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Ezra POV

I was sitting in my room. I had locked the door to make sure Zeb didn't come in. But I was on the floor holding a knife. No one wanted me here. Kanan wouldn't train me, Hera doesn't like me, Zeb never even trys with me, Sabine won't do anything with me, and Chopper shocks me all the time, and not in a jokingly way.

I debate if I should do it. I do it. The blood from the new cut in my arm drips off my hand. I do it again, and again, and again. Then there are cuts up and down my whole arm.

My vision starts to get fuzzy. I can't see very well. "EZRA!" I hear my name being yelled. I can't quite make out who it is, that is, until the door opens. I see someone standing there then running in. They get down next to me and I can make out who it is right before I black out. Kanan.

Kanan POV

I was in the market getting Hera a few things when I felt something in the force. I thought it was just the stormtroopers standing a little aways from me so I get up and start moving towards the ghost. But the force told me to run. So I did.

I ran to the ghost and right when I got to the ramp, a wave of pain hit me like a bus. I fell down and struggled to get up. A wave this strong could only come from someone else who can use the force. The only other person in the ship that can use the force is Ezra.

I shot up and ran down the hall. Once I got to Ezra's room I forced the door open with the force. (Heh heh heh... no... ok back to the story) I ran in and found Ezra on the ground. "Ezra!" I yelled and knelt by him. He was unconscious, so I picked him up and ran him to the medbay.

When I got there I layer him on the bed and got bandages out to wrap the wound but before I started I saw something. And it wasn't a good thing. There were old scars too. And newer ones. I guessed within the last year. Meaning Ezra had been doing this on the ghost. When I started being his master, I never thought anything like this would happen. But yet here I am.

I started to wrap his arms when he started to wake. I quickly finished and put the material away. Then turned my full attention to my padawan.

"Kanan?" Ezra asked, "What happened?" I sat down next to him. "Ezra I found u in a puddle of your own blood, in your room. There are cuts all along your arm." I said clamly.

"Ezra why didn't you tell me?" I said soothingly, hoping he'd understand. "Because you guys don't want me." He said. "Ezra?! How could you even think like that?! Of corse we want you! I want you! Ezra, I think of you like a son. I would never get rid of you! That day when you met us, I was the one who decided to go back for you when you were captured! I couldn't ask for a better padawan then you, Ezra." I said, by then end I was out of breath. "Really?" Ezra looked up at me. "Yes." I said.

Ezra POV

He said that. He just said that. Oh my force, I can't believe it! He cares! He cares for me like a son!

I can't help myself, I jump up and hug the life out of him. He returns it as well. "You know what Kanan?" I said looking up at him. "What?" He asked. "I care for you like a father."

Kanan smiled and hugged me tighter. I did as well. And there isn't a place in this world that I'd rather be.

Hey guys I know this sucks but DEAL WITH IT! No I'm sry I don't mean that! Also I know this is out a little earlier than when I usually post during the day and it's because I am home sick right now! *says sarcasticly* yay! I so happy right now! But seriously guys this was a suggestion from... ! Yay! It was an amazing amazing idea! I don't think thins is the best one you could read but I gave it my best shot. So thank everyone for reading and this is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!!!!!

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