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Hera and Kanan were talking in the cockpit, but had no idea Ezra was on the other side of the door snickering.

"I scratched the belly of the Phantom." Hera said, as she was getting up to leave.

"You!?" Kanan was jokingly surprised.

"Yes me! I-" Hera stopped when she heard the "ooooooo!" Come from outside the door. She and Kanan looked at each other. Kanan laughed and went to the door. He opened it and Ezra fell down.

"Uhh... I was just going!" He said suspiciously. He stood up and ran down the hall. Kanan and Hera were smiling at him, Kanan chuckling at his playful padawan.

When he got to the end of a hallway, he immediately stopped and was frozen. He knew it was the force holding him there.

"Haha, Kanan. Let me go." Ezra said.

"Ezra, " Kanan said, looking surprised and alert, "That's not me." Ezra turned his head to see, out of the corner of his eye, Kanan was just standing there not using the force at all. Ezra gasped.

"Then what- "

"Hello my rebel friends." A cold voice said. They turned and saw an inquisitor.

"Kanan!" Ezra yelled. Kanan started running to Ezra as the inquisitor brought her saber up. "KANAN!"

Kanan ran in front of Ezra and blocked the on coming attack. He force pushed her away. Ezra breathed a sigh of relief.

"I wouldn't be so calm if I were you." The fifth brother said from behind them. Where had they come from? And where we're Zeb and Sabine?! They thought.

"Ezra!" He heard someone call from down the hall. Ashoka was there.

"I could use a little help!" Kanan said grunting as he was fighting the fifth brother.

"A little?!" Ashoka said sarcasticly and then charged to join the battle.

But as soon as she was closer to the battle Darth Maul dropped down in front of her. And the seventh sister came up from behind her. She was trapped but Ashoka being Ashoka, knew how to get out.

Kanan was only focused on protecting Ezra, because he was very stuck. Ezra was moving his head from side to side avoiding attacks. When all of a sudden he hadn't seen an attack coming and it hit the back of his neck. Creating a deep gash going from on side of his neck, to the other. He screamed very loud. Kanan looked over and saw the inquisitors lightsaber had hit him and Kanan was not happy.

Kanan force pushed ALL the inquisitors on the walls knocking them all out, except for Darth Maul, which Ashoka was ingaged in a battle with. Kanan ran to Ezra, who was released from the force hold and was on the floor laying there.

He kneeled by him and put his hand on Ezra's neck and putting preasure on the wound. When Kanan did that Ezra flinched, "It's okay, it's me Kanan. I won't let them hurt you anymore, it's okay, you'll be fine." Kanan comforted the teen.

Ezra moved so that he was hugging Kanan around the waist, Kanan wrapped his free arm around Ezra and the other was holding his neck trying to stop the blood flow. His thumb massaging his neck trying to help ease the pain. Ezra was crying a bit into Kanan's chest and Kanan was sitting there silently comforting him.

Eventually they got the okay from Ashoka saying she had beat Darth Maul and was off the ship, along with the other inquisitors, telling Hera to fly away. Kanan picked up Ezra and took him to the medbay and laid him face down, on his belly. That way it would be easier for Hera to stitch him up.

"Kanan?" He heard a weak voice say.

"I'm right here Ezra. I'm not leaving." He replied.

"Good." That's all Kanan needed to know Ezra would be all right.

Kanan grabbed Ezra's hand and massaged it, rubbing his thumb up and down it, to bring some comfort to his kid. Yes, his kid.

Hello peeps! How is your saterday going? I hope it's well! Thank you all for reading I know I haven't been posting much action lately and I thought you guys could use some! Also i literally thought of this like 5 minutes before I started writing it, so please excuse the errors! Sorry! If you have any ideas please comment then below! Please vote and follow! Thank you all for reading, this is kenziewankenobi signing out and may the force be with you!

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