getting kanan back

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The door closed. They were on the phantom after Kanan got captured. Ezra stood there staring at the door. He couldn't move, he couldn't look away, he couldn't do anything but stair at the stupid door that blocked him from his master.

Ezra could feel the tears running down his cheeks. He calappsed to the floor. He leaned up to the door and pushed his forehead against it. He balled his eyes out. He didn't care if his family heard it.

He cryed and cryed until he couldn't cry anymore. His master was gone. The one he saw as his father was gone. He was closest to Kanan on this ship. Who was he gonna talk to when he had a question? Hera told him to go to her if he needed anything but, this was different. What if it was about the force? Who will train him now? All these things went through his mind.

He can't believe that Kanan is gone. He didn't know how long he sat there 'cause he felt the phantom connect to the ghost. He didn't get up though, he didn't have the strength. Zeb stood him up and helped him walk down the hall and to his bed.

Once Ezra was laying down on the top bunk, Zeb gave him some space and left the room. A few minutes later Hera walked in.

"How are you holding up?" She asked him. Ezra opened his mouth to answer but his voice wasn't working right now. So he just gave her a sad expression. Hera sighed. "I know Ezra, we all miss him. We just can't do anything about that now." She hung her head low.

Ezra was surprised. How can they not go back and rescue him? Suddenly finding his voice Ezra spoke. "Why not? I can't just let Kanan stay there! He's the reason I'm here right now! He convinced me to join and I'm glad! He has done so much for me, I still need to return the favor!" He said sitting up.

"Ezra, is this about something else than that?" Hera asked. Ezra looked down, "maybe." He said quietly. Hera climbed up on Ezras bed and sat next to him.

"Ezra I know that you think of him that way and that you act that way too, but sometimes you have to learn to let go." She said. That made Ezra really upset and angry. "Let go!? I can't just 'let go' of him! He means way to much to me. I can't let this happen." "I was hoping you would say that." Hera responded.

Ezra looked up at her. "What?" He asked. Hera chuckled. "Well Kanan would say that we shouldnt come for him, but now I can say that you talked me into it." She smiled. Right then Ezra smiled for the first time since Kanan was taken away. "So what's your plan?" Hera asked. "Well..."

Time skip.

"So everyone remembers the plan?" Ezra asked for the millionth time. Everyone nodded again, knowing it made him feel better. "Ok. Let's go kick some bucket-head butt." Ezra said and started to run the the hanger door. The crew chuckled and fallowed him in.

Ezra finally got to Kanans cell and opened the door as quickly as he could. Once he opened it he gasped. Kanan had many cuts and bruises. His clothes were stained red from the bleeding cuts and he was in no condition to fight anytime soon.

Ezra ran in. "Kanan!" He yelled at his master. Kanan opened his eyes at the sound of his padawan's voice. "Ezra?" He tiredly asked. "Im here master." Ezra responded and looked for a way to get Kanan out of his restraints.

Once he found them he opened them and Kanan toppled down. Ezra ducked under kanans arm and held him up right. Kanan smiled at Ezra. "You shouldn't be here. But I'm glad you are." He said. "Well I think Hera wants to explain that one." Ezra snickered.

They started to make there way down the hall. But something or should I say someone stopped them. There stood the inquisitor. "Well well. Look what we have here." He said and smiled that evil toothy grin of his. Ezra growled.

Kanan was in no condition to fight! How will therpy get through this!? "Mind if I borrow your saber?" Kanan asked him. "Umm no here you go." Ezra responded slightly stunned. Ok very stund. What is he doing?! He's just blowing off his injurys like there nothing! Well that's Kanan for ya.

Ezra saw kanans saber on the inquisitor's belt and used the force to grab it. Now it was two against one. "Oh look who's joining the party." He laughed. Ezra took a battle stance, like Kanan had taught him.

The battle had begun. They swang and blocked and doged and sticked but they didn't get anywhere. The inquisitor forced Kanan to the ground and he struggled to get up. So the inquisitor turned toward Ezra. He swung at his and knocked his off balance. He then pushed Ezra off the bridge they were on and onto the one below.

Ezra fell he reached for kanans hand when he extended it but couldn't grab it in time. He heard Kanan yelling his name. But it was too late he had already hit the walkway below him.

"Ezra!" Kanan screamed, stretching an arm to grab hold of his falling padawan, but he wasn't fast enough. He watched in horror as his padawan, his friend, his son hit the hard metal flooring.

Kanan stood up and faced the inquisitor, "that was a mistake." He said as calmly as he could. "Why? Because now there's no one left to die for you?" He snickered. "No. Because now I have nothing left to fear." Kanan said and charged at the enemy.

Kanan wasn't gonna kill the inquisitor, just leave him to die in the exploding ship. Then the unthinkable happened. The inquisitor willingly fell to his death.

Kanan jumped down to his fallen padawan and gathered his young form into his arms. Why did this happen to you? He thought. You didn't deserve this. Kanan heard the ship start breaking and jumped up, with Ezra, and ran back to the ghost.

He ran into the ship, ignoring the pain in his body, and brought Ezra to his room. Kanan layed him down and started crying. He grabbed Ezras hand and his free hand went to his hair. Kanan could feel the ship taking off and flying to space.

But that didn't stop him from sobbing until he could sob no more. Hera came in a few moments later to inspect their cuts. She gasped when she saw the two. She went to Kanan first but he pushed her away. He wouldnt take any medical attention until Ezra was seen first.

Hera sighted and gave in. She sat on the bed next to Ezra and examined the damage. "He's in a coma. But other than that he's fine." She said and Kanan let out his breath he didn't know he was holding back.

"Now you." She ordered. Kanan obayed. Once they were both patched up, Hera left the two alone.

Kanan never left Ezras side, which made it hard to complete missions. He never slept either. He wanted to be awake while his padawan opened his eyes.

It had been a week and Kanan still hasn't slept. But then something caught his eye. "Ezra?" He questioned the kid laying in bed. He felt a hand grab his and saw a smile creep its way onto Ezras face.

Kanan was so rejoysted that he could only show it by hugging Ezra and crying happy tears. Ezra had done the same. They didn't let each other go, even when they were talking.

"You almost died." Kanan said weakly. "Well I'm still here aren't I?" Ezra smiled even wider, as did Kanan. "I was so worried! It's been a week!" Kanan exclaimed, resting his head on Ezras. "Really? It's been that long?!" Ezra asked.

"Do you want to see everyone else?" Kanan asked. "Yes! But I want you to stay right here." He said to Kanan. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

Kanan moved so he was sitting next to Ezra on the bed. Ezra was leaning on Kanan and Kanan had his arm around Ezra. Kanan called over the comm, "someone's awake and wants to see all of you." He said and got a series of whoops and shouts in reply. Kanan and Ezra looked at each other and smiled.

Everyone ran into kanans room and saw the two sitting so close to each other. They couldn't help but awwe in cuteness. They all ran in and gave the best group hug they could. Including chopper. Sabine and Zeb filled Ezra in on the things he missed. The list was short because well, Ezra wasn't running around like usual.

After meeting up with everyone again Kanan and Ezra layed down and got some much needed sleep. Kanan was back and Ezra couldn't be happier cuddled into his father figure the way he was now. Kanan was happy that Ezra was OK and couldn't be happier holding his son the way he is now.

For the next week and a half, they never left each others side. Training seemed to go better than it ever has been before and they way more fun as well. When they were by each others side, there was nothing the master and padawan, father and son, couldn't do.

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