Ice-Cream Date? -_-

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A/N: Here ya guys go...Ah I luv friday nights! Now I can write whatever I want and whenever I want! Now....I hope this turns out well....Get ready for Awkwardness! Yes! XD

Tomoe: "How awkward?"

Author: 'Smiles' " You don't need to know that yet...'

Tomoe: O_O "Eh????"

        I scream for Ice-Cream!!!

( Starting where we left off ) Nanami felt her face flush in embarrassment, Crap! He caught her talking to herself and muttering about how she hoped Tomoe would approve of Her!

"W-Were You listening to me?" She stuttered in irritation.

Tomoe fox rolled his eyes and turned his back o her, " In it's about the princess I will not hear of it! I will send our apologies, There is no reason for you to get involved in that case anymore, Besides Humans and spirits can't fall in love. You coudn't do anything for her anyway..."

Nanami glared at him annoyed, " I WON'T KNOW THAT UNLESS I TRY!!"

"I'm certain even if you don't try, You will not succeed..." Tomoe said blankly.


The fox rolled his eyes, " The category called love is based on human standard." He crossed his arms.

The girl clenched her fists and stomped towards the door, " Thats it! I'll go by myself!!!

"Where are you going?"

"To the Town!! I'm going to try and find Kotarou!!"

::::Tomoe's POV::::


I looked at her annoyed and then a small sense of panic set in, She was going to town? my mind swirled and I felt a bit dizzy and maybe a little nostalgic. The memory of that night twenty years ago evaded me, taking my breath away and leaving behind a stabbing pain..

'I'm going into Town Tomoe! Make sure to hold down the fort when I'm gone, Inari will be here if you need him...' Mikage smiled and walked out the door while I swept the floor unaware that was the last time I would see him, The last time I would see The person I had grown to respect and look up to as a father. I was alone again....

I snapped out of my thoughts as panic took over my body, Before I knew what I was doing I reached out and grasped Nanami's shoulder; Stopping her from continuing down the hallway.

"Wait! I rasped out, " I'm going too!" Panic set in and it was as if I could stop her from disappearing if I went with her, Which was a strange thought altogether since we didn't get along at all anyway.

She turned and looked at me confused but then sighed and pointed at me, " FINE!! BUT CHANGE OUT OF THOSE LOOSE FITTING CLOTHES!!"

I looked down at my Hakamashita and furrowed my brow, 'What was loose about this?'

She walked out of the room and I shuttered, Why did it come to mind that she would leave like Mikage anyway? I walked down to my room and found a suitable Kimono with a Haori half-coat. It looked fine to me so I quickly put them on and tied the belt. My ears perked at banging in another room and I rolled my eyes.


Growling I went out of my room...


:::Author's POV::::


"Look at the town!!" Nanami giggled like a school girl as she ran down the Cities sidewalk.

"Look at the crowd and Listen to the noise!!! It's only been like what, A week? Since I was in the shrine and Now I'm back here!! AH..." She smiled and giggled, " Has it been a long time since you came to Town Tomoe?"

The fox huffed out an annoyed breath. Why was she trying to make conversation? Didn't they fight all the time? He decided to answer, " Well Yeah, It has been a while..."

Then a little kid yanked on his tail and screamed, " Look Mommy! This guys ears is sticking up!"

Tomoe glared at the boy. Suddenly the kitsune felt a small, slender hand wrapped around his and yank him down the street in full speed, He looked ahead and saw his goddess pulling him. What, Was going on?'

" Oh Tomoe!! You have to hide your ears and tail!! Your not a human!!" Nanami whined as if in complete shock with herself.

The fox sighed and sat down then pulled out some of his transformation leaves and hid his ears and fluffy tail. " How about this? Is this better?" He felt the top of his head in confusion. It felt weird not to have anything ontop of his head, It looked human. He hated this look.......

Nanami smiled and nodded, " Good, Good!" She then pulled out a map and looked down at it. Tomoe got up and looked over her shoulder at the lines and little boxes. 'What a strange map...'

"Now...Where should we look for Kotarou at? " Nanami smiled. The fox sighed and leaned in a bit more to more closely at the map. She tensed. He looked at her confused and she seemed to be staring at a group of laughing teens, " Is something wrong?" He asked.

" L-Lets....Go get some Ice-Cream!"

The fox looked down a bit confused, Then she grabbed his hand again and pulled him to a traditional building. The fox grimced, 'What?'


" Do you like it?" Nanami smiled with an ice-cream spoon hanging out of her mouth.

The fox paused savoring whatever was in his mouth then he looked up at her and sighed, " Those people You were staring at, " He looked at her blanky, " They dress like you..."

"Oh that? They were wearing my schools uniform.."

Tomoe cocked his head slightly and narrowed his eyes, 'What a strange human.....' The fox glared and stuffed another spoonfull of ice-cream into his mouth. It was kind of good...But he wasn't one to admit things of such small importance. He looked up at his master again and noticed that some blood kid had walked up and was talking to her.


"Isobe!!" She smiled in a forced way.

"Why aren't you in school? And your with a dude...Thats kind of lewd."

"Its not like that so go away!"

Tomoe looked at the kid annoyed, 'Was he someone she knew from school also?'

He grunted and continued to watch them; Trying, ( For some reason or the other) To find out what they were doing. He wasn't paying attention to the conversation ( Which probably would have been smart ) The blond kid, Isobe? Leaned down and started whispering something in Nanami's ear. Tomoe glared at him annoyed, All The fox heard was ''Awww...''

'SO....They were flirting?'

The fox stood up quickly and grabbed his goddesses wrist...

"Lets get out of here..."

"Hey,Hey,Hey! " Isobe screamed, "I'm not ready! Just a few more minutes...."
Tomoe jerked around and pointed a claw at his head.

"Do not Touch her so casually, You stupid brat!!!" Tomoe snarled from deep in his chest. The poor Blond froze and seemed to space out. Nanami winced and looked at Tomoe. His face was ditorted and he looked ready to kill. She swallowed cupped her hands and screamed into his ear, "STOP IT!!!" The fox froze up and went blank as her voice perished his ears, It shook his head in a blood curtling scream. The command was strong but that wasn't what hurt, Its was the scream that almost made his ears bleed. Then the fox grabbed his ears and winced at the pain.

"Isobe are you okay?" Nanami questioned then she turned her gaze to Tomoe, " You can't start fights like that! Its dangerous, you know since he's a human?!?"

"Don't scream into my ears!!! You can't even do your work but you order me around all the time! That's really mature!!"

"Oh Yeah! Who's really mature here, Huh!?!"

"Apparently not you!" Tomoe yelled at the top of his lungs.

"I came here, To TOWN, To work, So yes! I'm doing my job you JERK!"

There was a puny man trying them to break their fighting up but they brushed him off.

"Your not doing any of your work, " Tomoe's voice dropped down, " You.....Have to many feeling for the Human world. You'll leave, And come back." He turned his head away and started to trudge off, " I didn't come here for you to treat me to Ice-Cream, I came here to find Kotarou!!"

Nanami glared at him, " I CAME HERE TO FIND HIM TO!!"

"Um..." That puny man poked at them, " What do you guys want? I mean..I'm Kotarou."

Tomoe's mouth fell open while Nanami smiled at him vitoriously,

( Nanami: 2, Tomoe: 0 )

"Why Hello Kotarou....My Name is Nanami and this is my......" She paused and looked at Tomoe annoyed, " My friend....Tomoe."



Nanami giggled in glee as she took off towards the shop. She would get Tomoe, Tell him of her success and rub it in his face! He had screamed at her and it was kind of embarrassing so now she was ready to see his expression! She ran to the shop and stopped. the street was lit with the lamp lights and she still saw no tall, Handsome, Fox-guy waiting for her.

'Okay..She really needed to stop calling him that. It was starting to be pleasing to her ears. Calling him handsome was to far even for her'

Her shoulders sagged and she sighed, " Tomoe?" No answer, " Ugh..."

Suddenly there was A clang of a near-bye crash can and she froze, " T-Tomoe?..." Nothing, It was just quiet, " T-Tomoe...This isn't funny!!"

"Grrrr..." A low growl sounded

Nanami froze and backed away, "Whos There! Show your face!!"

Suddenly the growl turned louder and something fuzzy lunged towards her, " TOMOE PLEASE HELP ME!!! "  She wanted him there. She wanted his gentle hands to help her, She wanted him to say that he would protect her. Tears streamed down her face but nothing came to her. She opened her eyes and saw what came towards her, It was a little dog with a cute little tail. It growled and grabbed a piece of half-mashed meat that was beside Nanami's foot and ran off. The girl winced and grabbed her heart.

'Why did she call out to Tomoe? He was such a jerk and yet....She knew he would help her...'

Nanami bit her lip as her face heated, Great..She was so scared she was acting out of place!


The girl looked up and was nearly tackled by the shrine spirits," Oh we found you!!" They smiled and giggled.

"You guys!!" She smiled and then growled, " So Tomoe sent you guys and ran? Such a jerk.."

They looked at her surprised, " Oh no Lady Nanami! He went to go get the car!!"

"Car?" Nanami looked at them surprised.

Suddenly a cold wind whipped around her; The girl shivered and looked up in awe.

'Tomoe....And the car, Yep! She had to think about the car right now'

"I'm here, It looks like you are finished talking to Kotarou so we will go home."

The girl gasped and giggled, " Wow! What is this! I wanna get on! I wanna get on!! " She sang childishly.

The fox rolled his eyes annoyed, " This is Mikage's favorite car, It is the night fog carriage. It only travels at night.." He grunted in annoyance.

The shrine spirits jumped onto the carriage with easy, but Nanami stayed there confused. 'She was to short to get on! It was to stinkin high!'

Tomoe sighed, "You should hurry up and get on too, I'll start the car..."

"Yeah...Well." She hesitated; Complete embarrassment flashed across her face.

The fox turned and looked at her; A forlorn look overtook him. It was a look that Nanami had never seen before and it tore at her a bit, "If you don't want to go back, You can stay here. I'll go back to the shrine."

"WHAT!? No Wait! WAIT!!" Nanami screamed at him.

He haulted and sighed, " You want to stay here...In the human world right? Just like--"


Tomoe grabbed his head and glared at Nanami, who had just threw her purse at his head.

"Don't be stupid! Lend me your hands....Its so high I can't get on." The girls face tinted pink and Tomoe stared at her in shock.

"Your are really...." He paused," So slow." He reached forward and gripped her hand pulling lightly. Nanami boosted up but tripped on the wooden frame of the carriage. The girl tilted and crashed right into Tomoe. She grasped for a hold so she wouldn't fall over, but all she had was Tomoe. Her nails dug into His kimono as she tried to steady herself, but the fox just kept his arms to his sides, Stiff and frozen. He did wince at the pain of being nearly choked by His kimono being yanked but other than that it was more awkward for the flushed girl.

 I take back what I said..." Tomoe growled, " You are really Clumbsy..."

The girl hit him in the head annoyed, and he rolled his eyes. Nanami backed up and flushed. She then turned her head away and looked out the carriage door; Not wanting to meet Tomoe's gaze. The kitsune rolled his eyes, re-adjusted his kimono and walked to the front of the carrige to start it.

"Really, " He muttered behind his fan, " You can't pluck the grass , nor can you get on a car. How absolutly ridiculous!"

Nanami glared at him and sat down. He was so rude and jerky. He stood in front of her looking out the door of the carriage. The girl tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and looked at him. His ears twitched with the flowing wind coming from the door, his shoulders sat straight and broad. He wasn't the tallest guy she met, but he was still tall. His tail flicked back and forth and his hands stuck out of the ends of his sleeves. He was a charming teen, with a soft boyish/Manly appearance. She tilted her head and looked at his fingers...At the hands that had just helped her up. Tomoe suddenly jerked his head towards her and glared, then he walked back to the front of the carriage..

'Stupid Tomoe, Always being so rude...But. Even though he has a foul mouth and rude behavior...His hands. They're so smooth and soft, pale but strong. Handsome and for some reason My heart sped up when our fingers connected and intwined. I love those hands....Tomoe's Hands.....'

A/N : " 0_0....Nanami's checking Tomoe out say what!? He,he...So------Intresting.... 'Smiles'

Tomoe: " What did you just say?"

Author: " Eh? I was talking to myself and I was also telling everyone about your adiction with cleaning..And how you like feeding fish."

Tomoe: ' Glares and lights fox-fire'

End of Author's Note.......................................


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