Guy Looks Like A Lady!!

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A/N : " NEXT CHAPTER! Cause.... I was tired and had nothing to do after organizing a bunch of stuff! So YEAH! Haha...'

T: " Pfft, Your Lazy.."

A:" SHUT UP! Meanie!! ' Pouts' " Your the one that been checking Nanami out!"


A: " Oh? What about yesterday? When you-"

T: " Fox-Fire!

Guy Looks Like A Lady!



Nanami moaned and nearly crashed into a wall as she staggered into the living room wearing her light green night dress, It was a modest get up that she was rather proud of but then again; The other day when she ran into Tomoe?

He scoffed at her and stared her at her for a moment, Then he titled his head to the side as if in deep thought. When Nanami asked him why he said,

"Do you have a chest under that thing? If you do that ''Thing'' Covers it up. Your such a sad goddess.."

Nanami had glared at him and then ordered him to stand in the rain for the rest of the day, She had learned ( From some sources ) That he HATED water; so his punishment for callng her a half woman was final. He had cursed saying he had only said his thoughts.

Of course Nanami reminded him that he shoudn't have been thinking about her body in the first place. This shut him up as he stomped outside and stood in the rain. He let it soak all the way down to his skin and through his undergarmets.

When he came in that night he glared at Nanami.

His hair was sopping wet and he was shaking uncontrolably from the cold, Thats when Nanami found herself looking him over.

The fox narrowed his eyes and glared, " You shouldn't be thinking about my body, Nanami." He mocked her words from earlier leaving the girl flustered and in deed embarrassed. He stormed into the other room and soon came back dry.

Nanami shuddered from the other day and sneezed, She was cold; She had chills and now she was weazing harshly. The girl moaned in annoyance and soon found her way to the living room where , Tomoe, The shrine spirits and Inari were sitting and haveing a desicent conversation.

"Hey." She groaned out, Of course they ALL ignored her and continued their conversation. Nanami saw Tomoe glance at her from the corner of his eye so she knew he heard her. He was probably ticked about the rain inncident.

She ground her teeth, " HEY!"

Inari nearly dropped his cup when he looked at Nanami and Tomoe scowled at her for her rude behavior. The shrine spirits were rocking back and forth on their heels, Waiting to hear what Nanami had to say.

The girl slumped a bit and she heard Tomoe mutter something about her hurrying up.

She coughed and the fox looked at her confused, The shrine spirits went raggid and Inari arched his brow.

" Do you guys have cold medicine?" She croaked out; her voice cracking harshly.

She sighed, She was a land god with no powers; Her health was all she had going for her but since all the stress of yesterday and other things in that week, ( One involving Female issues. Tomoe had learned to stay away from her in fear of loosing his head with her anger outbursts. Which confused him more was when she started crying the next minute. He thought she was mentally loosing it..)

Nanami sighed out, her chest felt heavy and Tomoe furrowed his brow. He stood up and swiftly stuck a thermometer in her mouth. She blinked and then glared at him; ready to put up a fight. She was confused how he was the one was soaked yesterday and yet he didn't catch a thing!

The thing in her mouth beeped and Tomoe moved his hand forward, His long fingers plucked it out of her mouth. She caught a glance of his eyes and she blinked. Her chest started to hurt even more and she coughed to get the feeling to go away. Sadly fate hated her and it didn't.

The shrine spirits peaked at the thermometer and and gasped loudly, " IT'S SO HIGH!! PLEASE STAY HOME LADY NANAMI!"

The girl rolled her eyes . She was not ging to go lie down and act like she was bed ridden. It was annoying to sit around and do nothing..

"No, I'm going to go get ready." She pouted and started to fumble her way towards her run. Sadly she tripped over her own feet and started to fall with as much grace as a cat with a hood on its head, ( Pun Intended, Cat-hood )

Inari shot Tomoe a stern look and the teenage fox moaned and lunged forward; His clawed hands wrapped around her waist and with his demon strength he lifted her up so that he could look at her humble and sickly face.

She was pale and her hair was everywhere from sleep. He clucked his tongue and looked at her with all seriousness at heart ( And a little annoyance since her body heat was seeping through to his hands and making him jitery )

Inari shook his head back and forth, Tomoe was holding the girl up from under her arms and he nearly started panicking. He had to admit it was adorable but also unsightly. He gulped at the position, Tomoe seemed to not see it as anything but Inari... Saw it as a boy and girl getting to close for a parents comfort. It was strange for him; giving that he liked teasing Tomoe if he ever had or would ever have a crush.

He sighed and Tomoe looked at Nanami with a sad, Pathetic face, " Its true.." He sighed and looked at her with his beautiful eyes, " Your Hot.."

Silence passed and Nanami blinked. She flushed and Inari dragged a hand down his face, trying not to laugh at the awkwardness. Of course Tomoe was talking about her fever but it didn't come out like that.

Tomeo smirked evilly. He hated that Nanami went to school and he had to go with her; He would rather stay in the one place that was closest to his heart.

The shrine..

So when she was like this? He couldn't help but rejoice. She was here and had to stop going to school because of her fever. Tomoe smirked, He could stay home..

At least, Thats what he thought.

"I recommend you stay home, " He fake pouted, Not really careing about her situation. He had to admit he was a bit worried; but that was because he was feeling sympetic for her because she helped him wihen he was ill. It was only natural ( And tradition ) To repay her.

" I-I C-Can't!!" Nanami stuttered loudly and tried her best to squirm out his grip. Tomoe held on tighter, his grip tightening on her arms. He narrowed his eyes and got in her face.

"Stay here with me.."

Nanami looked at him like a fish out of water and the fox paused. His eyes grew wide and he nearly dropped Nanami on the floor in a huge pile. WHAT JUST SLIPPED OUT OF HIS MOUTH? He paused and looked at her, He didn't know what to say to change what already slipped out.

Inari was staring at the two with wide eyes; He looked like a dear in headlights and his mouth was hanging open. Then he looked up and started saying, ' Mikage! Its happening!'

Tomoe's ears flopped over in embarrassment..

Curse that idiot..


Nanami looked at him and titled her head to the side, " I Can't, I already missed too many days Tomoe."

The fox looked at her shocked and then glared at her, She couldn't go to sschool like this; No matter how much she protested! He would tie her down..

He would..

The fox looked at her and paused, " That outfit again?" He rolled his eyes, " Your hopeless.."

Nanami glared at him, " WELL SORRY IF I DON'T HAVE LADY CLOTHES!!!"

She started to squirm again and Tomoe glared at her, " Don't make me hurt you.." He ground his teeth not expecting the next thing.

Nanami glared at him, " I can hurt you.."

The fox chuckled and looked at her, his head titling to the side as he smirked, " Oh?"

Inari watched as did the shrine spirits, They looked curious too; giving that Nanami was a female and weaker then a male. ( No! They are not Sexist! Just admit it girls.. If you were against a demon Male, Who would win? )

Nanami nodded and stuck out her little bottom lip. Tomoe chuckled not believeing her; but then again..

He wasn't expecting her to kick him....

In a VERY sensitive spot...

Tomoe cringed and yelped as he dropped her on the floor and sunk down in pain. He winced and bit his lip, his eyes twitching as she stood over him and smirked. He couldn't stand and EVERYONE in the room knew why..

He looked at her, his body shaking with pain.

Oh It was on..

Ianri shock his head as Tomoe started to scream at the girl saying that was highly unnessary; All the while still sitting in the floor trying to recollect his pride.

The harvest god sighed, " Mikage, You better hope you can still be a grandfather after that kick." He muttered this quietly as Tomoe screamed his head off at the girl.

Nnamai was screaming back until she stiffened and looked at the time. She literally cursed and started to stagger towards her room.

"YOUR NOT GOING!" Tomoe had finally stod up and blocked her path, " YOUR STAYING HOME!"

Onikiri and Kotetsu looked at Tomoe and then Nanami, The girl shrine spirit smiled under her mask and pulled out on of Tomoe's transformation leaves ad placing it on his back. The fox froze as his body shifted and Nanami was staring at herself.

Tomoe cursed and looked down at his female body; a small heat went across his face from embarrassment. Then he turned to look at Onikiri and Kotetsu ticked.

"WHAT!?" He fumed.

" Go to school as Lady Nanami!" They cheered.

Nanami blinked and then looked at Tomoe; he did look like her. A lot in fact. She felt herself smirk and Tomoe shook his head,

"NO! NO! NO!!!" He screamed out as he clenched his now femine fists.


Tomoe cursed as he neared to school. He had to agree to this embarrassment!!! It was disrespectful! He ground his teeth and looked down at his femine body. He felt..


He had screamed at Nanami about him not going as her anyway. He had also brought up that all he had to do was dye his hair and he could pull it off since she had to body of a boy. She glared at him for the comment and the fox smirked at her shocked face when he, ''Altered'' her body.

She had screamed at him and told him to change it back but he pulled up an act and looked at her with innocent eyes, " Whatever do you mean?' He smirked and started to walk out of the shrine, sashaing his hips just to tick the girl off.

Now he was standing in front of the building and cursing at himself.

Tomoe went to tug his white hair but then remembered his hair was now brown. He paused and brought it to his mouth. Wow..

Her hair smelled nice.

Tomoe blinked and then rolled his eyes. When he got home?

He was getting Drunk..

Tomoe started to stomp forward and soon found himself inside the school. He walked into the class room and sighed heavily. Isobe was in his- Er... Nanami's Seat.

"Excuse me? That seat is mine." He snarled his plump red lips and tapped his foot as Isobe and a few other young man started to talk about his body. He rolled his eyes and pushed the blond into the floor.

He sat in time to be greeted by Kurama. What a pain.. Did Nanami really know this much people? How irritating.

"Hello Nanami, Where's that fox?"

Tomoe felt himself smirk, " Not here; why?"

Kurama sighed, " You know.. You look more attractive today."

Tomoe mentally gagged, Yep.. He was getting drunk.

Kurama sighed and sat on Tomoe's--Er.. Nanami's desk.

"Its sad, Some things are dangerous in this school today. The miasma is strong today; but don't worry, I'll protect you." He smiled, " Because.. I am interested by you.." He kissed the foxes hand and Tomoe felt himself slap the tengu clear across the room.

He stood up and glared at the tengu, He stomped forward and put his foot on the idiot'd head, " Well I'm not interested in you, So bug off. You suck."

Kurama looked at the fox surprised as he stomped back to his desk. He started to search through Nanami's desk and found some disifectate soap. He sniffed it and almost got dizzy ( Don't smell hand sanitizer.. -_- ) He sighed and put it on Kurama's kiss mark. He even gagged loud enough for some girls to glare and boys to swoon.

He cleaned his hand five times until it was worthy to touch anything then he looked down at the homework in forn of him.

" Oh Crap.." He muttered when he saw English. The words jumbled together making Tomoe's head hurt. This reminded him of one time in the past when Mikage wrote the word, 'Tea' In English. He had searched night and day but couldn't figure the word out..

This was a living nightmare.

The fox swallowed and gripped the paper, His hand shook. To be honest he did't care if he failed because it wasnt his test. It was Nanamis.. Tomoe felt himself smirk as he put N/A For ALL the answers... Non Appliable..


Tomoe growled as he stomped down the hallway. He ready to go home; but NO! He had gym, and that meant he had to get into gym clothes.

Which was a HUGE problem right now.

He groudn his teeth when he neared the girls locker room. They were all out and it would just be him in there. He swallowed and reached for the door; but as soon as he did it was flung open and he was tackled by Ami.

"NANAMI! THERE'S A GHOST AND IT SAID I TASTE LIKE STRAWBERRIES!!!" She wailed and clung to Tomoe. The fox rolled his eyes and shoved her off,

"I'll take care of it; while I do.." He paused as a thought came to him, It was this, 'Go see a shrink..' He sighed out and watched as she took off down the hallway; screaming.

His ears popped out and pinned to his head as he shook his head and opened the door. He froze when he saw miasma everywhere. He blinked in shock at it and stepped in. He pulled out his fan to guard his air, once inside he saw that Ami wasn't that crazy.

A low grade yokai was searching through her locker; He rolled his eyes and went forward. he grabbed the yokai's shirt collar and lit his hand.

" So, Your a pervert in a girls locker room." He clucked his tongue, " I don't have to worry but for Nanami.." The fox paused..

Why did he care if she encountered a pervert? He swallowed, his spit tasting like sand.

He glared at the task at hand and pulled out a transformation leaf; He put it on the now screaming demon and smirked when it turned into a lolli pop. Thats when the door slammed open and Kurama ran in. He looked at Tomoe wide eyes and then up and down the hallways.

"Ami said she saw a ghost," He paused and looked at Tomoe, " Where is it?"

The fox smirked and looked around, " Ghost? What a foolish thought." He sighed and handed the Tengu the lollie pop yokai to Kurama.

"Here, Take it." He smirked as the Tengu sniffed it and shrugged his shoulders.

He licked it and Tomoe almost gagged, He hated going to school as a female. He saw so many things that were odd to him.

Plus, He had to pee! He squirmed in his skirt and chewed his lip in pain. Kurama walked out and Tomeo let his tail come out and tuck between his legs. He was trying to hold it in but Nanami' seemed to have a small blander. He swallowed, beads of sweat pouring off his body.

Oh man, Oh man, Oh man..

He winced and looked at the time, He had to hold it for thirty more minutes!?!

He hoped he didn't wet his skirt.. HE HATED THIS! Plus, Nanami forbade him from seeing her body; meaning.. No Bathroom ..

He cursed. Its not like she had anything to see anyway!

He would have his revenge. Tomoe swore he would tear her hair out or.. Or SOMETHING! He ground his teeth and tried not to waddle. Since Nanami forbade him from seeing her body he pulled out a leaf and changed his outfit. Then he waddled out the door to gym class. Hoping not to pee his skirt...

A/N : " Wow.... Hehe, Just Wait for the Next Chapter! Nanami sees the Bad Boy," ( Smirks )

Tomoe: " Who?"

A; " You'll see..OH WAIT! No You won't! You'll be at school, holding in your dignity! XD"

T: " Shut up!!!"

N: " Cough' No You shut up! Your making me head hurt! And Stop talking about peeing when you look like me! Its unnerving, You BAKA!"


End Of Chapter<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Next Chapter coming Soon.

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