Fake Dates and Hurtful Words

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28. Fake Dates and Hurtful Words..


An: " Allo my Friends!!! XD Sorry this took a while, I needed inspiration... XD SOO! HERE YOU GUYS GO! XD

T: 'I don't like this chapter... -_-

An: " You don't like ANY chapter..Baka..

T: " Twitches.'


Tomoe blinked, his face red as Inari stared in shock at what he saw, two teens.. On the floor.. One stroking the others stomach. It was hard for him to take in and he was pretty sure early that day that he told himself he didn't want to walk in on a make-out session.. If this was one.

The god blinked as Tomoe sat up quickly, bonking his head against Nanamis and making both teens whine and flop over in pain. Inari arched his brow as Tomoe held up his hand and showed moral terror,

" N-Nothing is going on!" he gasped and grabbed his shirt off the floor, he scrammbled to get it on whiel Nanami rubbed her temple. Inari would have said somthing else but he was far to afraid to.

He was afraid they'd hurt themselves more or morth into a ripe tomato before his very eyes. he was shocked at the moment, seeing them react in this way, it was almost like Tomoe was acatully embarrassed..

But then again the kid had a history for getting embarrassed and hiding in trees. He didn't like getting praised and Inari used to do it just to see his twitch. He Knew it was cruel but he was the second father, he got to have fun while Mikage had to be the responsible one.

But right now he had to be the responsible one, and by the time Tomoe had his shirt on he picked Nanami up by the armand shoved her out, his face showing clear annoyance. Not just because of what she had been doing but because she had asked about...

About his scar.

She already knew he cut himself, he didn't want her to know he tried to kill himself as well. It wasn't something a master ever had to know or see. It wasn't her busniess, in fact he didn't care if she went to the war gods and got hurt!

Tomoe huffed and then sighed out as he ran a ahand through his white hair, he bit his lip and shook hsi head as Inari arched his brow, he had to admit, he was a familiar and sadly.. it was his job to care if she got hurt; and it irritated him!

If she hadn't kissed him he'd be free, far from here! From her and all the pain that had been caused, maybe if he had left early.. just maybe Mikage woudl have cme home. That was something he had thought of before, maybe Mikage didn't come home because he was a disgrace and the god did not want to see him.

Maybe because he was justa love child, and soon the guilt got to the god and he left him alone like this. He didn't want to see Mikage ever again, if he thought about it he'd cry. Tears were in his eyes before he calmed himself down and glared at Inari once more.

" What?" he seethed making the god arch his brow and lean on the door frame, his long red and burgany robes shifted slightly as he shook his head.

" What was that about?" he muttered leaving Tomoe to huff and roll his eyes, he was trying not to think about what just happened. In fact it made his skin crawl and he didn't know why. It was... Wrong.

He huffed and looked away, " It was nothing.' He muttered and squaktted down to pick up his dirty clothes and towel, he threw them in a hamper and huffed before Inari looked at him and shook his head,

" It sure looked like something, it looked like you two wanted to suck each others face off.' He muttered, Tomoe of course dropped everything and looked at him shocked but instead of a teasing look Inari looked dead serious.

This just made the teen huff and fist his hands, hoping that his palms did not bleed as he gorlwed slightly, " It wasn't! she corned me because.." he paused and bit his lip, " Because she saw an old scar." he shrugged as he went to pick up the rest of the stuff.

Inari nodded slightly before sighing out and shaking his head gently, " You really shouldn't be caught in a prediument like that again, you better be careful and watch out.' he smirked slightly, ' I dont want to walk in here with you having your tongue down her throat.' he laughed as Tomoe gasped and glared as he shoved his laughing butt out of the rooma nd slammed the door.

Once Inari was gone he screeched mentally and bit his lip, hatred in his eyes. She was his master! Nothing more.. She got him clothes that made him look normal, big deal.. he got her a kimono. It wasn't anything. The teen sighed out as he ran a hand through his hair and glared ahead.

Stupid girl! He huffed and kicked at a stand before pausing and sighing out weakly. He didn't need any of this, it was all foolish. The teen rubbed his eyes slightly, he was a familiar, there was no point in throwing a fit.. in being..


Tomoe paused as his heart lurched but he cared not, instead he put his fan up on the dresser and looked at the lamp. He was temped to put it out and it sounded nice. Besides, that girl could get her own food.. the take out number was on the billboard..

The teen sighed out, he knew he couldn't just leave her to do it, if he did she'd proabbly order two hundred dollars worth of chow mein. He sighed out and stood up, slamming the door open and then going to call the number.

It took him a while to get used to a phone and now Nanami, his stupid girlish master was talking about getting him a cell phone, he didn't need one. Teenagers just played on them all day; he had to much to do..

Tomoe sighed out as he rubbed his eyes once again, " Hello?" he whispered, " Yes.. I would like to order a few things.' He whispered and leaned on the wall, his feet crossed as the end as he stood with a bad boy pose, it wasn't intentional.. but he was more like this anyway..

After he ordered he waited for a while and huffed to himself as he turned the TV on, apparently his master was in her room. Hoepfully getting her head screwed on right. Tomoe huffed and turned the news on before shaking his head at a theft just two blocks from them.

Go figure.." he muttered slightly and yawned before looking at the time, it was still early but he was exhausted. Maybe the sun had drained him of some energy that he really needed. He had been working for a little while and now he wanted to crash.

So when the dilverly boy got there and handed him the food, he paid and rolled his eyes as Inari looked at him shocked,

" Well looks whos cheating on the cooking." He muttered and arched his brow as Tomoe yawned and glared at him.

" I don't have time for this.." he muttered weakly and set the bento box on the counter, " Tell her its in here, okay?" He whispered slightly and ran a hand through his hair before going to his roomand shutting the door. Once he had he looked at his lamp, blew the light out and laid down.

The teen whined as he laid down, because as soon as he did he felt the pain ease out in all the directions.. as the knots gone as he sighed out and smiled gently. He snuggled down in the covers and laid his head on the pillow, ignoring The sounds and Nanami walking by his room.

He locked the door, he didn't care.. he wanted to sleep, he wanted it now. So Tomoe whined slightly as the moon shone on his white hair and tinted it blue.. He sighed out when the house got quite, he had no clue how long he had laid there.. but the next thing he knew? He was somewhere familiar.




Tomoe found himself, ina familair place as the cold, chilling wind whipped about him. He shivered and ran his hands over his arms, not knowing where he was.. All he saw was the city scape and stars....

Lots and lots of stars..

He didn't knwo where he was, in fact it was a shock. It was familiar and yet it was so strange as well. The fox shivered again and rubbed his arms once more, now noticing that his hands touched a more courser fabric. He blinked and looked down to see his highschool uniform.

Strange, he didn't wear this to bed but then again this was a dream. he supoosed it was a dream anyway. The white haired fox looked around, his eyes searching the area before he walked forward to an edge.

When he got to the edge he looked over and paused, Wait.. This was a building..

He was on a roof.

Tomoe blinked, his eyes wide in shock before he heard a small voice talking to him slightly. he turned his head to see Nanami exclaiming about the stars and wishing for a camera. His eyes grew wide and he covered his mouth..

He remembered this night, it was torture. She had ruined everything, they were master and servant, they were fine and everything was as it should of been! Until she..

Tomoe paused, no.. this was different, but how was it different then the other dreams? He didn't know but when he looked at Nanami he was shocked when she looked at him with her bright brown eyes.

His violent eyes wide wide as she gripped hsi white shirt in her small frail fingers and let her breath play with his, for some reaosn he coudln't move.. it wasn't the dream stopping him though. No.. It was her, the way her breath was on his. Why was he paralized? Was he really that lustful at the moment?

Tomoe bit his lip and tried to look away slightly, trying to puch his master away from him, this was wrong and no matter how much he put it? It would always be wrong. In fact he didn't want to take it.. this was somethinghe wasn't so sure of.

But when she got closer... his lips twitched slightly, his breath catching as he tried to stay calm. He stayed unmoving as Nanami brushed her soft lips against his and the fox teen found himself suspended and unsure what to do.'

Nanami pulled her mouth back for a moment and looked at him slightly, for some reason her eyes pulled him in. Not her body or the kiss, but somethign about her eyes made him blink. Cherry blossoms formed in his mind but he soon forgot about them as she spoke.

" Tomoe.." She whispered gently to him, his shirt still in her hands, " Whats your repsonse?" She whispered gently as she looked at him, her beautful brown eyes showing nothing but longing.

The white ahired teen woudl have looked away, but for some reason this dream was stopping him from doing so.. he didn't understand, and for some reaosn he did not care as he lowered his mouth on her slowly.'

Their lips make a little sound and Tomoe froze, shocked that he had made such a bold mood when he didn't even like her. Maybe he though her body was a bit sassy for his taste but he never saw her in any other way..

But the way their mouths touched and the way that she tasted, He was shocked and maybe a bit to draw in. He lowered hsi head again ad kissed her softer then the last, their lips making yet another noise as they pulled away... the moisture making their lips surpend on each others for only a second longer.. and that second was all it took.

The fox let their lips linger to long as soon he coudln't pull away, instead he moved his mouth over hers in a passionate fashion, gasped came out of his mouth and for some reaosn he didnt know how to stop.

His hands gripped her hands and he groaned slightly, their lips working together and for some reason. He didn't feel guilty for it... Instead he pressed her back against the guard of the bilding and kissed her harshly, keeping her close.

He didn't know why he was kissing her like this, it was disjusting and yet he couldn't stop his mouth from touching hers. HIs hand traveled down her back as he held her close, his other hand on the guard behind her.

What was going on and why? He gasped as she gripped his shirt and kissed him back with eqaul passion, he didn't know why but he whined out,

" Ah.." he gasped and paused when she stopped, they both slowed down and soon pulled away, thier lips moist from the kiss they shared. Tomoe paused, his breath rasping along with the hormones beats of his teenage heart.

Thats when he paused and blinked, her taste was still there but.. He looked at her and blinked, she was Nanami.. and that was a problem.

Why was this happening!? He.. he would never! Not on this building! It wasn't.. It wasn't like him to! Tomoe backed up, his eyes wide as he blushed and whined slightly, And to his shock Nanami bushed and looked down.

He didn't know what was going on, in fact his heart was throbbing, so much that he grew dizzy. He griped the side of the buildings guard and groaned out in pain. Not expecting Nanami to smile at him and change just a bit..

She had a blindfold with blood pouring down out of it slowly.'

' Remember me..' She whispered and Tomoe gasped. He hadn't had dreams with her for a while, but.. he.. He then froze from a woman laughing at him and giggling. He could't see her, he could't fine her.. she..She.

" You'll remember Tomoe Mikage.. Your hands are stained with blood.. " The voice whispered and Tomoe looked down.'

His hands were covered with sticky blood, it seeped down his uniform and his hair, making his eyes grow wide as he backed away, panic in his chest. He stepped back and blinked as he looked down, seeing the roof covering with puddles on blood.

The girl giggled and smirked at him slightly as she opened her moth and showed a bloody smile,

" Remember.. Please Baby, Remember." She gasped out and reached for him, Tomoe on the other hand saw something he hadn't seen in years.. A..

Bloody hand, reaching out to him.

Tomoe gasped out and screamed, panic in his eyes as he stepped forward and fell, his eyes grew wide as he lost his balance and he fell. The teen fell and screamed slightly, his eyes wide as he fell towards the ground, but for some reaosn he coudln't light his fire..

The fox gasped and covered his face...

Oh no... Please. NO!


End of Dream..


INari's POV ( Haven't done a POV in a while. XD )


I was sipping my tea and sighing slightly as I did so. I was on the verge of sleep but not quite there yet. Nanami had taken her meal to her room and after I checked on her, found her asleep in there.

I turned the light out and came back to the living room, where I was now. I was perfectly fine with what I was doing.. until I heard terrorified screams coming from Tomoe's room. I was shcoked and my blood ran cold, why?

Tomoe never screamed...

I dropped my tea cup and rushed to the room, my eyes wide as I threw the door open. i was shocked to see Tomeo screaming in his sleep, It looked like he was trying to push something off of him.. I wan't for sure but I ran over and quickly yanked the blanket off.

The teen continued to thrash until I gripped his shoulders and shook him, trying to get him to wake up. When it was to the point where he opened his eyes and screamed out a word that shocked me. I was frozen stiff before Tomoe stared up at me.

He then seemed to panic and try to push me away, before then turning his head and crying out.. and the word he said that made me understand? That made me get what was going on in his head just a little bit?

He called out his fathers name..

He called out' Mikage'


End Of Inari's POV


" MIKAGE HELP ME!" Tomoe screamed before freezing up, his eyes wide as he woke up to quickly. His head swam and when he saw that Inari was shaking him awake? He felt his emotions come up..

And he didn't want Inari to see.

Tomoe tried to keep turning his head but Inari just looked at him shock. After twenty years Tomoe had said he let go of the pain and the suffering that Mikage bestowed on him, but what he just screamed out said other wise.. instead?

He was hurting so much.

Each day he wondered, if he leaved the shrine if he woudl come back. Would his family come back if he had done somethign different? His mother was murdered in cold blood.. His father ran away from him.

He was destined to be alone, wasnt he!?

He didn't want to be alone anymore! He didn't like the dark; the coldness of the shrine, just recently was it warm, and it was warm because Nanami was here. And her being here was just a constant reminder that his father was not, and he HATED her for it!

The fox could not turn his head away from the god, which just made him annoyed and frustrated. He tried not to tear up but when he felt Inari's grip loosen up on his shoulders? He cringed and started to bawl..

And it was humilating to say the least..

Inari blinked in shock from the instant release of screamed out tears. Tomoe choked and whant Inari let him go he fell back on his pillow and buried his head into it. He coudln't calm down, given that his father used to clam him down in these times..

But Inari sure did try.. He stroked the teens head and bit his lip, he was in shock. He thought Tomoe just hated Mikage or had the worlds largest grudge, but it looked like his theroy was right..

Tomoe wanted to see his dad again so much? That he was holding it in and letting it fester within him. It hurt and it stuck slightly to see the teen like this, but Tomoe cryied for a while yet.

When he started to calm down Inari sighed out weakly,

" Night terrors?" he whispered gently as Tomoe cringed and tried not to look the god in the eye, instead he just turned in his head and laid his head on his hands as he stared at a wall and tried not to hiccup like a two year old.'

This just gave Inari his answer as he sighed out and gently patted the teens head,

" Why don't you wear your pendant?" Inari whispered gently and made Tomoe look at him in shock. He then laid his head back and shook his head, making Inari sigh out.

" I know you want to wear it.. You always do.." He smiled gently and took Tomoe's Ying-Yang pendant from the side table. Tomoe glared at him for touching it and yanked it out of his hand, his eyes glaring at him as he held it close and slipped it around his neck.

Inari smiled at this and sighed, " Shuji woudl be proud of you." he whispered gently as Tomeo shook his head. He looked away and laid back down, not saying another word.. this told INari one thing, and one thing only..

He wanted him out of the room.

The god sighed out as he got up and walked out of the room, leaving the teen to whimper and hold his pendant close to his chest. Tears welled up in his eyes but he refused to cry anymore. He didn't want the night terrors.

He just wanted it to all leave him be...


Tomoe sighed out weakly as he made tea the next morning, he watched it boil bt he said nothing as he did so.. He was making three cups, thats all that was needed for today. The teen huffed weakly and lifted his hand to touch his pendant, The white and black side clicked together as he did so and he sighed out.

He didn't need to think about it.. In fact he was still kind of tired.

The fox bit his lip and finsihed pouring the tea before pouring the cream in, making little leaf designs and sighing out as he absently did so. He didn't see the little heart design he did in Nanami's cup before blinking and staring at it.

His ears flopped in shock and his heart thudded before He heard someone walk in.

He froze up and looked at the coffee, he didn't get it.. why had he done that? He wans't even thinking so maybe he was just out of it from last night;, but still he did not want his master to see, ' That' and get the wrong idea.. She had already gotten the wrong idea so many times before..

Tomoe grabbed her cup of Tea and downed it, drinking it so fast he didn't care if it burned his throat.. He was relieved when Nanami walked in and grabbed the one that was meant to be his.

He relaxed as she sipped it and made a funny look, ' Tomoe.." She paused, " May I have another cube of sugar.." She gagged and Tomoe glared at her but nodded as he put another one in. He didn't get this girl... she practially drank sugar and hardly tasted the coffee.

He in fact took some water to wash down the sugar from her coffee, that like a fool, he just drank. At least he would be on a sugar high now, which meant he coudl get some work done before crashing and falling alseep all over again.

Nanami sighed out and leaned on the counter as she sipped her coffee, making the fox look at her annoyed. For some reason he was self conscious of what she was wearing.. She was wearing that little slip like dress again and he cursed hismelf for getting it for her.

But it wasn't her fault, she had just gotten up and that was what she wore. No big deal, right? The teen looked away before paused when Nanami placed her cup in the sink and looked at him.

" Hey Tomoe?" She whispered slightly but Tomoe glared at her annoyed, trying to push yesterday, last night and rightnow out of his hormonal mind. He looked away before she sighed out slightly,

" What was that scar from?" She whispered slightly as Tomoe paused.. He touched his chest, not letting her see hsi pendant in fear of her asking if she could wear it. He huffed and looked away,

" Thats my busniess... Not yours.' He whispered slightly and scrubbed the counter. Signifing the conversation was over and he didn't want to talk about it anymore, esspecilaly with someone like her.

She was a human, and he didn't want her near him, he didn't want to serve her bit he didn't have a choice on that one.

Nanami blinked but sighed weakly, " I get it... its personal right?" She whispered slightly but Tomoe kept quite. He did not want her near him, much less talking to him about his past! HIS! Possive form, not hers..

Nanami sighed out and bit her lip before pausing, " OH CRAP! Tomoe! We have school to-

" You do.. I'm not going." He whispered slightly and stared at the counter, ' I have things to do." he whispered slightly. Nanami on the other hand paused and nodded. She then got quite and patted his shoulder. The teen stiffened before she winced,

" Get some sleep.." She whispered and Tomoe froze up as he looked at her. She smiled and walked out, her hips swaying, and Tomoe foudn himself having to look away. He was shocked with himself and he didn't even want to think about it; but he did know something...

If she knew he didn't sleep much last night.. and she didn't argue with him about going to school.. Did she hear his terrorifed screams? The teen swallowed, he hoped not! It wasn't something he wanted her to know! It was private.. personal..

Tomoe sighed out slightly and bit his lip as he started to clean the sink, he did so and huffed as he did so, but he paused when he touched his pendant and sighed out, Nanami was leaving in two more days...


Tomoe blinked and paused, his face burned for the time in a really long time and he growled to hismelf, he didn't care if she left! He was fine.. She woudl come back, she wouldn't leave him alone in a place like this.. Right?

The teen blinked. Why would he care if she left? Less problems.. less work. He didn't care, but he... He didn't want the warmth in the shrine to disappear, he didn't want to be left alone all over again.

Tomoe sighed out and shook his head, his mind went back to his little make-out dream the night before and he paused.... he never had made-out with a girl in his dreams unless it was the one girl under the sakura trees. He coudln't see her face or hear her voice, but he seemed so attracted to her..

So why did he stick his tongue into Nanami's mouth last night?

The teen groaned in hate, he didn't want to think about it! His head hurt and so did everything else on his body.. He let his head hit the counter as he whined and cursed out multiped times..



Last Night...


Nanami was just half asleep, given that she had just dozed off and was fine with the idea of sleeping at the time. She had eaten and now was ready to doze and relax, someone turned her light out and she figured it was Inari.

Earlier that day she had to deal with realtiy.. The relatily of her being stupid enough to touch Tomoe in such a familiar way that even she was shocked, she coudln't believe her actions and yet she was so curious about that scar on his stomach..

So curious.. So she asked Tomoe, but he wouldn't tell her, but then again she then rub on him a little.. Anybody who already hated you was going to get ticked off, right?

The girl sighed out weakly and turned in her bed,Her eyes heavy as she started to doze..

That was until she heard a perilish scream that made her jump awake. When she did stand up she heard Inari running to Tomoe's room.. It shocked her and she didn't get what was going on.. In fact she was worried, worried enough to grab her bathrobe and wrap up as she walked out of the cold room she was in.

When she had she saw Inari slightly looking inside the room.. She was shocked before he looked at her and blinked, he bit his lip and ignored her as he rushed isnide... but something told her to stay where she was or get clobbered.

She didn't know what it was but she stayed still and didn't say anything as she waited.. sadly the screams didn't stop right away and it scared her more then anything to hear them. In fact she was shocked when they did stop..

But the girl didn't want to move, she wanted to see what was wrong, and maybe help; Sadly when Inari stepped out he looked at her surprised but he said nothing as Nanami appraoched him in worry.

" What was tha-

" Nothing." He smiled gently but Nanami was shocked by his look, it was warning her to say anything. Like a threat maybe... Those screams were Tomoes, there was no mistaking what she had heard come out of that room.

Tomoe must of been terrified, but if Inari was shoving it off? It had to be a soft topic. She nodded slightly as the man smiled weakly and sighed out,

" Its best not to say anything about this dear." Inari sighed out as he looked at her weakly, " I'm sorry but this is how it has to be." He smiled slightly but didnt say a word as he walked past her, leaving her to feel a chill go up her spine.

It did feel like a threat, an open one in fact; and she did not like it, not at all..

The girl shivered and looked at Tomoe's door before going back to her room and closing it, if he was screaming and nothing was wrong, Then what could of been the probelm?

And How could she help?


At School


" Earth to Nanami... Nanami.. NANAMI!" A reddish brown haired girl snapped as Nnamai looked up from her bento and jumped, her heart racing as she got snapped out of her thoughts from the previous night and that morning.

She grasped her heart and looked at Kei shocked that she had remotely knocked her out of her day-dream and made her feel like a space caddet. She looked at the girl shcoked as Kei arched her brow, Ami looked at her worried but said nothing as she nibbled on a small donut that she had brought for lunch.

Even Kurama looked over their way in shock from Kei's outburst. NAnami on the other hand had to blink her daze out of her eyes and sigh out,

" Yeah?" She whispered slightly as Kei looked at Ami, who was looking at Kurama, who was looking at Nanami in shock.

" I was asking yu why you were just picking away at your food, but apparently someone has a boy on the brain.' She nodded and giggled as Ami blinked and gasped.

" Still!?" She blinked as Nanami looked at her surprised but sighed out as she did so,

" Its not like that.." She whispered, in fact it wasn't like that at all.. just hearing Tomoe's scremas the other night scared her, the sound was loud and rasping for air, and then his far off look that he had today, well... That shocked her slightly as well.

Now he wasn't going to school and she wondered if something had bothered him in some way. She didn't know what it was or why it had happened but the way he was acting proved somethign was on his mind, what she had no clue and she wondered if he was okay.

Kei looked at her slightly and sighed out and she shook her head, ' Your out of it ya know? Do you feel well? If that idiot hurt you again I swear.' She paused when Kurama walked up and looked at Nanami slightly before sighing and shaking his head, letting his red hair bounce slightly as he grabbed her arm gently and smiled,

" Come on, " He sighed and pulled her up. Nanami was in shock by this but was even more shocked when he pulled her out of the classroom, shocking Kei and Ami to the bitter core. They did not see that one coming at all..

But neither was Nanami.

Kurama looked at her slightly and leaned his frame against the door as he arched his brow, " So.. What did he do to you this time?" He sighed out and flicked his hair, making some girls swoon in the background and glare at the brunette headed female.

She rolled her eyes mentally before sighing out and looking down weakly, " I don't know.' She shrugged, " Just lately I haven't been.. Helpful.' She muttered weakly, " In fact I've been getting in the way lately.. bothering the people at the shrine.." She whispered before Kurama blinked and but then sighed out.

" You know what you need?" He grinned and sighd, ' After school, me and You.. I'll take you out for a nice day. " he paused at her shocked expression before he laughed behind his hand, " And I won't try anything, this is just a day for friends." He smiled gently and Nanami was shocked by it..

In fact it was the first time she swore she saw him smile genuninly.

It didn't change the fact that she was uncomfortable though, in fact he tried to eat her heart before, so how was she supposed to trust him now of all times? The girl sighed out weakly and bit her lip before sighing out slightly.

To be honest... going out, and not going home sounded pretty nice at the moment. Given what happened between her and Tomoe a few nights ago, she'd rather go with Kurama then go home to yelling and screaming again.

The girl sighed out a Kurama looked at her, waiting for an answer before she nodded slightly,

" Okay." She whispered gently and nodded, ' I'd like that." She smiled slightly and Kurama smiled gently and patted her head.

" That a girl." He smiled and then sighed, " After school, " he smiled gently and Nanami nodded slightly.' He walked back into the room and Nanami smiled before pulling her phone out and looking at the shrines number..

She could call thema nd tell them where she was going, but honestly she didn't want to go and tell them. If she did Tomoe would drag her back home and tell her that Kurama was a tengu and that he wanted to eat her, not be friend with her.

But for some reason she thought she saw a different side to Kurama, what she had no clue. In fact she was fine with going with him, so instead of pressing call she shoved the phone in her pocket and smiled.

She was going to have fun, and Tomoe was not going to ruin it! Neither was Inari or the shrine spirits or Tomoes constant nagging at her. She was going to go out and be a teenager for once. Nanami smiled and puased before remembeing Taking Tomoe out to go shopping.

She remembered him looking nice in the dark striped shirt and black cackie like jeans. The black scark set it off and he looked like a teenage bad boy, she remembered how he wore them, even after they left the shop. She wondered if that was him liking them or him just wearing them because they spent shrine money on them.

Nanami smiled to herself before walking back into the classroom and sitting down slightly. She was not going to listen to Tomoe this time, he acted just like a servant, when she thought of him to be so much more. She liked him..

But he was not going to stop her...


" TOMOEEE-KUNNN!!!" Mizuki huffed while Tomoe twitched. Miazuki had been far away, in fact he had been in the cellar this whole time and not once came out, Tomoe figured he had been drunk off his rocker or something..

But right now he wished he'd go back.. or better yet die.

" TOMOE!" He snapped, " Where is Nanami-chan!?" he whined and pouted, fake tears in his eyes, ' Did she go to S-C-H-O-O-L Again?" He whined, ' I wanna go!" He hung his head as Tomoe twithed and galred at him.

" There no way your going!" he snapped and huffed as Mizuki suddenly glared at him,

" You go!" He whined before Tomoe slapped him upside the head, '

" If you don't shut up I swear I'll drown you again.' he seethed while Mizuki yelped and backed up, is eyes wide. He had seem Tomoe mad and upset but Today he was a new type of mad.. he was a tired Mad.. The worst type of mad.

He didn't look like he had slept for a while and now the snake wasn't so sure he had made the right choice in taking a break from making his sake. He would have went back to the basement but Inari entered and patted his head.

" Tomoe.. Stop scaring him." he sighed out as Tomoe grummbled and threw Spagetti in a pan and slurred a few curses as he stirred it with his left hand. Inari shook his head, he knew he had a night terror the other night.. but everyonce in a while the teen woudl stare off and let his face color.

He didn;t know what that was about and he wasnt sure he did want to know, but Tomoe was his own person, he was probably just thinking things through, right? The god hoped so as Tomoe cooked dinner and sighed out to himself.

The teen had been quite or screaming all day, both different and yet he didn't get it. In fact it was a shock to see this. Tomoe was more grumpy at certain times but right now he was thinking about something.

Inari sighed out and sipped some tea before he paused and looked at the time as well, he arched his brow and looked at Tomoe slightly,

" You do know its six in the afternoon right? Nanami got out of school two hours ago.." he whispered. It only took Tomoe to seconds to let his ears perk and his hand to release the spoon and freeze up.

He looked at the clock and then steamed out a curse, ' That, Stupid idiot of a girl!" he snapped and grabbed his haori. He thrust his arms through the sleeves and grabbed his scarf before looking down at his messy clothes. The teen ground his teeth and sighed out as he ran to his room to get changed and dressed properly..

What a time to be late.


Nanami laughed and smiled as Kurama walked with her throuh the streets of Japan, she had been pretty happy to get out and about, and her phone was turned off, giving her a happy way of going about.

Now the popstar was smiling and dare she say it? Laughing.. She giggled slightly as she tugged her coat tighter. It was colder now a days but she was fine and okay with this. In fact she couldn't help but smile about it!

Tomoe had no clue where she was and she was having a great time, in fact they had just walked out of a warm resturant and got done eating. It was nice to walk a bit and Nanami had to admit this was what she needed..

" Look." Kurama smiled, " I don't know what the fox did but chin up a bit.' He smiled slightly, " What ever he did its because hes to stupid to see you.. He smiled gently, ' And I mean you. Not anything else." He grinned as Nanami blushed but nodded slightly.

He was a charmer, glady she could see past that little fact; but he was only trying to cheer her up and that was enough for her. She smiled gently and held the take-out that she had from her meal.

Kurama chuckled, " I hoped you liked it, I know it was a bit pricey but I wanted you to have that experience." He smirked and Nanami blinked but nodded. She had to admit it was rather pricey and she waa relieved when he paid for both meals.

She felt out of place in the resturant, given she was dressed in her highschool uniform while they were decked in pretty dresses and diamond earrings; but at least she got to eat like a queen for once... Although the food was not as good as Tomoe's. She'd admit to that.

Nanami smiled slightly, ' I loved it.. Thank you. I had a great time, its been a bit.. Rough at the shrine lately.' She shrugged but smiled gently as Kurama nodded.

" I get it, The studio hasn't been so nice either. The people you work with can be such jerks." He nodded but sighed out, ' Sadly they can't overrulle me!" He did a pose and Nanami shook her head, Classic Kurama.

She would have laughed before she paused and turned her phone back on, fifthteen missed calls, Nanami went pale and winced before looking at the time. Her eyes grew wide before Kuram pointed at a few lights.

Nanami blinked and looked up, " Wow.." She whispered, " Its not even Christmas.. or even close to it.' She blinked before Kurama laughed gently,

" True.. But just think. Its dark and they want a pretty city." He smiled and Nanami nodded as she looked at the lights hanging on trees or Sakura and oak. She giggled at the look it gave them but it was rather beauitful.

This night.. it reminded her of the night when Tomoe and her went shopping, they talked a bit and he...

Almost kissed her.

Nanami blushed slightly to herself but didn't say anything as they continued to walk, their shoes hitting the ground slightly. Thats when she heard another' persons footprints, they seemed to be faster and when Nanami looked she saw Tomoe walking, A.K.A. stomping towards them.

Kurama winced out in the open, knowing the look that Tomoe bore was not a friendly one. He woudl have backed up but he was too shocked When Tomoe looked angerly at Nanami instead.

" You fool!" He snapped, " DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!?!" He hissed and Nanami blinked as she glared at him.

" Yes I do." She huffed and crossed her arms, " I was just heading back." She nodded before Tomeo twitched,

" Why did you go out without protection anyway Nanami!?" He growled before Nanami glared at him slightly. Her eyes narrowed as she showed him her phone,

" I turned it off.. I didn't want to be yelled at, LIKE NOW!" She snapped as Tomoe paused but galred. He growled and looked at Kurama anoyed. Kurama had to try and not laugh at this situation. Tomoe was younger then him in human years so it was funny to watch. An Eighteen year old yelling at him, a nineteen year old.

He snickered to himself as Tomoe glared at him and twitched, He then looked at Nanami annoyed. It only took her a second to realized he was wearing the outfit she had gotten him a few nights ago, that and a nice, 'Human' Coat. He looked like a teenger with his ears and tail hidden as he huffed out, the air turning to frost as he breathed out.

" You should of told me." He huffed in a more quite tone, it was quite but it was threatening and Nanami huffed,

" Your not my father.' She snapped and Tomoe glared at her slightly.'

" What are you doing out here with him anyway?" Tmoe seethed and glared at Kurama. The red head snickered at this, oh! OH! He got it now.. He GOT IT! Was this fox... Jealous? He snickered slightly and then sighed out,

" It was just-

" A date." Nanami snapped out while Kurama looked at her shocked. The red head almost stuttered, trying to explain that was not the case at all; but Tomoe blinked in shock before glaring,

" You idiot!' He steamed, " Human and Yokai!? You get how wrong that is you foolish girl! HOW SICKENING!" He glared and went to turn his back before Nanami huffed and fumed. She got the food box and wacked it upside Tomoe's head.

Kurama took this as an oppurtunity to walk away and call out, 'See you later!"He then ran off, not wanting to get hit in the process. He knew that Tomoe was capable of getting jealous though, he would have never thought.. if it wasn't for the murderious glare he got.

Tomoe froze up, his eyes wide before he growled and glared at her harshly, " YOU LITTLE!!!!'

Nanami huffed, ' You think I'm scared of you! YOUR NOT MY FATHER!!" She snapped as Tomoe huffed out and hissed at her.

" Your right! I'm not the one that gambled right!? The one that didn't want you!?" Tomoe seethed out before Nanami paused, her eyes wide and Tomoe blinked. He paused before she glared, her eyes glassed over as she shoved the container into his chest.

" You mean like the one that Abadoned you because your a love child?" She asked him, her face hard as she got into his... But she wasn't expeting absolute hurt to flash across Tomoe's face. She paused and backed up a bit but the damage was done..

And She wasn't expecting Tomoe to tear up and drop her food, and then take off.. Through traffic and away from her..

Nanami's eyes grew wide and she froze..

What had she done?


AN:' Dun, Dun, Dun, Duunnnnnn.... Looks like she went to far in the insult list! XD Shame on you Nanami...'

N: I was mad... T-T

AN;' No excuse.... Now..' Shoves a cake in her face and sighs out, " I am satisfied..'

N: !?!?

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