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Once his head hit the pillow he was out. But it wasn't the most restful sleep he had had.

Ezra looked up, he was sitting, more like laying down, on a table and was strapped to it. 'Where am I?' He thought to himeself. Once his eyes ajusted though, he was able to see that he was in an Imperial Interagation Cell. 'Great,' he thought, 'this is getting better by the minute.'

All of a sudden the door opened and he was met face to face with the Inquisitor. Ezra went pale. The Inquisitor was all scratched up and bloody. He had never seen him like that and it just added to the scare factor. "Hello, my dear boy." He greeted. Ezra just glared at him. "Not in the conversation mood?" He taunted.

"What happened to you?" Ezra asked, "It looks like you jumped off a cliff 8 times and then to top it off, smacked your head into the wall a few times."

The Inquisitor chuckled, "Well I can assure you, your friends didn't go down without a fight."

Ezra couldn't move. "W-what?" He stuttered out.

The Inquisitor just stared at him with this evil smile on his face. Ezra couldn't breath, 'what did he do to them?'

"They were difficult to get rid of, yes, but it wasn't impossible though." Ezra could feel the tears streaming down his cheeks. His eyes were wet and he couldn't see the inquisitor very well. But he didn't care. He didn't care that the Inquisitor was seeing him weak. All he could think about was his dead family.

"Now, I only have one member of the Ghost Crew left to get rid of." He said as he ignighted his lightsaber. Ezra looked up, terrified. "Any last words, scum?" The Inquisitor raised his saber.

"Screw you."

"Ahhh!" Ezra screamed as he sat up quickly. He quickly realized where he was and tried to ground himself. But he just couldn't. He was still crying, he was still scared. He needed to make sure his family was safe.

Ezra walked across his floor to the door on wobbly legs. He felt like he was going to fall. He held onto the wall the whole way to Heras room. He found her sleeping peacefully on her bed. Next he went to Zebs room, then Sabines and found them both in the same position. On the way to Kanans room he passed by Chopper who was charging in his port. Now, it was Kanans room.

He opened the door and found Kanan sprawled out on the bed, resting. Ezra breathed a sigh of relief. They were all safe. He was about to leave, when he heard Kanan shifting in his bed. He forgot that Kanan was a light sleeper. He turned around and found Kanan sitting up ribbing his eyes. "Ezra?" He he asked all grogy and tired.

"Yep." Ezra said, he inwardly cringed at how his voice sounded. It was horse and full of emotion. It was also a bit shaky. That had also sent Kanan's potective streak into overdrive.

Kanan was alert in not even a second. He quickly got up and went over to Ezra. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Kanan was checking over Ezra's body, looking for injuries.

Ezra just shook his head, not trusting his voice to work with him. Kanan could tell he was about to cry, he could see it in all the lines in his face, and the ocational shuttereing breath.

Kanan brought Ezra close to his chest, in a tight hug. Ezra returned the hug, just as tight. He started sobbing as Kanan wrapped his arms around him. Ezra practically went limp in Kanan's arms. Kanan had a sad smile on his face and held his kid tighter.

Ezra immediately relaxed into Kanan more than he already was. Kanan had figured that Ezra had a nightmare, most likely about him and possibly the crew, being that he was clingy and this upset. They had delt with nightmares before and they have never been this bad.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked Ezra. Hoping that Ezra would open up about so he could help him with it.

Ezra was hesitant to talk. One, because he wasn't sure he could speak and two, he didn't want to go through it again. But at the same time he didn't want to leave Kanan hanging. "uh... I guess." He said timidly.

"Well the inquisitor was there and....." Ezra trailed off, he wasn't sure if he could say it.

"And what?" Kanan softly encouraged.

"And he killed me and you..." Ezra could barely get it out. His throat got tight, a lump formed, and he wasn't able talk anymore.

Kanan didn't realize that he had let go to hold Ezra at arms length, probably to hear him better, until he reached forward to bring Ezra closer to him. He held him in a tight hug, never wanting to let go.

"Ezra, I'm standing right here. And I'm not going anywhere. He didn't do anything to us. I'm never going to let him. He's never going to touch you." Kanan told him. "Do you hear me Ezra? He's never going to touch you." Kanan held Ezra at arms length, so he could see his face. To see that Ezra understood everything he was saying, because he meant every single thing he said. He would fight for Ezra, forever.

"Yeah, I understand." Ezra quietly said, smiling all the same.

Kanan smiled at him as well. "You should get some sleep Ezra, your really tired." Ezra freaked out then. He sat up furiously shaking his head.

"No! I get the nightmares, going to sleep!" Ezra was not about to go back to sleep and see the Inquisitor again.

Kanan grabbed Ezra and held him steady. Once he had stopped shaking, he leaned close to Ezra so all he was focused on was him.  "Ezra, you need sleep. You can't stay up forever. So why don't you try to get some sleep. I'll make sure you don't get anymore nightmares and if one does come along, I will wake you up."

Ezra stood there and thought about that for a bit. "You won't leave?" He asked, very childish.

Kanan huffed a laugh and smiled. Ezra never acted like this and it was a very rare thing to see. Kanan even asked Hera about it and she said that she's never seen him act all of 6 years old. Kanan smiled, think that it was something he only did around him. He liked that thought.

"No Ezra, I won't leave." Kanan said as he guided Ezra over to the bed. Once Ezra was tucked in, Kanan sat down next to his shoulders, facing him. Ezra noticed him sitting there and moved so his forehead was pressed against Kanan's leg.

Kanan just smiled and started carding his fingers through his hair. Ezra sighed and gave in to his body's need for sleep.

Kanan breathed in deep and let it out slowly. He knew that this wouldn't be the last nightmare that he would be dealing with. But he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was helping Ezra through them. He wanted Ezra to feel safe and not to waking up with a horse voice every night. Kanan looked down at Ezra and had the sudden need to protect him from the rest of the world.

So that was what Kanan did. He fought for Ezra, because the kid deserved it. He deserved to be loved, and wanted, and taken care of, and the whole world.

Kanan leaned down and kissed Ezra's forehead.

"Don't worry, Ez," Kanan said, "I won't let anything touch you, I promise."

Hello! I edited this! We started out with 455 words and ended up with 1292... that's a lot more than what we started with. Okay well I hope you like the changes I made and the things I added, because well, it's for you! Tell me what you think, if it's better or worse or the same, I want the feedback! I plan on going through and most likely rewriting the first few chapters and then just fixing mistakes in others. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote, comment, and follow! This is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!

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