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Hey everyone! No im not dead thanks for the concern. I accually wrote you a part i hope you like it! Also i have a few questions for u guys and i want u to answer honestly. Ok? 1. If i got a youtube channel you u all watch me? Cause I'm getting one in the summer with monkeyface65 2. Do u guys ever get excited when u comment on one of ur comments or message u or something like that? I've just always wondered. Thanks.

Ezra was on the ghost, in his room. It was just like any other normal day for the crew, Zeb was training with his bow staff, Sabine painting in her room, Chopper annoying Hera in the cockpit, and Kanan in his room. But Ezra was in the bathroom. He stood right in front of the sink looking at the knife he was holding.

He had done it before, cut his wrists. Was it worth it to do it again? When his parents were gone and he was alone and old enough to understand, he did it. Scars littered hi forearm. That's why he always wore long sleeved shirts.

Ezra put the blade to his arm over the other scars and ran the blade across his skin, he didn't cut it though, he was still deciding.

"Ezra!" Kanan yelled out to him.

"Yeah?" He yelled back, franticly putting the blade away.

"Come on I need you for something!" Kanan replied.

"I'm coming!" Ezra yelled back and ran to his room to put the knife away.

Ezra ran down the halls trying to find his master and to get his mind off of suicidal thoughts. Ezra ran to the Phantom and saw that Kanan was working in the underside of the belly. "What did you need me for master?" Ezra said out of breath.

"Could you hand me that wrench?" Kanan asked.

Ezra sighed, "is that really what you needed me for?" He asked annoyed. But he still bent down and got him the wrench anyways.

"Yeah, but I also thought you would keep me company." He said looking up at the boy. "Since you can't stop talking." He said going back to his work.

"Hey!" Ezra said, half jokingly.

"You know I'm kidding right?" Kanan said feeling that he had hurt the boy in some way.

Ezra laughed, "yeah I know, don't worry. You're way to overprotective!" He joked.

"Am not! I just care." Kanan said, looking at Ezra.

"Sure Kanan you keep telling yourself that." Ezra snickered. Kanan sigh and laughed to himself.

The conversation had died down, but Ezra didn't leave. He sat down on the ground and watched Kanan work. He was thinking about leaving. I just leave him behind. He thought. Could I? But what would it do to him? Would he be hurt?

All of a sudden someone shook him and was shaking from his thoughts. He looked up and saw that Kanan was kneeling in front of him. "Ezra are you okay? You zoned out and wouldn't talk to me when I said something." Kanan said, worried.

"I'm fine Kanan, it's just been a long week, and I'm tired." Ezra said lying. He hopped it would work. Kanan always found out the truth with him. He always did. Ezra didn't know how, it was just like some sort of superpower he had or something like that. He couldn't come up with anything else.

"Okay well I'm finished here, go get some rest." He said, Ezra jumped up and ran off down the hall. Kanan knew something was up. And he was going to find out what.

Ezra ran back to his room. That was close. He thought. I need to go. I can't put these people, the ones I love, in danger anymore. The world doesn't need Ezra Bridger. With that he got up and ran out the door. He didn't bother telling anyone where he was going, in fact, he didn't know where he was going somewhere far from here though.

Kanan was talking to Hera when he heard feet stomping down the ramp. "Who is that?" Hera asked. "Ezra." Kanan said and ran to the opening. Kanan sighed in frustration, "He gone!" He said angerly. "Hey! Just calm down well get him back!" He said but it was fuzzy in Kanan's mind. He was focusing on trying to find Ezra.

He felt pain. He felt loneliness. He felt sadness. Kanan lost his balance and fell to a wall. "Ugh." He grunted and pushed himself upright. "Hera, Ezra has been acting weird lately." He said.

"I never noticed." Hera said. "He my Padawan, and I know him. He wasn't talking as much or was as active, as he was before. I know why now." Kanan said. He looked down. "He's thinking of suicide, Hera."

Hera gasped. "How do you know?" He asked.

"I'm not even sure." Kanan replied then ran out of the ship.

Ezra ran back to his old house. He knew where it started, he wanted to end it there too. He walked into his old Kitchen grabbed a knife and the went down the ladder. Ezra looked around the room one last time, then brought the knife to his wrist.

He sliced through the fabric and his skin. It hurt, yes, but wasn't as bad as his hurt inside. He kept cutting until his wrists were extremily bloody.

Kanan and to Ezra's old tower, to his favorite spot in the feilds, and down by the river where he liked to sit and think. He wasn't in any of those places. Then all of a sudden it hit him like a brick. His old house! Ugh! Why didn't you think of this sooner, Kanan! He thought yelled to himself.

Kanan ran all the way to Ezra house. But when he was halfway there, black smoke was coming from where he was headed. "Oh no." Kanan whispered and took off in that direction again.

When he got there Kanan ran through the crowd of people, Kanan scand the crowd for troopers. Good none. He thought.

Kanan ran right up to the door. He force pushed it down, not realizing all these people were watching him. There were a few gasps and whispers in the crowd but Kanan didn't care, he needed to get his padawan.

He ran right into the middle of the room, hand over his mouth to help filter the smoke. Kanan saw the ladder and jogged toward it. He climbed down, but when he was near the end he slipped and fell the rest of the way down. He was becoming weaker because of all the smoke.

He stood up, knowing he had to be strong for Ezra. He looked around the room and there he was, right in the middle. He was standing in a ring of fire and was holding a knife to his neck.

Kanan gasped, "Ezra don't do it!" He yelled. Ezra turned.

"Why not!?" He yelled back, "Give me one good reason that thus world needs me!"

"You are the face of our rebellion! Everyone looks up to you! You're special, Ezra!" Kanan said.

Ezra shook his head, not liking what Kanan had just said. He pushed the knife into his skin a little, so some blood came out.

"Ezra stop!" Kanan yelled, franticly thinking of something to say. Wait... that's it! Ezra needs to know he's loved because he never had it when he was younger. "Ezra, if you do this, you will be missed. Ezra we love you, me, Hera, Zeb, Sabine, and even Chopper. Ezra I love you. If I lost you, I don't even know what I would do with myself."

Ezra started to lower the knife. Kanan say his plan was working so he kept going.

"Ezra I love you so much. You are family. I will do everything in my power to protect you. And we can work through this together. If you feel like this, come talk to me. I will say this all again, I would do it in a heartbeat, if it made you happy. And stay. Ezra, come here."

Ezra dropped the knife down. He turned and Kanan saw his scars on his cheek and a new one crossing them together. Ezra ran to Kanan. He thought his arms around him. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't know! I-I didn't know! Plz, I love you!" Kanan hugged the kid with all his might.

"I love you to. More then life itself." Kanan whispered to him.

"Thank you, dad. For everything." Ezra said, then passed out of Kanan.

Kanan was surprised at first but then said, "it was my pleasure........ son."

Time skip!

Kanan was sitting in the medbay with Ezra, just thinking about how all those people clapped when he came out holding Ezra. Kanan sighed. He went up to the top of the ship to think. Taking one last look at Ezra, before leaving.

Ezra woke up in a bed. It was white and softer then his. Must be in the medbay. He thought. He grunted, sitting up. He thought Kanan was gonna be here for when he woke up, but he wasn't there. He searched thought the ship to find him and found him on top of the Ghost.

Ezra swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. He was a little wobbly at first but then found his balance. He went over to the ladder and climbed up. Once he was up, he stumbled over to Kanan and sat down next to him. They sat there awhile before Ezra leaned over so he was slouched over, leaning on Kanan side. Kanan imeditly wrapped his arm around him, squeezing him just a little, to him.

"I'll talk to you, I promise." Ezra's scratchy voice said.

"I know you will, Ezra."

Okay I finished!! I hope you all like this one. I had a few going but I couldn't stop writing this one because I just love it so much!! This is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!! Love you all!

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