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Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

It was loud.

The only thing that was heard in the whole place.

It was done by hands, so soft and strong, never had done anything so bad.

They were good, pure, they were Kanan's.

I was the only one who knew, even after, it never changed my view of him.

He had used the Darkside.

Let's back up awhile. How about a day before. We were in the ship, the Ghost to be exact, not caring about a thing. We had nothing to care about. I was in my room, we had just been on the run from the Empire and were now finally clear.

"Ezra!" Kanan called.

"Yeah?" I called back.

"Come out here, I have something for you!"

He sounded... excited? Why? There wasn't anything special about today.

I walk out of my room and into the Mess hall. What could be this important? I specifically told Kanan to leave me be for awhile. We had just got back from a BIG mission and I wanted some rest. He even told me that he would leave me be, so why am I even going now? Because it's Kanan, that's why. There is no way that I can just not do something he says, no matter how small.

I make it to the Mess hall and see that no one is there. "Kanan?" I call out. He did call me from here right? I think this is where...

"SURPRISE!" The whole crew jumped out from hiding places and scared the living daylights out of me.

"Ahhhh!" I yelled startled and somehow managed to trip myself backwards and I fell. I groaned and propped myself up on my elbows.

Sometime when all of that had happened, Kanan had managed to get to my side without me knowing. Seeing that I wasn't hurt, he chuckled to himself and helped me up.  "I didn't think we would get you that good!" He was smiling, as were all of the other crew members.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"He forgot?!" Sabine cried.

"How does someone do that?" Zeb said.

"Do what?" I was getting axious. They weren't telling me anything, therfore I was getting no where.

"With what we do it's normal." Kanan said. "Ezra, look at what's on the table." I gave Kanan a confused look. The table? What was so special about the, ohhhh. I look over and on the table are gifts, food, and cake. It was my birthday.

"Oh my gosh." I say. I am the biggest idiot known to mankind. How could I forget? Today was the day. The day that ruined my life. I was so saddend at the moment, but I'm still not sure that anyone noticed. At least no one but Kanan.

"I think we need to remind this birthday boy what having a birthday is all about." Said Hera. She and the others went to the table and started to distribute food for everyone. I wasn't paying attention, neither was Kanan. He came over to me with a plate of food for me and one for himself.

"Ezra?" Kanan asked. I looked up at him. Kanan seems to have this sperpower of reading me like a book. He always knows what I am thinking and he always can see it on my face. I have always wondered how long it has taken him to develope this, but I've never asked him. "I haven't forgotten it." He said.

In that moment, he resured me of everything. I knew that he wasn't talking about my birthday, maybe he was a little but that wasn't the main thing. He was talking about my parents. He was saying that after all these years he hasn't forgotten what I told him back when I had just turned 16, when I had just joined the crew. "Thank you, Kanan." Was all I said.

"Any time." He genually said. He looked me straight in the eyes when he said that. He meant it. I have never doubted that.

Hera came over to talk as well, "Is he telling how excited he was to see your reaction to this?" She asked me.

I turned to Kanan, "Just how excited are we talking here?" If I could get something to blackkmail Kanan with, hallelujah! Now that would have been something to get!

"Yes, okay. I may or my not have planned all of this, but you know the reason why." Kanan said. Kanan was smiling. He didn't know, but I lived for that smile. Some days it was very rare and we never saw it. On days like this though, I tried to see it as much as I could.

"I do know." I said. I still have the compelling feeling that I need to talk to talk to him about today though. So once Hera had left I went over to him, "Can we talk after this?" I said it in a low voice so no one but him could hear.

He looked down at me, his face changed from happy to worried and concerned in less then a second. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Kanan, I think we both know that you already know the answer to that."

"Of course we can talk." He said.

I smiled and then he smiled back. When I had first been brought on board the Ghost, I had never thought that I would get so close to someone. Have someone like Kanan in my life. I have never been happier before though.

Soon it was over, the eating, the singing, Hera's homemade cake, which is the best cake I have ever eaten, and I was alone again. Although this time I was on top of the ship and awaiting Kanans arivel. Memories of times when I was a young child played back in my head. I always got flashbacks in my head on this day, but they weren't like these. For some reason, there's only one memory going through my brain.

It was a time when the Empire came for us. But they hadn't gotten us this time. They sarted banging on the door, but my mother and father moved swiftly and silently, they picked me up and we ran for cover. Under the house we went, the entry covered up again by the foot rest. We stayed there for awhile. Ate dinner down there, played hide and seek, even spent the night. We didn't come up until morning. For some reason, it's only that one playing in my head, over and over. Is it a warning of some kind? Is the Empire coming for us soon?

The hatch behind me opened and out came Kanan. "I was starting to wonder if you got lost." I said jokingly.

"Ha ha, very funny." Kanan said as he sat down next to me. He looked down at me.

I could tell what he was thinking, don't know how though. Maybe I have the superpower too! "I'm fine right now Kanan."

"Are you sure? Ezra, you don't look fine." He was giving me a concerned look. I seem to get this one a lot.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Ezra, at the party, you weren't entirly focused on it." See superpowers. "I could tell. You're also very pale and your hands are shaking." He added.

I didn't even notice. I slowly lifted a hand to see, sure enough they were shaking.

"Are you okay?" Kanan asked. He knows the answer, I think he just wants me to say it.

"No, I'm not." I say. I can't even bring myself to look at him. I'm already choking up, if I see his face, well, I would lose the battle with the tears. He doesn't even ask me anything else, he just brings up an arm and wraps it around my shoulders. I can't stop myself, I lean into him. Not that I was trying very hard.

Kanan just knows what I need and when I need it. Like the time he knew that I had been sneaking into the Mess hall and grabbing midnight snacks without me saying anything to anyone. No one had noticed until he did, didn't even notice food was going down slowly but surely. I got hungry, okay!?

Anyways, he was always there when he was needed. Most of the time I never even had to go to him, he just knew and then came to me. For awhile we sat there and didn't move.

Until I had somehow found the courage to speak, "I keep thinking about them." I couldn't figure out how to continue and Kanan waited for me to keep talking, but when he found out the I was done, he started talking.

"It's completly normal, Ez. This was an extremley hard day for you, even harded to have to relive. With what happened on this day, there's no way that you can't think of them. So be sad, be mad, you have all the right in the world to be."

I broke. I don't know which part of what he said did it, but it did. I sobbed. At the first one Kanan had turned to me instantly and wrapped me up in his arms. It felt as though I was reliving the moment with him when I had found out that my parents were actually dead. How Kanan was holding me there was how he was holding me now. I felt safe and because of that, I let myself go. I cried harder then I ever have before and It was okay. I didn't feel embaressed or anything, Kanan wouldn't even let me.

He whispered comforting things in my ear, "It's okay, Ezra. Let it out. You'll feel better when your done. It's okay." In this moment I wondered how I had survived so long without Kanan with me, I will most likely never know.

I held Ezra tightly. He had a right to be like this, needing to be held by someone, needing someone to be there for him, I'm just happy that I can be there for him. Eventually, Ezra had drifted off to sleep and I carried him to his bed. I also warned Zeb to be nice to him when he woke up. All that crying must have taken a lot of energy from him. A little nap couldn't hurt anyone right. Once he was tucked in, I went to my own quarters and found Hera waiting for me.

"Hera." I said surprised, "Anything you need help with?" I don't think I did anything to upset her, so I don't know why she would be in here right now.

"Kanan, is Ezra okay? You two were on the roof for awhile." Ohh. That's why.

"He's alright at the moment, he's taking a nap. Even though today is his birthday, it's also the day his parents were taken." Once the words left my mouth she understood instanly.

"Oh no. How could have I have forgotten!?" She placed her plam on her forehead.

"Hera it's okay, we just need to be there for him."

"You're right, you're right." She said. She then gave me a thoughtful look, "You never forgot, did you?" Hera asked me.

I sighed and went to my bed to sit down, "No, I never did." I said. "Why?" I ask. Why would she ask that? She knows how close we are, I though she would just assume that.

"I'm just thinking, he's lucky to have you." And with that she walked out the door. Lucky to have me? He's lucky to have all of us, not just me. I know that I am close to the kid, in ways that no else can, I am his Master and therefore we have a bond through the Force. But they are just as important to Ezra as I am.

I shake my head and go into a meditive position. I just needed to clear my mind, today has been a long one so far and it's not even close to being done.

I wake up and realize we aren't on top of the ship anymore. I was in my bed and Kanan was no where to be found. I slowly turn and swing my legs off the side of the bed. I was a bit dizzy, I'm still not sure why, well I mean I am sure, but you know, whatever back to the story. I was dizzy, at the time I wasn't sure why, so I shrugged it off and went to stand, but that's the thing, when I went to stand, I got even dizzier and fell back. Good thing the bed was there, otherwise I may as well have cracked open my head.

So getting up isn't the best thing to do at the time, so I grabbed my comm and called Kanan. "Hey Kanan, you there?"

I didn't even wait two seconds before I got an answer, "Yeah kid, I'm here. What's wrong?"

"I need some help." I say not wanting to tell him everything yet.

"What? With what?" I heard some russlting, signaling he was already getting up and on his way here.

"Just get here." I said, even though he was probably half way here already.

Telling me that I was right, Kanan came into the door not long after.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked franticaly.

"I don't know. I woke up and now I'm really dizzy." I said. What was happening. This day was already bad enough with the memories, I don't need anything else. I mean the food and the gifts were nice, they still can't fix everything though.

"Okay well lets get you to the Medbay." Kanan said. He gently grabbed my arms and slowly pulled me up. I'm greatful that it was gently, but once I was standing I got a dizzy spell and almost fell forward.

"Woah." I said as I fell into Kanan. I was stumbling over my feet, my head was pounding and throbbing. I couldn't see straight. I was going to pass out.

"Ezra!" Kanan yelled as I fell, he could feel everything I was, he could sense it. I know that he can because I can sense his worry and it's adding to the emotions I'm already feeling, it's begining to be too much.

"Ugh." I groan. I can't help but moaning. The pain is too much and my knees buckle.

"Ezra! Okay, Medbay Now!" Kanan yells as he picks me up and runs out of the room. I feel myself bouncing in his arms as he runs. He's so warm, I struggle to get closer. "It's Okay, Ez, we're almost there." He tightens his grip on me and pulls me closer.

Soon we enter the Medbay and Kanan lays me on the bed and starts to look over me, trying to find out what is wrong. "Ez-ra." Kanan drags out.

Now I'm worried. "What.. is it?" I stumble out.

"There's nothing pysically wrong with you." Kanan says as he looks back at me.

"What!" I yell, but then cringe at how loud my voice is. "How?" I ask a lot quieter.

"I don't know," Kanan says, he brings his hand to my hair and starts to card his fingers through it, "It's might be something to do with the Force."

I lean into his hand, "The Force?"

"Yes, the scaners can't pick up anything that has to do with the Force so if it does have something to do with it then I need to get inside your head." Kanan said, which sounded a little weird, but at the time I gave that no attention.

"Do it."

Kanan quickly bent down and placed his forehead against my scrunched up one. He reached into the force and found my Force signature. I could feel him, it was different, I'm not sure how to explain it, but it was calming. As though Kanans presance was as some sort of  blanket over me. I was comforted and scared all at the same time. What was he going to find? I hope nothing that can't be helped.

Eventually Kanan came back to reality. "Ezra." He said surprised.

"What?" I asked, oh no.

"I wasn't the only one in your head." He slowly looked up at me, "Ezra, The Inquisitors are still alive."

I gasped. "What? How?" My head was going to explode soon, I was twisting and turning trying to get away form the pain, but it followed me everywhere. 

"Ezra, you need to settle down." Kanan said as he gently grabbed me, holding me still.

"No! I need to get away!" I yelled, I can't just stay here while, the Inquisitors were out there.

"Ezra, stop!" Kanan said, "You're going to hurt yourself." Kanan held me down harder. Not so hard that he would hurt me, because Kanan could never do that, just hard enough that I could feel it. I couldn't move, at all.

"NO! Kanan I-" I had blacked out.

"Ezra?" I heard Kanan's voice in my head but it was fuzzy. "Rest, it will be better soon." Kanan said.

Then my mind went blank.

When I woke up, no one was to bo found. Kanan wasn't next to me like he normally was when I was hurt, it was odd. Someone should be here. It should sound like the Ghost, but it didn't. I struggled to open my eyes more, but the light was bright.

"Well, look who decided to wake up." A voice said.

"Huh?" I was still out of it. That voice, it was familiar.

"He is going to be a great first recrute." They said again. No, it can't be, I was just on the Ghost. I'm not on the Ghost anymore. I'm in the Empires Headquarters on Lothal. And standing in front of me were the Inquisitors.

"It's a good thing you decided to wake up," the Seventh Sister started, "Because now we can start later today."

I finally was able to open my eyes and my mind wasn't hurting or clouded. "Start what?" I asked, annoyed.

"Well the initiation program, of course!" She had said this errily, cheerfully, if that's even a thing.

"The Initi-what?" I said trying to get more out of her.

She thought for a second to see if I was for sure. Then she slapped me.

"Ow! What was that for!?" I yelled at her.

"That was for playing dumb." She said, then she socked me in the gut, which hurt a lot being that, since I was strapped to a table, I couldn't move back at all. "And that was for everything else." (okay I hate they way I used this amazing quote, but I couldn't stop myself! I'm sorry!)

"Okay." I said, "So what is this Initiation progam for?" I needed to get more, so maybe I will have a chance to stop them.

"The only reason I am telling you this is because you are going to be a part of it." She paused and then continiued. "This program is to recrute more people for our Big Plan. The plan is to get more force weilders so we, the Empire, can grow more powerful and the biggest we can be! We could take down comunities and rebel alliences! We will not be able to be stopped!"

"No! You can't force anyone to do that!" I yelled. "They are their own people! They have a right to choose, we all do!"

"You're right, we do. And I choose the Empire." She said. She went over to the prob and flicked a switch. I couldn't feel anything but pain and more pain. It was constant, I couldn't escape. I was being electricuted.

It finally stopped. I was out of breath, my voice was hoarse because of screaming, and my throat was sore. "You will never get away with this." I rasped.

"Oh, but I will." She said, then she turned and walked out of the room with the Fifth Brother in tow.

I was alone. I finally let my gaurd down, I looked for cameras first and saw that there weren't any. Huh, that's strange, normally there's at least one. I wonder why?

I look at the floor, I really hope that Kanan is coming. I wish that he was here now, getting me out, telling me that everything was going to be alright. I need that now. And before I could stop them, tears were already falling down my cheeks. I heaved in a breath and let out a choked sob. Please, Kanan! Please get here soon!

I don't know how long I have been here, a few days maybe. I don't know how much more I can take. I thought that Kanan would be here sooner, but I guess not. He wouldn''t abandon me, none of them would, how could they? We have been through so much together, I wouldn't think that they would have the power to do so, inside themselves.

I waited for so long until, BANG! I heard a LOUD crash. And then blaster shots, then silence. Then the sound of thundering shoes came down the hallway. I wanted to look up and let them know some how that I was here, but I was too weak. I didn't have to though. The door flew open and by flew I mean flew, it went right past my head and into the wall. There was only one person I knew that would do that would do that and it was Kanan.

He ran down to me, his face was horrified. Most likely because of me. I was not one of Sabines paintings that's for sure, to be honest at the time, I didn't know what I looked like. I knew that I was bloody, cut up, broken, and that I hurt all over. I knew my forehead was bleeding because it was getting into my eyes, my right leg was deffinently broken, and I knew that I had a cut in my side, a deep one. Various small cuts and different sized bruises littered my face and arms. Other then that I was clueless on how I looked. But it was bad because, one, I hurt, and two because of Kanan.

He ran up to me and cupped my face with both of his hands, "Ezra?" He whispered softly, as if he was scared that his talking would scare me away.

I tried to talk back, but I couldn't. I couldn't talk. I couldn't find my voice at a time when I needed it most. "Shhhh. It's okay. Don't answer that, stupide of me to ask." He talked so softly. I wanted to throw myself at him, thank him so much, but I was stuck.

"How about we get you out of here." Kanan said. He went to the staps that was holding me here, he cut them with his ignited lightsaber and caught me when I fell. I had no strength left, I was a rag doll. Kanan had no problem with it though, because he picked me up and carried me out. I leaned toward him and I felt the most safe as I had ever been, in these past few days. Right when I saw him, I knew that I was going to be okay. All of my fears and doubts went away and it was just me and him.

We ran down the halls and out of the facility. We were so close, we could see the Ghost's lights lighting up the night. I hadn't even known that it was night until we got outside. I wanted to be able to jump out of Kanan's arms, run to the safty of the Ghost, but I couldn't in my condition, so I let Kanan hold me. We were about 20 yards from the ship, when all of a sudden we went flying.

I flew out of Kanan's arm's and out onto the hard pavment. "Ugh." I was struggling to get up, I could just sit up on my own, much less walk. I saw what had thrown us, it was the Seventh Sister.

"Trying to make a daring escape, are we?" She asked. It wasn't really a question though, she knew the answer. She was just taunting us, trying to make us mad. It wasn't working, it took a lot to get Kanan mad. And there was one thing that could do it.

"Stay back!" Kanan yelled as he stood up, taking a defensive position. He grabbed his lightsaber just in case.

"Well, you are trying to take something of mine, you are also on my base, I think I have a right to continue on." She said, that was the start on getting Kanan mad.

"You do not own him! You can't own him! He is my family and if you touch him again, you won't be walking away." Kanan said, is voice was low and terrifying, I've never had to say that about Kanan before, but I had also never seen this side of Kanan before.

"Oh, but I do. See he is so close to breaking, once he does, you will never be able to bring him back." She responded. "Oh and one more thing, I think I have soemthings that belong to you." After she said that, the Fifth Brother came out holding Zeb hostage.

"No!" I grunted, "Zeb!" My voice was hoarse and I was sturggling to get up. I had to do something, they had Zeb!

"Let him go." Kanan seethed.

"Oh don't you wish." The Seventh Sister, then she pulled out and ignited her lightsaber.

Kanan did the same. They charged. Locked in battle, they swung, and blocked, and hit. It was intense. I had to help, I couldn't just sit here like a coward. I finally made it up and was standing. My one leg was broken so I couldn't put much of any pressure on it. So I limped forward, not that far though, because I put to much pressure on my right leg and collapsed.

"Ow." I said quietly, I looked up, I had made it about five feet before collapsing. All of a sudden, I got an idea. There was no way that I was going to be abe to help Kanan right now, there was just no way. I look up at him to see how he was doing, he was doing great, I had never seen him fight so well, even though he was blind, it never stopped him. Knowing that he was okay, I turned and looked for what I wanted. I saw the Ghost and the crates that were in the ramp, there were blasters inside of them. I used the Force and pulled one to me.

I could help Zeb. I grabbed his attention by using the Force. He felt it and then turned his head to look at me. He saw the blaster I was holding, he looked up at me, knowing what I wanted to do he nodded.

The Fifth Brother was distracted and I gave Zeb a signal, he quickly ducked down and I raised my blaster and shot at the Inquisitor. Since he was distacted he wasn't expecting that. The shot hit him in the shoulder, once it hit him, Zeb turned to him and hit him in the gut with his boe staff. Lets just say the Fifth Brother wasn't happy with that.

The Fifth Brother recovered quickly and pushed Zeb back with the Force. He went flying and hit a bunch of crates that were stacked of to the side. He hit and was knocked uncontious. "No, Zeb!" I yelled. I regreted yelling that loud after because the Fifth Brother looked up at me and gave me a sickening look.

"Oh no." I whispered. I quickly went to get up, but he was faster. He got to me before I was even able to get to my knees. "No! Stop! Kanan!" I yelled.

I looked over to him and saw that Kanan had heard me. He looked over in time to see the Inquisitor bring his saber down in a slathing motion on me.

"AHHHH!" I screamed. I wasn't even going to try to hold back my screams. He did it again and again and again. And I screamed again and again and again. It felt like I was on fire, my blood seared and stained my clothes.

The Inquisitor, was about to strike again, but didn't. Half way through his motion he was stopped, it was the Force. His lightsaber deactivated and his hands dropped and he struggled to move at all. I looked over and saw that the same thing was happening to the Seventh Sister. Then I saw who was doing it. Kanan.

Both his arms were out and he was furious. He was the one holding the Inquisitors up in the air.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

It was loud.

The only thing that was heard in the whole place.

It was done by hands, so soft and strong, never had done anything so bad.

They were good, pure, they were Kanan's.

The Inquisitors dropped and have never moved since. After that Kanan was so surprised by what he had done, never thought that he could have done anything like that. He fell to his knees and staired at them. I only realized after, that he had just used the Darkside.

"Kanan." I said and tried to drag myself over to him. I couldn't let him just sit there and hold in al his guilt. So I did everything I could to pull myself closer to him.

He looked up when he heard me moving closer to him. I stopped moving once I realized he was going to get up and come to me. Kanan walked over to me, slowly. After him Zeb walked up as well, he had managed to wake himself up and get his thoughts together.

"Thanks kid, I owe you one." Zeb said. "But what happened here?"

"Probbably best that you don't know." I tell him as Kanan pulls my up again. Then we all start walking back to the Ghost.

Time Skip

I lay on the Medbay bed. Kanan had already patched me up as best he could, a new record of stiches that anyone on the Ghost had gotten was broken by a long shot. I was tired and broken, not just phsically. I knew that Kanan blamed himself for everything. For not getting there sooner and everything after.

I had told him to get some rest and he of course said no, but a bit of convincing later, he finally left. So I had gotten some rest myself. It was the best feeling to be safe again. I missed it when I was gone. Now that I'm back it felt amazing.

Kanan will be here soon to check on me, after he had rested he told me he was coming back to check on me, no nigotiating. Just as I thought about it, he came in right then.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." I said.

"Ezra." Kanan said in a warning tone.

"What?! I want to know what happened." I needed to know.

"You know what happened, you saw." He said looking down.

"Yes I saw, that's it, how are you, though?" I said sincerly. I care about him still, why can't he get that through his head?

"Ezra, please." He said.

"No, Kanan. You need to talk, otherwise you won't ever talk about it again."

"And why do I need to talk about it!? I'm fine." He exploded.

"Becaue you are not fine. And you might snap at Hera or Zeb one day. You can't keep all your feelings in! It's for the same reasons that you tell me too!" I can't let him do this to himself. It's tearing him up and he doesn't even know.

"I used the Darkside, Ezra! What do I do now? I'm supposed to teach you not to use the Darkside, and now I just tapped into it!" Kanan yelled. He sat down on the edge of my bed and looked down at his hands that were folded in his lap.

"Kanan. I'm going to tell you the same things you told me." I say, getting him to turn to me, "We can get through this together. You aren't alone, you have me. You need to let this go. You won't do it again, I know why you did it. And I don't blame you. I've done the same thing. You helped me through it, now I'm going to help you."

He turned to me fully and wrapped me in a hug. A big one too. I wrapped my arms around him as well even though it was a weak grip because well you know. He lets me go and looks at me, "Thank you Ezra." He said and squeezed my upper arm. 

I nodded, because I would always be there for Kanan. I winced when I turned to get back to my original position. Kanan noticed. "Are you okay? What hurts?" He will never just leave it will he?

"My chest hurts a bit." I said. Kanan went to lift up my shirt, but I stopped him.

"Just stop, don't." I said. I couldn't take anything else, everything was just getting to be too much.

"Ezra?" Kanan grew concered. "What's going on?"

I couldn't answer him though. The tears were already coming. I could do nothing to stop them. They fell and Kanan saw. I started to sob.

"Ezra." Kanan said sympathetically. He reached forward and wrapped me up in his arms. I cried. I cried for him and myself. We just went through so much and it was now just starting to catch up to me. "It's okay, Ez. Just let it out. It will get better."

It was in that moment that I realized that no matter what Kanan and I go through, nothing will get between us, not even the Darkside. Not Vader, not Thrawn, not anything.

Kanan let me cry into him for as long as I needed. He kept whispering reasuring thoughts to me. "It will be okay, Ezra. Nothing will happen, you're safe now."

And I was, even though Kanan had just used the Darkside, I'm safer with him then I am with anyone else. Kanan is the one who I trust the most, the one that I first let in after my parents, he was the one who took me in when no one else would. I trust him with my life and nothing will change that.

So you can see that yes he did use it, but it was to protect me. He was thinking of me. So you can throw anything at us, anything at all, and we will overcome it. You can't stop us.

I had to tell you this because I need get people, cough Thrawn cough, to understand that we can't be beaten. Well, physically you can hurt us, but our bond is stronger. We have battle scars and we are broken, but we thrive. We make mistakes and we mess up, but that just shows that we are human. You have nothing on us and we won't be intimidated. As long as we have each other, we will be fine.

Oh my God! I'm so tired! This took me around 4 days to write! I'm so happy with it though! It's a little dark so I'm sorry about that, but I still really hope that you like it. This was a lot of work and I really really really hope that you love it! I just want to say that you guys arn't alond in this world, there are people that love you, even if you don't know it. Everyone deserves to be loved and you all are. So please, don't give up, keep marching on. having Battle Scars just says that we are human, and that's a good thing. So if you are struggling, talk to someone, they can help, and I'm always here if you need to.

So, thank  you all for reading, I love you all! Please vote, comment , and follow! Thanks again! This is Kenziewankenobi signing out and may the Force be with you!

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