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"Ezra we need to talk." Kanan said as Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb walked into the room. "Yeah about the two inquisitors we just ran into!" Ezra said holding up his fingers. "WHAT!?" Kanan yelled standing up. As did Hera and Rex.

"I'll meet you three in the hanger." Hera said. The three nodded and walked to the door. But Ezra stopped and turned to Kanan, "Kanan they knew about Ahsoka." "Okay, I'll tell her." Kanan said, while thinking.

But Ezra didn't leave. "Kanan?" Ezra asked. "I need time to think Ezra! Go away!" Kanan snapped. (A/n he sounded like a little kid there!) Ezra was surprised. "I was going to ask if you were alright! But I guess you don't care." Ezra said sadly, before he ran out of the room.

"Ezra!" Kanan called after the kid. Kanan was about to run out and get him, when Hera grabbed his arm with a questioning look. "That's not what I meant." He said to her.

Ezra ran to the ladder that lead to the top of the ship, and climbed up. He sat down. He thought about how Kanan had snapped at him. Why would he do that? Ezra thought. Did I do something wrong?

Kanan looked down. "What was that about!?" Hera said. "I-I don't know. Im...I'm just stressed out! With the new inquisitors, that was just added on!" Kanan said. "But you don't lash out at people like that. At least the Kanan I know doesnt." She said, while poking him in the chest. "Now I think you need to go and talk to a certain padawan of yours." She said and with that she walked out of the room. Most likely to meet up with Sabine and Zeb. Rex walked out too. As he walked out he gave Kanan a pat on the shoulder and a genuine look of good luck.

Ezra was on the ship crying. He had never wanted to upset Kanan in any way. Ever since there last fight Ezra, or Kanan, didn't want to fight or get angry with each other at all.

Kanan, after the others had left, practically ran to where he felt Ezra was. Threw the force, of corse. He ran to the ladder and started climbing. As he neared the top he could hear crying. He couldn't recognize who it was. But the thing was, he had never heard Ezra cry before.

He reached the top and indeed it was Ezra. Kanan quickly ran over to the boy and knelt down in front of him. "Ezra?" Kanan asked. Ezra looked up. He had his knees tucked into his body and his head was resting on his knees.

"What do you want?" Ezra said, "I thought you didn't like me." He said, turning away from Kanan. "Not like you? Ezra I could never not like you." Kanan said. He placed his hand on Ezra's shoulder and mover closer to him, so the were sitting right next to each other.

"Really?" Ezra looked up at Kanan. "Of corse. Ezra you are a smart kid and you never did anything wrong." Kanan said as if he was reading Ezra's mind, which he could have been. "Then why did you say that to me?" Ezra asked.

Kanan sighed. "I'm stressed out. And frustrated. I have to take care of everyone here, be the leader on missions, help plan missions, and now there are two new inquisitors on the lose and I have know idea on what they intend on doing. But in all this... I cant let my gard down." Kanan said to Ezra.

That was the most he had confessed to him, in awhile. "Kanan, when I'm there you don't have to keep your gard up. You can let it down and just talk to me. I know you have lots of things to do here, but that doesn't mean you have to be alert the whole time." Ezra said. Kanan looked up and smiled at him. "Thank you Ezra. I really needed that." He said. "Let your gard down." Ezra said.

Kanan did as Ezra said. He took a deep breath and let it come down. Kanan was fully relaxed when Ezra let his head rest on Kanan shoulder. Kanan looked down at him before resting his own head on Ezras.

They sat there for awhile until Kanan had started to talk. "You know Ezra? You've come a long way since we first found you." Is that good or bad?" Ezra joked. Kanan chuckled, "It's definitely a good thing."

Ezra picked up his head and hugged Kanan. Kanan happily returned it. They were now turned so they were facing each other. Ezra had his head resting on Kanan's chest, listing to the steady beat of his heart. Ezra liked it. Being able to know that Kanan, someone who cared about him dearly was right next to him.

Kanan loved having Ezra here with him. Kanan thought of Ezra like his own, but would never admit that to him. Ezra had fallen asleep to Kanan's heart beat, and when Kanan had finally noticed he just smiled and picked him up.

Kanan carried the kid to his room, passing Hera and Sabine. They looked at him and awed at the sight. When Kanan had gotten to his room, he used the force to open the door, being that his hands were full, and walked to the bed.

Kanan laid Ezra down and then sat down next to him. He ran his fingers threw Ezra's hair. Ezra had just snuggled closer to Kanan and let his head rest on Kanan's knee. Kanan laughed quietly and let his hand pet his hair.

Kanan never thought he and Ezra would get this close. But right at the moment he knew Ezra could have died, he knew he could never lose this child. Kanan thought they were almost so close he could just talk about whatever with him and Ezra wouldn't mind.

The same went for Ezra. He had never had a family. But Kanan was now. As well as the rest of the crew. But Kanan was different and so was Ezra. And they bonded so much quicker then they had with the other crew members. And Ezra was glad.

Ezra smiled in his sleep and Kanan smiled back.

Hey guys! Hi! Here's a little thing I just thought of one day and it just kinda continued. I hope you like it! Plz comment and vote. This is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!!

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