Whats Wrong With Me?

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A/N : " I know, I know...This is a really fast update; BUT I had nothing else to do! Plus I found out its News Years Eve today..( I did not know...-_- ) So I'll be writing this slowly so...

Tomoe: 'Grunts'


Author: " Not yet Nanami!"

You Got To Be Kidding Me............

Tomoe couldn't believe it. That idiotic girl was saying she was going to school- AGAIN! Why did she want to go to such a dull building? All it had was nerdy teachers and Teenage boy with wondering minds. So why did she want to even go?!? His ears pinned down in annoyance as he watched her get ready.

"I'm going now..." She brushed past him; Ignoring the fact that their hands brushed each other as well. Tomoe grunted and stopped there. He crossed his arms and glared at her,

"Take the cat hood and your lunch this time! I'm not going to bring it to you again."

She glanced over her shoulder, " Why? Cause you don't want to be stared at again?"

His glare deepened. How dare she tease him! Who in their right mind would tease him? (( Other than Inari and Sobo? )) He huffed out an annoyed breath,

"Just take them..."

She walked over to him and looked at the hood, " I don't think I'm gonna wear it today."

Tomoe gritted his teeth, " You have too! If you don't its like...Like.." He paused trying to find the right situation, " Its like going to battle naked! You have to wear it."

He crossed his arms as Nanami blinked awkwardly. Okay.... She grabbed her lunch, Or should he say the top half on it. She only took one of the three teers he made for her.

"Thats all I need, Gotta go! BYE!" She smiled and ran out the door happily. The foxes shoulders shoulders sagged. Just his luck. He had to watch her the entire day! It was a familiars job to guard and protect so right now that was what he had to do. His body started screaming at him to sleep already but he was far to busy. He only slept little the night before and it did not help at all. Frustration filled him and he fell forward onto the matted floor.

"MASTER TOMOE!?!" Onikiri screamed in shock.

"HANG IN THERE!!" Kotetsu said as he rushed over to the fox.

Tomoe grunted into the mat and let out a shaky sigh. The spirits patted his head and he looked up at them.

"She...Is...Impossible!" His face flopped back down onto the floor and the spirits looked at each other in a worried way.

"Onikiri smiled, " Remember Master Tomoe..You were impossible too!" She laughed.

Kotetsu pouted, " Thats mean Onikiri! Even though its true we should not tease the Master when his body could go into shock! He's so tired he could pass out at any minute!"

The fox sighed and looked at them, " Would you two stop it? My life is my life..." He sat up and grimced, " Now...I have to get ready and go watch Nanami get chased like a goose in a pin."


At School


Nanami smiled happily. She didn't have to wear a hood at all! This was the best ever! She kept walking down the sidewalk to the front of the school. She was ready to have a good day; Why? Well...People wouldn't make fun of her now. She rushed forward and was stopped by a small voice.

"Um Nanami?"

The girl god turned and saw a bunch of girls coming her way, She smiled. Maybe she could make some friends today! Friends that weren't spirits, Not that spirits were bad; And Tomoe wasn't a friend...He was the enemy. A really good looking enemy.


They smiled, " Is Tomoe coming today? If he is could you tell him our names? That would be so awesome!" They smiled.

Nanami sighed, nope not friends. Just some over obsessed fan-girls, " Um...I brought my lunch today so..He's not coming."

They suddenly pouted and walked away from her muttering about how she wasn't fun.


Thats when a car nearly ran her over. She screamed in shock and looked at the driver. It was none other than Kurama. The idiot almost ran her over!!

"No hood today Nanami? Nice...Come in and I'l give you a ride." He smirked and pulled down his shades.

Nanami gawked at him annoyed, " NO THANK YOU!"

Kurama laughed, " Why? Are you being shy? Or are you scared because I'm popu-"

He couldn't finish his sentence; Because Nanami grabbed him by the shirt collar and glared at him.

"Its because I hate you JERK! And don't ask a girl if she wants a ride!"

She turned and started storming off; Leaving Kurama there in shock.His eyes were wide and she walked away. Also, A bunch of fan-girls were screaming at Nanami for being so rough with the guy. The girl god sighed, Maybe her day wasn't going to be that good after all.


Tomoe grunted as he landed in the tree from yesterday. Ya know the comfortable one? He had to watch Nanami right now. Why did she have to make it hard on him? Tomoe was planning on sleeping and maybe getting dinner prepared...But that wasn't going to happen. He laid down on the branches and looked up at the sky. The wind ruffled his hair and the light of Day made his eyes jump from cloud to cloud. It was so peaceful.

"Ya know I can't prepare dinner now." Tomoe muttered.

Kotetsu smiled, " What about Fish and salt? Thats sounds nice..."

He poured Tomoe some tea and the fox gladly accepted it. He lifted the glass to his lips and took a long sip. It satisfied his thirst and he looked at Nanami through the window. She was studying; And as she did so her hair fell lightly in front of her eyes.

This was one of those times where the fox let himself observe what was in front of him. His eyes traveled across her face. Her hair was brown with a silky look, her eyes were soft but bright and hopeful. Her cheeks weren't to narrow...And her lips...Looked so.. Kissable

"Master Tomoe?" The shrine spirits tried to get his attention but he was to distracted.

The fox continued his stare. His head cocked to the side as Nanami's hands wrote something on the paper; Her long slender fingers moved swiftly along with her pencil. His gaze went down to her lips and his eyes narrowed. They looked as soft; And he knew they were. He had felt them before. The reminder of it made his mind fuzz over. Why he didn't know... But his heart was frozen in his chest. That kiss was so distracting.

"Master Tomoe!"

Tomoe was knocked out of his gaze and he jerked his head towards the screaming children. His ears twitched and Onikiri started laughing.

"Are you enjoying the view Master Tomoe?"

Tomoe felt something come over him.The foxes mouth formed a line that the Spirits had learned was something akin to embarrassment. Thats when the embarrassment turned into humilation. The kitsunes emotions bubbled up before he could stop them and His face started to burn. It made Tomoe wonder why. The spirit kept laughing and the heat built up.

"Do not be rediculious." He looked away from them and bit him lip.

"Then what were you doing?" Kotetsu asked innocently.

The heat on the kitsunes face spread to his neck and he swallowed the lump in his throat. What was he doing? Why had his thoughts locked on her; And why had he thought that...That her lips were, kissable? He bit harder on his lip and looked down.

Onikiri poked at him and giggled, " My,My...Lady Nanami had your attention for a while. We couldn't get you to snap out of it!"

Tomoe jerked his head towards her and growled deeply. She shut her mouth and backed away as Tomoe recomposed himself.

Then spirit laughed again, " You face is so red....."

Tomoe looked at her shocked and then ground his teeth, " Shut up while your ahead Onikiri..."

She nodded quickly and Tomoe laid back down on the trees branch. He had to change the subject, Now. He looked at the window again and saw Nanami being handed a note. Tomoe furrowed his brow in confusion.

"I can't believe I have to watch a girl...Its so dull. My old life was so much more interesting..I miss the spine tingling thrills and yet...I don't."

The spirits nodded in understanding and Tomoe rested his head on his arms.

"I wish...." He paused and shook his head, " Never mind..."

Kotetsu looked at him and sighed.

Tomoe let his thoughts wonder; He was going to say what he had wondered for twenty years. 'I wish Mikage would have stayed......Did I drive him away? Was I not good enough?'

Emotion started to well up in him and he turned his head away from the children so they couldn't see him. He bit his lip to stop it from quivering. This was so stupid. To act like this after twenty years; but twenty years wasn't long for him. It was like yesterday. He sighed and a large yawn took over him. His body started to relax; It so nice...

Tomoe let his eyes droop and he slowly fell into a deep sleep. Thats when the spirits looked at each other.

"Onikiri...You made him mad."

"I know...But Master Tomoe needs a little tease. Its been years that hes gotten embarrassed; And just to think that he's embarrassed over a girl."

Tomoe moved and they jumped. His tail wrapped around his body and he cuddled it. Kotetsu sighed

"He is still sad..."

Onikiri nodded, " I felt it to..."


They stared at The sleeping fox and sighed

"Maybe one day...He'll be happy again."


Nanami crumbled the note she had just recieved and stormed to the the top roof. Kurama was bothering her again! He wanted to see her on the roof or something like that. She stormed up the stairs and looked at Kurama.

"Really? Do you watch romantic movies or something to get your lame ideas?!" She held up the note and he sighed.

"I want to know why you hate me? I don't get it! Every girl I meet loves me and yet you?"

Nanami stood there in shock. Was this guy serious? Why was he asking her why she hated him? Did he forget about how he treated her? She sighed.

"I could date you! Then you would like me..."

She glared at him, " Your so stupid..."


"Yes! I don't want to date you; And if you keep treating people like crap then no one else will either! I was right before...You are the biggest jerk." She turned around and stormed back into the school...


Tomoe grunted as the shrine spirits tugged at his hoari; shaking him awake. He winced as sunlight flooding into his eyesight. His head throbbed for a few minutes and his vision blurred. The fox sat up and yawned.

"Why did you wake me up? You know I still have old habits of protecting myself..."

They nodded and waited for him to finish his yawn.

"Master Tomoe...Lady Nanami left."

The kitsune stiffened in shock and his eyes shot wide open, " WHERE DID SHE GO!?!"

Before they could answer he stood up and floated off the tree. He floated high into the sky and caught sight on Nanami when she walked away from that pop star guy. He furrowed his brow in annoyance. What were they doing on the roof? They were talking..but what else? His ears pinned in irritation. He didn't know why he was getting mad but for some reason he wanted to hurt that guy. Severely.

Thats when the man let out two large wings. Tomoe smirked, Oh, Oh, Oh....A Tengu? He jumped down from his umbrella and jump kicked the Man in the head.

"You must have sharp eyes to find her so quickly. Its a good thing I'm here!"

"Your her familiar!!!" Kurama hissed.

Tomoe paused for a moment. Her familiar? He still had to get used to that..

"I am..And you are?"

"I'm a crow tengu of Mt. Kurama. Sadly now that you have seen what I am, You shall DIE!!!" He threw a sharp blade at Tomoe in anger.

The kitsune gasped in shock as it sliced towards him. It ripped his umbrella as Tomoe dodged it. He winced and looked at the tengu.

"Your a good Yokai, " The pop star smiled, " Want to be my Familiar?"

Tomoe nearly snorted in laughter, " You want to be a land-god?"

The tengu smiled, " Yeah, And guess what? All I have to do is rip Nan\ami's heart out and eat it. I might rip it out slowly and watch her scream..."

Tomoe froze and slowly his fists clenched. Anger rose up in him. Why was he feeling this? Why did he want to protect that stupid girl!?! No matter. No one...And Tomoe meant no one. Threatened who he worked for!"

"YOU SICK'O!!!!" Tomoe jumped down and extended his claws. His left hand sliced throw the tengus cheek and the other man screamed out.

"You will not touch her! When I think about how horrible jerks like you are in this world....I could not be more happy that she is a land-god!" Tomoe pulled out on of his leaves and placed it on the mans head. The tengu jerked about and then turned into an ostrich.

The kistune smirked, " Ostrich meat is low in calories and has lots of minerals. Just think...When Nanami eats you, You'll become part of her flesh; Which, MIght I add, Is so romantic!" Tomoe laughed sarcasticly. Then he lit his fox-fire,

"Believe me...You'll be a land-god soon enough."

Kurama let out a freaked out caw and ran off as The foxes fire chased him. Tomoe smirked and floated back to his tree to watch the idiot run through the hallways. Ha...Who needs TV!?!


Nanami cuddled her book and smiled....Thats when an ostrich ran by her window; And it was being followed by blue fire. Fox-fire...to be exact. Oh No.......The girl looked out to the hallway and grimced; Yep. That was fox-fire! She bit her lip and cursed silently. She looked around and saw a girl walking down the hallway. Panic filled the girl and she raced towards the other teen.

"Hey! Look Out!!" Nanami tackled the other girl and then looked around, " Are you okay?"

The girl looked like she was out cold and she had a large bump on her head. Crap, Not good. She looked at the ostrich and gasped. It had a necklace on and it belonged to one person...Kurama. Nanami bit her lip as clenched her teeth. Then it hit her,



Nanami was yelling at him; Again.

Tomoe grunted and fakely lifted a tissue to his eyes. He faked tears and pouted.

"Don't go on rampages in school! And why did you turn Kurama into a bird!?!!"

Tomoe sighed, " Because...He's a crow tengu. He's not human. He's a demon, Got that!?"

Nanami blinked and then started to strangle the bird; Which Tomoe kind of found humorious.

"Anyway, " Nanami sighed, " Turn him back..."

Tomoe pouted again, " B-but..What about dinner? I mean...Ostrich is good-"


He muttered a curse and waved his hand. Kurama burst back into his true form. He looked shocked and his cheek was bleeding from Tomoe's scratch. Nanami saw it to and sent Tomoe a glare. He rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders.

Then Tomoe watched Nanami start cleaning Kurama's face. Something went through him and he bit his lip. What was wrong with him...AND, What was she doing!? Kurama was trying to eat her!!!! Tomoe tried to bite back his thoughts but...He had to know.

"Hold it....Why are you treating him in such a loving way!? And why are you yelling at me!?"

"Because! You don't have any injuries!" She screamed back.

"I'm skilled...You can't blame me for that!" He hid his face behind his fan.

"Look, " Nanami stood up and sighed. She walked towards him and put a hand on her hip in a sassy pose, " If it was you that got hurt..I would clean your wounds!"

Tomoe paused and looked at her. It suddeny got a bit awkward and Tomoe looked away; Biting his lip. What was wrong with him? Why would she help him? Even if he was hurt?

Nanami sighed, " I guess I'll go home early today. Ya know..Since your here and all."

Tomoe nearly chocked and jerked his head towards her. She was smiling. Nanami then ran off and returned with her bag.

"Come on..."

Tomoe watched her walk out the door and Kurama glared at him. The fox cursed in annoyance.

"Stupid Human Girl........"


 A/N : Hey guys...Okay, Okay...I am deticating this story to a friend of mine because she helped me with this chapter!! Thank you so Much! And it looks like Tomoe is starting to get used to his master...(( Used to her as in...Totally Checking her out!!! XD )) I hope you liked it guys!!

Author: " SO....Tomoe...Nanami's lips are kissable!?!"

Tomoe: " Hphm...Do not over exagerate."

Author: " You said it not me!"

Tomoe: " I didn't say it..I thought it."

Author: " HA!! You admitted it!!! HEHEHEE...."

Tomoe: 'Glares' 0///0


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