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The crew was in the market on lothal and the only thing going through Ezra's head was that supply runs sucked. He and Zeb were partnered up to go find some food for the rest of them. They were just checking things out when an explostion sounded out.

"What was that?" Ezra said on high alert.

"I don' know," Zeb said, "lets check it out." Zeb and Ezra started running towards the fire at the other end of the shops.

When they got there Ezra froze. He saw the few people he never wanted to see again. When Ezra was younger, he had to fight to survive. Not that that much has changed. One time he stole some food from these people, it didn't work in Ezra's favor. He was caught. The people he stole from turned out to be bounty hunters. He only knew the name on one of them. His name was Cad Bane. (you're welcome everyone) They found Ezra and tied him to a pole, touchered him in a way no one ever should. When they let him go, he was beaten unrecognizable and had blood all over him, cuts and bruises lined his face, and had a broken arm. He did not want to go back there again.

"Kid?" Zeb asked, seeing as though Ezra froze. "Ezra?" But Ezra would not move. "Come on, kid. We need to move." He said more sternly. It did nothing. "Fine." He bent down and threw Ezra over his shoulder and started to run. He couldn't help but notice when he touched Ezra, he flinched. He had never done that before, even when they had first met. When he was on the move he pulled out his comm and contacted Kanan.

"Kanan, I need some help!" Zeb said not even bothering to use code names.

Kanan heard Zeb call for him, since he used his actual name, he new that it was important. "Zeb? What's wrong?" He was nervous, Kanan could feel it, that made him scared.

"It's the kid, Kanan, it's like he just blacked out, but not really."

"What? Zeb you're not making sense!"

"Fine, just meet me at the ship, you'll see!" He turned of his comm and started running even faster.

Kanan turned off his comm and turned to Sabine. They shared a look and then both took off to the ship. Kanan was running as fast as he could, Sabine had to push herself really hard just to keep him in her eyesight, but she wasn't going to complain, she understood.

When he reached the ship he realized that they had gotten there before Zeb and Ezra had, and they were father from the ship! Did they get caught? What happened? Was it really bad? Kanan started to pace in front of the ramp. He was getting worried, when all of a sudden Zeb, carrying Ezra still, came running over the hill in front of the ship. Kanan ran out to take Ezra from Zebs arms and bring him into the ship.

"What happened?" Kanan franticly asked, as he saw that Ezra was still awake. Kanan had thought that Ezra had passed out or something like that.

"He saw some people in the market and then he just stood there, I couldn't get him to move at all." Zeb explained. "I thought if anyone could get to him it would be you."

Kanan kind of tuned Zeb out while he was explaining what happened, Kanan was focused on Ezra. He kneeled down in front of his kid and bent down so he was in his eyesight. Ezra was on the ground with his knees in his chest and his head on his knees.

"Ezra?" He asked him, his voice was soft, but stern, it made Ezra want to tell him everything, he just had to learn how to talk again.

"Ez, can you please tell me what happened?" Kanan asked the boy in front of him. Ezra had started to shake and Kanan wanted to stop it so bad, but he couldn't do anything if he didn't know what was happening to him.

Ezra looked up at Kanan slowly, his eyes were bloodshot and teary, very red as well. Kanan didn't need his eyes to know that. He reached out and put a hand on his knee, surprised when he didn't flinch. This made Zeb look down remmembering how he flinched when he picked up the kid.

"He hurt me." Ezra said, falling back into memories he wanted to forget. He finally had found his voice, but it was quiet and shaky. It cracked a few times because he hasn't realized he had been crying when Zeb had been holding him.

Kanan wasn't surprised that Ezra's voice was scratchy and quiet, he wasn't expecting him to even talk right now, that was the most surprising. But with that aside, he did talk and that was a good thing.

"Hurt you? How did he hurt you?" Kanan asked silently asking Ezra for the whole story. Ezra knew that he was asking him for that, he just wan't sure if he wanted to tell or even how to tell Kanan about what had happened to him.

Ezra drew in a shaky breath, "When I was younger, he came. He took eveything I had, when he let me go..." Ezra trailed off. Kanan had gotten a few pieces of the story from that though, he got the feeling that when Ezra was youger he was taken and most likely beaten, but he didn't know how and why. Kanan couldn't believe that anyone would do this. Why would someone hurt a little child?

That was hard for Ezra to get out and it wasn't even much. He wished that he could have told Kanan more, but he just couldn't. All he wanted to do right now was to get in bed and sleep, he just wanted to forget that this had even happened, but he knew that Kanan would never let that happen.

"Okay, Ezra? Why we get you inside, and get you cleaned up okay?" Kanan gently asked the kid. He noticed that sometime when he was talking Ezra had put his head down again. He wished that Ezra would just open up to him sometimes, but he understood that he went through some hard times, heck, they all did, he knew that they were hard to talk about, so he will give him time.

Kanan lifted Ezra's head up a bit so he knew that he was looking at him. He felt Ezra nod and felt a whole lot of relief come through the force. He smiled and pulled Ezra up with him. Sabine decided that she might be able to help, she knew that she couldn't have interupted Kanan and Ezra in their talk, so she gave it a bit and wanted to help get Ezra to his room. She just couldn't stand to see her little brother like this.

She started to walk over and her feet made noise as she walked in the grass. That let Kanan know that she was coming, but not Ezra. He was so out of it, that he didn't hear her walking until she was close. When she was about five feet of them, Ezra finally heard her and jumped, startled. He pressed himself into Kanan and wrapped his arms around his middle. Kanan looked surprised becuase this was Sabine walking up to them, but then he felt through the force. He felt Ezra's emotions and realized he was terrified.

He wrapped his arms around the kid as he looked up to Sabine, who look scared and confused at the same time. "He needs time Sabine, he's seen some things today that I don't think he ever thought he would see again and ever want to see again. He'll talk to you when he's ready, but we do this on his own time. We can't force him to do anything." Sabine was not surprised that Kanan had just gone into overprotective dad mode. Everyone was scared of Hera's mother hen mode, but when Ezra got hurt, Kanan was the real one to be scared of.

Sabine nodded and moved out of the way so Ezra and Kanan could get by. Kanan led Ezra up the ramp and into his room. He sat Ezra down on the bed in the room, then ran to get a wet wash cloth. When he returned, Ezra was on his side on the bed and just about falling asleep. Kanan smiled and went over to him. He gently put the wash cloth to his face and whiped the dirt from his skin. He knew that it used to realax him when he was younger, he hoped it would work for Ezra.

Ezra sighed in content as the wash cloth was dragged along the side of his face. He murmerd something that Kanan couldn't quit catch. "What was that?" He questioned him, pausing his hand for a minuet.

"They hurt me when I was younger." Ezra was finishing what he had told Kannan outside. Kanan waited patiently for Ezra to continue. "His name is Cad Bane." Kanan inhailed sharply. How is he still hurting people? He didn't die? Why? He had never met Bane but he knew of what he did. He didn't want Ezra going anywhere near him. "I didn't realize that he was a bounty hunter when I stole from them when I was about nine. They found out and took me into their base. I was tied to a pole and..." Ezra choked on a sob.

Kanan's heart broke at that sound. He never wanted to hear that again. Kanan didn't need Ezra to finish to know what happened. Kanan sat on the side of his bed next to Ezra, he pulled him up into a sitting position and hugged him. He held on tight as if he was scared that when he let go, Ezra would vanish and leave.

Ezra was so happy Kanan hugged him. He wrapped his arms around Kanan and held on as tight as he could, but it wasn't very tight. He burried his head into Kanan's shoulder and neck and cried. He cried for eveything, everything that happened to him as a kid, everything that happened to his family, Everything that happened to his new family, and everything that happened to Kanan.

Kanan just held on tight as Ezra sobbed, he knew that Ezra would eventually cry himself to sleep. After whispering reasurences in his ear for the next ten minuets, Ezra was finally asleep against Kanan. He laid his kid down and tucked him in.

"Goodnight Ezra, this will all be better when you wake up."

Then he left the room to go find Hera. He didn't need to use the force to find her, she was where she always was. In the cockpit. Kanan walked down the hallway and into the cockpit, where he sat down next to Hera in his co pilot seat.

"Hi, love." She greeted as he walked through the door.

"Hey." Kanan responded gloomily. He was so worried about Ezra, the only thing he could do was to think of ways to make it better for his kid. He thought that maybe talking to Hera would get his mind off of it and do him some good.

"That didn't sound as happy as I would like. Whats going on?" Hera said reading Kanan like he was an open book.

Kanan smiled a little, "It's Ezra," he sensed Hera roll her eyes.

"What did the kid do this time?" She said sounding a little annoyed, they all knew that Ezra got in trouble a lot and they had to deal with the consiquences. And they were definetly coniquences.

Kanan felt Hera about to get up and go talk to the kid to see what was wrong, but Kanan put a hand up to stop her. "He didn't do anything, at least now." Hera sat down and gave Kanan a confused look. "When he and Zeb were in the Market getting food, he saw some people from his past, he told me that these people, he stole from them and they caught him." Hera knew that this wasn't going to go in a good direction. "They tied him to a pole, Ezra didn't tell me if they had beaten him or not, but I think they did, badly. He told me it was Cad Bane."

Hera's eyes widened. "I thought he died a long time ago! What is he doing here?" She had never met him either, but from the podcasts and news, she knew enough. Kanan had also told her some things he knew from the past.

"I don't know, but something is bringing him here and it's affecting the kid." Kanan sighed and he looked down. "I just don't know how to help him right now." Kanan just wanted to help. The kid had a horrible life as a child, Kanan wanted him to have a better future. So he was going to do everything in his power to make sure that Ezra has a good life from now on.

"Kanan, we all know how you feel about Ezra, it's no secret." Hera started, she stopped to consider what to say next. She put her hand on Kanan's hand and continued, "Ezra had a hard life and we will find out more and more as we go, but we just need to be there for him in times like this. He's never had someone to be there for him, but now he does. I think that all you need to do right now is be that someone for him, show him he isn't alone anymore and that he has you."

He sat there for a moment and soaked all of that in. "Have I ever told you that you're no help at all?" Kanan said sarcasticly.

Kanan heard Hera fake a gasp. "You take that back!" She smiled and played along.

Kanan chuckled and stood, "I'm going to check on him, see if he has woken up." He started toward the door, but he heard Hera mumble something under her breath. He turned back around, "What?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing, just wondering how you two can even survive without being five feet within each other at all times." Hera smiled when Kanan laughed. "And how you survived the whole first halves of your lives without each other."

He smiled and left the room chuckling, he would never tell Hera, but that thought was always in the back of his head. He walked down that hall to his room. When he opened the door to check on Ezra, he saw that he was sitting up in the bed and staring at the wall. Kanan wasn't even sure if he noticed that he had walked into the room.

"Ezra?" Kanan questioned the kid, to see if he noticed him. He started to approch the bed slowly. Ezra heard him a turned quickly.

"Kanan!" He exlamined. "I didn't see you." Ezra looked down at his hands, ashamed that he didn't notice that Kanan had walked in. He was supposted to be alert, with what they did, they need to be at all times.

Kanan had sensed this and walked into the room and sat on the bed. "Ezra, can you tell me what happened earlier?" Kanan sensed Ezra tense. He still didn't want to talk and Kanan knew it. But he also knew that if Ezra didn't talk about it, it would be burried inside of him and all those feeling would be bottled inside until he exploded.

"Kanan," Ezra started, he didn't want to talk, but one look at Kanan made up his mind. His face was soft, yet stern. Ezra wished that one day he would use that face on Kanan so he could feel how Ezra felt right now. "When I was younger, I didn't have anything, no one, no food or water, so I had to steal to survive. One day I stole from someone, I didn't know who at first, but soon realized it was a bad idea. I was trying to make my escape, but I didn't get anywhere. He caught me and took me into his base. I was so scared. I was tied to a metal pole. I remember the ropes cutting into my wrists, all the blood. They beat me senseless. I was so bloody, Kanan, so..." Ezra trailed off. He was hypervenalating.

"Ezra, Ezra I need you to breath." Kanan told the kid. Ezra wasn't even trying to slow his breathing. He didn't even turn to look at Kanan. "Ezra." He said again. "I need you to slow down."

Ezra looked at Kanan, but that was it. He reached out and grabbed one of Ezra's hands and placed it on his chest. "Breath like me Ezra, try to match my breathing." They took a deep breath, it was shuttery but at least it was better then passing out. They did that a few more times until Ezra breathing evened out as best it could be at the time being.

Ezra didn't take his hand off of Kanan's cheast, he just leaned in so he was resting against him. Kanan wrapped both arms around Ezra and held on tight. Ezra started sobbing into Kanan's shoulder, his face was burried in the crook of Kanan's neck and shoulder. Kanan rested his head on Ezra's. He was sobbing like crazy. Kanan whispered comforting things in his ear. "Shhhh. It's okay Ezra. It will be okay." He told him. "We won't let anything happen to you. I won't let anything happen to you."

Ezra's crying slowed down a bit, until he was just sniffling. "Ezra?"

"Yeah?" His voice cracked.

Kanan's heart clenched at that sound. The one he never wanted to hear again. "Do you want to do something to take your mind off of this?"

Ezra smiled, "Yeah. Yeah lets do that." He sat up a bit and looked at Kanan, "Thanks Kanan."

"Any time kid." Kanan smiled.

Before they new it, they were in town having a blast! Not litteraly though, although that did happen a lot. They went to the town café and ate dinner, then after they walked around and talked, they ended up at Ezra's tower. They were sitting on the platform around it with there feet dangling off the side. Both of them leaning back, sitting next to each other, neither wanted to be anywhere else.

"Kanan?" Ezra quietly asked Kanan.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Thank you. For everything." He stuttered. "I don't think I can say that enough."

Kanan smiled at Ezra's childlike behavior. He wondered if he would ever grow out of it, but then again, Kanan wanted him to be a kid for as long as he could. "What else is family for?"

Kanan sensed Ezra's spirits lifted a bit. Ezra responded by leaning into Kanan a bit so their arms were touching.

"Why don't we get some sleep."Kanan suggested. Ezra nodded, they both climbed down the ladder, and headed home.

They both headed to their own rooms after saying goodnight and fell asleep.

Kanan was the last one to wake up, surpisingly, he was normally the first one to wake up. He walked into the kitchen where Zeb, Sabine, and Hera all sat around the table talking. Chopper was in the kitchen acting as a waitress. He even had an apron on, Kanan just started wondering what was the bet he had lost. He shook his head and kept walking.

"Hey Kanan." Zeb said mockingly as he walked to sit down. As he sat down next to Zeb he rolled his eyes.

"Late night." He responed. It was, but they were just having fun.

"Well, the kid is still getting some beauty sleep." Sabine said.

"He's still asleep?" Kanan asked. The kid was normally up after him.

"Yeah, we haven't seen him all morning. " Hera said.

All of a sudden Chopper came in, he was grumbling.

"You can be quiet, you bucket of bolts! You lost fair and suqare!" Zeb said as the droid went over to him. Chopper zapped Zeb and laughed when he yelled. "Hey!" Chopper strold out of the room chuckling.

Kanan gave a look at Hera. She chuckled and said, "They had a bet on who could clean their side of the Phantom faster." Chopper yelled from the other room and they all laughed.

"Ezra would have enjoyed seeing that." Sabine said.

"Yeah, I'm going to check on him. Wake him up, we have training to do." Kanan agreed and got up to get the kid.

He walked down the hall to Ezra's quarters. He opened the door expecting to find Ezra, but what he was met with was a piece of paper and an empty bed. Kanan walked over to the bed and picked up that paper.

Dear Kanan,

I know you will be the one to find this because of training. I went out to my tower, I just needed some time to think. If you need me, that's where I'll be.

- Ez

Kanan sighed, why would the kid do this? He knew that Cad Bane was out there, why would he leave? It doesn't seem like the kid to do this. Ezra's done this before and hasn't left a note then, why would he now? Kanan looked back down at the paper and studied it some more. Wait, this didn't look like his handwriting. Was Ezra taken?!

Kanan was out of that room in less then a second. He burst into the mess hall and ran to the table.

"He was taken!" Kanan exlamied. He sat down next to Zeb. "How did I not sense this?" He quietly asked himself. He felt a big hand on his shoulder.

"We'll find him Kanan we always do. " Zeb said comforting him, but confused all at the same time. It wasn't all the time they got to see Kanan all torn up like this. Kanan put his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands.

"I walked into his room to wake him up and was left with that note." He said gestering to the note he had slamed onto the table when he walked in.

Hera picked up the note, "Kanan why do you think he's captured? He just said that he was giving himself some time to think."

"It's not his handwriting." Kanan responded, not bothering to look up, figuring that they were rolling their eyes at him.

"Only you Kanan, only you." Sabine said.

Kanan looked up and gave her an annoyed look. She just raised both hands in the air.

"If he was kidnapped, where do you think he is?" Zeb asked.

Kanan looked up at Hera and they shared a knowing look. "What was that about?" Sabine asked, seeing them look at each other.

"He's with Cad Bane." Hera said turning to her.

"Bane?! I thought he died years ago." She exlaimed.

"Is that who he saw at the Market?" Zeb asked.

"Yes." Kanan replied. "He's not dead, I thought he was too, but something has brought him here, and it might have been us."

"Us? Why would we bring him here?" Hera asked.

"Think about it. We are all over the news. If Bane is still holding a grudge against Ezra, then he would know that Ezra was with us. All he had to do was find our location and find the right time to strike." Kanan angerly answered.

"Okay well then all we need to do is find his base here." Sabine said.

"Hera? Do you think Sato could help us out with that?" Zeb asked her.

"I'll contact him right now." She said and got up to go to the cockppit.

As she left, Sabine turned to Kanan, "Don't worry Kanan we'll find him."

"I know." He said, "I'm worried if he can hold out until we get there."

Time Skip

"Is everyone ready?" Hera asked her crew.

They were standing in front of a huge door, the building was at least 10 miles from town, and it was huge. The crew was about to go in and find Ezra. Sato and his Commanders had been very helpful in getting them this information.

"Can we make this dramatic!?" Sabine exclaimed, the kid in her coming out.

Kanan turned to her, "When do we not?" He asked with a smirk.

Sabine shrugged and tilted her head in agreement. They all ran into the building when Kanan used the force to push the doors open. They started running to the middle of the building, where Ezra was most likely being held.

They found a fork in the road, there were two hallways that they could go down. "Why don't we split up?" Zeb said.

"Okay, you all go that way and I'll go this way." Kanan said.

"Kanan I don't think that that's..." But Kanan was already running down the hall before Hera could get her sentance out.

"He's going to get himself killed." Sabine said.

"I guess we just have to hope he won't now." Hera said and started down the other hall.

Hera, Zeb, and Sabine got the room before Kanan did. Nothing could have prepared them for what they were about to see. Ezra was tied to a post and he was all bloody. Hera couldn't tell what kind of injuries he had, they were to far away.

When they burst though the doors, lots of smoke and dust flew around them, making it as dramatic and Sabine wanted.

"Step away from him!" Zeb yelled as they started to walk forward a bit. They stopped and stared the man in the eyes.

"Well, well, look who we have here." Bane said creepily.

"No, run!" Ezra yelled at the crew.

"Silence, boy!" Bane yelled, he turned around and shot Ezra in the leg.

"AHHH!" Ezra screamed.

Zeb, Sabine, and Hera all raised their blasters, "Hurt him again and you wont be walking out of here." Sabine threated.

"Okay, let's see how well your aim is." Bane shoot back, before the crew knew it, Bane had turned and grabbed Ezra's arm. He grabbed his forarm and bend it back at and angle it shouldn't bend at, and all of a sudden, a lot crack rang out.

Ezra screamed.

Zeb shot at Bane, he easily dodged it and ran for cover. Hera and Sabine started to shoot at him and the rest of his crew as well. They all ran for cover behind pillers, and steps. Sabine was able to shoot a woman on the other sides's shoulder. She cried out and was out of comistion.

Bane suddenly ran out of his hiding spot and ran to where Ezra was. He wrapped an arm around Ezra's neck and put a gun to his temple. "Stop firing or I will shoot!" He yelled.

Sabine, Hera, and Zeb stopped instantly. Bane smiled. "Looks like you're stuck." He said teasingly. But, his smirk suddenly faded when the doors to the room suddenly flew open.

Dust and smoke poured into the room. They couldn't see anyone standing there. No one could help themselves, they all stopped what they were doing and turned to stare. The only reason that they knew someone was standing there, was that suddenly a blue and a green lightsaber ignited. They were crossed and didn't show anything around them.

The blasters of Bane and his crew suddenly flew out of their hands. They hovered for a second and then bent so they would never be able to be used again. The lightsabers in the door moved, still crossed, so they lit up the persons face. It was Kanan.

He suddenly brought the lightsabers down, holding them out and ready to use them if needed. The dust cleared when he did that.

"Step away from him." Kanan demanded Bane.

Ezra's shoulders slumped with relief and most of the tension left his body. Kanan started forward and walked toward Ezra. Everyone just stood and watched him move. With Every step that Kanan took forward, Bane moved back. When Kanan got to Ezra, Bane was a good ten feet from Ezra.

Kanan bent down and cut the ropes around Ezra with his saber. Once the ropes were gone, Ezra fell forward, not having the strength to keep himself up. Kanan deactivated both of the Lightsabers he was holding and then wrapped his arms around Ezra.

"Bad move, Jedi." Bane said. Kanan felt the barrel of a blaster on the back of his head. "You shouldn't have put your lightsabers away." He said smugly.

"You see thats the thing, you need a wepon to fight, to get what you want. But a Jedi doesn't need to do that, A Jedi knows better, we don't kill to get what we want, we sometimes don't even get what we want. But when something needs to be done, we have another ally."

All of a sudden, the blaster that Bane was just holding flew into a wall and broke, so did Bane. He flew back into a wall and was held there. He didn't break, exept for maybe his head. Kanan couldn't just let him leave unscathed after what he did to Ezra.

Kanan picked up Ezra, bridle style, and started for the door. He stopped when he got to Bane, he didn't look at him, just talked, "You're lucky I don't kill." Then he gestered for the rest of his crew to leave, they did, but Zeb growled at him as he went. Kanan followed them and the doors slamed shut behind him as he walked through the threshold.

When they got back to the ship Kanan had to basically had to pry Ezra from his body. They were in the Med Bay, being that Ezra wouldn't be able to walk for awhile. Kanan wanted to get him all cleaned up and bandage his wounds.

"Ezra?" He asked. "Can you please let me go?"

Ezra shook his head. Kanan sighed and just sat down with Ezra attached to him. "Ezra it's okay now, we got you out." Kanan kept whispering comforting words to calm him down.

"It was horrible Kanan, I was back there, the day when I was younger."

"Ezra, that's only in your head. You're here, with me. Nothing is going to happen, I won't let it."

Ezra smiled and finally came to peace with himself. "I know Kanan." He said and let go of Kanan. He sat up and started to think. What would have happened if he didn't have Kanan? That thought just made him all the more greatful for him. He knew that he was lucky to have Kanan.

"What are you thinking about?" Kanan asked Ezra, knowing that he was smiling to himself.

"Nothing." Ezra said, but really it was everything.

Kanan smiled then started to get things to patch Ezra up. He got him out of his bloody clothes and into some that were nice and clean. Kanan went straight to his blaster wound on his leg, he disinfected it and stitched it up, then wrapped it up.

His arm was next, he set it and put it in a sling, the only only thing he could do right now. When they got in contact with Sato they could get him some better help.

He got a wet wash cloth and got rid of all the dried blood on his face. He cleaned those and applied small bandages to the cuts. He sat back to look at his work.

All of a sudden Kanan reached forward and pulled Ezra to him. Ezra wrapped his good arm around Kanan, "Don't do that to me again." Kanan told Ezra.

Ezra smiled, "I'll do my best." Nothing saying the word try.

Both Kanan and Ezra sat with each other for the rest of the day. They knew that they would be fine as long as they had each other. They also both knew that they would never lose each other, there bond was to strong, in the force and without. They didn't plan on letting the other go anytime soon.

Hey everyone! Omg it has been to long! This has taken me so long to write, but I am finally done! I really hope you like it and please tell me what you think. Im sorry for the mistakes and errors, but yeah I think thats it. Oh wait, sorry that this one is so long, we past the 5000 word mark! Thats crazy! Anyways, thank you all for reading, please vote, comment, and follow. I love you all, this is Kenziewankenobi signing off, and may the force be with you!

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