Remember us

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"hey everyone he's awake." Kanan said through the comm. Ezra and Kanan were in the med bay because Ezra was injured. Ezra had taken a really bad fall on there last mission. He fell pretty much on his head and knocked himself out cold. Now he was finally waking up after 3 days.

Everyone was in the room within seconds. They really wanted to see there youngest member wake up. Kanan was the most excited.

They all stands there watching Ezra with all their attention. His eyes started to flutter and he looked up at Kanan.

"Who are you?"

Everyone took a step back. But Kanan pretty much fell down. Zeb caught him and put him on his feet.

Kanan couldn't believe it. Ezra remembered nothing. He couldn't have remembered his jedi training, his family, the crew, the ship, Darth Vader....... He didn't remember us.

Kanan couldn't take his stare anymore so, he walked, practically ran, out of the room. He ran out of the ship and into the fields of Lathol.

Kanan ran and ran and ran until he was at Ezra old tower. He climbed up and sat on Ezra bed. Kanan looked over to the desk next to Ezra bed and saw a helmet from one of the stormtroopers.

Kanan grabbed it and turned it in his hands. He put his forehead against the part where his where his would have been.

Then Kanan looked up to the desk and saw a picture. It was a picture of the crew. Kanan looked up grabbed the picture grabbed it, grabbed the helmet and waked out the door.

"I know how to get his memories back." Kanan said through the comm. He could just feel the crews smiles through their talking.

Kanan walked back to the ship and walked to the med bay and sat down in the chair in front of Ezra. He looked up.

"Ummm. Hi. Who are you again?" Kanan tried his hardest not to cry at that question. "I'm Kanan." He said, his voice cracking at the end.

"Are you crying?" Ezra asked worried. He's still cares. Kanan thought. "I'm trying not to. Seeing you like this, it's just hard. We have had so many good memories. Can you tell me what you remember? Anything at all?" Kanan said wanting to know.

"I...I can't remember much. but I do remember that I had a crew. We fought for something.... that's all I can think of." Ezra said sadly.

"Would you like to remember?" Kanan asked the boy pleading that he would say yes. "I would love to!" Ezra smiled sadly.

They spent the rest of their time together, Kanan telling stories and Ezra asking questions. But it was near night when something happened to Ezra.

The boy went still completely. The only thing that moved was his chest breathing and his eyes blinking.

All of Ezra memories had just flooded right back into Ezra brain. Kanan had felt it through the force.


hey everyone! this is the 20th chapter! yay! I know this was kinda short but I have had the worst writers block and could not think of anything to write. so I went to you guys! a huge shout out to
@layla_mayfield for the idea of this!! yayay!!! whoo!! Yeah go layla yeah un-huh go layla! sry u guys had to see that. that's my cheer for layla. but anywho... back to the story! thank you all so much for commenting and reading and voting cuz I love you all!!! but this may be the last cater in this book. I know it's sad. :( but if you guys really want me to continue I will. so show me the love and you will most likely get more chapters! so this is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!!! go layla!

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