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Kanan sat in his meditating. When a thought came to his mind. What would have happened to Ezra, if they hadn't found him? Kanan didn't want to think of that, at all. They had so many good memories together. Just like the one time Kanan and Ezra were rough housing in the fields of lathol.

Kanan and Ezra ran around the grassy planes, chasing each other. "Tag! You're it!" Ezra yelled and ran as he tapped Kanan on the shoulder. Kanan smiled and ran after him. After running around so much they had gotten tired. So they sat on the top of a hill and watched the town below. Kanan felt something slump against his arm. He turned to see that Ezra had fallen asleep. Kanan smiled and picked the kid up, bridal style. He walked back to the ghost and put a sleeping Ezra on his bed. Kanan was about to leave when Ezra reached out and grabbed his arm. Kanan sat back down and Ezra moved so his head was resting on kanans leg.

Kanan couldn't help but smile at that memory. He also remembered the time when he and Ezra, on their first mission together, succeeded.

Kanan and Ezra ran out of the hanger door just as more troopers showed up. They ran into the ship and the ramp closed and Hera took off. Kanan took the information chip to hera, while Ezra went to his room. A few minutes later, Kanan went into Ezras room to congratulate him. "Nice work kid. You're proving yourself well." He said to the kid. Ezra smiled at Kanan and Kanan smiled back.

That one was a pretty good one too. Kanan remembered the time Ezra got sick.

"Ahh-choo!" Ezra sneezed for the tenth time that morning. His grogeness was more than normal and he was extremely pale. Kanan saw this first. He knew his padawan better than anyone else. And he wanted to keep it that way. "Ezra are you feeling alright?" He asked, even though it was pointless, 'cause Ezra would never agree that he was sick until it got really bad. "I'm fine." He said, all cungested and stuffy. Kanan frownd. "Well then, time for training!" Kanan said and started to walk outside. Ezra stood up but then started to fall. "On second thought...." He started. Kanan dove to catch his young charge. Ezra looked up at Kanan. "Mmmhh." He groans Kanan sighed and picked Ezra up. Ezra tryed to get even closer to Kanan then he already was. Kanan looked at the teen sympathetically before bringing him to his room. (Kanan's room). Though as he was walking down the hall, he didn't notice that Hera took a picture of them. Kanan reached his room and placed Ezra on the bed. Kanan started to leave when he felt a hand grip to his. He turned to find a shivering Ezra holding onto him. "Please, m...master." He said through chattering teeth. "I was only going to get you a blanket." Kanan smiled. Ezra nodded as Kanan went to the common room. A few moments later Kanan came back with a blanket and a warm embrace for Ezra. Once Ezra had had the second blanket over him, Kanan wrapped his arms around him. Ezra smiled and cuddled close to Kanan.

Kanan looked up when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in kid." Kanan said recognizing the force signature. Ezra opened the door and walked into the room. He sat on the bed next to Kanan and started to cry. "Ezra what's wrong?" Kanan asked in a soothing voice. "Today's the day...." Ezra trailed off. Kanan knew what he was gonna say though. Today's the day his parents were taken away. "Why its okay now Ezra." Kanan said as he hugged Ezra tightly. "You have me now and I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." Ezra hugged Kanan back and cryed into his chest. "Thank you." Ezra said still hugging Kanan. "No problem, Ezra."

Kanan ment what he said he would never let anything happen to Ezra. They have had to many good memories together.

Hey everyone! I know I haven't been posting lot but I have been getting ready for school. I have to do a lot of math packets for school and I still have a lot to do sooo.....I'm sorryyy!!! I love you all never forget that! And if u have any ideas on what I should do next please comment! I'm so sry if I don't post anything for a while because things are a little crazy right now. But I guess that's all for now,this is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!

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