. the girl blinked, her eyes wide...

" I'll get you some water..' She nodded as he shook his head,

" No Nanami stop-

" I'll get the water!" She snapped before blinking and then wincing, "Sorry..' She whispered and then looked down a bit, " I'm sorry... I... I just.. You worried me alot..' She whispered making Tomoe look at her slightly, He titled his head and then huffed a bit,

" Why would you be worried?" he muttered slightly, his eyes blank before she looked up at him slightly and swallowed,

" Because I didn't want to loose you..' " She whispered softly, She lookd down.. His hair drifted in front of her eyes and she swallowed weakly, But she couldn't look up after saying that.. after all. He denied her feeling for him and said it was just her imagination. She sighed out... But Tomoe paused and then twitched.

His eyes grew wide and he paused slightly.. What type of goddess was this? She said she couldn't stand him.... she said he was a love child and yet right now.. just then.

Tomoe quickly looked away, his eyes slowly blanking out as he touched his mouth a bit, he swallowed weakly and bit his lip, Why did she even care, it was just like Mikage- but different all in the same.

Tomoe paused and then swallowed as he suddenly felt something weird happen.. Hsi face suddenly bruned deeply before he twitched and tried to shoo the hotness from his pale skin.... He blanched and swallowed.. trying to think straight. What was going on!? W-What was this....

He swallowed and looked down in confusion, his ears twitching as his face burned hotly....

No, He swallowed and looked down, his head almost spinning, he then turned his head towards the heater beside him... this just made his heart relax as his shoulders slump..


That was why his face burned...'


Thathad to bit it.. He swore that better be it. Tomoe breathed out and then slightly looked at her his eyes blank as he shivered in the cold shrine, he didn't know why it was cold when Nanami was a goddess but it made since given the circumstances...

He shivered weakyl and winced while Nanami paused and then swallowed weakly,

" INari said in the carriage that you had gotten hurt protecting to shrine once.' She blinked slightly as Tomoe paused and then nodded a bit.. He looked away and mentally cursed the old man, Must he pry on everything...

" Your side? She blinked as he nodded a bit,

" Yes.' he whispered quite bluntly which made her close her mouth.. She then looked down and swallowed a bit before standing up. Tomoe took this into consideration but stayed seated while Nanami handed him a cup of tea..

" Your said water..' He muttered as she shrugged,

" You always drink tea..' She whispered making him pause and nearly choke on his tea.. He looked up at her and blinked as she looked away blankly.. w-weird.... T-That was.. R-Really weird.. Tomoe looked away and then jerked his head back towards Nanami when she opened her lips to say something...

But thats when you heard


" Oi Why me!?" Tomoe groaned and then flopped back over from the pain in his head....


" So you see........ Thats why Im hear...' Inari smirked slightly and then slid his finger up the mans child making the frozen look up and twitch, his eyes narrowed in a dar glare while the man chuckled,

" Don't hold this personally.." Inari smirked, " but mikage taught me this one.." he smirked before the mans eyes grew wide and his screams filled the air.... After wards the man laid on the ground as Inari stared at the glowing ball in his hand,

He then crushed it and sighed out before looking at the man blanky,

" To bad.. You'll never remember tonight.." he smirked " Yur memories are long gone and dust beneath your own feat.." he whispered with cold eyes before turning around his robe fluttered a bit before the door slammed.. leaving the unconsious War god on the floor...'

While Inari headed home with the dust of memories on his hand...'

Me: Dude... Your darker then I thought, ' Shivers and cowers.'

I: -_- I swear.. Why do you write for us again?

Me: I shall forever be a fan.. XD

I: God help us all....

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